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Designing an Effective Training & Development Program of HSBC Bank

Course: Leadership & Managerial Skills Development (HRM370)

Section: 02

Submitted to:

Arif Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Sba1)


Department of Management

School of Business & Economics (SBE)

North South University

Submitted by:


Name: ID:
1. Mahfuza Akter Shahinoor 1431035030
2. Sumaiya Ahmed 1431210030
3. Anzeer Binte Mustafiz 1431225030
4. Aniul Haq Abir 1511497030
5. Reesana Sifat 1511694630
6. Muhtasim Mosharraf 1512215030

Date of submission: August 31, 2018.

Letter of Transmittal

August 31th, 2018

Arif Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Sba1)

Department of Management
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
North South University
Bashundhara, Dhaka.
Subject: Submission of Group Project
Dear Sir,
With due respect, we are the undersigned students of BBA have been assigned to prepare a report on
Design a Effective Training & Development Program in HSBC Bank. Under the course: HRM370.
We have tried to prepare this report according to the instruction you have given us.
Though we are the learning curve this report has enabled us to gain insight in the core fact of
‘Leadership Style and Training & Development’. So it has become an interesting experience. Thank
you for your support and consideration. Without your support and inspiration this report would have
been an incomplete one. Thank you again to give us the opportunity to present what we have learned
from this course through working on this report.
Lastly, we hope that you will find this report satisfactory. Your kind review, advice and comment on
this report are highly appreciated.

Name: ID:
1. Mahfuza Akter Shahinoor 1431035030
2. Sumaiya Ahmed 1431210030

3. Anzeer Binte Mustafiz 1431225030
4. Aniul Haq Abir 1511497030
5. Reesana Sifat 1511694630
6. Muhtasim Mosharraf 1512215030


First of all I would like to thank our honorable faculty Arif Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Sba1), sir you how

have guided us throughout the whole process and without whom this would have not been possible.

My heartiest appreciation to all the members of HSBC Bank, Department of Human Resources

Management, who have given their valuable time and participate to our survey research. Without

their participation we could not conduct our research.

I also like to thank my group members without their dedication and brain storming this report could

not be done.

Executive Summery

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Limited (HSBC) have started their journey in Bangladesh 1996

and their first branch was at Dhaka. It is one of the successful international banks in Bangladesh. In

Bangladesh it has good market reputation and position. This report mainly based on ‘Designing a

New Effective Training Program for HSBC Bank”. Based on our survey, practical knowledge and

experience we have made this report. We have taken interview of a HR Manager and so employees

from Human Resource Department of HSBC Bank Corporate Branch,, Tejgaon, and Dhaka. We have

also collected information from various sources like HSBC website,

From interviews, field data etc.

Training and development is one of the most significant areas in every company. The HR

Department of HSBC Bank maintains a structured and organized training structure to train their

employees to develop their working knowledge and various kinds of skills that not only help them in

their working sector but also their personal life.

Table of Content

Seria Topics Name Page No.

1. Introduction 7
o HSBC Profile 7
o Mission 8
o Vision 8
2. Company Strategy and Objectives 8
o HSBC Organogram 9
3. Communication System in HSBC 11
o Current Training Program Offered 12
4. SWOT Analysis 12
5. Manager’s Perspective of the Current Training Program 13
6. Training & Development in HSBC 16
o Objective of the Study 16
o Methodology 16
o Training Process of HSBC Bank 17
o Training Methods 17

o Training Principal of HSBC 18

o HSBC’s Training Process 18
o Training Methods 19
7. HSBC Bangladesh Training Process for New Employees 20
8. Manager’s Recommendation towards Future Learners 21
9. Skills Needed for the Future Training Manager 22

10. Conclusion 23
11. Bibliography 24

Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate learning of job-related competencies,
knowledge, skills and behaviors by employees (Raymond A. Noe). In other words, training is a
procedure for helping employees to improvement and achievement both for organization and
themselves. The goal of training is for employees to master the knowledge, skills and behaviors
emphasized in training and apply them to their day to day activities. The same goal is established by
the HR of HSBC Bank to develop the skills of its employees so that they can be master in banking.
Training can provide knowledge and skills to perform more effectively and make the employees
arrange to meet the changes of the future. Training focuses on the development of organization and
as well as individual employees. Training helps them to know and learn about their work goals so
that the employees can give their best services to the customers.
As training needs a huge amount of time and money of an organization so the organization should be
very careful while designing training programs. Especially for a bank it's very important to develop a
right training method and deliver to their employees.
HSBC put tremendous effort on their training department to train their employees best. Training is a
continuous process for the employees of HSBC Bank. To support this assessment HSBC Bank has its
own training center in Motijheel, Dhaka.
The training includes all traditional, modern methods, behavioral and cultural training as HSBC is an
international organization. HSBC also includes and modified according to employees skills and

HSBC Profile:

“The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank" was founded by Scotsman Sir Thomas Sutherland in the then
British colony of Hong Kong on 3 March 1865 and in Shanghai a month later, benefiting from the
start of trading into China, including opium trading. It was formally incorporated as "The Hong
Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation" by an Ordinance of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong
on 14 August 1866. In 1980, HSBC acquired a 51% shareholding in US-based Marine Midland
Bank, which it extended to full ownership in 1987. On 6 October 1989, it was renamed by the
Legislative Council, by an amendment to its governing ordinance originally made in 1929, "The
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited", and became registered as a regulated bank
with the then Banking Commissioner of the Government of Hong Kong.

HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations. They serve around
38 million customers through four global businesses: Retail Banking and Wealth Management,
Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, and Global Private Banking. Their network
covers 67 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North America and
Latin America.
HSBC opened its first branch in Bangladesh in 1996. It offers a range of financial services in
Bangladesh including commercial banking, consumer banking, global liquidity and cash
management, trade services, treasury, and custody and clearing.


 Want to become one of the leading Banks in Bangladesh

 Intend to meet the needs of their clients and enhance their profitability by creating corporate

 Want to ensure their competitive advantages by upgrading banking technology and

information system

 Want to provide high quality financial services to strengthen the well being and success of
individual, industries and business communities

 Want to extend highest quality of services, which attracts the customers to choose them first

 Intend to plat more important in the economic development of Bangladesh


They aspire to be one of the world's great specialist banking groups, driven by commitment to their
core philosophies and values.

Company Strategy and Objectives:

The organization’s objective is to be the world’s leading and most respected international bank. They
help small and large companies grow domestically and internationally, and are developing wealth
management services and investing in retail banking in markets where they can achieve profitable

We have developed a long-term strategy that reflects our purpose and enables us to capture value
from our international network.

Their long-term, two-part strategy is to:

 Develop our international network
to serve enterprises across geographies and facilitate international trade and capital
flows, thereby helping our clients to grow their businesses.
 Invest in wealth and retail businesses with local scale to make the most of global social
mobility, wealth creation and long-term demographic changes in their selected retail
banking and wealth management markets.

This strategy positions them to capitalize on several long-term trends:

 Increasing connectivity and global flows of trade, finance and data are key drivers of
GDP growth
 Emerging market economies are expected to be twice the size of developed economies
by 2050
 The global middle class is expected to grow by more than two billion people from 2017
to 2030, driven by growth in Asia’s middle class
 Significant investment in renewable energy is needed to tackle climate change

HSBC Organogram:

The important advantage of functional structures is that they give managers greater control of
organization activities. In HSBC, every department has reports to the CEO, COO or a manger of a
particular department. Five departments report to the COO (Chief Operating Officer), who is the
second most powerful individual at HSBC. The five departments are:

 Financial Control Department (FCD)

 Administration Department (ADM)

 Hong Kong Universal Banking (HUB)

 Information Technology Department (IT)

 Network Service Center (NSC)

The manager, corporate banking, is responsible for the following three departments:

 Trade Services (HTV)

 Payment & Cash Management (PCM)

 Institutional Banking (IB)

The other four departments report to the CEO. These are:

 Marketing and Public Relations (GPA)

 Human Resource and Training Department (HR)

 Treasury (TRSY)

 Credit and Risk Management (CRM)

 Internal Control (MIC)

These departments are called the “Small” departments, due to smaller workforce.

All the departments follow the previously mentioned flat structure. That is, there are managers,
supervisors, staff officers and assistant officers in almost all the departments. Corporate banking and
PFS—these two departments have their own workforce. There are certain divisions within some
departments, as well, e.g. HTV is divided into HTV Import and HTV Export.

HR Training Team and Work/industry experience

HSBC provides the wide range of support to improve the skills and helps to achieve the career goal
of the employee. The manager takes the initiative to achieve these purposes by giving feedback and
support to assist. From the outset, employee will be able to enhance their own professional networks
with clients and colleagues around the world. They may also have the opportunity to develop their
skills and gain experience in another country through one of our international assignments, which
typically range in length from three months to three years. HSBC International Management
Programmers offers highly talented employees the chance to pursue an internationally mobile career
in a variety of roles and locations.

Manager will assist employee to identify potential opportunities and the capabilities that will need to
be effective in employee role. As part of the HSBC performance review process, they will work with
them to set clear career development goals and provide feedback and support to assist employee in
achieving them. At the same time, people will be encouraged to take responsibility for driving own
personal development.

Addition to, employee will have access to a mixture of formal and informal development
opportunities, including on-the-job coaching and mentoring in addition to instructor-led workshops
and e-learning.

Following survey results shows the satisfaction from their experiences from the Training Team from
the HSBC

 Household finance was a fantastic place to work

 World’s leading bank, one of the best place to work

 Very good compensation

 Busy but fun place at work

 Good professional and friendly environment

 Productive

Communication System in HSBC:


Internal External

Formal Informal Formal Informal

Letters, Repots,
Face to Face Letters, Repots,
Memos, Emali Conversation, Speeches, News Not Excercised
Pohne Call Release, Website

Current Training Program Offered:

HSBC believes that their primary competitive advantages come from their employees. It is the
employees ability to provide a superior customer experience to their customers, that sets their apart
from other financial services companies. In the ever changing financial service industry, all of the
employees must continuously upgrade their skills and knowledge in order to main this competitive

The goal of HSBC is to attract, retain and motivate the very best employees.

And to do that the employees need necessary training and development program so that the company
can keep the best employees in their organization.

HSBC supports their employees training, development and business education through the following:

 Internal Training Programs: Internal training is the process from which the employees
achieve the skills to perform their jobs and is an essential part of any successful business.
Example: mentoring, coaching etc.
 Seminars, Workshop, and locally tailor made training on variety of topics are offered
directly by HSBC Training and Development Depart at HSBC office in Asia and also at
group Training and Management Development Center at Bricketwood, UK.
 Distance Learning: Distance learning is a way of learning remotely without being in
regular face-to-face contact with an instructor.
 E-Learning: Web based and multimedia self-study programs available through their
Internet and Multimedia Learning Centers located in their HSBC office.

Resident Management Trainee Program (RMT Program): The Resident Management Trainee
Program (RMT) aims to select a group of high potential executive trainees and provide them training
and development opportunities. The RMT Program gives the potential executives effective and
systematic training to everyone.

SWOT Analysis:


 Experienced trainers

 Provides and maintain standard level trainings to the employees

 Obtaining feedback from learners, most of which is very positive

 Strong board support for learning

 Good communication of new employees


 Not effective at communicating with managers

 Trainees are only selected by regional managers

 Currently a push learning culture

 Only for new employees

 No regional training programs


 Globalization and diversify workforce

 Has HR experts to share their knowledge from all over the world


 Learners increasingly seeking out online learning

 Stiff competition from global employees

Manager’s Perspective of the Current Training Program:

 Internal training program: Internal training privileges professionals to receive training

courses that tailors their expertise according to the unique necessities of their respective
companies. Professionals do not have to leave their workplaces to receive this training saving
both time and energy. Training that incorporates on-the-job skills can also be more efficient
for certain tasks as individuals receive hands-on experience relevant to the tasks they are

 Internal or onsite training is proven to be cost-effective for companies. Because the
cost per employee reduces when they are trained in a large group rather than sending
each of them for training outside the company.
 This can also be beneficial for the employees since they can improve their
professional qualifications without having to leave their workplace which saves
valuable time.


 Internal training adds extra burden to company administration. The company must
accommodate suitable training facilities and training materials as well as select
suitable candidates for the training. This may be difficult to execute in addition to
being inefficient in comparison to outsourcing.

 Distance Learning: Distance learning is a way of learning remotely without being in regular
face-to-face contact with an instructor.
 The main advantage of distance learning is that it allows to fit employees learning
around their work and home life.
 Less costly.


 Time and frustration involved learning how to get on-line.

 Resident Management Trainee Program (RMT Program): The Resident Management

Trainee Program (RMT) aims to select a group of high potential executive trainees and
provide them training and development opportunities.
 The RMT Program gives the potential executives effective and systematic
training to acquire an excellent understanding of the commercial operations
business functions.
 The RMT program ensures that successful applicants, with the right training, will
have the ability and potential to reach the highest level of management.

Justified the analysis and found some results and want to suggest some training programs as future

 Workshop: Workshop is a type of interactive training where participants carry out a number
of training activities rather than passively listen to a lecture or presentation.
Two types of workshop exist:
 A general workshop is put on for a mixed audience,
 A closed workshop is tailored towards meeting the training needs of a specific group.

 Business games: Business game refers to simulation games that are used as an educational
tool for teaching business. Business games may be carried out for various businesses training
such as: general management, finance, organizational behavior, human resources etc.
 Require trainees to gather information, analyze it, and make decisions
 Primarily used for management skill development
 Mimic the competitive nature of business
 Designed to demonstrate understanding or application of knowledge, skill, or
 Provides several alternative courses of action
 Rules limit participant behavior

 Role play: Trainees act out characters assigned to them

Trainers need to engage in several activities before, during, and after the role play
Differ from simulations on the basis of:

 Response choices available to the trainees

 Level of detail of the situation given to trainees\
 Outcomes of the trainees’ response

 Simulations: A simulation is an limitation of the operation of a real world process or system.

The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed; this model
represents the key characteristics, behaviors and functions of the selected physical or abstract
system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the simulation represents
the operation of system over time.
 Represents a real-life situation
 Trainees’ decisions and the resulting outcomes mirror what would happen in real
work situations
 Replicates the physical equipment that employees use on the job
 Is used to teach production, process skills, management, and interpersonal skills

Training & Development in HSBC:

Requirements of Training in Banking Sector:

Training is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of staffs that are technically and socially
competent and capable of career advancement into specialist department of management position.
There is, therefore, a continual need for the process of staff development and training fulfill part of
this process. Training can provide knowledge and skills to perform more effectively and make the
employees prepare to meet the inevitable changes for the future. It’s not only beneficial for the
company but also new employees training programs give employees the information they need to
know about their works that helps to protect themselves and others at work and to efficiently provide
the quality of the company which ultimately make everyone motivated and satisfied also. Thus we
will develop training programs for employees of HSBC bank in Bangladesh

Every bank tries to improve its personnel quality through providing seminars, trainings and invites
experts for workshops etc. We have tilled this paper as “Training Process of HSBC Bank
Bangladesh” to know how the bank conduct their training methods and develop their employee to
perform better.

Objective of the Study:

The primary objective of this report is to go through the practical practice of the theoretical
knowledge we have gathered throughout the semester and analyses it to conceptualize a theory about
training. And the other objectives are:
 To know the types of training process and methods will developed for HSBC
 To develop the implementation of training methods of HSBC Bangladesh.
 To know the development process, they will use for training the employees.
 To find out interrelated problems related with training program.

The methodologies we have used in such a way where achieving the above mentioned objectives
become clear and precise.
Primary data Sources: Consultation of related book and publications &Personal remark.
Secondary Data Sources: Internet

Training Process of HSBC Bank:

Human Resource Development Department:
 Human resource Manager heads this department. The major functions of department
are Recruitment, Training and developments, Personnel Services and Security, The
HR department is much concerned with the discipline that is set up by the HSBC
group. HSBC group has got strict rules and 'regulations for each and every aspect of
banking, even for non-banking proposes; for example ‘The Dress Code’. All these
major personnel functions are integrated in the best possible way at HSBC, which
results in its higher productivity.
 The Human resource officer will monitor the employee staffing and administration
activities. The Training officer will supervise Training, development & rotation
activities. The structure of the HR department will be like this
 Structure we developed for human resource department in HSBC has shown is

Training Methods:
HSBC believes their primary competitive advantage comes from their employees. So we will
provide a superior customer experience to their customer that sets it apart from other financial
services companies. HSBC’s goal is to attract, retain and motivate the very best, and to do that it
supports training, development, and business education through the following:

 Internal Training Program: Internal Training Programmed such as Seminars, workshops

and locally tailor made training on a variety of topics will be offered directly by HSBC
Training and Development Department.

 External Courses: External courses are Job related courses, seminars, workshops and
conferences developed.
 Distance Learning: Distance learning is Web-based and multimedia self-study programs
will be developed through our Intranet and multimedia Learning Centers located in our
HSBC offices.
 Resident Management Trainee Program (RMT Program): The Resident Management
Trainee program (RMT) aims to select a group of high potential executive trainees and
provide them training and development opportunities.

Training Principal of HSBC:

HSBC is truly a learning organization where employees continually expand their capacity to create
the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where
collective aspiration is set free and where people are continually learning how to learn together. The
training principals we will develop for employees include:
 The trainees must be motivated to learn
 The trainees must able to learn
 The learning must be reinforced
 The training must provide for practice of the materials
 The material presented must be meaningful
 The material must be communicated effectively

Some key steps of applying learning principles in the workplace are as follows:
 Formalize training and development plans: For a learning culture to be ingrained, it
should be mandatory for all individuals in the organization.
 Give recognition to learning: Employees who have successfully learned new skills
and abilities should be recognized and encourage others to follow suit.
 Get feedback: Sessions and polls should regularly be done to evaluate the benefits of
training and development, as well as to determine whether the training investment is
well spent.
 Promote from within: One of the advantages of training is having employees who are
ready for a bigger role. Announce an internal job posting to encourage employees to
gain knowledge.
HSBC’s Training Process:
The training process include following five Steps:
1. Needs Assessment Procedure

2. .Ensuring employee’s readiness for training
3. Creating a learning environment
4. Transfer of Training at HSBC
5. Evaluating Training Programs

Ensuring Transfer of
employee’s Training at
readiness for HSBC

Assessment Creating a Evaluating
Procedure at learning Training
HSBC environment Programs

 Needs Assessment Procedure at HSBC:

 Organizational Analysis: HSBC’s Organization will analyze the determining of the
business appropriateness of training, given the company’s business strategy, its resources
available for training and support by managers and peers for training activities.
 Personal Analysis: It will also determine whether employees need training, and whether
employees are ready for training. PA helps it to identify who needs training.
 Task Analysis: It will also identify the task, knowledge, skills and behaviors that need to
be emphasized in training.
 Ensuring employee’s readiness for training:
The second steps will be, involves in HSBC’s training design process is to evaluate whether
employees are ready to learn.

 Ensuring Learning Environment:

A learning culture is a collection of organizational conventions, values, practices and processes.
These conventions encourage employees and organizations develop knowledge and competence.
It will encourage continuous learning and systems will influence each other. Since constant
learning elevates an individual as a worker and as a person, it opens opportunities for the
establishment to transform continuously for the better.

 Transfer of Training at HSBC:

Transfer of training will refers to on the job use of knowledge, skills and behaviors learned in
training. Transfer of training will influenced by the climate for transfer, manager support, peer
support, opportunity to use learned capabilities.
 Training Program Evaluation:
Effectiveness of training program will carry cognitive, skill-based, effective outcomes, which
will be frequently evaluated in HSBC. Skill based outcomes include acquisition or learning of
skills and use of skills on the job. Effective outcomes include attitudes and motivation.

Training Methods:
Training Methods that are practiced at HSBC are following:
 On the Job Training: Employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the
actual job. Usually a professional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) serves
as the course instructor using hands-on training often supported by formal classroom
 Off the Job Training: Off-the-job training occurs when employees are taken away from
their place of work to be trained. Common methods of off-the-job training include: Day
release (employee takes time off work to attend a local college or training centre. In
HSBC there are these three types of off the job training methods are practiced:
 Lecture Method
 Conference Method
 Role Play Method

HSBC Bangladesh Training Process for New Employees (Officer):

HSBC does not go for Training Needs Assessment of New Employees in first one year of probation
period. After one year when probation period will be completed then organization go for Training
Needs Assessment as like as general employees or existing employees. HSBC in Bangladesh does
not focus on the training of Officer level employees rather than lower level employees. Learning and
development will arrange this training around seven months within their training structure. New
Officer’s (1 year) existing training model:

This program is divided into two major parts:
 Foundation Level Activities like General Works.
 Core and Support Business and Operations Unit Activities, Like: Retail Banking
Sites, Commercial Sites and Global Banking, Internet Banking, Lifestyle Benefits
Departments so on.

Manager’s Recommendation towards Future Learners:

As the training program of HSBC bank is Training programs are set from the headquarters. Towards
the learners there are a lot of responsibilities on managers. As leaders are the person who shows ways
to the beginners, they are responsible to motivate & inspire them to participate in necessary fields.

There are some necessary steps that our leader has declared towards the future learners.


There are some effective ways that our leaders follow to motivate & encourage the future learners of
the organization. Such as providing a compelling reason to participate is a way that the leaders
follow to encourage the fresh learners on a company. They are highly motivated towards a training
program. The future learners are convinced by referring several fruitful reasons to participate &

Every initiative is evaluated based on value perceptions. All individuals have a unique set of
motivational beliefs that often operate unconsciously. Exposure to new ideas, goals or suggested
process improvements triggers a value appraisal. Our managers evaluate the importance & convince
the learners to participate & show the Positive evaluations result in engagement towards the

company. Just for the employees to assess training from their perspective leaders makes them
understand how they will benefit from the training.


This is one of the common interests between employees and management. Its main objectives are to
bring forth employee commitment && empowerment that. On the contrary in human resource
management of HSBC bank employee participation is more important to make their performance
better. This helps both employee & future learners who are supposed to be the future manager is
equally important to measure their growth & development.


Keeping good employees have always been a challenge for the managers. But the managers of
HSBC bank are skilled & well trained that they are doing it quite skillfully. There are some myths
have about what it takes to retain employees, the managers basically follows them & make it easier.

 Clear direction & objectives

 Reward & recognition

 Feedback & support

 Good working relationship

Skills Needed for the Future Training Manager:

As HSBC bank’s training program has been decided from headquarter so we decided to make some
changes to train the future learners of the bank to train them better. Those changes are-

 Internal training &

 external training

Internal training:

On the job trainings are seminars, workshops, classroom training and cross training program. The
purpose of cross training program is to have flexibility in the operation. The design of training
program for each employee will be different for an example a cashier is much different than a person
who looks after accounts. Training program will also be designed for two months. The first month

involved 8 hours classroom session and activities, products knowledge, sales system. Certain job
required off the job training so we will also conduct e learning programs for employees.

External training:

In internal training we added job related courses, group training, management courses and role
playing. These are quite easy & employee will never get bored of neither work nor training.


As HSBC Bangladesh doesn’t arrange any training program locally for the employees so we are
suggesting them to arrange the training programs discussed above by the local authorities. After
receiving these training programs the employees will be more productive as they can relate their
training with their work and apply it on their ob directly.

4. Jolles, Robert L (2005). How to Run Seminars and Workshops (3 ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
pp. 5, 12, 48, 155, 320. ISBN 978-0-471-71587-0. Retrieved 2014-11-23
5. Greco, Marco; Baldissin, Nicola; Nonino, Fabio (2013). "An Exploratory Taxonomy of
Business Games". Simulation & Gaming. 44 (5): 645–682. doi:10.1177/1046878113501464.
Retrieved 4 May 2015.
6. Aldrich, Clark (2004), Simulations and the Future of Learning, San Diego:
Pfeiffer, ISBN 978-0-7879-6962-2 Andlinger, G.


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