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This chapter is analyzing part of this research. As what previous chapter states

that this research has two of problems. Firstly, this research try to find out what

are the characteristics of Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main character in

Into The Wild film as explained in Chapter II. Secondly, this research try to find

out what is the fulfillment of needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as the

main character in achieving his self-actualization need in Into The Wild film.

These two of problems will be analyzed in this chapter of this research.

4.1 The Characteristics of Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main

character in Into The Wild Film

According to questions of the research, this research focuses on answering

questions about chracteristic of the main character in Into The Wild film. the

research focuses on Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main character will be

identified according to Bogs and Petrie’s characterization in film theory which

produces Maslow’s characteristics of self-actualization in the film scenes, it can

be shown through the actions and speech of character. Specifically, the main

character will be illustrated by using, dialogue, cinematic composition, and

internal action in Into The Wild film. It is supported by movie script to depicts the

character and its dialogues, setting, and the detail explanation of certain point,

such as the details of the setting and the character’s movement. The script gives
signs on the dialogue to indicate how the character speech their dialogue, such as

(CONT’D, (V.O), and (S.O). It can be known through analysis as folow:

4.1.1 Intelligence and Clever

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
The Foods on the table. Chris is
devouring a steak

CHRIS : “My grades are gonna be

enough, i think, i get into Harvard
WALT : “That’s a big deal. TIME CUT:
What do you have left in your Int. Atlanta Restaurant – Later
college fund?”. Scene 6.
CHRIS : “It’s an inheritance, 00:18:24/02:28:07 (Penn, 6)
dad. I’ve only been spending it as
a college funf....Exactly twenty-
four thousand five hundred dollars
and sixty-eight cents”.
BILLIE : “That’s very specific”
In the duration of 00:18:24/02:28:07 shows Christoper Johnson

McCandless as the main character is having lunch with his Walt (Chris’s father).

Billie (Chris’s mother), and Carine (Chris’s young sister) in a restaurant.

Previously, Chris did his graduation ceremony at Emory Campus after ariving at

the restaurant, Chris celebrates his graduation with his family at the restaurant.

The main character is revealed in the form of image, it’s illustrated by using

dialogue, and its supported by using movie script as depicts setting and dialogue

of image. Based on statement above, Chris is clever and intelligent student.

Chris’s intelligence is seen in the dialogue between Chris, Walt, and Billie.

Through tone of his voice, Chris did not hesitate to speak to his father about the

continuation of his studies in Havard University as in Oxford Dictionary said that

when a person is clever, they’re either very smart, and quick-thinking, or they’re

witty. Clearly, Chris as the main character shows some of his plot in the story. As

following data that Into The Wild using plots through sighting carine’s voice in

narration. That voice is Voice Over, the term commonly used in the film script.
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
VARIOUS shots to accompany
V.O (Voicer Over)

CARINE : “Toward the end of

June, Chris had mailed our parents
his final grade report”.
Walt and Billie open the envelope Int. McCandless Home, Annandale
CARINE (V.O) (CONT’D) : Scene 22.
“Almost all A’s. “A” in Apartheid 00:25:10/02:28:07 (Penn, 18)
in South African Society and
History of Anthropological
Thought; A- in Contemporary
African Politics and the Food
Crisis in Africa; and on it went.
Clever boy, my brother”.

This film shows CUT process in the scene every time. As it is the 22nd

scene that shows cutting scene each settings so it becomes V.O (Voice Over)

when Carine speaks. Based on Carine’s Voice Over in dialogue, Christoper

Johnson McCandless is clever student.

4.1.2 An Adventurer
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris, Jan, and Rainey are besides
a campfire, sitting on blankets.
Their tents loom behind them.
Jan is weaving some sort of craft
art. Chris is chomping on chicken
and beans like they’re going out of

RAINEY : “So, your’re a leather

now”. TIME CUT:
CHRIS : “I’m a leather?”. Ext. Campsite, Orick Beach –
Rainey nods, smiling. Scene 40.
00:28:24/02:28:07 (Penn, 28)
CHRIS (CONT’D), (looking to
Jan) : “What’s a leather?”.
JAN : “You’re a leather tramp.
That’s what they call the ones that
hoof it on foot. So, we’re
technically rubber tramps”.
RAINEY (interjecting) : “As
we have a vee-hi-cle”.

In the duration of 00:28:24/02:28:07 shows Chris, Jan, and Rainey

(another character in film) are beside a campfire. In dialogue above, Jan said that

Christoper Johnson McCandless is leather tramp. From that statement, Chris is

called a leather tramp that means that Christoper Johnson McCandless or

Alexander Supertramp is an Adventurer. In the stories of film is very clear which

containts the journey of the main character. The main character walked,

challanged, explored America for two years before he died from stravation and

partial poisoning in Alaska. Besides that, this film shows Christoper Johnson

McCandless’s journey is inscibed at the belt. He writes his adventure on his belt
skin Ron’s House before he go to Alaska. It can be seen when Chris or Alex is

inscribed at the belt’s left end; then the initials C.J.M (for Christoper Johnson

McCandless) frame a skull and crossbones. It can be seen from the dialogue


Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Across the strip of cowhide on
sees a rendering of two-lane
blacktop, a No U-turn sign, a
thunderstorm producing a flash
flood that engulfs a car, a
hitchhiker’s thumb, an angle, the
Sierra Nevada, salmon cavorting
in the Pasific Ocean, the Pasific TIME CUT:
Coast Highway from Oregon to Ext. Ron’s Workshop - Day
Washington, the Rocky Scene 204.
Mountains, Montana wheat field, a 00:25:10/02:28:07 (Penn, 113)
South Dakota rattlesnake,
Westerberg’s house in Carthage,
the Colorado River rapids, a canoe
beached beside a tent, Las Vegas,
and at the buckle end, finally, the
letter N.
RON : “What’s the N stand
CHRIS : “....North”.

4.1.3 Humorist

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
An isolated cloud eclipse the sun
against a blue desert sky.
Ron is sitting on his tailgate,
watching Chris, backpack on,
climb the stone will


Miraculously it is just at the Ext. Chris’ Camp Beside The Stone
moment that the cloud clears from Wall - Day
the sun and the light shines in Scene 205.
Ron’s eyes. Chris points at Ron’s 02:04:02/02:28:07 (Penn, 114)
face at the light shining on him.
CHRIS : “Holy Shit !”.
RON : “I told you about that

The two men, their eyes welling

up, fall back laughing.
BELOW: The two men on the
summit whit the echoing of
laughter and Ron’s screams.
RON : “I told you so! I told you

In the duration of 02:04:02/02:28:07 above shows Chris as the main

character and Roy as the other character. The following capture shows Chris dan

Ron are joking that the jokes look happy. The main character depict the physical

appearances. It includes one of them is body language. Body language of the main

character revealed is smiling with the other character Although Chris seems like a

serious man but actually he is a humorist person.

From the dialogue above also that Chris known has sense of humor.

Chris’s humor is the spontaneous, thoughtful type, instrinsic to the situation. His

humor also does not involve hostility, superiority, or sarcasm and he never make

jokes that hurt orther.

4.1.4 Ambitious

Christoper Johnson McCandless is ambitious person. Chris have ambition

to against his father by disappeared, Chris learn of what his father did, and grows

angry at the hypocrisy of his father’s expectations. After five years of dwelling on

his anger, Chris decides that he cannot stand human hypocrisy and disappears,

attemping to teach his family a lesson as well so he decided going into the wild in

Alaska. The dialogue from Carine’s Voice over below:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
CARINE (V.O) : “Dad’s
arrogance made him conveniently
oblivious to the pain he caused.
And mom, in the shame and
embarrassment of a young
mistress, became his
accomplice”..... (MORE) He never
did tell mom and dad that he
knew. But Chris measured himself
and those around him by
impossibly rigorous moral code.
Ext. Annandale Street - Dusk
He loathed what he considered
Scene 54.
mom and dad’s hypocrisy and
00:53:25/02:28:07 (Penn, 39,
resented what they considered
39aA, 39A, 40)
guidance. Chris submitted to dad’s
authority through college but i
knew he raged inwardly the whole
time. It was inevitable that Chris
would rebel. And when he did, he
did it with characteristic

Walt suddenly collapses to his

knees weeping. Hearthbroke and
ashamed on a quite Annandale
street in the shadowless light of

Carine (V.O) (CONT’D) : “My

Father is a briliant man. But he
had made some terrible mistakes.
And to some extent, it seemed
Chris was making him pay an
awful price”.

Another Chris’s ambitious character is when he tells to Wayne about the

Alaska’s plan. It can be seen the dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
He looks every bit the Grizzly
Adams part.
CHRIS : “i’m thinking about Int. Cabaret Bar, Carthage - Later
going to Alaska”. Scene 70.
WAYNE : “Alaska. Alaska? Or 00:25:10/02:28:07 (Penn, 49)
City Alaska? The City Alaska
does have markets”.
CHRIS (with a drunken, excited
energy) : “No, Alaska, Alaska. I
want to be all the way out there.
On my own. No map. No watch.
No axe. Just out there. Big
mountains, rivers, sky. Game. Just
be out there in it. Into the wild”.

From the dialogue above, Alaska is Chris’s biggest ambition. Alaska also

can be achieved his self-actualization. It is like a mission in his life and the

mission is reason for his existence. Chris’ mission is important and funtastic

planning it seriously.

4.1.5 Autonomous

Autonomous same as independent person that characteristics of self-

actualizers. Autonomous depend on themselves for growth even though at some

time in their past they had to have received love and security from others. No one

is born autonomus, and therefore no one is completely independent of people

Autonomy can be achieved only through satisfactory relations with others (Feist,

2009: 292). In this film, Christoper Johnson McCandless is autonomous when he

travels to Alaska, it is done by himself because he has no concern with his family

life. His family always thinks of the world so it makes it escape from it. Another

thing about himself when becomes a student who graduate from Emory

University, Atlanta. Since he became a student in the campus, Chris became a

man who did not depend on his family especially in financial. Even though he can

ask money to his parent to fulfill his needs, but he didn’t doing that. It can be seen

from dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
The food on the table. Chris is
devouring a steak.

Carine’s not so sure.

BILLIE : “you promise?”
CHRIS (Whining) : “Mom”.
BILLIE : “Well, your father and
i want to make present you”.
WALT : “We want to get you
out of that junker”.
CHRIS : “What’s junker?”
Walts points outside to the Datsun Int. Atlanta Restaurant - Later
CHRIS : “Datsun?” Scene 6.
WALT : “Yes. We want to get 00:19 :52/02:28:07 (Penn, 6)
you s new car”.
CHRIS (appalled) : “A new car?
Why the hell would i want a new
car? The Datsun runs great”.
BILLIE : “We weren’t going to
get you Cadillac, Chris. Just a nice
new car that’s safe to drive. You
don’t know when that thing’s just
going to suddenly blow up.”
CHRIS : “Blow up? blow up?!
are you guys crazy? It’s a great
car. I don’t need a new car. I don’t
want a new car. I don’t want
anything. Thing, thing, thing”.

Another dialogue more shows Chris’s activities for months with no one

human company in Alaska. Alaska is the place for taking autonomous activities.

Alaska is the place for privacy. Chris need a place for himself living in woods.

According to Maslow in Schultz (2009: 311) states self-actualizer can experience

isolation without effects and seem to need solitude more than person who are not

self-actualizing. It can be seen clearly on some capture of the film below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Total silence across the beatific TIME CUT:
white vista of snow, mountain, and Ext. Vast Alaskan Snowscape -
colorless, trees UNTIL a Day
GUNSHOT. 00:28:24/02:28:07 (Penn, 124)
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris has skinned and is cooking a TIME CUT:
squirrel. Ext. Campsite, Beside Sushana
River - Night
Scene 219.
00:07:45/02:28:07 (Penn, 124)

From both picture above shows Chris is camping in the temporary area he

found before he got to Magic Bus in Alaska. In that picture, Camera of the film

shots Chris as the main character through what the character do and what the

character look like. Chris looked through appearance. It shows the main character

when using a gun, wearing marocain (as looked in the picture that used to snow

season), and pitch a tent, hunting, and when is cooking a squirrel in a camp. From

the picture show that Chris has done the activity before he arrived at Alaska.

Because of Chris’s trip for a few months ago, making Chris accustomed to the

activities he did on their own. Chris is an independent person who is trying to live

a self-stream. That autonomy, he shows the way of survival into the wild in

Alaska. It it his life that making for spontaneity, and sense of nature when survive
into the wild. As what said Maslow that spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness

are the ways of animal life.

4.1.6 Ideal

The idealist is one of the characteristics that causes the inclusion a special

impression through personality and thought of character to impact elements of

Into The Wild film like plot, character, and setting. The following dialogue shows

idealistic characteristic of the main character through appearance and actions. One

of dialogue (Voice Over) in film (there is nothing in movie script) mentions that

Chris measures himself and around him with the high standardization morality. It

can be seen the dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
CARINE (V.O) : “He never did
tell mom and dad that he knew.
But Chris measured himself an
those around him by an impossibly
rigorous moral code. He loathed TIME CUT:
what he considered mom and Int. Off-Campus Rooming House,
dad’s hypocrisy and resented what Second-Floor, Atlanta - Day
they considered guidance. Chris Scene 7.
submitted to dad’s authority 00:20:23-00:21:28/02:28:07 (Penn,
through college but i knew he 8)
raged inwardly the whole time. It
was inevitable that Chris would
rebel. And when he did, he did it
with characteristic”.
Chris’s mind and idea is influenced mostly book by the authors like Jack

London, Henry David Thoreau and Leo Tolstoy through their minds that Chris

has read. It is supported by the dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris, Jan, and Rainey are beside a
campfire, sitting on blankets.
Their tents loom behind them.
Jan is weaving some sort of craft.
Chris is chomping on chicken and
beans like they’re going out of
JAN : “Where’s your mom and
Ext. Campsite, Orick Beach - Night
CHRIS : “Makin’ their money
Scene 40.
00:29:57/02:28:07 (Penn, 29)
JAN : “Come on Chris. You
look like a loved kid. Be fair”.
CHRIS : “Fair?”.
JAN : “You know what i
CHRIS : “I’ll paraphrase
Thoreau – “rather than love, tha
money, than fairness, give me
The picture looks what the character say through dialogue when Chris was

camping at night with Jan and Rainey. Beside that, in the movie script that Chris

quotes the Thoreau’s word one of his favouite authors about truth. It statements

that Chris is an idealist.

As a young man who has a high spirit, Chris is ideal in deciding where he

wants to develop his life so make himself never regarding the words of others who

are trying to block his goals. It makes that Chris becomes an arrogance to achieve

his life goals. As the following dialogue:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Wayne and Chris are both drunk

WAYNE : “Who “people” we

talking about?”.
CHRIS : “You know. Parents TIME CUT:
and hypocrites. Politicians and Int. Cabaret Bar, Carthage - Later
pricks. Scene 70.
00:07:45/02:28:07 (Penn, 48)
Chris is clearly troubled by his
own words. Wayne leans into
WAYNE (tapping a long finger
against Chris’s forehead) :
“This is mistake. It’s a mistake to
get deep into that kind a stuff.
Alex, you’re a helluva young guy,
but i promise you this: you’re a
young guy. Blood and fire! You’re
juggling blood and fire!

From the picture looks what does the character say in dialogue. When

Chris is drinking with Wayne. Beside that, the picture looks also what the

character do when Chris reveals selfish idealism on his face through reactions of

other character. In addition to the dialogue, there is another image that shows

Chris is an idealist. In the image below show Chris burn all the money he has

before going to Alaska. Chris feel he does not need money to Alaska. It is

supported by the picture below:

In the duration of 00:23:35/02:28:07 reveals Chris is burning his money.

The picture above looks what the character do, the character also that looks the

play the characterization to give the impression to the audience. In the film, the

character give physical build as idealistic is revealed through sharpness of focus in

(Camera) which descibes a money in background is slightly blurred (Bogs &

Petrie, 2008: 60). His idea about money can be seen from the dialogue between

Chris and Jan (as other character) below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Rainey makes a move to put his
arm around Jan. She goes a little
stiff and fends it off. Chris notice.

JAN : Alex could have a vehicle.

If he didn’t burn his money. Why TIME CUT:
would you want to do that? Ext. Campsite, Orick Beach - Night
CHRIS: I don’t need money. It Scene 40.
makes people cautions. 00:29:11/02:28:07 (Penn, 28)
JAN (a little irriatated) : Well,
you have to be a little cautions
Alex. That book of yours is all
well and fine but you can’t depen
entirely on leaves and berries.

From the dialogue above, the quotation of “i don’t need money, it makes

people caution” as Chris’s dialogue is the idealistic of the main character. The

main character have a problem to the ideology of society that means all of people

arrogating to the material world. It is very opposed to Chris. Besides that, there is
another fact from the selfish idealism of the main character can be found also in

the dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Ron and Chris drive up in the
truck. Ron shuts off the ignition
and gets out of the truck to stretch
his legs. Chris follows, puts his
full water jug under the tarp at his
campsite, hooking it onto a
branch. He throws his shoulder
bag with the rice in it into his
Ext. Chris’s Camp Beside The
RON : “How old are you?”.
Stone Wall - Same
CHRIS : “Twenty-three”.
Scene 185.
RON : “Twenty-three years old!
01:54:23/02:28:07 (Penn, 102)
Son, don’t you think you should
be getting education? And a job?
And making something of this
CHRIS : “Look Mr. Franz. I think
careers are a twentieth century
invention and i don’t want one.
You don’t need to worry about
me. I have a college education.
I’m not destitute. I’m living like
this day choice”.

In the duration of 01:54:23/02:28:07 shows what does the character say.

The Chris’s speech depicted through dialogue with Ron (Other Character as old

man). From the dialogue above known that Chris a young idealist has Resistance

to Enculturation, and naive all at once, because in fact Chris needs money and he

also works to looks for money to live as what Maslow in Feist (2009: 295) said

that they (self-actualizer) accept conventional style and drees, they are not too

different in appearance from anyone else although they are autonomous. Besides

that, there is another Chris idealism about human relationship and happiness when

he talks it with Ronald Franz (other character as old man). It can be seen in movie

script below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
An Isolated cloud eclipses the sun
against a blue desert sky.
Ron, after taking one more deep
breath, sits up and Chris sits next
to him. He’s actually pretty happy TIME CUT:
with himself. He looks out and Ext. Chris’s Camp Beside The
sees the distant Salton Sea. Stone Wall - Same
RON : “i’m going to miss you Scene 205.
when you go”. 02:02:37/02:28:07 (Penn, 114)
CHRIS : “i’ll miss you too, Ron.
But you’re wrong if you think the
joy of life comes principally from
human relationship. God’s placed
it all around us. It’s in everything.
In anything we can experience.
People just have to change the
way they think about those things.
You ought to put a little camper on
the back of your pick-up and go
take a look at some of the great
work god’s done out here in the
American West”.

Chris also very strongly for his idealist. About morality, he never forgets

it. His decision to Alaska makes fine, not doing something out of the moral.

Therefore, Chris like no sex before marriage. It can be seen when Tracy’s parents

went into town and he finds Tracy (other character as a teenager girl) who loves

Chris very much, laying on the bed inside, wearing a skimpy white girl’s tank top

and underpants. When Chris enter to Tracy’ room’s, she asking him to make love,

but Chris refused it. It is supported by dialogue in movie script below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris pope his head in.
CHRIS : Hello? Mery Christmas
TRACY (O.C) : Come in here.

As Chris mounts the steps, he

finds Tracy laying on the bed TIME CUT:
inside, wearing a skimpy white Int. Tracy’s Parents Rig - Same
girl’s tank top and underpants. Scene 165.
01:40:35/02:28:07 (Penn, 94)
TRACY (CONT’D) : Guess
CHRIS (deer in headlights) :
TRACY : My parents went into
TRACY : Yes, they did. They
went to call my grandma for
TRACY : Why not?

Besides the dialogue above, Chris’s idea and morality not only for human

being but also for the nature include animal. It can be seen from the duration of

00:13:05/02:28:07 when Chris is hunting a Caribou from the picture below:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris stumbles upon a caribou as it
steps out from the woods. He lines
up his rifle on the animal, abput to
Ext. A Mountain Saddle - Day
pull the trigger, when its calf appears
Scene 228.
beside it. He lowers his rifle,
00:13:05/02:28:07 (Penn, 127)
unwilling to take a shot that would
separate mother and child.

The four images above shows that Chris is hunting a Caribou. At the

moment to be ready to shoot. Chris saw a Caribou’s son besides mother. After

that, Chris stopping for hunting Caribou. Throughout the scene, which contains no

dialogue, Chris positioned where is using a rifle (medium-shot is shot of the

picture above), using the jacket, hunting at the moment of the sky is brightly.

Besides that, the main character is shown through what character do, it includes

everything shown through dress or style and body language (Diyanni, 2002: 55).

When Chris as the main character reveals the face in feeling affection for animal,

it reveals the action through his personality. It means that personalities will decide

how the character acts to gain their purpose (Boggs and Petrie, 2008: 67). From

the statement, through the character ‘s appearance can give an impression and
give an image that the main character really cares to the animal’s life as include

his idelism and morality of rule.

4.1.7 Friendly (Open Hearted and Minded)

As an adventurer who loves nature, Chris also friendly to the people who

are met along the way up to Alaska. During his journey, he met many of the same

people care about him. It can be seen through the dialogue when Chris meet Mads

and Sonja a young adventure couple below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
The Canyon has widened to
beach-like banks. Music FADES.

Along the banks he sees a

This is MADS and SONJA, it their
20’s, Danish. They play at the
river’s edge beside their campsite,
hotdogs cooking on a Hibachi.
Chris averts his eyes when Sonja
rises from water, topless.
Ext. Further Along The River –
MADS (yelling out to Chris) :
Scene 85.
CHRIS : Hello.
00:57:55/02:28:07 (Penn, 57)
MADS : You can join us. We
have hotdogs!

Chris doesn’t know quite what to

to. But Mads seems quite
comfortable inviting a stranger
into the presence of his topless
girlfriend. Chris – can’’t turn that
down! He paddles to within feet of
the water’s edge.
MADS : “i’m Mads”.
CHRIS : ”Hi. Alex”.
SONJA : “I am Sonja”.
Chris gives Sonja a little wave.
She bypasses it, wading up to the
kayak, giving him a big hug.
SONJA : “Hello Alex”.
This couple is extremely energetic.
Can’t wait to please. And a bona
fide America adventurer in their
midst. It’s everything they
could’ve wanted.

Sonja has moved to the tent to put
on a dry T-Shirt. But as she moves
back to the water’s edge, those
nipples keep saying hello.
Chris, meanwhile, simply cannot
wipe the smile off his face in the
presence of these warm, open

It also can be seen in another dialogue when Chris meets Rubber Tramps

(a couple tramps), Jan (as other character) and Rainey (as other character) below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
With his backpack lunging and a free
hand holding his goofy new hat onto
his head, we find chris at a “dead
run” to catch a ride that had overshot
Ext. Northern California
him. (Director’s note: Don’t leave
Highway, Near Orick, 60 miles
this image too soon). An old van
South of the Oregon Line – Day
idles waiting for him. As he gets to
(Mid-August 1990)
the passenger side, the woman
Scene 38.
passenger gets out. This is JAN
00:27:03/02:28:07 (Penn, 26)
BURRES, early 40’s, looks to be still
on the long road hime from
Woodstock. A little heavysey, dark
wavy hair with a lot of premature
grey in it.
Jan moving to the side door
JAN : “Hi. We just barely saw you
there, under that crazy hay of yours.
We couldn’t back up-the van’s
reverse is broken”.
CHRIS (as Jan fiddles with side
door handle) : “oh. That’s okay.
Thanks for stopping”.
JAN : “This door’s a little tricky.
I’ll get it”.
And with a little pulling, it opens.
Indicating the ponytailed and
bearded driver (RAINEY), early
50’s, definitely Woodstock...
JAN : “Hop in, that’s Rainey”.
RAINEY : “Hey, I’m Rainey”.
JAN : “And I’m Jan”.
CHRIS : “Hey, Rainey. Hi Jan. I’m
RAINEY : “Alex of the hat”.
CHRIS (closing the side door) :

As it is known from both dialogue, Chris makes relationship with the

people along his journey to Alaska. Chris is able to actualize himself in making

close relationship with other. Chris makes close relationship with new friends.

Some of them like Jan, Rainey and Wayne.

In the other new friends relationship, Chris provides similarities in

behaving without any discrimination based on class, ethical, religion and social

prejudice. It is mentioned by Schultz (2009: 312) says that self-actualizer are

tolerant and accepting of the personality and behavior of others. Chris open-

minded dan friendly with anyone such as; Jan, Rainey, Wayne, Mad, Sonja, and
Ron as learning in the life. From the statement, he manifests during survival in

magic bus, A Mountain Saddle, Alaska.

4.1.8 Creativeness

Christoper Johnson McCandless is a smart young man. It happened after

he knows the test result get a satisfactory value. Besides that, Chris is a creative

young man in realizing certain innovations through the various he does. The main

character have a keen perception of truth, beauty, an reality-ingredients that form

the foundation of true creativity. In Alaska, Chris looks the ways of creative in an

effort to survive. Through the creative way, Chris wrote a variety of records as

reminder that every what he did should be scheduled well. The main character

shows the play through characterization in facial features, drees, and mannersim.

It can be supported by description of the picture in movie script below:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Collage time in a series of dissolves:
1. The Diary/log: MAP AREA
Chris surveying and taking notes of
2. The diary/log: IMPROVISE A
Chris building a bathtub out in the
3. The diary/log: COLLECT SKINS
INTO CLOTHING. Ext. Bus Environs – Collage – Day
Chris hunting and skinning. Scene 240.
4. The diary/log: CONSTRUCT 00:16:14/02:28:07 (Penn, 130)
Chris knee-deep in slow-moving
water constructing a make-shift
bridge across narrow creek.
5. The diary/log: BLAZE
Chris making a trail with his
From the pictures above shows Chris’s daily activities. Chris so creative in

pursuing himself surviving through the simple items he found during in Alaska.

One of them is “Construct the bridge for the crossing” (the shot is bird-eye view

or long-shot), it is very difficult to be done by humans in general. Using a piece of

wood and rock, Chris can cross the river. Another method (see in the picture is the

shot of panning movement) that shows chris buliding a bathtub in front of “The

Magic Bus”. The capture using medium shot or high angle to show movement of

subject (the main character).

4.2 The Fulfillment of Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main

character in achieving his Self-Actualization needs in Into The Wild Film

In Into The Wild film The main character, Christoper Johnson McCandless is

trying to achieve self-actualization needs. Self-actualization can be defined as the

highest development of all talents and quality fulfillment. Self-actualization also

facilitates and increases the maturation and growth. When one is getting bigger,

“self” will be develop. It is generating actualization of actual transforming from

physical to psychic. Body shape and its function has reached the level of adult

development, so that the development further substantially to personality.

According to Hieararchy of Maslow in Schultz (2009: 305), humans are

motivated by universal needs brought from birth. The needs is composed of levels

from the lowest to the highest. The lowest needs should be satisfied first before

the next level needs. The highest of needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy is self-

actualization needs. Self-actualiazation is achieved by the main character can

survive in Alaska for few months. But to achieve that, Chris requires other needs

to be fulfilled. This needs showed in the film when Chris going to Alaska. In his

way, Chris found many experiences related to fulfillment of life needs.

4.2.1 Physiological Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as The Main


The first level of Maslow hierarchy is physiological needs. It is necessary

for achieving self-actualization. It is also the lower needs is achieved by Chris.

Before Chris going to Alaska, Chris has felt the material of rich family. Chris also

has felt all of material include his education in Emory University. After that, he

escaped from his life and walks alone to Alaska. Alaska is place for vacation wild.

Before going there, he tried to a job seeker to fulfill a needs such as getting a

food. He should also find a bed to fulfill place for rest during the trip. It can be

seen from the dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
All the boys are hard at it, including TIME CUT:
Chris and Wayne. Wayne moves to Ext. Grain Elevator - Sunrise
Chris’s side. Scene 72.
00:45:13/02:28:07 (Penn, 51)
WAYNE: “So, what do you think
about all this?”. (The working life)
CHRIS : “I like all this”.

In the duration of 00:45:13/02:28:07 (The shot of camera capture is bird-

eye’s angle) shows Chris is working life in country. In his life, through the

working, he can fulfill the primary needs like food. This is supporting narration

showing workers, Christoper Johnson McCandless is a worker as lumbering

harvesters for primary life needs as below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
We are TIGHT on Chris’s hand atop
the shifter of one of Wayne’s
lumbering harvesters.

WAYNE (O.S) : “Okay. Now take

hold of the joystick, get the feel of
header, idle it down with the toggle

As Chris makes the attempt, we

immediately hear the grinding of TIME CUT:
gears, the instrument alarms in Ext. Sunburst - Day
chaos. Scene 59.
WIDE SHOT: Chris and Wayne sit 00:43:01/02:28:07 (Penn, 42A,43)
atop a combine. In the background
we see Wayne’s trailer and two other
combines piloted by Wayne’s crew
members on the ocean of ripe blond
Chris tries his hand at the shifter
once more. This time the thing starts
to move.

WAYNE : “That’s it. That’s it. Now

take it on out and make yourself
some money”.
Wayne jumps off the combine and
Chris begins to cut his pattern,
intermittently struggling with the
Wayne laughs his ass off.

Another picture also shows how character do that means how character

fulfill physiological needs to Alaska. It can be seen from the picture of dialogue

below which shows the dialogue between Chris and Social Worker:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
(Reminder: Condition of Mission is
Circa 1991)

Chris stands at the registration desk

talking with a Heavy-Set Black TIME CUT:
Female Social Worker. Int. Registration Desk, Midnight
CHRIS : Can you tell me how to Mission - Same
get an ID card? Scene 123.
SOCIAL WORKER : Did you lose 01:11:24/02:28:07 (Penn, 73)
your identification sir?
CHRIS : Yeah
certificate? Nothing?
Chris shakes his head apologetically
SOCIAL WORKER: ouch. Alright.
Well you’re gonna have to work that
out wih the DMV. You can catch
them in the morning.
The social worker begins to write an
address on a piece of paper.
CHRIS : “And, if i want to apply for
a job somewhere, can you help me
with that?.”
SOCIAL WORKER : if you know
how to cook, we might have space
for you in our mobile kitchen. But
i’ll have to talk to my supervisor
about it in the morning.
CHRIS : “Alright then. Thank you.
Oh, one last thing. Do you have a
bed for me?.”
SOCIAL WORKER (handing him
a form) : “Sure. Just fill this in and
i’ll get you all set up.”

As the duration above that shows Christoper Johnson McCandless as

Alexander Supertramp is human being in need sleeping and eating, when

surviving. Besides that, Chris is not only fulfill the needs when to Alaska, Chris

should also fulfill the physiological needs when he surviving in Alaska. It can be

seen from the capturing of picture below:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris, is cooking rice. We see his
single bag of rice. Amount tells us
the hunting had better improve soon.


throughout which CHRIS GETS Int. Bus – Night.
FALE: hunting, sleeping, cooking, 00:40:44/02:28:07 (Penn, 128)
rice dwindling, line-up of scrawny
shot birds. He adds holes to his belt
leather to accomodate his shrinking

In the duration of 00:40:44/02:28:07 shows how character fulfill the needs

to survive in wood. From the picture shows Chris is hunting, sleeping, and

cooking rice for fulfill the his needs. On the capture of picure, the main character
is showed clearly by the shot. The shot is close-up shot which can seem to force

an image into face.

4.2.2 Safety Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as The Main


The second level of the hieararchy is safety needs. Christoper Johnson

McCandless is adventurer. At any time, he needs protection and security. But it is

not making himself become a self-actualizer. Safety needs can be fulfilled after he

free to the incidence that threatened him. In this film, before going to Alaska,

Chris many require equipment to safety needs. But not only that, Chris also need a

safety place. It can be seen from the picture below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris pulls his laundry out of the TIME CUT:
dryer. He’s got his pack sitting in the Int. Laundry Room, Ron’s House –
doorway to the kitchen. He folds his Night (March 11, 1992)
things and tucks them into his pack Scene 206.
...... 02:10:60/02:28:07 (Penn, 116)
From just out of Chris’s eye line,
Ron leans out the frame,picking up a
zippere duffel bag. He opens it,
displyaing the contents to Chris
RON : “There’s machete, an arctic
parka, collapsible fishing pole, and a
few odds and ends i threw in there
for you.”
CHRIS : “Ron...”
RON : “Oh, just take it.”

From the dialogue shows Chris has given a machete by Ron. The machete

is instrument of climbing, hunting and fishing. The instruments used for saving

himself. Besides that, after Chris arrived in Alaska, he requires the safety place

and a bed in the next few months. Chris also requires the rifle that saving him

from beast. It can be seen from the picture above:

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
We follow Chris back out of the bus, TIME CUT:
surveying the area of the clearing. Ext. Bus
He loves what he sees. Scene 224.
00:08:55/02:28:07 (Penn, 125)

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris comes out, rifle in hand. We TIME CUT:
track with him as he moves into the Ext. Bus - Day
woods on the hunt. Scene 227.
00:13:08/02:28:07 (Penn, 127)

From the picture shows the magic bus is the place for safety. Chris can be

fulfilled of safety need through his selter (The Magic Bus) and his ability to

steadily hunt and gather food. One of gun used to hunting is the safety instrument

for survive. From the capture, it shows the long shot of magic bus. The camera

moves the object in a vertical plane, up and down is called tilting which

approximates the vertical movements of our head and eyes (Boggs and Petrie,

2008:139). Besides that, after 4 years fulfilling an absurd and onerous duty in

graduating from college, Chris will planning to walks alone to Alaska and living

in the wild. The idea is one of his wishes to be freedom from abusrdity in the

world. It can be seen from the Carine’s voice over on the screen capture below:
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
The bundle of letters are splayed out
on the kitchen table - “Return to
Sender” stamps visible.

CARINE (V.O) : “Chris had

instructed the post office to hold
them until August 1st so that mom
and dad wouldn’t know that
anything was up. some part of me
understood what he was doing. That
he had spent the previous four years
fulfilling an absurd and onerous duty
in graduating from college.
Int. McCandless Home, Annandale
Scene 25.
We return to the image of Carine
00:08:55/02:28:07 (Penn, 19)
siting on her bed as she plops on
Chris’s old graduation cap. We
slowly ZOOM IN on her throughout
the remaining V.O.

CARINE (V.O) : “And now, at last

he was unincumbered. Emancipated
from the stifling world of parents
and peers. Abstraction, security, and
material excess. Those things that
cut Chris off from the raw truth of
his existence. I only hoped he was
safe...and i missed him.”

From the Carine’s voice over in movie script looks that Chris has no

freedom for himself, he finds out the freedom of fear and pressure. From the

statement, Chris needs a safety in achieving his self-actualization as what Feist

(2009: 307) said that the self-actualizer must be free of constraints imposed by

society and by ourselves. From the image, the color of screen shapes more

information and reveals interpretation of images as what Boggs and Petrie (2008:

92) said that the images carries more information, it reveals more. The color help

interpret the image. Based on the duration of 00:08:55/02:28:07, One information

of image when the character did. And one interpretation of image when the

character told in the story (voice over).

4.2.3 Love and Belongingness Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as

The Main Character

After the second need, Christoper Johnson McCandles should fulfill the

belongingness needs before he arrived in Alaska. On his way, he meets many

people and make close relationship with the person. The love that he found

different from his condition that did not feel the love or affection given by his

parents sincerely. They forget that his children need affection from a mother and

father. But Chris thinks the parents are always thinking about themselves and

thinking about the world’s material what they have. Therefore, Chris struggled to

escape from this world, and tried to find out his teak by exploring areas and
forests to get to Alaska. As for the sense of social and love, he finds when he is

friendly with the people around them like, Jan, Rainey, and Tracy in a group and

Ron as old man. It is like what Maslow says in Schultz (2009: 306) that love

needs can be expressed through a close relationship with a friend, lover, or mate,

or through social relationships formed within a group. It can be seen clearly from

the Carine’s Voice over in the narration and dialogue between Carine and Chris


Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
CARINE (V.O) : “And now, at last
he was unincumbered. Emancipated
from the stifling world of parents TIME CUT:
and peers. Abstraction, security, and Int. McCandless Home, Annandale
material excess. Those things that Scene 25.
cut Chris off from the raw truth of 00:26:51/02:28:07 (Penn, 19)
his existence. I only hoped he was
safe...and i missed him.

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris is holding a book from which
he reads aloud the LAST LINE OF
CHRIS : “i say... do whay you are
going to do, and i will tell about it.”
CARINE : “Who wrote that?”
Int. Datsun
CHRIS : “Well, it could’ve been
Scene 4.
either one of us, couldn’t it?.”
00:16:43/02:28:07 (Penn, 5)
He hand a book of Sharon Old’s
poetry to her.
CHRIS : “There’s a lot of great
poems in there.”
CARINE : “Thanks, big brother.”

From the the dialogue and picture shows Chris is loved by his sister,

Carine. The affection was never lost since Carine and Chris felt an unhappy life in

his family. Since then, Chris more trust to Carine than his parents. Chris loves

Carine because he knows his sister love too so much. The picture reveals what

character say, it can be seen from dialogue. The dialogue can depict the

interpretation of image. The image using close-up shot for the capturing, close-up

shows very little an image on face. Besides that, there is another dialogue contains

how Chris is loved by the people around him and got a fine response when Chris

lived together with the people. It can be seeen from the dialogue below:
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Jan is pulling the van out from their
plot. Rainey is guiding the single-
directional vehicle.
Chris and Tracy stand beside the car
path. Chris writes down Wayne
Westenberg’s Carthage address.
CHRIS : you can always get in
touch with me by sending mail here.
I don’t know when i’ll get it, but i’ll
get it.
TRACY (Crying) : Okay.
CHRIS : you’re pretty magic. TIME CUT:
TRACY : I’am? Int. Datsun
CHRIS : If you want to something Scene 4.
in life reach out and grab it. 00:16:43/02:28:07 (Penn, 5)
He hugs her. And kisses her (Cheek,
lips? I don’t know).
Jan pulls up in the van. Rainey walks
over to Chris and gives him a
paternal hug.
RAINEY : You, take care of
yourself, Kiddo.
CHRIS : You too, Rainey. Thanks
for everything.
Chris gives Rainey’s gut a full-hand

From the picture shows technique of capturing for giving impression that

Tracy and Chris making hug. The name of capturing is close-up and focuses on

Tracy as character. From the dialogue, Tracy makes comfort and affection to

Chris. Chris a serious-humorist man but he can understand good Tracy through

love and friendship. On the other hand, Chris also feel The dialogue above shows
that as a form of love needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless durimg a long

journey to Alaska.

4.2.4 Esteem Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as The Main


Esteem needs is form of a person’s achievement becauce it has become

part of his group. Esteem Needs also can be defined as the self-esteem needs,

status, and the respect from the other. Esteem needs can be reached after love and

belongingness is achieved (Schultz, 2009: 306). In “Into The Wild” film, esteem

needs can be found on some screen shows the main character depend on the

esteem needs. Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main character is an easy to

interact and easily make close relationship with others. It is usually very much

appreciated and respected by the people who loves him. It can be seen from the

narration below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
This market/liquor store/post office TIME CUT:
serves as the cultural nexus for the Ext. Market Post Office, Salton
greater Salton Sea area. City - Day
As jan’s van pulls up opposite the Scene 168.
post offce and makes a U-turn to 01:45:47/02:28:07 (Penn, 95)
curbside, Chris gets out of the van.
Now Jan’s eyes really well up.
JAN (sweetly) : Just get your pack
out of the back and get out of here. I
can’t take a hug.
Chris says nothing. He just looks at
Jan. They understand each other.
Chris closes the door. He riddles
with the broken handle of the back
door, gets it open, gets his pack out.
On top of his pack, A WRAPPED
XMAS GIFT and when he closes the
back door, Jan heads straight off
back to the Slabs. Chris opens the
giftwrap, it’s the new hat Jad had
promised. Chris is touched.

From the narration above indicates that Jan is very appreciated Chris’s

journey to Alaska. So as the remuneration, Jan gives a gift in the form of a hat that

has been promised. It is indicates that Chris needs an achievement and a status of

others. From the picture shows technique of capturing is the medium-shot. The

narration have no describing about character through the shot, however the image

gives describing color, make up and custom of character. one of that is the custom

that gives impression that Chris is a adventurer. Besides that, there is another

dialogue between Chris and Ron. It can be seen through dialogue below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris pulls his laundry out of the
dryer. He’s got his pack sitting in the TIME CUT:
doorway to the kitchen. He folds his Int. Laundry Room, Ron’s House –
things and tucks them into his pack Night (March 11, 1992)
Ron appears in the doorway dressed Scene 206.
for travel. 02:10:60/02:28:07 (Penn, 116)
CHRIS : “What are you doing up?
it’s three-thirty in the morning.”
RON : “Heard you get up off the
couch half an hour ago, and had a
funny feeling you might not be here
for our breakfast.”
Chris says nothing
RON : “I’m going to drive you
hundred mils to somewhere where
you can pick up a train, a plane, or
hitch a ride without getting stuck on
this desert. I’d take you all the way
to Alaska if i didn’t have to get to an
eight o’clock mass.”
CHRIS : “Ron, you don’t have to
do that.”
RON : “i want to do it. Get you
started on this thing of yours.”
CHRIS : “oh my great.”
RON : “I know. In your “Great
Alaskan Adventure”.”
From just out of Chris’s eye line,
Ron leans out the frame,picking up a
zippere duffel bag. He opens it,
displyaing the contents to Chris
RON : “There’s machete, an arctic
parka, collapsible fishing pole, and a
few odds and ends i threw in there
for you.”
CHRIS : “Ron...”
RON : “Oh, just take it.”

For the reason why Ron as other character help Chris to Alaska, because

Ron appreciate Chris who gave the power of life for him. Ron also wanted Chris

as a grandchild who left his descended. Ron wanted to adopt Chris as a

grandchildren because of decendants from him have ended. It can be seen through

dialogue below:
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris and Ron are uncomfortable.
Chris goes for te door handle. Ron;s
gnarled hand reaches out to take
Chris’ elbow.
After a long beat, Ron speaks
without looking at Chris
RON : “i had an idea. You know
Int. Ron’s Truck
my mother was an only child. So
Scene 209.
was my father. And i was their only
02:13:10/02:28:07 (Penn, 118)
child. Now, with my own boy gone,
i’m the end of the line. When i’m
gone, my family will be finished.
What do you say, you let me adopt
you. I could be, say, your

From the picture shows a fact of the main character that he is appreciated

by everyone. Christoper Johnson McCandless representates the director so that

makes achievement in the everyone people. In this picture reveals Chris is sharing

the human love, it has been exist before went to Alaska’s journey. For the reason,

each his friends to appreciate him. All of those, the main character has been

achieved the esteem needs. The image reveals it as expression in the film. Ron’s
expression uses technique of medium-shot. The medium-shot containts it. Chris

and Ron as representation that director wishing for it. As the reason, the character

has it characteristics in impression on the image.

4.2.5 Self-Actualization Needs of Christoper Johnson McCandless as The

Main Character

According to Schultz (2009: 307) states that in Maslow’s hierarchy, self-

actualization depends on the maximum realization and fulfillment of human

potential, talents, and abilites. When someone to reaching it, they must be fulfilled

in lower-needs, self-actualizer must capable of maximizing personal abilites and

reaching the fullest personality development, self-actualizer must be free

constraints imposed by society and by ourselve, self-actualizer must have a

realistic knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices.

Besides that, self-actualization needs produces meaningful of life and

must be able to love and be loved return. That means self-actualizer must have

life happiness from ourselves which found through their life. From the statement,

when Christoper Johnson McCandless’s journey to Alaska, it makes himself to

find out what is the life essence, to find out also what is the meaning of life. In the

film, Chris meets several interseting characters and he makes close relationship

with some of them such as; Rainey, Jan, Mads, Wayne, etc. But there is one of

them who makes Chris, the main character got more the meaningful life, he is Ron

Franz that become the last Chris’s friends before he going to the wild after his

long journey for two years. It can be seen from the underline dialogue below:
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Ron after taking one more deep
breath, sits up and Chris sits next to
him. He’s actually pretty happy with
himself. He looks out and sees the
distant Salton Sea.
RON : “I’m goign to miss you
when you go.”
CHRIS : “ I’ll miss you too, but
you’re wrong if you think the joy of
life comes principally from human
Ext. Chris’s Camp Beside The
relationships. God’s placed it all
Stone Wall - Day
around us. It’s in everything. In
Scene 205.
anything we can experience. People
02:02:37/02:28:07 (Penn, 114)
just have to change thw way they
think about those things. You ought
to put a little camper on the back of
your pick-up and go take a look at
some of the great work god’s done
out here in the American West.
RON : “Alex, you’re probably
right. And i’m going to take stock of
From the dialogue above known that the main character, even he make

relationship with people along his journey, but he always does no restricted and

being trapped in any intimate human.

From the way in film, Christoper Johnson McCandless has arrived in

Alaska.. After two years ago, Chris can enter into the forest, in the wilderness in

Alaska. He found the place-rest that the ‘magic bus’, with no human companies.

He enter the bus and pulls his pen from his pocket, scribbling on the wall of the




the underline narration on the movie script below:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
He re-enters the bus and pulls his
pen from his pocket. Scribbling on
the wall of the bus:


Int/Ext. Bus
Scene 225.
00:11:29/02:28:07 (Penn, 126)
ANGLE: Chris: He continues to
write as the SPEAKS the words

CHRIS : ..... the road. Escaped from

Atlanta. Thou shalt not return ‘cause
the “west is the best.” And now after
two rambling years, comes the final
and greatest adventure.

Chris is cleaning up the bus

CHRIS : The climactic battle to kill

the false being within and
victoriously conclude the spiritual

Chris shoveling snow away from the

bus entrance with a rock.

CHRIS : Ten days and nights of

freight trains and hitchhiking,
bringing him to the great white

Back to Chris, REAL TIME as he

continues to write as he speaks:

CHRIS : No longer to be poisoned

by civilization, he flees, and walks
alone upon the land to become lost
in the wild.
MAY 1992
Chris signs his doctrine -

From the narration above that Chris try alone without being lonely, he fills

his daily activities to hunting, to gathering food, to contemplate the truth about

happiness, and transcending spiritual by reading books, when he stucks, he lonely

plays a game like a child. Like the pictures below:

The picture shows Christoper Johnson McCandless in both difference shot,

the picture (1) shows Chris is playing game, and the picture (2) show Chris is

reading book. Those of picture are Chris’s daily activities in ‘magis bus’. Picture

one shows the form of shapness focus where the camera focuses on certain point

is the main character.

However, after struggling through a solitary existence for several months,

Chris began to soften and acknowledge the posibility that human relationship

were more of a neccesity than he had originally thought.

During in Alaska, at week 9. See at the picture (2), Chris is reading

Tolstoy’s Family Happiness, at the page of book what he read: he has happiness

which one is his experience in Alaska.

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
Chris reading Tolstoy’s Family
Happiness. His POV: The page What
Chris Reads:

I have lived through much and now i

think i have found what is needed for
happiness. A guiet, secluded life in
the country with the posibility of
being useful to people...

Chris sits amongst the pink bunches

of fireweed choking the vehicles TIME CUT:
wheel wells, growing higher than the Int. Bus - Day
axles, his back leaning against the Scene 245.
bus, finishing the reading of family 01:47:00/02:28:07 (Penn, 131)
ANGLE: Chris, reading with great
interest. His POV: The page: what
Chris reads:

And then, on top of all that, you for a

mate, and children, perhaps – what
more can the heart of man desire?

ANGLE: Chris: He looks up from

his book.
From the description above shows that Chris has getting an Peak

Experiences or wisdom as what Maslow (1970b, 164) said that peak experiences

is a felling of great ecstasy and wonder and awe, the loss of placing in time and

space with finally, the convictiont that something extremely important and

valuable had happened, so that the subject is transformed, and stregthened. That’s

narration of description shows the main character when had having a love,

happiness, satisfaction rather than objective or behavioral. After these

experiences, one who has himself never felt during which the self is transcended

and the person feels supremely poweful, confident, and decisive (Schultz,

2009:311). It indicates that Chris has finding true enlightenment that changes his

view of the world and his idea about relaionship with the family and with other


Upon these personal realizations, Chris makes the decision to return to the

civilization he had come from and knock down his wall of isolation, but he is

trrapped by the flow of the river because the snow have melt. See the picture

From the picture shows he knew that the river is full flood (by the long-

shot camera). Chris try to grabing a hold of a riverside branch and take one slow.

But the branch hold snaps, his hands move like lightening and he grabs a lower,

sturdier branch below, saving himself from a certain death (by the bird-eye angles

camera). Upon finding that he is trapped by the flow of the river and an accident

in river. Chris pulls himself back onto the bank (magic bus), drop his pack at

riverside, and eases to a sitting position beside it. In bank (magic bus) he writes in

diary/log on the wall:

Into The Wild Movie Script

Narration Scene, Setting, Time
It’s pouring rain outside. The rain
pelts the top of the bus.
Chris’s pack is thrown onto the bunk.
His hand appears at the diary/log on
Int. Bus - Night
the wall. He writes:
Scene 251.
01:51:18/02:28:07 (Penn, 135)

From the what Chris have written, lonely, scared that known he had found

peace, comfort, happines, and meet longing with parents. But, he realized that he

is not to home. The nature that makes it forced to return to the bank (magic bus),

the condition so makes worst, and lonely because it. After that, Chris in scene 254

looking very thin. Too thin. He is nothing on bag collected berries while reading

from Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. It is making him to read a book, find out

the plants for food and life.

Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
(ANGLE): The book
CHRIS : “Here she stopped and,
closing her eyes, took a deep breath
of the flowe-scented air of the broad
expanse around her. It was deare to
her than her kin, better than a lover,
wiser than a book”.
(ANGLE): Chris pulss more berries
from the bag and chews on them as
he reads.
(ANGLE): The Book – Chris. TIME CUT:
CHRIS : “for the moment, she re- Int. Bus - Day
discovered the purpose of her life. Scene 254.
she was here in earth to grasp the 02:05:00/02:28:07 (Penn, 135)
meaning of its wild enchantment and
call each thing by its right name. By
it right name (echoing)” – ANGLE
He puts down the book and brings
one of the ripe berries in front of his
face (as close as shot of when he
picked it).
Chris then grabs Tanaina Plantlore,
the flora and fauna book.
From the underline narration look chris’s weak condition also caused by the

poision from the plants he eat, it can be seen that Chris crawls back to his copy of

Tanaina Plantlore, flipping the pages one by one until he arrives at the photograph

identifying the wild potato root and the word “edible” beside it. He reads the page

to its conclusion and as almost an afterthought, turns the page to see if there might

be more. Those of statement are an accident experienced by the main character. It

has relation to Chris’s starvation. It can see that Chris frustates it because his life

is not too long. Another scence looks Chris reads Doctor Zhivago for distraction.

Thumbing through the pages he focuses his eyes on the page (the page: what he

reads): And that and unshared happiness is not happiness. After that he writes:
Into The Wild Movie Script
Narration Scene, Setting, Time
CHRIS (V.O)(O.C) : “and that an
unshare happiness is not

Chris steals his pencil from within

the pages of the book, scribbling
across the page:
CHRIS (V.O)(O.C) :

He flips backwards a couple of TIME CUT:

pages to where he had written the Int. Bus - Day
quotes: Scene 267.
CHRIS (V.O)(O.C): 02:17:35/02:28:07 (Penn, 140)

He tears the back cover off the

book and scratching the pencil
across ots blank side, side writing
these words quickly, as if in panic:



And now, these words arrive slowly

as we HEAR Chris repeating:
CHRIS (V.O)(O.C) : “Call
everything by its right name.”

The drumbeat increases as he signs

the note:

From the description above tha the main character found his self. The self

reached when he admits himself as Christoper Johnson McCandless, it can be

seen from the picture above shows when Chris will be the death. It makes Chris

found the love and happines (life experiences) that meaningful and getting

wisdom. The valediction states “I HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE AND THANK

THE LORD, GOODBYE AND MAY BLESS ALL!” it gives a sign that Chris

will achieving peace and love for blessing god.

From the picture above Chris looking at the sky, a cathartic tear falls from

his left eye. Another from his right as the obsuring cloud clears the sun. The open

face as the clearing light of the sun shines in his eyes (By the extreme-close up

shot). It is a face of peace, love, a face of true, deep serenity. The eyes joyously

open and the corners of his mouth ease into the subtle smile of euphoric wisdom.

Chris died with a smile realizing his quest was fulfilled.

From the explanation and description above that this research has found

how is Christoper Johnson McCandleess achieves self-actualization needs through

his journey to Alaska. It is found when he was contemplating in the bank (Magic

bus) so the point of this film is the main character can found the peak experience

as meaningful life. He has achieved a true enlightenment that change his idealism

and his perception about happiness and the relatioship with his family and another


The second point, although Chris has dead to the ironic circumstances, he

has achieved the wisdom of his life which revealed through his face of peace,

love, true, and deep serenity. In his beliefs, he also changes his original the

statement about happiness, it was mention: “But you’re wrong if you think the joy

of life comes principally from human relationship” and he also said about his

beliefs it was mention: “Don’t need human relationship to be happy...” it was

quote in Thoreau’s book. “Rather than love, than money, and faith..”. He changes

all of it become the new reflection of vision “Happines only real when shared”.

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