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Course Title: Training and Development [HRM 340]

Section: 02
Report Title: “Training and Development Practices in IFIC

Date of submission: August 31, 2018

Letter of Transmittal

Subject: Submission of the report on “Training and Development Practices in IFIC


Dear Sir,
As per your instructions, we have chosen a bank operating in Bangladesh and conducted

research on their training and development practices in order to complete the group project of
our Training and Development (HRM 340) course. We carried out extensive primary and
secondary research to provide a detailed analysis on the Training and Development practices
of IFIC Bank. We have tried our best to make it as informative as possible. We are thankful
for granting us the opportunity to work on this report, as it has not only helped us gain a
better understanding of the theories that have been taught in class, but has also provided us
with a chance to learn how they are being used by banks in practical terms.
We would be pleased to respond to any queries that may arise on the basis of this report.


Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of Training and Development, their
definitions, concepts and how they are currently being implemented in the banking sector of

Bangladesh. It primarily focuses on several aspects of Training and Development of IFIC
Bank, such as their Training and Development Framework, stages of the training, procedures,
the issues involved and also the evaluation process of their training programs. Our paper also
includes the findings and analysis of the results of our primary research that was conducted
through a structured questionnaire based on training and development. Upon completing this
report, we can state that IFIC Bank has been efficient in providing effective training programs
to their employees, with proper equipments and comfortable learning environments, but they
still need to work on encouraging them and motivating them to attend the training programs,
as the respondents stated that they lack support from the management.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................6
 Scope of the Study…………………………………………..…6

 Objective of the Study………………………………….………7
 Methodology……………………………….………………..…7
 Limitation………………………………………………………7
2. Training and Development…………………………………………..………8
Literature Review………………………..……………………..8
3. Training and Development of IFIC Bank…………………………………. 10
Company Profile…………………………….……….…10
Mission …………………………………….....…......….12
Training and Development Framework of IFIC Bank…...15
Training and Development Issues……………………....16
Stages of Training Procedure……………………...……18
 ADDIE Model…………………………….18
Evaluation of Training Program…………….………..…20
4. Findings and Analysis………………………………………...…………....21
5. Recommendation……………………………………………….…………..37
6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….…38
7. Reference……………………………………………………………….…..39
8. Appendix…………………………………………………………..……….40


World renowned motivational speaker, author and organizational consultant, Simon Sinek,
spoke about leadership in one of his Ted Talks. During that discussion, he constantly revolved
around what makes a good leader. He explained the concept using an example where he said,

the greatest leaders have similar traits as parents. By that he meant, great leaders want the
best for their team, just how parents want the best for their children.
This concept of development of everyone involved in the team is crucial for a company, as it
is the members who carry out the work to completion. This development, can only be
achieved through training. In essence, training is the process through which individuals learn
new skills and procedures that makes them improve holistically; leading to both self and
company developments. Development of human resource through training is a key
responsibility of the Human Resource Department. The importance of this activity can be
understood through this statement, better the team, better the work. Training and development
of resources is that important and universally applicable in all industries, especially in
industries as complex and riddled with numbers and figures as the banking industry.
In saying so, we are working on understanding the training and development regime of
International Finance Investment and Commercial Bank Limited (IFIC Bank) in this report.
Furthermore, we will be analyzing the research findings based on the numerous theories we
learnt in this course.
IFIC bank is one of the oldest and most successful local banks in the country. It was set up in
1976 as a joint venture between the Government of Bangladesh and various sponsors in the
private sector. Having been operating for over 42 years, IFIC Bank boasts a huge 135
branches across the country, having employing thousands of employees. Out of the 135, 69 of
them are in the capital city alone. They focus on Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, SME
Banking and Internet Banking. With such wide operations, training must be a crucial part of
IFIC Bank and we intend to research these aspects of the company comprehensively through
this report.

Scope of the study

The purpose of this report is to give an organizational overview of IFIC Bank and evaluate
their current training and development practices. Our study is based on the information that
we could gather through an interview and survey questionnaire. This study can benefit the
people who work in the banking sector to relate and find similar problems or lacking in their
training and development practices.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study would be gathering knowledge, analyzing and evaluating the
Training & Development activities of IFIC Bank.However, the more specific objectives


 To have a brief idea about the company’s history, mission, vision and core values
 To understand the company’s core strategies and objectives
 To be familiar with their organizational hierarchy and the various Departments of the
 Training and Development Framework of IFIC Bank
 To identify and evaluate the effectiveness of their existing training methods
 Provide recommendations regarding how they can improve their Training methods

To collect data for our primary research we conducted a survey, which consisted of 25
structuredquestions based on Training and Development, and also conducted a face to face
interview with Mr. Mir Iqbal and Mr. Helal, which was held on the premises of the head
office of IFIC Bank in Motijheel.

For our secondary research, we used the internet as a source to find out as much relevant
information possible from the bank’s website, annual reports and other online articles and

As incredible as the experience to work on this research was, there were a few drawbacks we
faced during this research.
While analyzing the survey findings, we felt that the sample size of the research was too less.
We surveyed only 20 respondents, which we feel was not enough to speak and represent such
a large group of people.
Along with that, like most other surveys, the participants either rushed to complete the survey
or gave untrue or neutral answers. These factors might have skewed our research and made it
less authentic.
Lastly, though we had all the support from our faculty, group members and interviewees, we
feel such a much more comprehensive research could have been undertaken if time was not a

barrier. We believe if we had conducted this research for a longer period with more
participants, we could have offered a much better report.

Training and Development

According to the business dictionary, training is an organized activity aimed at imparting
information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her
attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

According to Noe (2013), Development refers to training as well as formal education, job
experiences, relationship, and assessments of personality, skills, and abilities that help
employees prepare for future jobs or positions.

Literature Review
Training and development are approaches which are commonly used to eliminate the gap
between the current performance and expected future performance of an organisation’s
employees (Nassazi, 2013).

Due to rapid globalization, organizations are facing immense levels of increased competition,
technological advancements, and changes in political and economic environments (Evans,
Pucik&Barsoux, 2002) and these changes are certainly stimulating organisations to use
training the employees as one of the essential approaches to prepare them to adjust and adapt
accordingly.Allencomm (2017) suggests that good training and development programs help
organizations retain the right people and grow profits. He further elaborates that as the battle
for top talent is becoming more competitive, employee training and development programs
are more becoming important than ever.

Training and development does only benefit an organization itself, but also to the individual
employees. leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profit
orientation, improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization, improves
the morale of the workforce and helps the employees identify with organisational goals

(Sims, 1990).Besides helping them acquire advanced skills, the process would provide the
organisation’s employees to plan a better career life and get enhanced positions in
organisations and also increase organizational efficiency (Hashim, Jan, Tahir &Yousafzai,

Training and development bring numerous advantages to organisations, which certainly

include improved employee performance, improved employee satisfaction and confidence,
better levels of employee performance consistency, ability to identify lacking or weaknesses,
increased levels of productivity, lower employee turnover ratios, and hence contributes to
increasing the goodwill of organisations(, n.d).

According to Noe (2001), it is easier for organisations that embrace training and development
practices to retain their customers, employees, shareholders and stakeholders in the long-run
as they are considered more trustworthy and better upholders of the interests of their
stakeholders. As a result, it translates into better financial performances for the organisation.

Bates and Davis (2010) states in their study that the usefulness of training sessions will only
be possible when the trainees are able to practice the theoretical aspects learned during the
training in their actual work environment. They focused on the importance of using different
methods such as simulation, role playing, case studies, mediated exercises, and computer
based learning to expose trainees to a relevant body of knowledge and scope to deal with real
world situations.

Training and development are planned learning experiences which teach employees how to
perform current and future jobs more effectively. Sims (2002) emphasizes that training
focuses on present jobs while development prepares employees for possible future jobs.
Basically, the objective of training and development is to contribute to the organization's
overall goal.

According to Wognum (2001), training and development needs are likely to occur at three
organizational levels: 1. Strategic Level, where trainee needs are determined by the top
management based on the organisation’s goals, strategy and problems that require to be
undertaken, 2. Tactical Level, where needs are determined by the middle management
through considering development needs for the coordination and cooperation between
organization units and 3. Operational Level, where needs are determined by the lower
executive management and other employees while considering problems related to operations
such as performance problems of individual employees.

In a study, Sharif (2002) mentions that the main object of almost any organization is to
improve its performance, which cannot be possible without the efficient performance of
employees. Hence, the performance management system came into effect as a management
reform to address and redress concerns, organizations had about employee performance. “In
the banking bank sector, a wide range of reforms that focus on the performance have also
been implemented.” (Downs, Chadbourne, & Hogan, 2000; Gleeson & Husbands, 2001).

Training and Development of IFIC Bank

Company Profile
Company Name: International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank)
Head Office Address: IFIC Tower, 61 PuranaPaltan, Dhaka – 1000, Bangladesh
Contact number: +88029587154

International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank) is a banking
company which was initially set up at the instance of the government in 1976, as a joint
venture between the government of Bangladesh and Sponsors in the private sector. Their
main objective was to operate as a finance company within the country and setting up joint
venture banks or financial institutions abroad.

In 1983 when the government granted permission to banks to enter the private sector, IFIC
was converted into a full fledged commercial bank. Currently, the government of Bangladesh
holds 32.75% of of the bank’s share capital. 11.31% of the share capital is owned by the
Directors and the Sponsors and the rest is held by the general public. It has achieved several
milestones since its inception, which are

 1976- Established as an Investment & Finance Company under arrangement of joint
venture with the govt. of Bangladesh.

 1982- Obtained permission from the Govt. to operate as a commercial bank. Set up a
it’s first overseas joint venture (Bank of Maldives Limited) in the Republic of
Maldives (IFIC’s share in Bank of Maldives Limited was subsequently sold to
Maldives Govt. in 1992)

 1983- Commenced operation as a full-fledged commercial bank in Bangladesh.

 1985- Set up a joint venture Exchange Company in the Sultanate of Oman, titled
Oman Bangladesh Exchange Company (subsequently renamed as Oman International
Exchange, LLC).

 1987- Set up its first overseas branch in Pakistan at Karachi.

 1993- Set up its second overseas branch in Pakistan at Lahore.

 1994- Set up its first joint venture in Nepal for banking operation, titled Nepal
Bangladesh Bank Ltd.

 1999- Set up its second joint venture in Nepal for lease financing, titled Nepal
Bangladesh Finance & leasing Co. Ltd. (which was merged with NBBL in 2008)

 Overseas Branches in Pakistan amalgamated with NDLC, to establish a joint venture

bank: NDLC-IFIC Bank Ltd. subsequently renamed as NIB Bank Ltd.

 2005-Acquired MISYS solution for real time on-line banking application. Core Risk
Management implemented.

 2006-Corporate Branding introduced. Visa Principal and Plus (Issuer and Require)
Program Participant Membership obtained.

 2009-Observing 25th Anniversary of Customer Satisfaction.

 2010-64 Branches offering Real Time On-line banking facility.

The Company’s mission is to offer quality service to their clients with the support of a skilled
and dedicated workforce whose creative talents, innovative actions and competitive edge help
them make their position unique in providing quality service to all the institutions and
individuals that they care for.

The Company’s vision is to be the most preferred financial service provider through
innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth, and to deliver the best in class value to all


With the tagline “YOUR SATISFACTION FIRST” the objectives of IFIC Bank are very
clear, where they state that they want to promote joint participation of Government and
sponsoring in the private sector to build joint venture banks, branches and financial
IFIC bank welcomes any institution or organization for making singly and/or in joint-
collaboration for partnership with any individual or Government agency for carrying any
banking, financial that wants to make the IFIC as their trusted business provider.
To encourage, sponsor and facilitate participation of private capital in financial, commercial
investments, shares and securities, IFIC bank provides long, medium and short term of
finance or share participation as a way of bridge finance or subscription.


IFIC bank follows a top down approach to take decision regarding any matters in the
company. The head office of the bank controls and monitors all the activities and issues of the
bank, which they call the centralize strategy system.

In terms of their marketing and promotions, they mainly use ATL marketing systems where
they use TVC, Print Ad, Radio. However, during the interview, they also mentioned that they
highly rely on the word of mouth strategy, as they believe that they are, and will be reputed

for its long-term service in the banking industry only if they are able to cater to the needs of
all their stakeholders.

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frt o
dftr o s r
rt Organizational Structure and categories of employees
Departments of IFIC Bank

IFIC Bank has six broad groups which includes specific operational departments, which are

Group (Operations-I):

 General Credit Department

 Credit Administration Department

 Credit Information & Return Department

 Project Finance Department

 Lease Financing wing

Group (Operations-II):

 Overseas & International Banking Relation Department

 Garments Department

 Foreign Trade Department

 Treasury Department

Group (Operations-III):

 Audit & Inspection Department

Group (Operations -IV):

 Central Accounts Department

 General Banking Department

 Establishment Department

Group (Operations-V):

 Recovery Department -1

 Recovery Department-2

 Recovery Department-3

Group (Operations-VI):

 Monitoring Department

 Compliance Department

Training and Development Framework of IFIC Bank

IFIC Bank has a large number of employees, performing various types of work activities.
They require a wide range of knowledge and skills for better performing at their respective
jobs. IFIC Bank places great emphasis on the training and development of their employees as
they believe that employees will only be able to provide better service if they are trained well
enough. The HR department wants to ensure a dedicated team of well-trained employees who
can serve the customers as well as the bank by their expertise. Different types of trainings are
offered to the employees according to the bank’s rules. Most of the trainings are regarding
banking activities and the trainings are well structured. Trainings on the following topics are
offered from IFIC Bank to its employees:

 Foundation Course
 Foreign Trade Payment & Finance
 Foreign Exchange Risk Management
 Banking Laws and Regulations
 On the job training
 Off the job training
 Library Training
 Internet Banking
 Retail Banking
 Islamic Banking and Finance
 SME Banking
 Corporate Banking
 Workshop for Problem and Solving as per Department Requirement

The Foundation course can be referred to a basic course for the training and development
program. It is based on theoretical trainings and on job rotation. The employees are taught
about the organization’s expectations and learn about what they should do and what not to do.
They are also informed about the other training and development programs.

During theirOn The Job training, the employees try to acquire skills from their senior peers,
equivalent or junior colleagues. Employees who seem to have the necessary potential
sometimes work under successful managers in different departments of the bank, which helps
the trainee to get numerous virtues from the manager. This might be informal, but acts as an
effective training.In Off the job training, employees gain training from sources or trainers
outside of the organization.

Workshop for Problem and Solving as per Department Requirement is a training program
where the trainees learn about the common problems of their departments and are taught how
to solve them.

Library Training is based on books, journals and magazines. It consists of the accounting,
finance, economics and marketing related books which can enlarge employee’s knowledge.
The Bank provides a skillful and knowledgeable trainer to train the trainees about the
required topics and help them get a better understanding.
Besides these trainings IFIC Bank tries their best to provide different types of training
programs based on their employee needs.

Training and Development Issues of IFIC Bank

IFIC Bank trains their employees by both on-the-job and off-the job training. They also use
lecture method to train their employees. But some issues IFIC bank still faces regarding their
training and development program.
 Hectic Schedule:The employees of IFIC Bank has very busy schedule. With all the
pressure of work load, assignment and project they cannot properly participant in the
training program. The training programs are always offered to them but many
employees cannot join that program due to the work pressure.
 Lack of Understandability: Not every person has the same ability to understand
everything. Some people faces difficulty to understand, for this case IFIC Bank uses
lecture method to train their employees which certainly is a problem who have
difficulties dealing with lecture.
 Lack of Interest:IFIC Bank offers their training program to their employees and they
mandated it. So for this reason employees have to participate in the training program

which is the reason for the unwillingness of the trainee. Employees show less interest
if the training program is mandatory. They do not understand always the value of the
training program.
 Less Exciting Training Programs: IFIC Bank mostly provides training program in many
different ways like classroom lectures, conference, case studies, and computer based training.
Such type of trainings programs might be less exciting than on-the-job training. If IFIC Bank
provide more enthusiastic trainers, then employees might feel excited and enjoy the training
program more.

Stages of the training procedure of IFIC Bank

Figure: Stages of Training Process “ADDIE” model develop

1. Analyze:

The first step of ADDIE Model is “Analysis”. IFIC Bank first analyzes weather the training is
needed or not. They perform the need assessment of the employees. In this phase the bank
identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees to do the job. And make sure
which employee needs which training. This phase is done by organizational analysis and
person analysis. Employees also self assess them and identify where they have lacking in
their work and fix those to perform better. Career planning also plays a role as well as the
individuals’ personal aspirations, which help identify where they want to be in the future and
consequently, any future job requirements they must address. Moreover, in this phase they
decide the training goals what they actually expect from this training.Also they see

employees’ readiness towards the training.

2. Design:

The analysis leads to learning and development planning for these employees, which consist
of methods would be used like the formal and informal training methods. Formal channels
would includeClassroom Learning, E-Learning, Mentorship, Computer Based Training and
informal would be external reading, self- directed and group discussions. In this phase they
develop their learning objective following with the training goals. They budget all the
expenses in order to conduct the course. For the learners they also design a learning
environment for a qualitative output. All the methods would be planned and designed
according to the employees’ needs, tailored to aid them achieve their career and personal

3. Development:

In this stage bank determines what resources and activities are needed to do the training
program. Resources can be technologies, facilities, expenses etc. They review their existing
material and bring changes if needed. They build such environment where employees can
ensure the transfer of training properly, because it is necessary for bank that what they are
learning they transfer it to their job work. An evaluation plan also prepares to judge where the
training program is effective or not

4. Implementation:

In this phase the employees participate in the training program. An observation goes with the
training program to find out how the trainees are doing in the program.

5. Evaluation:

The last step of this model is “Evaluation”. In this phase the bank evaluates is the training
program is effective or not. They identify how much the employees have improved their work
skill and are the training program was effective.

Evaluation of Training Programs

IFIC bank provides different types of trainings for their employees. They have development
programs along with training programs for creating efficient bankers. Evaluation helps to take
decision regarding the conducting of training program or whether to continue the program.
IFIC bank basically uses both Summative evaluation and Formative evaluation for their
training program. Summative evaluation is used mostly to determine the effectiveness of
training program. Formative evaluation is used to see how much the trainees are learning
during training time. On the other hand, Summative evaluation is used after the training
program in order to see the progress of the trainees and whether they have achieved the goal
or not. They also measure ROI from the training program. They also use reaction outcomes,
cognitive outcomes as well. In reaction outcome managers ask and take reviews about
employee’s experience about training, how useful it was. Thus they take feedback about
training. They take feedback from taking interviews and surveys. Cognitive stage to what
level employees have improved them is measured. They take feedback about this through
pencil and paper test, work samples. IFIC bank also use post-test with comparison group who
participate in the evaluation study but don’t participate in the training program. Training
program will be benefited if trainees will be improved than the comparison group.

Findings and Analysis

The findings of the survey that we conducted on IFIC Bank and its statistical analysis are
demonstrated below:

1. Does the organization have a training and development policy covering for all types of

Object 3

Respondents were asked to answer that if the organization have a training and development
policy covering for all types of employees. A majority of the respondents which is 85%
agreed answering option ‘a’ , which shows that the company has a training facility for all
their employees, followed by 10% of total respondents answering that the management got
training facility only and the rest 5% could not find the relevant.

2. Are the training objectives effectively aligned with the overall strategies of the organization?

Object 5

From this bar chart we can see that majority of the employees (70%) think that the training
objectives effectively align with the overall strategies of the organization. And the rest (30%)
feel that it aligns with some of the strategies but not all. Hence, we can see that the majority
of the employees of IFIC can successfully relate with their training with their organizational

3. Is a list of competencies, job descriptions, specifications or job analysis available to help you
identify your training and development goals?

Object 7

According to the survey we can see that majority of the respondents (80%) have said that
there is a job analysis available to help them identify their training and development goals.
And the rest of the participants (20%) has said that despite the availability of the job analysis,
the content was not helpful enough to aid them in identifying their training and development

4. What methods do you follow for doing needs assessment?

Object 9

Based on this survey we can see that Focus group interviews was the most preferred method
for doing needs assessment amounting to 50%. The second most used method for doing
needs assessment was questionnaires (35%) followed by interviews (15%) and finally
observations (0%). From this we can conclude that IFIC uses multiple methods for doing
needs assessment but relies heavily on focus group interviews and then questionnaires.

5. What do you think is the ultimate goal of training in your organization?

Object 11

We asked employees to evaluate the ultimate goal of training in IFIC from a series of options
which included profit, better management decisions resulting to increased productivity,
development of the human resources and others. They chose multiple options as applicable.
From the bar chart above we can see that majority of the employees (65%) chose better
management decisions resulting to increased productivity as the ultimate goal of training in

IFIC, followed by profit which accounted for 25% and finally 10% chose development of
human resources.

6. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap?

Object 13

Most of the respondents (60%) are following the self-learning method followed by a 35% of
total respondents said that theytry to attend several types of training conducted by the
organization and a small number of participants (5%) think that they should start to perform
more efficiently.

7. Which employees are mostly in consideration when developing new training programs?

Object 15

Respondents were asked to answer that which employees are mostly considered when
developing new training programs. From the diagram above we can see that most of the
respondents ( 60%) have answered that the new employees are mostly considered and the rest
(40%) think that development of new training programs are based on requirement. From this
we can conclude that IFIC mostly allocates its resources and time towards developing
training programs based on new employees.

8. Is the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the

Object 17

A majority of respondents (60%) think that the training program internally

marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the employees followed by 35% of the
whole participants completely agreed to this by selecting the option ‘a’ and the rest (5%)
though it rarely happens in their organization.

9. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: Training helps boost employee morale and
improves skills and knowledge?

Object 20

This question asked the employees to rate their answer based on their perspective of how much
training helps boost employee morale and improves skills and knowledge. We can see from the
area graph above that 50% of people have chosen d indicating them agreeing, 35% strongly
agreeing to the statement that training helps boost employee morale and improves skills
and knowledge. On the other hand 10% have remained neutral on the statement while 5% of the
respondents have strongly disagreed with the statement and we feel that it is IFIC’S duty to
encourage them regarding the importance and relevance of training programs through motivation.

10. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: The organization has an ideal learning

Object 23

Most of the repondents either agreed (45%) or strongly agreed (40%) that their organization
has an ideal learning environment where else 10% were netural and 5% strongly disagreed to
this statement. Hence, is safe to assume that IFIC has an ideal learning environment.

11. How often are these training programs conducted in the organization?

Object 25

As per the diagram above we can see that majority of the respondents (65%) have
answered that the training programs are conducted half yearly. On the other hand, the rest
(35%) responded that there is no particular schedule for the frequency of the training
programs being conducted. It is done when it is required.
12. What are the main barriers to training and development in your organization?

Object 27

The respondents were asked about the main barriers to training and development in their
organization. 50% thought the main barrier was the lack of interest by the employees
followed by 20% thinking that no one has the time, 15% thinking that The knowledge gained
from the training sessions are rarely applicable to the job, 10 % thinking that Non-availability
of skilled trainer and the rest (5%) think that no formalized needs assessment so they did not t
even know we needed training. Hence it is evident that majority of the employees of the bank

are not motivated to attend the training sessions and IFIC needs to make certain changes to
these programs in order to engage the trainees.

13. Is there any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer of training (applying the
learning at work)?

Object 30

Employees were asked if there was any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer
of training, 60% agreed and thought it was because of lack of peer support, 20% thought it
was because of description of influence and an equal number of respondents 10% thought it
was because of Lack of management support and 10% stated that all of the factors are true.
Thus, from these results we can say that the managers and peers need to be more supportive
and encouraging.

14. When employees come back from a training, do the supervisors encourage them to share
what they have learned with other employees?

Object 32

Based on this survey response, it can be determined that a majority of (80%) IFIC employees
primarily are encouraged to share their training content and experiences with other
employees. However, 15% of the total respondents feel that though they are encouraged to
share information, there is not enough facility to do so in the organization. And 5% of
employees responded that they are not encouraged to share information and even feel that the
environment is not supportive of it.

15. Are the equipment/processes used in training, similar to those found on the job or are easily
relatable to our day to day work

Object 34

From this survey we can see that majority of the respondents (65%) have agreed that the
equipment/processes used in training are similar to those found on the job. On the other hand,
20% of the respondents have answered that slight similarity can be found between the
equipment’s and on those found on the job while 5% believe that they are somewhat similar
and the rest 10% think they are not similar at all. Thus, the bank needs to ensure that all the
employees are familiar with the equipments that are being used.

16. How is the training effectiveness evaluated?

Object 36

This is an evaluation from the employee’s perspective of whether the training evaluated
where 7 people said they were through questionnaires, 1 by performance in a particular
situation, 12 through satisfaction and participation reaction and 0 from observation of
behavioral change and no evaluations were done.

17. How often do you assess the transfer of training to understand the application of the
learning in actual work?

Object 38

A majority of respondents (65%) answered this question agreeing that twice a year they
assess the transfer of training to understand the application of the learning in actual work and
the rest (35%) access it once a year.

18. Does your organization mostly organize group wise training or individual need based
training in also emphasized?

Object 40

According to this surveya massive amount of participants which is 90% believe that they
accumulate certain numbers of employee needs and then arrange a training program and the
rest 10% think that they take care of individual needs specifically.

19. Does the organization have a full-fledged training and development department with
competent professionals?

Object 42

According to the column above we can see that majority (75%) of the participants have
agreed that the organization has a full-fledged training and development department and that
their in-house trainers are competent enough to conduct effective training sessions. On the
other hand, 25% of the respondents answered that the organization uses both internal and
external trainers for training their employees depending on the type of work.

20. Ratings of the method of training they feel would be most effective to achieve their learning

Object 44

21. 21. Does the number of training programs attended by employees have any positive impact on
their career growth?

Object 46

A majority of participants 55% think that the number of training programs attended has
positive impact on their career growth followed a 15% of participants who that most of the
think it does have impact and lastly 20% think that it rarely has an impact on an employee’s
career growth. Thus, IFIC should work on ways to make it clear to the employees that
attending training sessions do have a positive impact on their career.

22. To which extent does the management support employee training in your

Object 50

This question was asked to the employees to figure out the level of support the employees get
from the organization when it comes to training. 10% of the surveyed choose Acceptance,
participation, practice skills and teaching programed. A majority of 45% choose
encouragement and the rest chose reinforcement. So it can be assumed that the answer to this
question varies from employees to employees.

23. Are any of the following factors considered by your organization while choosing a
training site?

Object 52

15% of total respondents think that Good visibility for trainees to see each other and the
trainer is considered by their organization while choosing a training site followed by 10%
thinking that Whether the room is quiet, private and free from interruptions is considered by
the organization, 5% think that Whether the room is quiet, private and free from interruptions
and technology is considered and the rest 90% think that all of these factors are considered
which means that IFIC Bank chooses training site efficiently. Thus, we can say that IFIC
empathises highly on the environment and facilities regarding where the training is being

24. If you are conducting the training program in in-house would you “Pilot Test” or
preview the training program with potential trainees and with managers before the
actual training?

Object 54

According to the pie chart above we can see that a majority (54%) of respondents won’t
“Pilot Test” or preview the training program with potential trainees and with managers before
the actual training followed by 39% of the participants answered that they would and the rest
were neutral.

25. As an employee of the organization, do you think the feedback session after the
training programs is worth the time, costs and effort?

Object 56

Half (50%) of the total respondents did not choose a side when they were asked if the
feedback session after the training programs was worth the time, costs and effort but 45 %
though it was actually worth the time, costs and effort and the rest (5%) thought it was not
worth it.


After our research, we have come up with a set of recommendation for IFIC bank which are,

 The key barrier of attending the training and development program is lack of interest
of the employees. The bank should take necessary step to boost up the interest of the
employees and as well as the company can also link promotions with training and
development program.

 Many of employees face problems regarding transfer of training. Lack of proper peer
support also makes the employees unable to apply what they are learning in the
training and development program. The authority should focus into this matter.

 Many a times, the training effectiveness evaluated through trainees’ satisfaction

levels and participant’s reaction but sometimes it can be misleading. Employees can
make fake expressions, or feel uncomfortable to ask a question if they fail to
understand what is being taught. It would be more effective of the trainers test them
on spot and ask to perform specific activities or give them random assignments.

 IFIC Bank mostly organizes group wise training. But when a particular person needs
training and development it is very difficult for that person to ask for training. The
authority should try to provide individual training as well based on their specific

 Many employees gave neutral answers while they were asked if they think the
feedback session is worth the time, cost and effort. The authority should encourage
them more and help them increase their level of interest.


As an organization IFIC bank has earned the reputation of being one of the top banking
operations in Bangladesh. IFIC is engaged with a general banking activates with a view to
expand banking service to the clients. All the employees are generally very corporative with
their clients and colleagues. The working environment is also very standard where employees
can work comfortably.
Upon completion of this report, we can state that the HR department of IFIC bank plays vital
role to improve their service through various training and development programs. The
training program consists of in depth foundation programs for entry level management
trainees. Specialized training program in the areas like general banking advance, foreign
exchange, are also organized by the company but they are lacking in terms of providing
training based on the employee’s specific needs.
Moreover, we also feel that IFIC could be a little more encouraging towards their employees
and help them attend training sessions which they sometimes fail to due to immense work
load and hectic schedules, as it will ultimately benefit them perform even better in the long
run and benefit both, the employees as well as the organization.

Sims, R. (2002). Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management.

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Noe, R. (2001) Human Resource Management. Prentice Hall.

Gilley, J. W. and Maycunich, A. (2000). Beyond the Learning Organization: Creating a Culture
of Continuous Growth and Development through State-Of-The-Art Human Resource Practices.
Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.

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Resource Development International 4,3, 407–421.

Nassazi, A. (2013). Effects of training on Employee performance. Evidence from Uganda

Mission and Vision Retrieved from

Organizational overview of IFIC Bank. Retrieved from


Training and Development - Questionnaire

The questionnaire attempts to collect information from the employees to find out their
perception and have a better understanding of the overall training and development practices
of the organization, employee motivation to learn and perceived enablers and barriers for
The information given will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic
purpose only.

Number of years in this organization: ______

Employee Category:
 CEO/ Director/ MD  Branch Managers Assistant Managers
 Functional Level  Junior Officers
1. Does the organization have a training and development policy covering for all
types of employees?
a. Yes , The organization set policy of training for all
b. No, they don’t have policy of training for all
c. Yes, but the management got training facility only
d. It is hard to find the relevant
2. Are the training objectives effectively aligned with the overall strategies of the
a. Yes all the organizational strategies are directly linked with training objectives
b. Aligned with some strategies, not all.
c. Does not meet any goals or strategy of the organization
d. I am not made aware of this issue.
3. Is a list of competencies, job descriptions, specifications or job analysis available
to help you identify your training and development goals?
a. Yes , we have the job analysis available
b. No, we don’t have it
c. Yes , there is a list but that is not helpful enough
d. I don’t have any idea about it
4. What methods do you follow for doing needs assessment?
a. Questionnaires
b. Interviews
c. Observation
d. Focus group interviews
5. What do you think is the ultimate goal of training in your organization?
a. Profit
b. Better management decisions resulting to increased productivity
c. Development of the Human Resources
d. Others:
6. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance
a. Yes , I am following the self-learning method
b. No, currently I am not planning to do so
c. No , but I think I should start to perform more efficiently
d. Yes , I try to attend several types of training conducted by the organization
7. Which employees are mostly in consideration when developing new training
a. Senior employees
b. New employee
c. Based on requirement
8. Is the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance
among the employees?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times
9. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: Training helps boost employee
morale and improves skills and knowledge?
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
10. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: The organization has an ideal
learning environment
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
11. How often are these training programs conducted in the organization?
a. Every month
b. Every quarter
c. Half yearly
d. Once a year
e. No particular schedule. As and when required.
12. What are the main barriers to training and development in your organization?
a. No one has the time
b. Not enough financial resources
c. Lack of interest by the employees
d. Non-availability of skilled trainer
e. The knowledge gained from the training sessions are rarely applicable to the job
f. No formalized needs assessment so we didn’t even know we needed training
13. Is there any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer of training
(applying the learning at work)?
a. Lack of peer support
b. Lack of management support
c. Description of influence
d. All of them
14. When employees comes back from a training, do the supervisors encourage them
to share what they have learned with other employees?
a. Yes , we are encouraged
b. No, Supervisors discourage us to share with others who was not part of the
c. Yes , they tell us to share but there is not enough facility to share
d. No, the organization environment is not supportive to share learning

15. Are the equipment/processes used in training, similar to those found on the job
or are easily relatable to our day to day work
a. Yes , They are similar
b. No, They aren’t similar
c. Yes, slight similarity can be found.
d. Somewhat, as the training equipment’s are more upgraded.
16. How is the training effectiveness evaluated?
a. By answering questionnaires
b. By performance levels in a particular situation
c. Satisfaction and participants’ reaction
d. Observation of behavioral change among trainees
e. No Evaluation is done
f. Others __________________________
17. How often do you assess the transfer of training to understand the application of
the learning in actual work?
a. Once a year
b. Twice a year
c. Every month
d. Never did anything like that
18. Does your organization mostly organize group wise training or individual need
based training in also emphasized?
a. We accumulate certain numbers of employee needs and then arrange a training
b. We take care of individual needs specifically
c. We specify needs periodically and arrange trainings accordingly
d. We arrange training programs annually with or without training needs
19. Does the organization have a full-fledged training and development department
with competent professionals?
a. No, there is no separate department. Most of the training is provided by outside
b. Yes, the in-house trainers are competent enough to conduct effective training
c. The organization uses both internal and external trainers for training employees,
depending on the type of work
20. Please rate the method of training you feel would be most effective to achieve
your learning goals-
Somewha Very Not aware of this training
Not t Effectiv method
Effective Effective e
Classroom Lecture
Computer Based
Online/ Web Based
Film & videos
Job rotation
Case Study
Role Play

Business Games
Team Training

21. Does the number of training programs attended by employees have any positive
impact on their career growth?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Rarely
d) Most of the times
22. To which extent does the management support employee training in your
a) Acceptance
b) Encouragement
c) Participation
d) Reinforcement
e) Practice skills
f) Teaching program
23. Are any of the following factors considered by your organisation while choosing a
training site?
a) Level of comfort and accessibility of the room
b) Whether the room is quiet, private and free from interruptions
c) Room structure and lighting
d) Good visibility for trainees to see each other and the trainer
e) Technology
f) All of the above
g) None of the above

24. If you are conducting the training program in in-house would you “Pilot Test” or
preview the training program with potential trainees and with managers before the
actual training?
a) Yes
b) No
c) We do not conduct In-house training
25. As an employee of the organisation, do you think the feedback session after the
training programs is worth the time, costs and effort?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Neutral

Participation summary

Zarka Binte Rahman, 1430318030

As a member of my group HR auditors, I was responsible for the following topics of this
 Cover Page
 Letter of Transmittal
 Acknowledgement
 Executive Summary
 Introduction
 Scope and Objective of the study
 Methodology and Limitations
 Training and Development Definitions
 Literature Review
 Company Profile
 Final editing and compiling
 Preparation of additional survey questions during the initial stage of the project
Md. Shahriar Sadat, 1510363030
The parts I have done in this report include:

 Mission and Vision of IFIC Bank

 The Training and Development Framework of IFIC Bank
 Evaluation of Training program
Nazifa Sadia Noor, 1511593020390
In this report I have conducted three topics from training and development part
1. Company Profile,
2. Training and Development Issues
3. Stages of training Program of IFIC Bank (ADDIE Model).

I have also prepared the entire presentation slides of this project.

Md. Mesba-ur- Rahman, 1511140030

My contribution to this project are the preparation and execution of the survey that occurred
at the Motijheel branch of IFIC Bank. I collected and analyzed the findings and did the
findings and statistical data analysis part of the report.

Shahriar Sakib, 1430890630

In the report my contributions are the recommendation, conclusion and the organ gram part.
Besides that, I went to take the interview from the employee IFIC bank (Motijheel branch).
Print of the survey papers, taking interviews and organize them in order were done by me.


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