Christopher Hitchens Reading List

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 Autumn Journal - Louis MacNeice

 The Earth Compels - Louis MacNeice

 Kim - Rudyard Kipling
 The Cherry Orchard - Anton Chekhov
 Lord of the Flies - William Golding
 The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
 The Savage God - Al Alvarez
 The Bridge over the River Kwai - Pierre Bouelle
 A Passage to India - EM Forster
 David Blaize - Edward Frederic Benson
 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
 History of the Conquest of Mexico - Prescott
 On the Beach - Nevil Shute
 Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet B Stowe
 How Green was my Valley - Richard Llewellyn
 Natural Theology - William Phaley
 Religion and the Rise of Capitalism - RH Tawney
 Hanged by the Neck - Arthur Koestler
 Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
 In Flanders Field - Leon Wolff
 All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
 Covenant with Death - John Harris
 Keep the Aspidistra Flying - George Orwell
 Animal Farm - George Orwell
 Nineteen Eighty-four - George Orwell
 Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
 Coming up for Air - George Orwell
 Beyond a Boundary - CLR James
 Birth of Our Power - Victor Serge
 Men in Prison - Victor Serge
 The Case of Comrade Tulayev - Victor Serge
 Memories of a Revolutionary - Victor Serge
 Reason, Faith and Revolution - Terry Eagleton
 Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh
 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
 Thank you Jeeves - PG Wodehouse
 Mulliner Nights - PG Wodehouse
 The Code of The Woosters - PG Wodehouse
 Power: A Radical View - Dr. Steven Lukes
 Theatres of Memory - Raphael Samuel
 Lady Chatterley's Love - DH Lawrence
 Pontecorvo - Battle of Algiers
 Main currents of Marxism - Leszek Kolakowski
 The Republic of Fear - Kanan Makiya
 Adolf Hitler: My Part in his downfall - Spike Milligan
 The Republic of Fear - Kanan Makiya
 Cruelty and Silence - Kanan Makiya
 The Monument - Kanan Makiya
 The Affluent Society - John Gilbraith
 The Threatening Storm - Kenneth Pollack
 Black Lamb and Grey Falcon - Rebecca West
 Macbeth - Shakespeare
 Hamlet - Shakespeare
 Terminal Moraine - James Fenton
 Language and Silence - George Steiner
 Girl, 20 - Kingsley Amis
 Stanley and the Women - Kingsley Amis
 Mackerel Plaza - Peter De Vries
 Blood of the Lambs - Peter De Vries
 Judgment of Paris - Gore Vidal
 Money - Martin Amis
 Yellow Dog - Martin Amis
 The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis
 The Power and the Glory - Graham Greene
 The Human Factor - Graham Greene
 The Thirty Nine Steps - Graham Greene
 The Waste Land - TS Eliot
 After Strange Gods - TS Eliot
 The Great Terror - Robert Conquest
 Dr. Zhivago - Pasternak
 Early Success - F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Humboldt's Gift - Saul Bellow
 Ravelstein - Saul Bellow
 The Friends of Eddie Goyle - George V Higgins
 The Plague - Jean Tarrou
 A Dance to the Music of Time - Anthony Powell
 This Be The Verse - Philip Larkin
 Going Going - Philip Larkin
 First Love, Last Rites - Ian McEwan
 In Between the Sheets - Ian McEwan
 Faggots - Larry Kramer
 Writers and Politics - Conor Cruise O'Brien
 Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number - Jacobo Timmerman
 Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman
 The Loved One - Evelyn Waugh
 Island on the Land - Carey McWilliams
 The File - Penn Kimball
 The Bonfire of the Vanities - Tom Wolfe
 The Protestant Establishment - E. Digby Baltzell
 The Company of Critics - Michael Walzer
 Raj Quartet - Paul Scott
 Shame - Salman Rushdie
 The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie
 The Jaguar Smile - Salman Rushdie
 Orientalism - Edward Said
 Covering Islam - Edward Said
 Peace and its Discontents - Edward Said
 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom - Naquib Mahfouz
 The Culture of Islam - Lawrence Rosen
 Diaries - Tony Benn
 Reading Lolita in Tehran - Azar Nafisi
 What is History - EH Carr
 The Rise of the Novel, Typhoon - Joseph Conrad
 The Dream of John Ball - William Morris
 Minima Moralia - Theodor Adorno
 Tortilla Flat - John Steinback
 Persuasion - Jane Austen
 Watership Down - Richard Adams
 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahab
 Microcosm - Norman Davies
 The Pity of it All - Amos ELon
 They Fought Back - Yuri Sohl
 Resistance in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp - David Szmulevski
 The Cruiser - Warren Tute
 Chariots of Fire - Harold Abrahams
 The Broken Compass - Peter Hitchens
 Nothing to be Frightened of - Julian Barnes
 Jersey under the Jackboot - Reginald Charles Fulke Maugham

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