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Safe System of Work for Using Ladders

Essential Safety Equipment Required Major Hazards

Well maintained and inspected ladder Defective ladders
Poor stability

Ladders are probably the most used and misused pieces of work equipment
within a workplace, without completing all necessary checks on a ladder before
its use can be fatal, work should only be carried out from a ladder when the job is
of short duration and can be carried out safely. Below outlines what to do and
what not to do whilst using a ladder.

Do ensure that:

1. Before you use a ladder, you have considered if the work can be carried out by a
safer method.

2. All ladders are inspected before and after use, especially rungs, treads and stiles.
Do not use any ladder if it is defective, obtain a replacement.

3. The ladder is significantly strong and long enough for it intended use.

4. There are at least three rungs extending beyond a roof’s edge.

5. The ladder is secured at the top, wherever practicable.

6. The ladder is positioned so that the base wont slip outwards (“1 out, 4 up” rule).

7. The base of the ladder is placed on a firm, level and dry surface.

8. If the ladder needs to be placed on grass, that it has a large wooden board placed
underneath it to prevent it from slipping.

9. The bottom of the ladder is secured by stabilisers or ties, to a stable, fixed object.

10. If this is not possible, that there is another person around to “foot” the ladder.

11. When in use, the ladder rests against a solid surface (not guttering or similar).

12. You always keep your body facing the ladder at all times with your feet in the middle
of the ladder rungs.
13. When climbing up or down, use both hands on the stiles.

14. When working from a ladder you should always have 3 points of contact, i.e. both
feet and at least one hand.

15. You should use a shoulder bag, belt holster or belt hooks for carrying tools up and
down the ladder.

16. If the ladder has been loaned, that it has been checked on return as safe for further

17. If using a ladder over a doorway always ensure that the door is locked or egress
prevented and appropriately signed to warn of men at work.

Don’t Ever:

1. Use a ladder for work at height other than for short duration work or inspection.

2. Use a ladder in heavy rain

3. Use a ladder near any power lines

4. Overreach when using a ladder

5. Have more than one person on a ladder at any one time

6. Try to carry a long ladder on your own. Always get assistance


I have read and understood the Safe System of Work above.

Signed: …………………………………… Date: ………………………….

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