Current PNP Thrust & Master Plans 2019

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The 1987 Phil Constitution

explicitly provides that the
established PNP is national in scope
and civilian in character; for the PNP
is no longer a part and parcel of
the AFP. It is primarily charged of
enforcing the laws and maintaining
peace and order countrywide, to
ensure public safety and internal
security, (Sec. 24, R.A. 6975 as
amended by RA. 8551.)
This Plan shall serve as the
Master Plan in which all plans and
programs of the PNP shall conform
with and supplement.
It shall prescribe the grand
strategy to be undertaken by PNP
Offices and personnel on crime
prevention, control and
suppression, in the total fight
against all forces of criminality.
I. Assumption
– The PNP primordially curbs
criminality within a period of
five (5) years.
II. Mission – To implement a
responsive and holistic anti-
crime strategy to effectively
prevent crimes, control and
suppress crimes in progress
to ensure public safety.
III. Objectives:
1) To reduce index crime rate
2) To improve response time
3) To improve crime solution
4) To increase conviction rate
5) To institutionalize COPS through
the Police Community Precincts,
for everyday community
security coverage.
IV. Strategic Concept of Operations:
1) Improve the Police Security Service Package;
2) Strengthen interrelationships with local and international
NGOs, law enforcement organizations, the AFP units,
Presidential Task
Force and Centers as
venues for
interagency and
internal cooperation
and support.
V. To improve the Police Security Service Package, the
following SOP and guidelines shall be implemented:

1. SOP 1 – Police Beat Patrol Procedures:

“Rule 12. PATROL

SECTION 1. Duties and
Responsibilities of Patrol Officers
a. Attend the Roll Call Formation before his Tour of Duty for
briefing and likewise attend the after Tour of Duty formation
for debriefing;
b. Patrol the assigned beats, observe and check suspicious
people, structures, buildings, compounds and vehicles;
c. Respond to calls, entertain complaints, initiate the
investigation and protection of the scene and minimize the
after effects of accidents, fires and other catastrophes;
d. Observe and monitor public gatherings,
prevent disorders and disperse unlawful
e. Prevent crimes and arrest law violators,
assuring the public that peace is pre-served;
f. Conduct inspection and/or surveillance on
various places of business establish-ments
and other installations and remove hazards
to public safety;
g. Assist personnel of responsible agencies, unit
in facilitating the flow of traffic at busy
intersections or roads within his AOR, assist
and provide pedestrian info such as
directions and street locations;
h. Conduct home visitations, if circumstan-ces
warrants, “ugnayans”/dialogues with the
residents in their beat;
i. Report occurrences/conditions which relate
to crime, public peace, order and safety;
j. Enforce city/municipal ordinances on liquor
establishments and night clubs, cabarets and
all houses of ill-reputes;
k. Check suspicious vehicles (private, public, or
business delivery vehicles) along the
highways in the course of their patrol.
l. Patrol Officers shall wear the prescribed
patrol uniform.
m. Patrol Officers be equipped with items
needed in the performance of their duty.
SECTION 2. Duties of Patrol Supervisors
a. In any operation, careful planning is a must
in order to avoid waste of time, effort and
resources. Make a patrol plan with the
following details:
1) Area Coverage: safe haven, ambush
areas, crime prone areas
2) Organizational Detail of Personnel
3) Duration
4) Stand-by points
5) Route plan
b. Designate/select patrol team/s members.
c. Inspect the patrol members on -
completeness of uniforms, availability and
operational readiness of
d. Conduct briefing, prior to dispatch, on the
priority of activities during the patrol as the
situation demands; remind the patrol on the
strict observance of the PNP Operational
e. Render hourly report of location and
situation through radio/telephone to Police
Community Precincts (PCP) or Station
Headquarters Tactical Operation Center
f. Render after-patrol report duly signed by
detailed personnel. PCP Commanders shall
collate and submit significant details to the
Station Patrol Supervisor, who in turn, will
submit the same to the Provincial or District
Patrol Supervisor.
g. Strictly observe “Buddy System” during the
patrol operations.
h. Conduct debriefing after the patrol to
assess its conduct and make necessary
corrective measures on defects noted.
SECTION 3. Patrol Guidelines
a. Observe precautionary measures and
personal safety while on patrol.
b. Practice defensive driving and follow traffic
rules and regulations.
c. Select routes which provide best visibility.
d. Be observant of people, places, situations
or conditions and develop a suspicious
attitude esp. if the subject appears to be
slightly out of the ordinary.
e. Use tact and persuasiveness when
conducting spot inquiry of individuals for info.
f. When requiring a suspicious person or any
individual for identification, avoid taking the
wallet or bag in which the cards/documents
are placed. Let the individual remove and
hand them to you.
g. Be familiar, as much as possible, with known
criminals/ex-convicts residing in or frequenting
the patrol beat.
h. Be on the alert for loiters.
i. Keep under close observation actions of
juveniles, trouble makers/agitators and the
mentally ill/retarded persons.
j. Observe the practice of “shaking doors” of
unguarded business establishments during
night patrol. Check for signs of intrusion.
k. Establish good rapport with the people in
your beat.
n. Keep watch of uninhabited homes.
o. Patrol members should avoid loitering in
theaters, restaurants and other recreational
p. Develop contacts by getting to know as
many people as possible who can give
factual info about crime condition in the
patrol beat.
q. Patrol members must be always on the look-
out for indications of vices and other illegal
activities in their beat.
r. Patrol members must be aware of all
conditions, events and details of places in their
beat.” (POP Rule 12, Sec. 1-3)
s. When checking suspicious persons, places,
buildings/establishments and vehicles
especially during nighttime, be prepared to use
your service firearm. Flashlight should be held
tightly away from the body to avoid making
you a possible target.
t. Be familiar with stay-in employees of business
establishments in your beat.
2. SOP 2 - Bantay Kalye
The launching by the PNP of the Bantay
Kalye, a campaign to increase police visibility
by deploying 85% of its men in the field;

3. SOP 3 - Siyasat
PNP Task Force Siyasat is intended to check
the issued firearms of Security Guards on posts
to determine if they are duly licensed; and if
they are not, they have to be confiscated and
the possessor blue guard of the firearm shall be
arrested and charged of illegal possession of
4. SOP 4 - REACT 166
REACT 166 Centers/Tel lines established in
the different cities and municipalities are
intended to shorten the response time of the
PNP units in responding to reported crime
incidents within their AOR, to enhance the
police effectiveness in the solution of crimes.
5. SOP 5 - Ligtas (Anti-Kidnapping)
OPLAN “LIGTAS” – is a PNP Campaign Against
6. SOP 6 - Anti-Carnapping
Against Hijacking, Highway Robbery and

7. SOP 7 - Anti-Terrorism
Against local or international terrorist groups,
intended to detect and prevent the terrorists
from doing terroristic activities, especially in
highly urbanized and thickly populated areas;
8. SOP 8 - Joint Anti-Bank Robbery Action Committee (Anti-
Bank robbery)

OPLAN “WILD CAMPA” – is an example of PNP Campaign

Against Bank/Armored Van Robbery.

"The proposed CCTV System can scan, profile and identify

motor vehicles at speed of fraction of a second using modern
digital character recognition technology. This will enable law
enforcers to monitor the passage of certain vehicles that are
being pursued or determined if a plate does not match the
model and make of a vehicle
The CCTV monitoring system will be very
effective in addressing crimes like kidnapping,
car theft, hijacking, bank robbery, and other
crimes com-mitted by suspects within the
confines of NLEX and SLEX.
In a car chase, choke-points and check-
points could immediately be established if
suspected vehicles are spotted around the
jurisdiction of the monitored area.
9. SOP 9 - Anti-Hijacking/Hi-way Robbery
Against Hijacking and Highway Robbery and
Carnapping, being carried out by the CIDG.
10. SOP 10 – Paglalansag


Campaign Against Private Armed Groups and
Loose firearms, which is being implemented by
the CIDG in the diff parts of the country.
11. SOP 11 – Manhunt Bravo (Neutralization of
Wanted Persons)
implemented nationwide for the arrest of all
wanted persons nationwide in coordination
with other law enforcement agencies and the
community as well.

OPLAN “PAGTUGIS” – Campaign Against

Wanted Persons being carried out by the
12. SOP 12 - Anti-Illegal Gambling
OPLAN “ROULETTE” – Campaign Against
Illegal Gambling and Game Fixing, being
launched by the CIDG, nationwide.

13. SOP 13 - Anti-Squatting

OPLAN anti-Squatting is being carried out
by the PNP in cases where there is a Court
Order (Writ of Execution) for the demotion of
houses of illegal settlers usually in urban areas.
14. SOP 14 - Jericho
Enforcement – Through “OPLAN

a. Law Enforcement Agencies –

 NBI Conducts intelligence
 PNP gathering, investigation
 DENR and apprehension.
b. Prosecution:
DOJ - Conduct inquest proceedings upon
filing of the case.

c. Judiciary:
– Courts/Judges - Issue Search Warrant and
Warrant of Arrest.
– Conduct Trial of the Case.
15. SOP 15 – Nena (Anti-Prosti/Vagrancy)
OPLAN "NENA" – is a PNP Campaign
Against Prostitution, Vagrancy and Indecent
Shows, usually carried out by the CIDG
16. SOP 16 - Anti-Pornography
Campaign Against Obscene reading
materials and Pornography.

17. SOP 17 – Guidelines in the conduct of

arrest, search and seizures.
“SECTION 9. Valid Warrantless Searches and

a. Search made incidental to a valid arrest

Person lawfully arrested may be searched for
dangerous weapons or anything which may be
used or constitute proof in the commission of an
offense w/o a search warrant. The warrantless
search and seizure as an incident to a lawful
arrest may extend beyond the person of the
one arrested to include the premises or
surroundings under his immediate control.
b. Search of moving vehicles
If the police officers who will conduct the
search had reasonable or probable cause to
believe, before the search, that either the
motorist is a law offender or they will find the
instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a
crime in the vehicle to be searched, the
vehicle may be stopped and subjected to an
extensive search.
c. Seizure of evidence in plain view
Any object in the plain view is subject to
seizure and may be introduced as evidence.
Requirements under the Plain View Doctrine
1) The police officer must have prior
justification for an intrusion or, otherwise, must
be in a position from which he can view a
particular area;
2) The discovery of the evidence in plain
view is unintentional;
3) It is immediately apparent to the police
officer that the item he observes may be
evidence of a crime, contraband, or is a valid
subject of seizure.
d. When there is waiver of the right or there is
consented search
To constitute a waiver of this constitutional
right, it must appear, first, that the right exists;
second, that the person involved had
knowledge, either actual or constructive, of
the existence of such right; that said person
had an actual intention to relinquish the right.
e. Searches Under Stop and Frisk Rule
The police officer has the right to stop a
citizen on the street, interrogate him, and pat
him for weapons whenever he observes
unusual conduct which convinces him that a
criminal activity exists.
f. Emergency and Exigent Circumstances
A search warrant could be validly dispensed
with in cases of exigent and emergency
situation, and the police officers have
reasonable ground to believe that a crime was
being committed, and they have no
opportunity to apply for a search warrant from
the courts because the latter were closed.
g. Tipped Information
If the police officers have reasonable
grounds to believe that the subjects are
engaged in illegal activities, the tipped
information is sufficient to provide probable
cause to effect a warrantless search and
17. Anti-Illegal Logging
The National Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force
(NAILTF) will start confiscating anew all logs
and lumber harvested from the country’s
natural and residual forests as part of the
government’s renewed campaign against
illegal logging.
18. Anti-Illegal Fishing
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR) is bent on eradicating illegal fishing
activities by intensifying the implementation of
resource conservation and protection through
strengthening of the agency's law
enforcement unit.
19. Anti-Illegal Drugs
Against Illegal Drugs and Drug Traffickers.
This is usually carried out by the CIDG in
conducting entrapment operations to arrest
drug traffickers throughout the country; and
conducting raids of drug dens and drug
laboratories, in close coordination with the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

This serves as the long-range and holistic PNP

master plan in waging an internal security
support operations nationwide. Based on the
estimate of the national situation and other
considerations; it prescribes the COIN support
strategy, operational concept, mode of
implementation, service support and
coordinating instructions in order to accomplish
the PNP's internal security support mission.
II, R.A. 8551. (Sec 12, RA 6975 as amended)
1. Executive Order No. 110 dated 15 Jun 99
(Pres Estrada):
a. PNP to support the AFP in ISO
b. Establishment of Joint AFP-PNP System
c. The DND and DILG shall jointly promulgate
rules and regulations.
2. Executive Order No. 3 dated 28 Feb 01
(Pres Arroyo) Guiding principles:
a. Community-based reflects the
sentiments, values and principles;
b. Aims to forge a new social compact for a
just, equitable, humane and pluralistic
society, and;
c. Seeks a principled and peaceful
resolution to the internal armed conflicts.
Six Paths to Peace:
1) Pursuit of social, economic and political
2) Consensus building and empowerment for
3) Peaceful negotiated settlement with
different rebel groups;
4) Programs for reconciliation, reintegration
and rehabilitation;
5) Addressing concern arising from
continuing armed hostilities;
6) Building and nurturing a climate
conducive to peace.
PNP-Sandugo-Melenyo [EO Nr 110 dtd 15
Jun 99 (Pres Estrada)]:
1. The PNP is obliged to:
Provide support to the AFP as mandated
by RA 8551 and Exec Order No. 110. (This EO
of then Pres. Joseph Estrada provides – PNP to
support the AFP in ISO; Establishment of a Joint
AFP-PNP System; and the DND and DILG shall
jointly promulgate rules and regulations.)
Help Local Government Units (LGUs)
reestablish or strengthen government authority
and control over insurgency-affected
barangays; and
Help attain the aims of the National Peace
and Development Plan of the Government
and the Peace Process.
PNP supports the AFP through the conduct
of limited internal security operations;
DILG/PNP is primarily responsible for the
Holding Stage;
DILG/PNP plays supportive role in the
consolidation and development activities of
other agencies of the government.
 Facilitate an integrated approach to
community public safety concerns;
 Enhance effective partnership between
the police and the community based on
trust and goodwill.
 To protect lives and properties
 To enhance public safety
 To maintain stability of the government
 To safeguard democratic institutions
 To provide unified direction of all public
safety plans
V. How is the NPDP’s “Total Approach” carried
 The “Total approach” of the National
Peace and Development Plan (NPDP), which
is its holistic approach in addressing
insurgency problem for the attainment of
national peace and sustainable development
in insurgency-affected areas, is carried out in
five (5) stages, namely: CLEAR Stage, HOLD
Stage, SUPPORT Stage, Consolidation Stage
and Development stage.
1) CLEAR Stage – shall involve the conduct of
combat intelligence and psychological
operations (by “DND/AFP Balangai” Campaign
Plan) as separate weapons system to directly
lead to the destruction of the insurgent armed
groups. Clearing of barangays one after the
other. The end state of this phase are
dismantled LCM politico-military infrastructure in
the affected barangays and the decisive
defeat of the main enemy armed groups in the
targeted guerilla fronts. The PNP will support the
AFP who is primarily responsible for the CLEAR
The end state of this phase are dismantled
Local Communist Movement (LCM) politico-
military infrastructure in the affected
barangays and the decisive defeat of the
main enemy armed groups in the targeted
guerilla fronts. The PNP will support the AFP
which is primarily responsible for the CLEAR
2) HOLD Stage – shall involve the use of
territorial defense forces to limit the freedom of
action and movement of the CPP/NPA, limit its
access to resources and reduce mass base
support to the CPP /NPA/NDF. This phase shall
have the fol-lowing end state: Integrated
Area/Com-munity Public Safety Plan (IA/CPSP)
is organized and established, in order to
protect the people, defend communities and
secure vital assets and installations.
The PNP will be primarily responsible for the
HOLD Stage in areas which are turned over to
the PNP, where there are no AFP units
assigned. However, other areas especially in
those areas where AFP units are present or
where AFP supervises CAFGU then the
IA/CPSP is responsible;
3) SUPPORT Stage – is a “work in progress”: It
shall involve police support to consolidation
and development activities of the agencies of
government. The PNP within its capability shall
play a supportive role in these activities,
including but not limited to the conduct of
Medical and Dental Civic Action, adult literacy
programs and providing scty in support and in
coordination with AFP to civil government
agencies in their delivery of basic services in
far-flung and strife-torn areas;
4) Consolidation Stage – aims to strengthen
government control and authority in contested
barangays and develop the capability of local
officials to effectively govern their barangays.
This stage has the following end-state:
 Government authority and control in
contested areas reestablished or
 Government services delivered;
 Counter-organizations further expanded
and consolidated;
 Mass support for the government is being
5) Development Stage has the following for its
 Root-causes of insurgency are
effectively addressed; and
 Political and socio-economic reforms
planned at the beginning of the
campaign are sustained;
 NHQ-PNP supervises and supports PROs
and other tasked units/offices;
 Coordinates and cooperates with
 NSUs assist local police units in ISO
related activities;
 PNP-SAF acts as reserve mobile strike
PROs implement localized plans and
activities based on the Master Plan:
 Conduct limited ISO, gathering of
information, investigation and PCR
 Redeploy forces, firearms, vehicles and
communication equipment;
 Determine own “force mix” in the
deployment of forces, for ISO and law
 Coordinate with AFP Area Commanders;
 Continue SCOUT Training;
 See to it that all lower offices have IA/CPSPs
and COPS plans and are fully implemented;
 Strengthen the organization of CVOs
/Kababayans /BINs;
 Prepare to conduct limited ISO in areas
where no AFP forces are present; and
 Coordinate closely with the POCs, LECCs,
DCCs on other related activities.
 Population and resource control/denial measures;
 Police visibility patrols in rear areas;
 Police Operations:
– Terrorism
– Kidnap for ransom
– Bank Robberies
– Illegal Drugs and substances
– Carnapping Operations
– Hostage Taking
 Effective law enforcement, crime prevention
and suppression;
 Implementation of preventive and proactive
(anticipatory) measures and guidelines;
 Adoption of security measures to
government installations and facilities;
 Holding operations in cleared areas;
 Participate in the operationalization of the
Integrated Area /Community Public Safety
 Strengthen various programs for public
safety and internal security;
Intelligence Operations:
• Conduct intensive and sustained
intelligence gathering special project and
case operations;
• Enhance the mobilization and utilization of
the BINs;
Police Community Relations:
• Conduct public information campaigns thru
the tri-media;
• Support and assist the peace provinces of
the government;
• Conduct civic action activities, info drives,
dialogues, livelihood projects, civil assistance
and development, and other allied PCR
activities designed to win back the enemy
mass base;
Legal Offensive Activities:
• Efficient and coordinated investigation,
documentation and prosecution of ISO
related cases;
• Sustained filing of ISO related cases;
• Follow-up the prosecution of cases.
• Assist LGUs and civil government agencies;
• Provide appropriate security coverage;
• Participate and support the LCEs and CVOs
• Ensure full operationalization of IA /CPSP;
• Participate in regular meeting and activities
of the coordinating councils.
• Respect to Human Rights shall be
• Strict adherence to the PNP Operational
Procedures is emphasized in all PNP
• All PNP units shall reassess resources and
• All IMPLAN and SOPs shall be updated to
conform with the Master Plan;
• Tasked units shall operate on existing
logistical and financial allocations;
• Maximum coordination with NGAs, NGOs
and all sectors of community is
 To ensure uniformity in the adoption or
implementation of the COPS and IA/CPSP,
all Chiefs of Police must always be guided by
the COPS Manual and IA/CPSP guidelines
and requirements;
 PNP LOI 41/96 Campaign Plan Sandugo is
superseded by this Master Plan;
 MOUs/MOAs and other issuances not in
conflict with the Master Plan are still in effect;
 RDs and Directors, NSUs shall submit IMPLANS.

 Defeat of armed insurgents

 Peace and order maintained
 Root-causes of insurgency are eradicated
 Sustainable development
(PNP's Master Plan To Help Protect and Preserve Our
Environment, Cultural Properties and Natural Resources)

It provides guidelines followed by tasked PNP Units/Offices

in assisting lead government agencies in enforcing laws over
Phil territorial waters, lakes, rivers, mt ranges or forests, to
include laws and ordinances intended to preserve, protect
and enhance our environment and natural resources, in
close coordination with the DENR and other lead
government agencies.
 Specific Objectives:
• To protect lives
• To enhance public safety
• To assist in enforcing environ and cultural
property laws in close coordination with
tasked government agencies.
• Community participation in the protection,
conservation and development of
environment and natural resources.
(PNP's Master Plan For The Campaign against
Illegal Drugs)

It sets forth the concept of operations,

operational guidelines and tasks of all PNP
units /offices in the total fight against illegal
drugs: integrating/orchestrating the activities
of concerned Nat’l Government Agencies
(NGAs) in the conduct of anti-illegal drug
campaign at the national down to barangay
Specific Objectives:
a. Supply Reduction – arrest drug personalities
and seizure of drugs through intensified
police operations;
b. Demand Reduction – implementation of
preventive education, public info
campaign to increase awareness of the ill
effects of drugs. It also includes treatment
and rehabilitation of drug dependents;
c. Inter-Agency Cooperation – promote anti-
drug-related activities of tasked government
agencies in close coordination with the
National Drug Law Enforcement and
Prevention Coordinating Center (NDLEPCC).
d. Community Participation – undertaking the
3 Core Components of COPS, namely: Full
Service Policing, Problem Solving Policing and
Community Partnership.
(Master Plan on Security Preparations)

It sets forth the strategic conceptions and

operational guidelines, as well as
contingency plan to ensure the
maintenance of peace and order during the
year-round observance of holidays, involving
great concern on movements of the citizens,
international, national and local meetings,
conferences, events, and rallies or mass
actions, in protest to wide-range of issues.
Specific Objectives:
a. To catalyze all PNP units to enhance
coordination and cooperation with
government units and private sectors in their
respective areas of jurisdiction, to be able to
formulate measures to pre-empt the
occurrences of crimes that can adversely
affect the safety and security of persons and
vital installations;
b. To enhance level of awareness and
preparedness of the PNP in providing security
of persons and vital installations and in dealing
with mass actions;
c. To enhance unit capability to identify and
neutralize threat groups;
d. To determine and rectify the PNP’s
vulnerabilities that would be exploited by the
threat groups.
(Master Plan on Disaster Preparedness)

It sets forth the strategic concept points,

operational guidelines and coordinating
instructions to be followed by PROs and tasked
units/offices on disaster mgmt. With this LOI,
the actions that will be undertaken by the
concerned PNP units /offices will be as
responsive as possible with the support of the
government agencies and community.
 Strategic Concept Points:
a. Continuously improving Police Security
Service Package;
b. The operationalization of an Integrated
Area/Community Public Safety Plan
c. The involvement of the community through
the COPS.
d. Effective Feedback Mechanism.
What is Community Policing?
Community policing is a philosophy that
promotes organizational strategies, which
support the systematic use of partnerships and
problem-sol-ving techniques, to proactively
ad-dress the immediate conditions that give
rise to public safety issues such as crime, social
disorder, and fear of crime.
Community Policing is comprised of 3 key
1) Community Partnerships
Collaborative partnerships between the law
enforcement agency and the people and
organizations they serve to develop solutions to
problems and increase trust in the police.
– Other Government Agencies
– Community Members/Groups
– Nonprofits/Service Providers
– Private Businesses
– Media
2) Organizational Transformation
This refers to the alignment of organizational
mgmt, structure, personnel, and info systems to
support community partnerships and proactive
problem solving.
 Agency Management
1) Climate and culture 6) Leadership
2) Labor relations 7) Decision
3) Strategic planning 8) Policies
4) Organizational evaluation 9) Transparency
5) Organizational Structure
 Geographic assignment of officers
– Despecialization
– Resources and finances
 Personnel
– Recruitment, hiring, and selection
– Personnel supervision/evaluations
– Training
 Information Systems (Technology)
– Communication/access to data
– Quality and accuracy of data
3) Problem Solving
The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic
exam of identified problems to develop and rigorously
evaluate effective responses.
–Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems
–Analysis: Researching what is known about the problem
–Response: Developing solutions to bring about lasting
reductions in the nr and extent of problems
–Assessment: Evaluating the success of the responses
–Using the crime triangle: to focus on immediate conditions

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