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Ome OD) er dpress. cq upcoming, ahie Complete Classnotes by Rakesh Yadawsin Each class & Each Chapter with detailed solitions: Method by Rakesh Yadav Sir Complete Arithmetic & Advanced Two in OnelBoam All the latest questions have been included 6 Help students know the latest pattern of the question Belng asked in different SSC competitive exams: — —" J rary i eee Lp EF fess | Pe CUB CCNA Cee a yicriie RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION -( ARITHMETIC (VOLUME-1) ) S.No. Chapter Page No. i. TIME AND WORK 1-38 2. PIPE AND CISTERN 39-54 3. TIME AND DISTANCE 55-101 4. BOAT AND STREAM 102-109 5. PERCENTAGE 111-140 6. PROFIT AND LOSS 141-167 Te MIXTURE AND ALLEGATION | 169-191 8. RATIO AND PROPORTION 192-201 9. PARTNERSHIP 202-208 10. AVERAGE 209-220 11. COMPOUND INTEREST 221-240 (12. SIMPLE INSTEREST 241-254 ADVANCE MATHS (VOLUME-2) S.No. Chapter Page No. T, | NUMBER SYSTEM AND ALGEBRA| 1-78 2 HCF AND LCM 79-92 3 GEOMETRY 93-146 = CO-ORDINATE GEOMATRY | 147-158 5. 2D-MENSURATION 159-1 70 6 3D- MENSURATION 171-20 7 TRIGONOMETRY 211- IGHT AND DISTANCE 253-262 9 a INTERPRETATION | 269-268) Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. - =f Class at TIME & Work -~@Ore q rome lin & WOK in to and 12 deus saapectively- working Tey and arier 3 qays, A let A 8 we ne | os et ep omy | a a - +6 +8 3x 233 = “ ee = sus « . s. * 2 egy bb wore will be finish Ina 345228 a axe ee > @ Rand @ startd working topthion but aoe Som ay ~ tle Phe work and Ha whele WOK wu compute tn 9 > says Find ables how many day A ut + if Ae B emp the we In 10 815 ~ oe es; ** 8 dow Ap. ee ee Ny 4x2 =18 yo | ae 2 A> + “Ba min aan bud a wall 1n 19 ond 20 how : but they Work topihee Hay use 280 Was bucks per hour and DULL a wal am (2 Hous «Gir the no ok bas in the wall - Scanned by CamScanner " ARB = ¥ Unit nail 2. H 43 sunil Suit —_ 280 - eS Are luni — joo : A oh c ish Total bricks = Goxiyo = $& 2s (Give = 8yoo Bricks mex £8: 25 (ver) oe Baltes py (4) 2 man con build a wall in 9 has and lo hrs Assp. . Buk if Huy work together. than they use 10 uss bricks ber hows and build 4 wall in s hab» find iy fra nd: of bricks in the Wall 7 : “a 8 pe = 19 unk - gh toh - | wnt 1° . pig = 13 unt +0 +5 - Total bricks = Joxlo = 900 png Me= # =e ~~ ~ 1 © Too andes of same height can burn completely i'n ‘hes and 6 has samp. if both stat buining- ak same” Hime ok thslk sapective constant speed » then find after how much time fatio o. . r f that chelght become ai3 A 8 Uh &h laa a oni efnth Book = 3 36-94 = ayeyt Sato 2hr,2y min Scanned by CamScanner <= © Tha men 9, 5 compute He work 105125 15 op 3 “Ff = BF A, 8 and C stants weak together After 2 days A - wt He Lea and nent alee 2 days ¢ abso Uh Then ° find im how many days the whole work wilh complet ~ 2 Dae 8s C starts work together . Aand & Ust the wort 7 adage befeke Hee comblation of the wone , Hun the ~ whole Wowk Ww Finish fn ow many days: ~ “HD EE A Whe the Work 2 clays before the compuetion eb ~ “the warK and @ Ube Hhe work 3 days before the . cormplation. wosk uSLL finish Tn how many Cays 7 8 ° ~ ) A & C Arete Bte ff » lo {2 rs days adios . + Me srk od \sx2 axe S si# . ‘6 _ =30 = 18 . | - wore will finish in = 2 = 65d i- 6° : -1> (A's 2doys) - —16 (cls yaup) . : haw) 2. pecor & works for a - 32 = 4S dep A. ws o me 7 1) prete ¢ @ - sea tt ea (pass 2 dag wlork) -~ 60-8 = Sa ¥ ~ uxr=8 a ~ * se . = sis ey wore wi Finish in = fing ahto = ste dos ~~ Scanned by CamScanner iit) 60 $ID CAS 2 more clays cydrt) +15 coe More days work) | Sts Tes ob Is s Ss days (iv) A, Bsc starts work togethr but A bt the work after two days. and. ® Lebt the Work | day before the completion of the work «by how much Hime the whole work WU be compLetral 2 60 AarC BH = 12 Cpls 2days work) ial et yee % ’ ~ +5 _- (Gs I day? work) 80 26 53 q - ’ a Se days = 28 atk = sh any © Ar Gand c stars work frgtur but after 3 days A lubt Hie work » and Oclubt the work @ day befor the completion of Wolk fm how much fimg the whdle Work be compeied P — \ e AtB+C BC Bg Go ta ad =i ¥ ’ ya us 86 +16 Ss champ “thik mathod fail. 2 concaphially- wong Bec we cont qustiey that © wok for s days . Scanned by CamScanner -~@® pte, ore » c+A can complete a wots jn Vr 125 20 doy ssspectively- « In ovo much they alone 1° -~ the WOK « AB ate HA art eee _ fat - to — . 2 (Arete) = 14 Cn on ArB, BC, CHA con ap OWE IN ods “ Uo doy saspectvely fn how munch Hime they do me WHKe »») - are ere GA Atarc = 1S = 6 — yo ze ° 20 30 cet 3 Be = 200s ° & \: 7 ge E3 Be eH - © e2 Za wee Buy ys ~@ AWB, Bic do a war fn in and 6 days: if A WOK for s days and 8 work for + days and c Complete the sumaining- wok fr 1S doug Then find © woulsl comptes the Work fo howe ream days? »,»2? 70) ) Scanned by CamScanner 8 & mB at ga iad ted AB, wre a SF OF 20 6 = 2 Y8-26 = Se = 2° © C wouloL completo He work = yg _ ae téficiency of * 8 pos Baon = B+Cc = uf ys x 7 t hoe cbiceny Adow = AtB - Ue _ e = Ah aos ‘ } i | Ly Als efficiency « ® Ar8 can doa wok fr 12 days while ate in 65 day © WOIK os complete bY A, B>C by worKing-354 and days . find in how Many days A alone woul Gmplato the while work. Ate BTC 2 i» & pd dF A+B BHC S 6h a x3 ax =15 =4 6o-2y = 26 = @ | Bre q on a=3 | ofc AB as §=2) A alone do Me up = 6° = Bock: Any ee z ae Scanned by CamScanner 7 -@ aman A, e,c complete a work tn such a way thet A works for al the day, @ works for ast g amd doy - And c woes for 384, uth and sth day . if BKC can do as much work in adaye as A alone does in 3 days > hm how many daxa A, @ and c alone do the without WOK If BEC can complete He whole wo%® = tre Jhulp of A in 6 days - ~ & & £& sd oad 3a (Bic) x2 = AX A = 2 a = aa 7 ( Efficieney. aT Rakio) ~ > BLE complete the work fr 6 days and ebtidenty of ate 4s 3 Hone, “Thal work = 6x3 = 18 fe & © sd ad ad dro - A arc & 2 cea v v ¥ — 7 Sxa=| = S ae by }O ox3=H6 [sie = Os ericeny of ¢ * @e=3 os [esi] , [Reo “ Aalone = IB = 9 days 7 Bales IB = 18 days 7 Caleng = bey dag fa Scanned by CamScanner _yoursmahboob. wordpress. com © A wan tas s sons. 38 one and art ont can complete 8. % WOK in 24 days and 36 days saspectively-. ty bow many days the srt son wWUL complete tre work » iF the man could alone complete Hu whole work in 37% days. the man can do double the Worx in game time. my what tme all hin sons together can complcte the watk - . m 8 8 : aid 2yd Be days Brere = . \ * : 22) $ c= “ © complete the work = TE 2 jrdoys- . m (atetd) = . Scanned by CamScanner _ Class ita IChhoker. 9 ae + ~@ imtswtyc dre, a work in 46 ours while amrec an - compluts the same Wolk in Bo Wes. and 2m + 3! can Comput a Hue same wWKK in [20 Hes. find in how Much Hme 7 WUL lomen + 5 woren completo Hie WORK 3 A ™ jw zm +8 wo > Imtuc +3 m zm+3e Ae He Bory Tro HY a NS 4 ° amtsc = 6 Imtyc+ 3W= S amyaw= 4 aA :. tm ycs 3 3 2 a ew= 2 - We 2 3 a Jom + 5 a lot Sx¥2 = Ye zs Zs i Ftomt su complete He work = 82 = tee. = 36 Wa. 8, C Gn wmplute a wk in 30 days by working a together AC ane twice efficient than @ and ATB Ue thaice efficient than ©. find in how many dows 7 A alone Complete tre work «+ Scanned by CamScanner ore GH ome aserc F comyl0 At Bes 8 1 a] ATE (B48+C) @ efficenty samy ~ —— . Bh anit. MB. 3 po © , *% 3 8 c A 4 3 5 Tota) work = 12X30 = 360 uns A alone = 32 = Fe daye. fe WS) Ae Gp compile a wok in half the time of c, while BC can complet: the same work in [aed Hoe than Fe. IF they together complete the Wak in 2odays . ‘how many cleus they abone do He ue . OM | ing ee: ce eo: A . = 8 Mes ke FF i 4 s 3 © f ae ot se Be + ‘Total work = 12%20 A S l 2 = ayo unit s calor = 2U2 = bo days 4 ; Gs “War can completa & work in Moy: Lesser ane While Bre can complete He same WHS tio Han 8. if Hay together con comple tHe whe WOK in 20 dows > than in how many days wi Hg Alone complete the Zame work - Scanned by CamScanner Time ett, 1 - Ate 2 oF _ 5S _ ag - c feos a ay - Bos de® = ss wo A ees 2 16 - & 8B < - 16 19 2I Teta! wok = s6x20 = Io unk * - Matos Hae = Fo days ns te ~ @ f tapes as much Hme as BEC take to finish & dob. HAE ~ finish the dob in lodays , C can alone de +he tame Yoo = in 15 days. Mm how many days & alone can do He werk - = a atc “Time- 1 : ' +B 8. | Ate re isd lode = 1 y “ ak ok Eff. (Ate) = —@ A compute half a> much wor as & I9 equal Hime. . Cc wmplete half as muth Work a> Age together In - equal Hime. 1f C done can comple He WaAK TA go days = Then Jin how many doys they alt toyether. - compa Hie WALK - Scanned by CamScanner A : . . 6 c a 2 Det oe = it 12: Ef ay; = Be acd is Wher = 120 R 4 3 oy Yt. @ Ta Facto | thee are 3 shifts of Duning- the 3 ange WK for a WOKS 4 907. , completa in 60 a the ayy. Working efficieny of Fol; and Soy. Paspectively A work se MP Py the group working in the att shift 61 i an Me WOK is done in aL the shigt then how Wes aw -. me rags to completo the . : = @ = WORK oad E> 8 + Fe: 50 Tota] wAK = 8X 60 = 480 a4 se s if work in alt shifts work will Wmplate in go, = au day - 20 Was ays = 60-24 = 36 doy fry - = . Ge) Two woos A 26 working topetinr can computa @ 4ob (D5 dos «HF A wok twice ar efficiently as -he actuolly | did and & wok + CFFiciently a» he actually diol, than the work would have been completed fn adays.A alpne can completo the work in how many days. - AtB)xs = (2An+H.)x3| EMCAte)= 5 4 MY (A yx 2 >) compl He worrin Ss days Se Total work = SXF = as unit. sAtsB = 6At& Balm = 8S = 6 ry - ii __ Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. 13 - BI) Ate can complete a work in B days but if AaB ~ ook twice gb Of Hhaik swspective efficienty , then the = WOK 4 compLateal in 6 days. In how many dag» A ~ alone can complete He wark ? (8) Ke = (28+ B) xe - ear se = 2A +28 - uf@#= 66 5 ee & oS eo Ye ~ Tetol work = Late) X86 = A along = AO days: Dn gual © wok and UE wowing + ap SRR ~ the Aamaining- WOK in next 18 days Had A Ube the ~ WOK afin waxing for 6 days ten & voautd have ~ Finished the remaining work in next 12 days Then find in how many days A&B alone can completa. the WOK » = a & sta wore . on sei 4 18d bax ee ~ +2 C “4 “ty < m+ a oy ey = 30 1 3 Axa'= BxXe = 30 = od ~ Aidione = 32 = }0 lus _ a = f= 2 Baom> 3 = se dug Scanned by CamScanner a, ‘ ® R ort 3 ypist> worning. simulta ; MUQUELYY coun 14. 216 in 4 Has my OnE We R can ye a mary More thin & as & can tybe mote than p ree How many- Pages anes Much of them type ber hour - Rasim exe P A Rk Set Bx LL SH a 7 7 fexxy= 216 P= Sx3= 15 Page | hour ~\ X=3 Q= 6x3 = 1g page | hour , R= 1K3 = 21 Page [hour . © @) Pe hak woeringy foguhen oH ba ey an a 00 pages in 20 days. The no: of pages typed by A tn 4 Hrs equal to the no: of pages typed by © in Lhe Hew marty page typed by Cin IH if tn a doy 8 “ifs a MANY pages Mowe than A as © typed ab many tages _ Me than B- Axy = xl & g ¢ UY sas A. Ve L coc 4 rs ve + 4 as SX yaxag = Raed “ae x= oe — _ 3 Page | Hx. Ans —_————" Scanned by CamScanner 15 ’ @ are Can Complete a work in 30 Acs - Thay} etek work together and after 234046 & Lt He wok and whole work complete in 33 Aus - find He time Tm wie A atone can complete He WORK - A +8 —? 30 doy ’ : | aang ax3 = BF 23doy ald ~ & 3 - Tota] work = Gt8) X30 = = Ralon = Be dyé ~ @ ate can complete a work In 24 days. mm how mani “ days alone doe the 213 of the toll worK if tte shack working together after ro clays A bt the Werk 5 ~ WK as completed Pr 26 day. ° A+ B = 24 doy | | oye! Axe = BX 20daq y ) Aza meee Se Total wo = (Ha)X24 = Fa unit of total wo = PXE = us wilt ry xy dT 79 2 > in Fok worn compubsl by A alane = YE = 4? deye Scanned by CamScanner / @ BM coo comput a wor tn 12 dogs . & alone wore 40,18 Soo 8 completes fhe remaining work in 1 by aelng stone . In how much Hme & atone does the Complete Work. { A + B = [> days a | aa Axy = 8x8 A. 2 2 a” 7 Tota} Wox= axj2= 3¢unit A done = 36 ™ a le days Sf B abou = 26 = % daxt- @) per Complete a work fn lo doys doing togethar.-i¢ P works, for as dauys and R for 8 clays» Hey Finish but WOK. mm How much time P alone complete Hne Work « - Pp +R— lo days L \ C Huy complet 2-Sdh PKIaS = RKO half wouk in Bsc ep. 2 Sadcyt ) zs Tele] wk = (HSK Io = 120 unit Palone = 122 days. QD A alone would take 23 Has more to comple a work than Ae @ Wak together. 6 takes 3 Hrs mow 9 Compute 2 WOK alone than Aes wax together - bo hewo many days A alone cam ap it. Scanned by CamScanner 17 - xx howe A xtaq - B x+R 2743 =4 - m= qh m Aalone = tat = 36 Hes Boone = 943 = | Has > @A and @ atone complete a wrk in jr days and < days - more doyt Jaspectively than A+B, then find in how mony days A alone does the WORK . ~ = & KH? HA - B ats He - 1x3 = _ r= 6 He a A alone = 6H2= 18 He ~ g wom = 6t3= q thas GD A can complete a. wok in € moe days than B while =~ Adages the Same WORK In 4 more days than c - if PS can complete Me whale work in same time in wle © alone cles He whole WOK. In how many doys A alone, a Could. complete the fame WOK . 8 8 Sc ~ & & as + = (are) (xen) aa tH & Scanned by CamScanner AtB = 1 x ous day 8 dey a Ge+9) day Gis IT ry day X= 6 day A= 6+9 = IS day B= 6+ = Io day ™ c= 6 day. # “piaamig- ea Scab ape ew ee working simutkancnualy FL the bool in the same time as the 3 pipe alone, the and pipe alone Filla the fl S has faster than the Mt pibe 2 Y Has slower than 2d bibe. mm what time ona g atl fide fogethe Fill He pool. “oR 6 cq a ce aq HY wo os aw wk Ate = L u nm Bag a= is AtB es ety = lo He +4 HAs: = 6 4 fe . om Scanned by CamScanner _@ - 19 “ 7 +3) < : ££ 8 Sf ISH lore. CH ° eto= 2° We * 8 “s— - Class ~ 3. a ~@® amen A,B and C working foyether con ce a fob é Hus Lm A fime than A alone did, | He tus Hme than ® alone and half the 7 Hime needed by ©. im now many days wil A finish the WOrK. alone 2 a arerc A 8 c - re xte oH 2% a B+ e+e c a) ~ 1 L a \ cos “+ er. a ‘ a At+@+o =r A uo + ate 2 t A 2% $23 hy mort. than 8) yp Ab 2% i 4 mH =a 5 21 Coe the mou. than ate) 7 a Ae = IG-y(H0 = ae Gaye) = yon Scanned by CamScanner x Pa , — / ye = 6-14 +x* (x2) Us) =? 20- axrttir-~ = 0 wed 4 nN Xe + 22 3 3x2 4¢qx-21x-6 =O 3x(xt3) -2(x+3) zo Ip AwWt finish the war = +6 = 32 days. fiw: ® me 41 2 i> 24H) 2n0|t6) Ax (0046) Oct) or Aer Fartaxt HAL | cextexte = yxr tue MAW 4E = Yee le BX24I1N-—6 20 (sams eqn an above) ; 3 and 4¢.wW can ete i com : i PLE a. Lor, days while Scanned by CamScanner Q - (am+4w) x16 = (Gm +3) x12 21 - UA + 6UW = Ym + 30 : agw = 0 a wis o ? 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Then find tn thow many doys they tegethu COmPLeLS the Whole work while AH@ takes 2 more no: of te complet the work than AbB+C B= he - geste Ate+C So * one 7 ate POET fe = 2s 10 T 4803 age AERC Bs IS e 2 3 a 8 c ey $s y 6 Ate Arete —E +3 4s Tims sx: 2x ad axa 2 3 Arete = Sxdauys = 3x =ud 3 P fra, ne N12 and is d the w . us shuns OAK aldernatively for bila wnt yt WOK Fak tn how much Hme Ge} of work sik be completzol. - A 6 | Yole Cad = t= 4 12 1S we dey 36 sda, Nos" fa bop of wows 60X60 _ 86 joo Scanned by CamScanner

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