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Embedded Syllabus

TOTAL DURATION: 90HRS PER DAY 2Hrs (Both Lab and Practice)
C- Language
Topics Content

Introduction to programming Evolution of programming languages, structured

languages programming, the compilation process.

C Language Fundamentals Character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types,

Constant and Variables, Statements,
Expressions, Operators, Input-output
Assignments, Decision making and Branching,
Decision making & looping.

C Functions User definitions and standard functions, Formal

and Actual arguments, Functions category,
function prototypes, parameter passing, Call-by-
value, Call-by-reference, Storage Classes.

Arrays and Strings One dimensional Array, Multidimensional Array

declaration and their applications, String

Pointers Pointer variable and its importance, Pointer

Arithmetic, passing parameters by reference,
pointer to pointer, linked list, pointers to
functions, dynamic memory allocation
Structures, Unions Declaration of structures, declaration of unions,
pointer to structure & unions.

Embedded System

Topic Content

Introduction to Embedded System basics, General processor

Embedded System architecture, applications, General – I/O requirements,
Peripheral Requirements, Analog Requirements, Digital
Requirements, Communication Requirements, PIC

Introduction to PIC Introduction, PIC Architecture , CPU Register,

Embedded System System reset and Initialization, Interrupt, Operating

Introduction to IDE, Clock Module, MPLAB-X, Privileges, Compilation

Tools and Embedded C process, Embedded C basics, Project creation and
verification of complier, Debugger functionalities

Peripheral – I/O Port I/O port basics, configuration - output, application and
LED Interface exercise

Peripheral - I/O Port, 7 7 Segment display hardware configuration, I/O

Segment Display requirement for 3 digits, Exercise

Peripheral - I/O Port, 7 7 Segment display hardware configuration, I/O

Segment Display requirement for 3 digits, Exercise

Peripheral – Watch Dog Basics of Watch Dog Timer, Internals and hardware
Timer. configurations of WDT, Modes, Intrinsic functions

Peripheral – Timer A Basics of Timer A, Internals and hardware

configurations of Timer A, Modes, Exercise

Peripheral – Timer A Exercise on Timer A and CCRx,

Peripheral – Timer A PWM Generation Using TIMER_A module

Peripheral – ADC ADC- Configurations, Exercise

Peripheral - USCI_A Basics of Serial communication, configuration,

Transmission and Reception, Exercise

Peripheral - USCI_A Exercise on UART Transmission and Reception

Peripheral – USCI_B Basics of SPI and I2C, SPI configuration, Exercise

Peripheral –I/O Port Basics of LCD interface, 4 bit and 8 bit modes of
LCD operation, Exercise

Peripheral –I/O Port Exercise- Interfacing LCD and UART


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