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1.Write a detailed note on the role of IT in business?


The success of every business depends on certain factors. Some of which are
accurate analysis, choosing the right technology and the future vision. Research
from the last two decade has proved that those organisations that do invest in
technology and choose the path of innovation increase their market share,
financial figures and overall competitiveness. Information technology is the
only technology which provides you the opportunity to analyse specific data
and plan your business journey accordingly. It also provides you many tools
which can solve complex problems and plan the scalability (future growth) of
your business. In the modern age, it is proved that digital marketing is a great
tool which let you promote your products or services to the global market while
sitting in the comfort of your remote office or home. And thanks to the cloud
computing and modern communication which enable you to form a global
organisation, manage and monitor its virtual offices all over the world.

information technology plays a vital role in different phases of business:

Decision Making

Speed and accuracy are at the heart of making right decision for your business.
Every successful organisation has to go through a comprehensive market
research process which enables management to make the right decision. Market
research can be done in many ways through online surveys, forums, blogs,
group discussions using World Wide Web and of course through in-person
interviews as well. Currently Big data, Google Analytics and Microsoft CRM
Dynamics are also great tools to extract useful information which can impact on
decision making. These online tools not only provide real time responses from
the potential audience but also ensure the accuracy of data by minimising the
risk of human errors.

Marketing and Business Growth

The heart of the business success lies in its marketing which enables the
management to identify its target audience first and then observe their trends
and needs. The overall marketing covers public relation, advertising, promotion
and sales which subsequently impact on business growth. Many types of
marketing can help you reach your potential customers. But I will briefly
explain digital marketing here which was the dream in the past without Internet
technology. Digital Marketing is a modern phenomenon which let you promote
your products or services all over the world. It is a broad term which includes
many concepts like search engine optimisation (SEO), pay per click (PPC),
blogging, discussion forum, email shot, SMS, MMS, social media marketing
and Smartphone app advertisement etc. Currently web market is booming at a
very fast pace because most of the entrepreneurs have understood that the long
term success in business is not possible without digital presence on the internet.
Millions of new websites are being added on the internet every year.

Customer Support and Satisfaction

Higher level of customer satisfaction is the key to success which cannot be

achieved without a real time customer support process. Business success
depends on knowing its customers needs, trends, behaviours and satisfaction
level. Effective communication is the best tool to understand the customer
demands, problems and their solutions. Thanks to the Internet Technology that
has enabled us to communicate with millions of potential or existing customer
in the real time. IT provides many channels to communicate with the customer
without going out in snow or rain. Some of these channels are email, webinar,
social media, member portals, online newsletters and text or multimedia
messaging through the smart phone. Enterprise organisations normally use
customer relationship management systems (CRM) to hold valuable data for
understanding customer behaviours and future needs.

Resource Management and Globalisation

Resource management plays a crucial role in business success. When it comes

to medium or large organisation, it is very hard for the top management to
manage all the resources manually. These resources may include tangible,
financial or human resources etc. Information technology has played a vital role
in automating such complex problems by introducing user friendly solutions. A
decade ago, most of the resource management solutions were desktop based.
Thanks to the internet and cloud technology which enables software engineers
to introduce cloud based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions. Now,
the managers can manage or monitor their organisational resources virtually
anywhere in the world by using their personal computer, laptops, tablets or
Smartphone. This concept has introduced the idea of globalisation. Most of
multinational companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, McDonalds etc) in the
world use these cloud based solutions to manage their virtual or physical offices
and staff worldwide.
Q2. What role do computers and IT play in the education of young children?


 Computers as tutors have positive effects on learning as measured by

standardized achievement tests, are more motivating for students, are
accepted by more teachers than other technologies, and are widely
supported by administrators, parents, politicians, and the public in

 Students are able to complete a given set of educational objectives in less

time with CBI than needed in more traditional approaches.

 Limited research and evaluation studies indicate that integrated learning

systems (ILS) are effective forms of CBI which are quite likely to play an
even larger role in classrooms in the foreseeable future.

 Intelligent tutoring system have not had significant impact on

mainstream education because of technical difficulties inherent in
building student models and facilitating human-like communications.
 Providing space for social and emotional learning.
 To implement the principle of life-long learning / education.
 to increase a variety of educational services and medium / method.
 To promote equal opportunities to obtain education and information.
 to develop a system of collecting and disseminating educational
 to promote technology literacy of all citizens, especially for students.
 to develop distance education with national contents.
 to promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning
skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education, etc.)
 to support schools in sharing experience and information with others.
Q3. Automation has become a necessity today. Elaborate.
Automation is a technique of making devices, a process or a system
to operate automatically.

 Automation include higher production rates and increased productivity,

more efficient use of materials, better product quality, improved safety,
shorter workweeks for labour, and reduced factory lead times.
 Higher output and increased productivity have been two of the biggest
reasons in justifying the use of automation.
 Despite the claims of high quality from good workmanship by humans,
automated systems typically perform the manufacturing process with less
variability than human workers, resulting in greater control and
consistency of product quality.
 Also, increased process control makes more efficient use of materials,
resulting in less scrap.
 Worker safety is an important reason for automating an industrial
operation. automation is the reduction in the number of hours worked on
average per week by factory workers. About 1900 the average workweek
was approximately 70 hours. This has gradually been reduced to a
standard workweek in the United States of about 40 hours.
 Eliminates the element of the human error
 Increases transaction speed and allows to save time and costs
 Quick Time to Value, Non-intrusive
 Helps you to automate data transfers and import or export data between files
or applications.
 Scale from Desktop to Data Center

Q1.Discuss the important changes in the fields of health care, agriculture, and

Sol: The Digitalization of Health Records

The introduction of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in replacing paper records has been a game changer
for many allied healthcare professionals. Medical assistants, medical records and health information
technicians (MRHITs), medical billing and coding professionals, and registered nurses are just some of the
allied healthcare roles impacted by this implementation.
Nurses and technicians are now responsible for inputting patient data such as vital signs, weight, test
results, etc. into a central, digitized system. On the administration side of things, medical billers and coders
use EHRs for scheduling appointments, updating patient records with diagnostic codes, and submitting
medical claims.
Among the many benefits EHR technology has brought to healthcare include:
Enhanced Patient CareEHR can automatically alert the treating physician to potential
issues, such as allergies or intolerances to certain medicines. EHRs can be accessed in any medical
facility, which is extremely useful for doctors to access their medical history. This is especially
important if the patient is unconscious.
Improved Public Health
EHRs provide invaluable data to clinical researchers, which advances medical knowledge and the
development of new treatments for common health problems.
Additionally, a central and standardized system throughout the entire healthcare industry can identify a
viral or bacterial infection quickly. This can give insights into how widespread an outbreak is, enabling
preventative measures to be put in place much more quickly.
Ease of Workflow
Medical billers and coders are perhaps most impacted by EHRs, as the number of medical codes recently
jumped from 13,600 to 69,000. Despite this huge jump, the introduction of EHRs has made life for medical
billers and coders much easier.
Entering data into a computerized system is much less time-consuming than paper-based methods. It also
reduces the risk of errors in patient data and financial details. Accessing patient records digitally can be
done in an instant and viewed via portable devices, increasing efficiency and productivity.
Lower Healthcare Costs
According to a study from the the University of Michigan, the shift from paper to electronic health records
reduces the cost of outpatient care by 3%


 Use of machines on farms. Now a farmer can cultivate on more than 2

acres of land with less labor, and can cut costs even more when they are
looking for a used tractor and other harvesting technology, versus new
equipment. The use of planters and harvesters makes the process so easy. In
agriculture, time and production are so important; you have to plant in time,
harvest in time and deliver to stores in time. Modern agricultural technology
allows a small number of people to grow vast quantities of food and fiber in
a shortest period of time.

 Modern transportation: This helps in making products available on

markets in time from the farm. With modern transportation, consumers in
Dubai will consume a fresh carrots from Africa with in the same day that
carrot lives the garden in Africa. Modern transportation technology facilities
help farmers easily transport fertilizers or other farm products to their
farms, and it also speeds the supply of agricultural products from farms to
the markets where consumers get them on a daily basis.

 Cooling facilities: These are used buy farmers to deliver tomatoes and other
perishable crops to keep them fresh as they transport them to the market.
These cooling facilities are installed in food transportation trucks, so crops
like tomatoes will stay fresh upon delivery. This is a win-win situation for
both the consumers of these agricultural products and the farmers. How? the
consumers gets these products while still fresh and the farmer will sell all
their products because the demand will be high.

 Genetically produced plants like potatoes, can resist diseases and pests,
which rewards the farmer with good yields and saves them time. These
crops grow very fast they produce healthy yields. Since they are resistant to
most diseases and pests, the farmer will spend less money on pesticides,
which in return increases on their (RIO) return on investment.

 Development of animal feeds. This has solved the problem of hunting for
grass to feed animals, now these feeds can be manufactured and consumed
by animals. The price of these feed is fair so that a low income farmer can
afford them. Most of these manufactured animal feeds have extra nutrition
which improve on the animals health and the out put of these animals will
also increase. In agriculture , the health of an animal will determine its
output. Poorly feed animals are always unhealthy and they produce very
little results in form of milk, meet
Q2.How can computers help us in home money and business management?

Keep Track of Everything

Computers allow the application of different types of software that can help businesses keep track of their
files, documents, schedules and deadlines. Computers also allow businesses to organize all of their
information in a very accessible manner. The ability to store large amounts of data on a computer is
convenient and inexpensive, and saves space. A computer's ability to allow a company to organize its files
efficiently leads to better time management and productivity.

Do More With Less

Computers have made staff and companies more self-sufficient by allowing them to do tasks that
previously had to be outsourced. For example, a company can now use office software to create their own
training material. Desktop publishing software can be used to create marketing materials. Online tax and
accounting programs allow companies to prepare their own taxes. This allows the dominant operations of a
company to remain in-house and empowers the company to become more independent and less susceptible
to errors committed by outside parties.

Automate and Save Money

Emerging technology makes new tools and services more affordable and allows companies to save on their
staff payroll and office equipment. Because computers allow work to be done faster and more efficiently, it
is possible for a company to hire fewer staff. In addition, with networked and relatively inexpensive
computers, companies can store data more easily, saving on the cost of outside file storage, and can avoid
having to purchase as many copiers, fax machines, typewriters, and other such items that were used before
computers became popular.

Correspondingly, potentially profitable businesses can be started with a smaller overhead cost. Email
capabilities decrease postage costs; software applications reduce the need for large accounting
departments, while videoconferencing reduces the need for travel. All resources saved will trickle down to
the consumers, who are then provided with much more affordable products and service.

Do It Better, Do It Faster

Computers help speed up other business operations. The collecting of consumer feedback, ordering of raw
materials, and inspection of products is made quicker through the use of computers, allowing companies to
operate much faster and to produce better quality results.

Cheaper Research and Development

R&D, or research and development, costs will also decrease with the help of computers. Scientific research
can now be done using the Internet and computer software applications designed to develop and produce
new products and services. For example, instead of a company having to do in-person focus groups on a
potential new product or to determine their target market, the company can conduct a widespread online
survey for a far lower cost.
In addition, new models of a product can be created online using virtual pictures and drawings instead of
having to be hand-drawn. These interactive models created using software programs can help bring the
product and its features to life for a far lower cost than creating an actual physical model of the given

Sell Around the Clock

Computers can help generate higher sales and profits for businesses via a company website. Many
businesses now operate online and around the clock to allow customers from around the world to shop for
their products and services.

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