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Cambridge IGCSE and K-13 ver.

Geography 0460 and Geografi

Curriculum Content
Code No Kompetensi Dasar
Theme 1: Population and settlement
Describe and give reasons for the rapid XI3.5 Menganalisis dinamika kependudukan di
increase in the world’s population Indonesia untuk perencanaan pembangunan.
1.1 Population dynamics

Show an understanding of over-population

Menyajikan data kependudukan dalam bentuk
and under-population
XI4.5 peta, tabel, grafik, dan/atau gambar
Understand the main causes of a change in
population size
Give reasons for contrasting rates of natural
population change

Describe and evaluate population policies

Population 1.2 Migration

Explain and give reasons for population

Demonstrate an understanding of the
impacts of migration

Identify and give reasons for and


implications of different types of population

1.5 Settlements (rural 1.4 Population

density and

Identify and give reasons for and

implications of different types of population

Explain the patterns of settlement

service provision
and urban) and

Describe and explain the factors which may

influence the sites, growth and functions of

Give reasons for the hierarchy of settlements

and services

Describe and give reasons for the


characteristics of, and changes in, land use in

1.6 Urban

urban areas

Explain the problems of urban areas, their

causes and possible solutions
Identify and suggest reasons for rapid urban
1.7 Urbanisation

Describe the impacts of urban growth on
both rural and urban areas, along with
possible solutions to reduce the negative

Theme 2: The natural environment

Describe the main types and features of X3.4. Menganalisis dinamika planet Bumi sebagai
volcanoes and earthquakes ruang kehidupan
2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes

Describe and explain the distribution of

X4.4. Menyajikan karakteristik planet Bumi sebagai
earthquakes and volcanoes
ruang kehidupan dengan menggunakan peta,
Describe the causes of earthquakes and bagan, gambar, tabel, grafik, foto, dan/atau
volcanic eruptions and their effects on video
people and the environment
X3.5. Menganalisis dinamika litosfer dan
Demonstrate an understanding that
dampaknya terhadap kehidupan
volcanoes present hazards and offer
opportunities for people
X4.5. Menyajikan proses dinamika litosfer dengan
Explain what can be done to reduce the menggunakan peta, bagan, gambar, tabel,
impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes grafik, video, dan/atau animasi
Explain the main hydrological characteristics X3.7. Menganalisis dinamika hidrosfer dan
and processes which operate in rivers and dampaknya terhadap kehidupan
drainage basins
X4.7. Menyajikan proses dinamika hidrosfer
Demonstrate an understanding of the work menggunakan peta, bagan, gambar, tabel,
of a river in eroding, transporting and grafik, video, dan/atau animasi
2.2 Rivers

Describe and explain the formation of the

landforms associated with these processes

Demonstrate an understanding that rivers

present hazards and offer opportunities for

Explain what can be done to manage the

impacts of river flooding

Demonstrate an understanding of the work

of the sea and wind in eroding, transporting
and depositing
2.3 Coasts

Describe and explain the formation of the

landforms associated with these processes
Describe coral reefs and mangrove swamps
and the conditions required for their
Demonstrate an understanding that coasts
present hazards and offer opportunities for

Explain what can be done to manage the

impacts of coastal erosion
Describe how weather data are collected X3.6.X4.6. Menganalisis dinamika atmosfer dan
dampaknya terhadap kehidupanMenyajikan
2.4 Weather

Make calculations using information from proses dinamika atmosfer menggunakan peta,
weather instruments bagan, gambar, tabel, grafik, video, dan/atau
Use and interpret graphs and other diagrams animasi
showing weather and climate data

Describe and explain the characteristics of

two climates:
2.5 Climate and natural

• equatorial
• hot desert

Describe and explain the characteristics of

tropical rainforest and hot desert
Describe the causes and effects of
deforestation of tropical rainforest

Theme 3: Economic development

Use a variety of indicators to assess the level XII3.4 Menganalisis karakteristik negara maju dan
of development of a country negara berkembang dalam konteks pasar
Identify and explain inequalities between
and within countries
3.1 Development

XII4.4 Membuat makalah tentang interaksi Indonesia

Classify production into different sectors and dengan Negara maju dan Negara berkembang
give illustrations of each dalam konteks pasar bebas yang dilengkapi
dengan peta, tabel, grafik, dan/atau diagram
Describe and explain how the proportions
employed in each sector vary according to
the level of development

Describe and explain the process of

globalisation, and consider its impacts

Describe and explain the main features of an XI3.4 Menganalisis ketahanan pangan nasional,
3.2 Food production

agricultural system: inputs, processes and penyediaan bahan industri, serta potensi
outputs energi baru dan terbarukan di Indonesia
Recognise the causes and effects of food Membuat peta persebaran ketahanan pangan
shortages and describe possible solutions to XI4.4 nasional, bahan industri, serta energi baru dan
this problem terbarukan di Indonesia.
Demonstrate an understanding of an

industrial system: inputs, processes and


outputs (products and waste)

Describe and explain the factors influencing
the distribution and location of factories and
industrial zones

Describe and explain the growth of tourism

in relation to the main attractions of the
physical and human landscape
3.4 Tourism

Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of

tourism to receiving areas
Demonstrate an understanding that
carefulmanagement of tourism is required in
order for it to be sustainable

Describe the importance of non-renewable

fossil fuels, renewable energy supplies,
nuclear power and fuelwood; globally and in
3.5 Energy

different countries at different levels of


Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of

nuclear power and renewable energy
Describe methods of water supply and the
proportions of water used for agriculture,
domestic and industrial purposes in
countries at different levels of economic
3.6 Water

Explain why there are water shortages in
some areas and demonstrate that careful
management is required to ensure future

Describe how economic activities may pose

3.7 Environmental risks

threats to the natural environment and

of economic

people, locally and globally

Demonstrate the need for sustainable
development and management
Understand the importance of resource

Not Correlated Cambridge IGCSE and K-13

Menganalisis keragaman budaya bangsa
Memahami pengetahuan dasar geografi dan
X3.1 XI3.6 sebagai identitas nasional berdasarkan
terapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
keunikan dan sebaran.
Menyajikan contoh penerapan pengetahuan
Membuat peta persebaran budaya daerah
X4.1 dasar geografi pada kehidupan sehari-hari XI4.6
sebagai bagian dari budaya nasional.
dalam bentuk tulisan
Memahami dasar-dasar pemetaan, Menganalisis jenis dan penanggulangan
X3.2 Pengindraan Jauh, dan Sistem Informasi XI3.7 bencana alam melalui edukasi, kearifan lokal,
Geografis (SIG) dan pemanfaatan teknologi modern.
Membuat sketsa, denah, dan/atau peta
Membuat peta tematik wilayah provinsi
potensi bencana wilayah setempat serta
X4.2 dan/atau salah satu pulau di Indonesia XI4.7
strategi mitigasi bencana berdasarkan peta
berdasarkan peta rupa Bumi

Memahami langkah-langkah penelitian ilmu Memahami konsep wilayah dan pewilayahan

X3.3 XII3.1 dalam perencanaan tata ruang wilayah
geografi dengan menggunakan peta
nasional, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota
Menyajikan hasil observasi lapangan dalam
bentuk makalah yang dilengkapi dengan Membuat peta pengelompokan penggunaan
X4.3 XII4.1
peta, bagan, gambar, tabel, grafik, foto, lahan di wilayah kabupaten/kota/provinsi
dan/atau video berdasarkan data wilayah setempat
Memahami kondisi wilayah dan posisi Menganalisis struktur keruangan desa dan
XI3.1 strategis Indonesia sebagai poros maritim XII3.2 kota, interaksi desa dan kota, serta kaitannya
dunia. dengan usaha pemerataan pembangunan
Menyajikan contoh hasil penalaran tentang Membuat makalah tentang usaha pemerataan
posisi strategis wilayah Indonesia sebagai pembangunan di desa dan kota yang
XI4.1 XII4.2
poros maritim dunia dalam bentuk peta, dilengkapi dengan peta, bagan, tabel, grafik,
tabel, dan/atau grafik. dan/atau diagram

Menganalisis jaringan transportasi dan tata

Menganalisis sebaran flora dan fauna di guna lahan dengan peta dan/atau citra
XI3.2 Indonesia dan dunia berdasarkan XII3.3 pengindraan jauh serta Sistem Informasi
karakteristik ekosistem. Geografis (SIG) kaitannya dengan
pengembangan potensi wilayah dan
kesehatan lingkungan
Menyajikan peta tematik berdasarkan
Membuat peta persebaran flora dan fauna di pengolahan citra pengindraan jauh dan Sistem
XI4.2 Indonesia dan dunia yang dilengkapi gambar XII4.3 Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk
hewan dan tumbuhan endemik. pengembangan potensi wilayah dan
kesehatan lingkungan
Menganalisis sebaran dan pengelolaan In no KD K-13 X for grade 10, XI for
sumber daya kehutanan, pertambangan,
kelautan, dan pariwisata sesuai prinsip-
grade 11 and XII for grade 12
prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan.
The red colored writing is in the UN
2019 syllabus
Membuat peta persebaran sumber daya
XI4.3 kehutanan, pertambangan, kelautan, dan
pariwisata di Indonesia. This Semester they will learn, XI K-13
Semster 2

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