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 Anthony Robbins: Peak performance expert (USA), Became a phenomenally

successful entrepreneur and millionaire- consultant by age 24. Audio tapes on
 Setting and achieving goals no matter how big. Attaining one’s dreams
and aspirations within outrageously short periods of time.
 Mastering ones’ emotions: Techniques and strategies to enable one to
clearly recognize any emotion and take advantage of the gap between
stimulus and response and finally overcome them.

 Brian Tracy: Phenomenally successful trainer and motivational speaker for Ford,
IBM and others. Successfully started, managed or turned around over 22 different
 Discusses the psychology of Achievement: Tapping into the latent
resources of the brain: Utilising the remaining 3- 100% of pure untapped
mental capacity. Understanding the subconscious functioning of the brain.
Tapping into the superconcious capabilities of the brain- ability used
extensively by inventors like Thomas Edison, Composers like Mozart and
artists like Leonardo da Vinci who drew the “Mona Lisa.”
Overcoming deeply embedded subconscious tendencies like fear and self-
 Discusses the development of Self concept. Links childhood socializing
experiences to later- developed adulthood tendencies such as fear, timidity
and shyness and shows how to overcome subconscious elements which
manifest as fear, doubt and a dread for change
 Becoming a Genius: Doubling, Tripling and quadrupling brain power.
Overcoming learning difficulties and developing one’s creative and
innovative capabilities.
 Becoming a self- made millionaires: How to build empires and bridges
to your economic prosperity.

 Dale Carnegie: Top US management consultant discusses

How to win friends and influence people.
 For prospective business people to enable successful sales: Applying
psychology to influence people to buy your products
 How to influence others to buy your ideas and change their attitudes
towards various issues. How to get people to agree with you and co-
operate with you

 John C. Maxwell & Ken Blanchard: On leadership and developing a variety of

leadership capabilities to lead people with a wide variety of paradigms and
agenda’s. Great education for Religious leaders, Leaders of other
organizations and people who want to develop leadership capabilities to
meet the needs of the current working world where Emotional IQ is much
more powerful than mere Intellectual capacity.

 Robert Kiyosaki: “ The millionaire teacher” discusses

 His book, Rich Dad- Poor Dad: What the rich folks tell their children
about money and investments that the poor don’t. How to make your money work
for you instead of working for money- What to do to retire early. Why the very
intelligent people in a classroom setting don’t usually become the wealthiest
individuals in society. How to build your own business and how to make a
successful investment.

 Spencer Johnson: A classic story about two mice and two little people and their
quest to find cheese will educate you on the reason why those who fail to
change or modify their ideas have no future in this information age and how by
overcoming one’s fear of failure, uncertainty and self- doubt one can finally
move in the direction of his dreams and aspirations

 Stephen Covey: Leadership authority and chairman of Covey Leadership centre:

An international organization helping businesses, churches, organizations of
every kind unleash their full potential in order to carry out their objectives with
significantly improved effectiveness. He discusses his 2 books:

 The 7 Habits of Highly effective people: On developing personal

effectiveness based on a character, inside out approach. Achieving private
victories then finally public victories. Understanding your paradigms and how to
make a paradigm shift. Achieving unity with oneself and your environment.
Developing rich and meaningful trust- based relationships with others.

 Principle- centred Leadership: On leading based from a core of solid

principles in order to achieve significant results in team- building, effective
delegation and team adaptability in a rapidly changing world.

 Psychology & Parasychology: The influence of thoughts on behaviour,

Circumstances, the body, achievement. Developing self confidence, Controlling your
brain, Developing personal courage. Research on Extrasensory Perception, Death &
Dying, Clairvoyance, Mystic manifestations.etc

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