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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006) xix–xx

2004 International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors

This volume collects invited and contributed papers through José Luis Martı́nez; ALBA through Salvador Ferrer,
submitted at the 2004 International Conference on Spectro- Joan Bordas and D. Einfeld, MAX-Lab through Nils
scopies in Novel Superconductors (SNS’04) held in the Martensson and Ingolf Lindau; Argonne National Laboratories
beautiful coastal town of Sitges near Barcelona, Spain, July through George Crabtree; Boston College through Kevin
11–16, 2004. The articles are grouped broadly by subject Bedell; Brookhaven National Laboratories through Peter
matter with the invited papers placed first roughly in the order Johnson and John Tranquada; Elsevier, Oxford, through Iain
of presentations at the conference. All accepted manuscripts Craig and Sam Foster; Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-
have undergone the normal review process appropriate for tories through Zahid Hussain; Los Alamos National Labora-
publication in an archival journal. The scientific program of the tories through Sasha Balatsky; Northeastern University
conference is reproduced in the front matter of the volume for through Arun Bansil; Oak Ridge National Laboratories through
the convenient reference of the reader. Takeshi Egami; Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
SNS’04 was the seventh in the series of conferences started and the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford
at Argonne (1991), which was followed by meetings in Sendai University, through Z. X. Shen; and National High Magnetic
(1992), Santa Fe (1993), Stanford (1995), Cape Cod (1997) and Field Laboratories (Los Alamos and Florida) through Greg
Chicago (2001). SNS’04 marked the first time that the Boebinger.
conference was held in Europe. The response to SNS’04 was SNS’04 also enjoyed welcome participation of industry. It is
extremely enthusiastic. SNS’04 attracted the participation of a pleasure to acknowledge our industrial sponsors and the
some 414 scientists representing 30 countries. associated individuals: JOBIN YVON through Didier Lepere,
Members of various SNS’04 committees were instrumental GAMMADATA SCIENTA through Robert Moberg; Omicron
in putting together a most stimulating technical program with through Claude Viguier; SPECS-TELSTAR through Josep
an outstanding list of speakers and deserve a special note of Garriga; AXESS TECH through Emmanuel Perrot; CABURN
thanks. In keeping with the traditions of the past SNS VACUUM SCIENCE LTD through Colin Everett, EDP
conferences, the scientific discussions at the conference—in Science; Meca 2000, and Springer.
We note with great sadness that Bill Spicer passed away on
formal as well as informal settings, continued to be intense and
June 6th, 2004. He had a strong association with the SNS
lively, involving the hottest current issues concerning the
conferences and served as the Conference Chair of the 1995
mechanisms of superconductivity in novel materials and the
Stanford conference. He was really excited about coming to
interplay between theoretical models and the latest spectro-
Barcelona and catching up with many old friends and
scopic findings.
colleagues at the SNS’04. It is highly appropriate that we
The success of SNS’04 owes much to the enthusiastic
dedicate SNS’04 and this volume to the memory of Bill Spicer
support and generosity of a large number of individuals and
who did so much towards establishing photoemission as a
institutions, many having become regular supporters of this
spectroscopy of wide classes of materials. We are sure that we
conference series. These include (in no particular order):
will all miss Bill Spicer—his science as well as his humanity.
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid through Paco
The practical details and full administration of the
Guinea, Pilar López Sancho and Maru Dávila; LURE through Conference has required a large amount of work, which has
Abdou Tadjeddine, José Avila and Marı́a Asensio; Consejo been carried out by a very small group of people. We take this
Superior de Investigation Cientificas, Spain through José opportunity to thank in particular Analı́a Bufano, Miguel
Fernández de Labastida; SOLEIL through Denis Raoux and Valbuena, Virginia Pantı́n, Claire Berjot, Sarah Kessaria, as
Dominique Chandesris; Universidad Complutense de Madrid well as Ana Clara and Juliana Bobadilla.
through José González-Calbet and Marı́a Vallet-Regı́; Instituto We would like to acknowledge the contribution of many
de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona through Pep Fontcu- conference participants and others who helped with the
berta and Xavier Obradors; Universidad de Valencia through considerable task of refereeing the substantial number of
Juan Sanchez; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain submitted manuscripts. The publication staffs at Elsevier,
0022-3697/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Oxford and Exeter, especially the Publishing Editors of the
doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2005.10.007 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (JPCS), Iain Craig
20 Preface / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006) xix–xx

and Sam Foster, and the efforts of Jayne Melrose and Clare We look forward to the next SNS conference, which will be
Eustace, deserve a special note of thanks for encouragement held in Japan in 2007 under the leadership of Sadamachi
and flexibility throughout the publication process. The JPCS Maekawa and Takashi Takahashi, and to the 2009 SNS
staff members have done a superb job of bringing out the conference in China, which will be organized by Zhong-xian
proceedings of SNS’04 as well as all the earlier SNS Zhao, Yu Lu and Dong-lai Feng.
conferences as Special Issues of the journal.
An International Steering Committee for SNS Conferences, Maria Asensio
which will be responsible for overseeing the development of Jose Avila*
the SNS conferences into the future, was formed at SNS’04. Arun Bansil
This committee, whose composition is listed in the front matter Division Experiences, Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’Orme des
of this volume, includes some of the special ‘friends’ of the Merisiers, Saint-Aubin BP 48, GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
SNS conferences as well as many of the chairs and co-chairs of 91192, France
past and future (announced) SNS conferences. E-mail address:

* Corresponding author. Tel.: C33 169 35 96 32; fax: C33 169 35 94 56.

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