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I Buga Muzamil declare that this report is a piece of my original work on an internship exercise
conducted at Nansana Municipal council and has not been submitted to any institution of higher
learning for award of Degree.



I approve that this is a true report on internship training carried out by Buga Muzamil at
Nansana Municipal council in the department of Degree in business studies under our super
vision and is now ready for submission.





I dedicate this piece of work to my beloved parents MR ABBAS OSMAN and MRS ANDRO
FAIMA. I also wish to extend my sincere appreciation to my entire family at large for their
financial support especially my uncle BUGA OSMAN my support to them shall be endless. May
Almighty Allah bless you abundantly.

I would like to thank in a special way the Almighty Allah for enabling me come up with this
report. I also thank my parents, guardians for their tireless moral and financial support. Gratitude
is to my respective university and field supervisors; Mr. Katumba Ismail (academic supervisor)
and Mrs Nakalembe Olga (field supervisor) and friends, Abu Thomas, fellow course mates for
the different experiences shared together for the success of this piece of work.

C.A.O Chief Administrative Officer

C.D.O Community Develop Officer

N.M.C Nansana Municipal Council

N.A.A.D.S National Agricultural Advisory Development Services

M.U.B.S Makerere University Business School

U.P.E Universal Primary Education

U.S.E Universal Secondary Education

LIST OF ACRONYMS..................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Back ground of field attachment.......................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of field work....................................................................................................1
1.3 Benefits of field attachment..............................................................................................1
1.4 Back ground of Nansana Municipal Council....................................................................2
1.5 Location of Nansana Municipal Council..........................................................................2
1.6 What the organization does................................................................................................2
1.7 Vision................................................................................................................................3
1.8 Mission..............................................................................................................................3
1.9 Motto..................................................................................................................................3
1.10 The core values..................................................................................................................3
1.11 Objectives of Nansana Municipal Council........................................................................3
1.12 Tasks carried out by Nansana Municipal Council.............................................................4
1.13 The activities carried out in finance department of Nansana Municipal Council..............5
1.14 The organization structure of Nansana Municipal Council................................................7
1.15 Organization Departmental Details....................................................................................7
CHAPER TWO..............................................................................................................................9
ACTIVITIES UNDER TAKEN DURING FIELD TRAINING................................................9
2.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................9
2.1 Activities carried out during the field attachment.............................................................9
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................13
3.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................13
3.1 Lessons learned during field training.............................................................................13
3.2 Experiences gained during field work............................................................................16
3.3 Skills acquired.................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................19
4.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................19
4.1 Personal challenges...........................................................................................................19
4.2 Organizational challenges..................................................................................................21
4.3 The solutions to the challenges.........................................................................................22
4.4 Enjoyments.......................................................................................................................23
4.5 Disappointments...............................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................25
CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................25
5.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................25
5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................25
5.2 Recommendations to Nansana Municipal Council.........................................................25
5.3 Recommendations to MUBS...........................................................................................26
5.4 Recommendation to the policy makers............................................................................26
Appendix 1: Copies of a log book.................................................................................................28
Appendix 2: A Copy of an acceptance letter.................................................................................30
Appendix 3: Acopy of field attachment request form...................................................................31
Appendix 4: A copy of field attachment training programme.......................................................32

The field attachment program is a field based course unit introduced in the University curriculum
to integrate class room and theoretical knowledge with practical and real work environment
skills; its treated as a course of itself, except it is done outside the classroom, the essence of this
that, the graduates will after university work in organizations outside and therefore need to
appreciate the practical working and set up this organization.

This report is a result of the field attachment training conducted in Nansana municipal council,
the objectives of the field attachment in university is generally to inculcate a sense of practice,
skilling graduates on the work assignments and routines that will define and shapes a major part
of their corporate life.

The intern as a result of getting engaged in a number of activities was able to learn some lessons
which include time management, team work, handling visitors, and proper filling system. They
also gained some experiences that include knowledge about the organization, conducting
meeting, handling quests, record management, computer software. It is also important to note
that the intern acquired skills in various fields or areas that include writing skills, communication
skills, leadership skills and inter personal skills.

Further still, the intern was faced with some challenges which were both personal, organizational
and community based and they include hard to identify codes, transport problem, repeated tasks
done, inadequate fund, limited capacity of some staff, limited number of computers, inadequate
office space, amidst the challenges, the intern also had some light moment and disappointments
experienced during the field attachment exercise in Nansana municipal council which include
team work spirit, having fun by playing, field trip, conducive environment with a lot of security,
too much rains and no intensive supervision.

However, the intern made recommendations to both Nansana Municipal council and MUBS. The
intern recommend the town council to provide some transport facilitation to members so that
they report to work early and also to run some of the activities such as going to the field, the
intern also recommends the town council to provide interns with some allowances especially
after the end of the internship training. On the other hand the intern recommend MUBS to give
the letters of fieldwork introduction at least one semester before to allow time for the student to
look for place of attachment early enough.

1.0 Introduction

This chapter describes the back ground of field attachment, back ground of the
organization, geographical location, what the organization does, mission, the vision, the
goals, the core values, organizational structure and departmental details.

1.1 Back ground of field attachment

Field work is a mandatory course unit that every degree student has to undertake before
qualifying for any award for a degree at Makerere university business school. It is a
practical field based course unit that involves translating theoretical knowledge learned in
class into field work based on organizational practical work and aspects by getting
attached to an organization and under taking a training exercise of not less than eight
weeks. This exercise must be supervised by the university supervisor and field supervisor
where an assessment is carried out and later a final report is written and submitted to the
University for Examination under the supervision and guidance of university supervisor.

1.2 Objectives of field work

To equip students with practical skills, knowledge and experience from the field.

To meet the students future demand in terms of job opportunities.

To relate the relationship between classroom work and the practical in the field.

To create an opportunity for the student and academic staff to interact with stake holders.

To strengthen relationship between MUBS and the various stake holders.

To enable students get hands on experiencing real life situations.

1.3 Benefits of field attachment

Ability to translate theory to practice

Ability to work in a group, he was able to do work together with his colleagues from
other universities and had produced satisfactory results.
Ability to work alone or technical competence, the intern has that ability of doing work
alone after being instructed by the agency supervisor on what to do and how to do it.

Cooperation with members of staff/ supervisor subordinate relationship, the relationship

between the intern and Nansana municipal council had been so good.

1.4 Back ground of Nansana Municipal Council

Nansana Municipal Council attained this status in July 2015 under statutory instrument
2015 No. 47 on 9th day of September 2015 under Regulation 32(2) of the Third schedule
of the local Government Act of 1997. It was created from Nabweru sub-county, Nansana
TC, Gombe sub-county and Busukuma sub-county in Wakiso district.

Nansana Municipality is an exciting place for residence due to its approximate to capital
city live is located in central region of Uganda, this economic engine is one of the fastest
growing regional Municipalities in Uganda and has a diverse population of more than
370,000 people. We are fortunate to have abundant natural resources, a rich heritage and
economic opportunities. However, our success and rapid expansion present challenges
such as infrastructure and adequate housing that need a big imaginative ideas to address
them. The Municipal Development plan is a long term plan for managing Municipal
growth over the next five yearsin our Municipality.

1.5 Location of Nansana Municipal Council

Nansana Municipal Council is located in Wakiso District found in the central Region. It
is about 9.6 km(6 miles) from the centre of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda on
(Kampala- Hoima Road). It boarders with Wakiso Sub- county Mende Sub county and
Masuliita sub countyin the west, Kampala city in the south and Nangabo sub county in
the East.

1.6 What the organization does.

Nansana Municipal Council is a fundamental body that governs the District on behalf of
the Government of Uganda, and the people of Wakiso District through the coordinated
delivery of services which focus on national priorities and significant local needs in order
to promote the social and economic growth of the district. Other services like education
services, health services, among others.

1.7 Vision

A transformed Municipality from the unplanned state to a prosperous and well planned
society by 2040.

1.8 Mission
To ensure effective provision of sustainable services for improved livelihood.

1.9 Motto

The Municipality of Choice.

1.10 The core values







1.11 Objectives of Nansana Municipal Council

To maximize local revenue mobilization and collection to facilitate improved service

delivery and accountability to tax payers.

To revive and analyze existing revenue collections and management systems in Nansana
Municipal council

To develop a multi prolonged, social mobilization on the implementation modality

To identify the monitoring and coordination aspects during implementation of the

revenue enhancement plan
To identify, analyze and make recommendation on the most liable local revenue sources
among others.

1.12 Tasks carried out by Nansana Municipal Council

Nansana Municipal Council widens and improves the revenue tax base for the council,
this is done every financial year through holding of frequent revenue meetings,
organization of tax payer’s day to address tax payers on importance of paying taxes to the
council, strict handling of tax defaulters through locking businesses and so on.

The council also does physical planning of town council layout to ensure planned
development of the council. This has made the town of Nansana look more organized
than other councils.

They also do routine opening of vital infrastructure especially roads within the town
council. This has made the movement of goods and pedestrians easy and also makes the
town to look more organized.

Improve work relationships between council staff and marginalized groups. This has has
been done through effective motivation the staff, timely solving of the grievances, this
has made the council a comfort place for everyone.

Nansana municipal council does employment of the population through training and
sensitization to enable them access opportunities that will improve their standards of

Promotes and develops primary care and environment programs. This has been done
through supporting Nansana market and organizing community services for the staff of
the council. Through this effort cases of dangerous diseases have not been registered
within the council.

Nansana municipal council does promote education by supporting UPE and USE
programs. This has been evidenced from 2017 UPE results where Nansana municipal
council was the in best in PLE results.
Contributes to modernization of agriculture through support of activities. This has helped
the standard of living of the citizens within the council through provision of enough food,
thereby reducing famine.

1.13 The activities carried out in finance department of Nansana Municipal Council

During fieldwork training, the intern was attached to accounting and finance department
of Nansana Municipal Council. Explained below are the key activities undertaken by the

Revenue assessment
This involves carrying out massive assessment of businesses within Nansana municipal
council for purposes of determining how much a particular business enterprise can pay in
terms of tax. The intern did this by going to the field with fellow workmates and carried
the task.

Cash flow management

Cash flow management encompasses the real management of cash in terms of handing
cash, using cash, investing cash, depositing cash among others to ensure that all what is
intended to be done is met at the rightful time.

Making payments
The department of finance being key for managing cash, all transactions relating to
payments and the relevant document are issued and record kept for accountability. This
payments include allowances for staff, payment for fuel for motor vehicles among others.

Book keeping

Keeping books of organization that contains important information for the purpose of
making future references. This include cash books, payment voucher book, track record
book, receipts,invoices among others.

Budget implementation

This is where budget for previous records are followed for accountability. Keeping truck
of all budget of an organization is vital and eases the process of follow up in cases of
fraud and it is one of the key activities done at Nansana municipal council.
Collecting revenue

This is where cash is collected from traders within Nansana municipal council. Revenue
is the source of government and all traders within the municipal are taxed ascertain
percentage of money depending on the size of the business. This will also facilitate
smooth running of all the programs of the organization.
1.14 The organization structure of Nansana Municipal Council









Source: (Finance Department Manual 2017)

1.15 Organization Departmental Details


Several units also fall under this department. However, these were not limited to; Human
resource management, internal audit, procurement, finance and record’s management,
auditing, law enforcers, among others.

This department incorporated revenue, budgeting, expenditure and accounting headed by

the chief finance officer. This is where most of the planning concerning financial
expenditures for the organization are done and it includes keeping of all the records of
those expenditures.


This department has under it administration, inspection, sports and special education. Its
where all the administrative issues involving all the schools within Nansana municipality
are held to ensure that all the schools carry out their activities as demanded by the the


Several units existed under this department. Among others were; PHC, Health visitation
and Inspection, Disease control, Medical Supplies etc. this departmentment is the one
responsible for ensuring that there is quality service in all the health departments like
clinics, in restaurants, among others.

Planning Unit

Statistics, population, projects, Development and operational planning, coordination of

plans of lower governments all fell under planning department.

Production and Marketing

Under this department, Agricultural productivity, crops, Veterinary Fisheries, Vermin

control, Entomology and commercial services are placed. Its department which ensures
that new variety of seeds are given to the farmers timely.

Works Department

Subsumed Civil, Roads and Bridges, Buildings, Water, Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering and monuments. This is department responsible for road works, constructing
bridges and dams, ensuring that there is proper management of roads by putting signs
among others.
2.0 Introduction

This chapter covers the activities undertaken by the intern during the period of the field
attachment which commenced on June- August 2018; the intern was in the department of
Accounting and Finance of Nansana Municipal Council.

2.1 Activities carried out during the field attachment

Orientation and Induction

As an intern, this was the first activity I was involved in and this was done to introduce
me to the organizations hierarchy, offices and officers, department to which I was
assigned and others, their operations and also showing me the books of accounts used and
their relationships. This activity was done by the Human resource manager in charge of
interns at Nansana Municipal Council. This was done to make the intern understand the
environment he operates.

Office maintenance and cleanliness

The intern also involved himself in office maintenance and cleanliness in a situation
where the cleaner either reports late or does not turn up. He did by picking papers,
arranging documents on the table of his supervisor before he reports to office.

Vouching of claims raised by customers

This involves writing of vouchers that were raised from claims that were coming from
different departments of the organization. These claims were basically for payment and
the account department through the Town Clerk authorizes the payment of these vouchers
after the necessary signatories are arranged.

Writing of the vote book

This involves posting data from the payment vouchers in to the vote book of all the
departments of the organization such as administration, finance, engineering, law
enforcement, human resource among others. This task was ensured by the accounts
assistant to ensure proper accountability of all the records relating to paper expenses
within the organization.

Assessment of business enterprises

This involves field work whereby the intern moved from door to door to determine value
for trade license to be paid by the business enterprises. Under this the intern issued
receipts for people who apply for business application and recording the amount assessed
in the registration.

Preparation of both revenue and expenditure abstract

This involves opening and posting revenue and expenditure abstracts from the
information captured in the receipt and cash book respectively for the month of July to
January to determine how much was collected as revenue at the end of each month and
how much was spend for each month as the expenditure.

Writing of the general ledger for both revenue and expenditure from their
respective abstracts

The intern did by getting the amount spent on each item for each department and getting
the cumulative balances at the end of the year. This was aimed at getting the end of year
balances in order to prepare the trial balances.

Preparation of statement of revenue and expenditure

This is another work the intern was involved in during the training. This was done by
adding all the revenues got from the cash book and comparing them with the
expenditures from the abstract of expenditure and getting the balancing figure for the
next month.

Writing of cash transaction

The intern was able to capture cash transactions that took place over the month from
different departments in the cash book and come up with the monthly balances which
were compared with the balances from the abstract.
Preparation of trial balance

This shows the list of balances from the trial balance taken as the cumulative. This was
also one of the activities the intern did during his field work whereby he was able to
prepare the trial balance from the list of balances from the ledger which the balanced.
This was task given by accounts assistant who also guided the intern while performing
the task.

Photocopying, typing and printing of meeting minutes

The intern also helped in this area especially the secretary of the council. This includes
documents like minutes for previous meeting, photocopying of identity cards, among
others. This therefore eased the work of the secretary.

Receiving of payments

The intern also received payments especially from the clients for purchasing items like
identity cards, death certificates, and payments done for property, among others. This was
also another important part the intern involved in during his time of training at Nansana
Municipal Council.

Designing vouchers

Still in that office, the intern also designed vouchers and numbered them so that payments
are done easily vouchers were mainly payment vouchers and also wages and salary
vouchers. The payment vouchers were used for payments which have requisition voucher
which were used for requesting specific things of one’s interest and the copies of the
vouchers are attached after the report.

Stock taking

This involves physical verification of the quantities and conditions of items held in an
inventory, as a basis for accurate inventory audit and valuation. However, during the
period of the training the intern participated in inventory checking which enabled the
intern to verify the quantities and conditions of items and goods in that department of the
organization and it was done on weekly basis.
Preparing the goods received note

This involves taking record of goods received from suppliers whereby the intern
participate in preparing the goods received note for the goods being supplied by the
suppliers which enabled the intern to receive, keep, retrieve goods and prepare the goods
received note within the department in the organization and this was done at the time of
delivery within the organization.

Raising local purchase order

This is when before purchase of goods, order is raised by the department to buy the item
whereby the intern participated in raising the purchase order to procure fuel with the
request of the town clerk to fuel the generator of the organization and order is raised to
purchase office stationaries to be used in department which enabled the trainee to have
knowledge and on how to raise local purchase order in the organization.

Filling of documents in respective files

It involves putting various documents into their respective files of the department within
the organization. However, the intern participated in filing documents for prequalification
of suppliers, contract committee minutes file, and Nansana main market file, management
of Municipal Abattoir and reports, minutes which enables the intern to have knowledge
on how to have knowledge on how to file documents.

Attending to suppliers and the staff of the organization

During the time of the training, the intern participated in serving suppliers, staff of the
organization by giving directives in relation to the inquiries as the trainee gets the
knowledge of how to communicate to the clients and the people within the organization.

Issuing of identity cards, birth certificates, and death certificates

This is one of the activity the intern did when he was for the training. It involves giving
out the mentioned items to the clients in case of their demand. This task was majorly
assigned by the account and the intern does as ordered.
3.0 Introduction

This chapter describes lessons learned, skills acquired, and experiences gained when
carrying out the field attachment training for expansion of knowledge in various fields.

3.1 Lessons learned during field training

Time management

The intern learned that time management is very important in the organization in
carrying the activities of the organization whereby the intern was able to keep time when
ever doing activities assigned to by

Team spirit

During the period of field attachment, the trainee learned that team spirit was very vital
and emphasized which brought the intern and the staff members together to work hand in
hand in developing and improving the wellbeing of the organization hence making the
intern to learn how to work as a team.

Code of conduct

The trainee also learned that code of conduct is observed strictly in the organization
evidenced by dressing code in the office is restricted that is every staff must dress
decently, apart from jeans, miniskirts, sandals and dress in close shoes, smartly tacked in,
hair well maintained for men should be shaved, no quarrels are entertained, staff are to be
honest, understanding and integrity, trust worthy all are to be observed which build
confidence in the intern to obviously observe the code of conduct.


The trainee also learned that appreciation of other staff, fellow interns at work place make
them feel responsible and work hard this was evidenced whenever field supervisor would
say thanks for the job well done, the intern would feel very happy this brings hard work
and creativity to the intern in the department.
Attending of council board meetings

During period of field attachment several meetings were held in the organization and the
intern took part in attending all the meetings and he was involved to take minutes of the
meeting. This has enabled the intern to learn how minutes are taken.

Cash flow record keeping

During the field attachment the organization practices record keeping for references
purposes and for the accountability whereby the intern was able to learn how records of
the organization are kept.

Lesson on writing payment vouchers

The intern also got the experience of vouching that is writing of payment voucher to
effect payments for all the departments in the council. This was such an important
activity for which he greatly involves since writing of vouchers is very key. This helped
the trainee to learn how payments are been effected at Nansana Municipal council.

Accessing of business enterprises

The intern also learned how business enterprises are accessed in order to determine the
amount for trading license especially looking at the size of the business and the type of
the business. This is very important and it has made the intern to real learn on how to
access business enterprises for property and trading license.

Preparing of abstract of revenue and expenditure

This is also another important lesson the intern learned during the time of field work. It
involves the preparing of abstract of revenue and expenditure which he did for two
months from June- August.

Lesson on posting the vote book from the data of the payment voucher

The intern got to learn how to post in the vote book from the data of the payment. This
made the intern to understand the posting process for which he can do without
committing errors and even within a shortest time.
Writing the general ledger

The intern also learned a lesson of writing general ledger for both revenue and
expenditures especially the one with running balances. This made the intern to drive
revenue and expenditure ledger on his own and even without getting complication.

Preparation of revenue and expenditure statement

The intern also learned how to prepare revenue and expenditure statements, and this was
very important knowledge he learned from the field work.

Writing of cash book

The intern also learned how the cash books can be written since it was one of my
activities during the field work. This made the intern more capable of writing these
books, balancing them and other aspects without many difficulties.

Preparation of the trial balance

Since the intern took part in preparing the trial balance he also learned a lesson on how to
prepare them from the cash book and make the final adjustments where necessary. This
made the trainee more capable and confident of extracting information from the cash

Preparation of balance sheet

The intern also learned how balance sheet can be prepared from all the sources of
information from different source books like the vote book, revenue and expenditure
abstracts and so on since there is need to balance the cash books.

Lesson about security for office property

The intern also secured office property by limiting access to them as per the instruction
he received from the supervisor. The intern learned this because as people know that
money and all financial documents are kept there.
3.2 Experiences gained during field work

The internee was in position to gain the following experiences during the field attachment
training in the organization

Photocopying, typing and printing

The trainee was able to gain experience in photocopying documents such as evaluation
analysis sheets, and prequalification assessment sheet, evaluation minutes of the
prequalified reports. The intern also typed documents such as suppliers information,
minutes and he printed documents like contracts award letters, reports among others.

Writing payment vouchers

The intern got experience in writing voucher, the intern could do this by filling in the
details of payment in the vouchers with easy and minimum supervision. This are
vouchers from claims that are raised by the town council clients.

Preparation of trial balance

As an intern I also got experience on how to prepare a trial balance. This is list of
balances from the trial balance is taken as cumulative. This was one of the activities he
did where he got experience.

Experience to write cash book

The intern was able to capture cash transactions that took place over the month from
different departments in the cash book and come up with the monthly balances which
were compared with the balances from the abstract.

Experience on how to assess business enterprises

The intern also got experience on how to assess business enterprises to determine the
value for trade license to be paid by the business enterprise. Here the intern was involved
in issuing receipts for people who pay amounts for business application and also
recording the amount assessed in the registration book.
Writing of general ledger for both revenue and expenditure from their respective

Under here, the intern got experience by getting the spent on each item for each
department and getting the cumulative balances at the end of the year. This was aimed at
getting the end of year balances in order to prepare the trial balance.

Preparation of statement of revenue and expenditure

The intern also got another experience on how to prepare statement of revenue and
expenditure. He got this by adding all the revenues got from the cash book and
comparing them with the expenditures from the abstracts.

3.3 Skills acquired

The trainee acquired a lot of skills during his internship training at the organization
among them were;

Communication skills

During the field attachment the trainee acquired skills in communication with people i.e.
fellow trainees, clients, suppliers through discussions and giving respect to everyone who
got the chance to interact with by so avoiding the emotional talks and reactions to any
person before and get to know each other.

Skills in using photocopier

The trainee during the field attachment acquired skills in using the photocopier in
photocopying tender evaluation analysis sheets, and prequalification assessment sheets,
reports in the organization however this enables the trainee to get used to the photocopier

Typing and printing skills

During the field attachment training the intern acquired skills in typing documents such
as contract award letters, minutes of previous meeting in the organization, however the
finds it easier to use computers. The internee also got skills of printing of invitation
letters, printing of reports among others.
Record keeping skills

During the period of field work at Nansana Municipal Council, the intern also acquired
skills of keeping records of different documents such as keeping records of previous
meeting, maintaining records of clients who have paid their monthly arrears etc

The Skills of managing work condition

The intern also got skills of managing work conditions that is working for long hours
especially when he had a lot of work to, reporting early morning, always dressing smart,
siting so long in the office among others.

Skills of attending to inquiries from clients

The intern also learned new skills of attending to enquiries from the clients especially
those who come for identity cards, birth certificates and so on and this has improved his
skills of attending to clients.
4.0 Introduction

This chapter records the challenges and limitations faced by the intern, organization,
workers, institution and solutions to the challenges and limitations, enjoyments and
disappointments as well when undertaking the field attachment training.

4.1 Personal challenges.

Understanding the organization set-up

It took quit long time for the intern to understand the organization set-up and the various
departments/ units. This was a challenge because the intern never felt secure in executing
duties as desired as most of the departments were under tight security especially finance
and accounting departments.

Adoption to the new environment

Adoption to the environment that accommodated different cultures, different ways of

doing things and approach to issues made it difficult for the intern. This is because the
organization was just near to the main road with a lot of noise and it was also near by the
police post.

Unfavorable climatic conditions

The unfavorable climatic conditions evidenced by the heavy rains during the time of
walking to and from the place of training which could interrupt the trainee on the way
some times making the trainee reach office late.

Lack of transport money

The trainee encountered the challenge of transport to and from the place of internship
training. This was because the trainee had no means of transport such as bicycle, motor
cycle and motor vehicle and yet the intern had to walk a long distance place coupled with
the muddy roads.
Feeding problem

The trainee faced the challenge of feeding while undertaking the training as the
organization made it clear that there could be no provision of salary, meals, and other
benefits for the interns which was a challenge for the intern.

Shortage of up keep fund

The trainee also encountered the challenge in money for the facilitation during the
training, as the money which the trainee went with did not cater for the whole period of
the field attachment which makes the intern to be uncomfortable in carrying out the

Lack of enough office space

Office space was a big challenge since the number of interns in finance department was
so large that the available space could not be enough to accommodate all the interns
causing challenges in performing tasks.

Difficulties in understanding instructions at the beginning

Following procedures was somehow hard from beginning since most of the work was
practical work, This hindered the intern’s performance in the first week but later on the
intern was able to cope up with the works some thing which made him to become more

Lack of access to computers in the office

The office has very few computers which were only used by permanent staff of the
organization. This therefore made it a challenge for the intern to access the computers
whenever he fills to use the computers for practical work.

Language problem

This was also another big challenge the intern faced during his period of internship. This
is because most clients to whom he was attending were majorly using the local language
which is Luganda which made him not to understand them so fast.
Limited time for the training

The time that was given for the field work was not enough yet many activities needed to
be learned. This made the intern not to accomplish all of his objectives in time. For
example for proper training to make some capable of applying his knowledge it needs
some good number of months like four month time as minimum.

Report writing

The intern also encountered challenges in organizing report and executing duties at the
same time, the trainee could not put down some of the relevant information since the
intern had so many tasks to perform within a short period time.

4.2 Organizational challenges

Lack of basic monitoring skills

The executives are responsible for monitoring and supervision of programs. This require
some basic knowledge in order to be able to do so. Many of these executives lacked these
basic skills and were unable to help the interns in some areas.

Inconsistent power

Power that has been inconsistent during work time delayed productivity of the intern in
terms of offering services in the organization and meeting deadlines for sub mission of
reports to the superiors respectively as organization has no consistent power.


The finance department for instance lacks a clear source of funding. This causes too
much strain on the staff as to acquire funds for the unit which sometimes delay
organizational activities and hence affected the learning of the interns.

Inadequate number of computers

The department had few computers and there were number of activities given to the
intern and this delayed the accomplishment of the activities yet some this activities were
challenging which demand use of computers.
Few number of staffs at the counil

The department had only few staff who were overwhelmed with work and when the
interns reported most of the work was assigned to them and hence over working the
interns with no allowances given and even for lunch only.

Inadequate office facilities and space

Most offices lack enough space and the workers had to crowd in a small office and this
reduced speed of work flows in the affected offices. To make matters worst the municipal
decided to use very incomplete rooms made things worst especially when it is raining.

The employees lacked refreshment

Breakfast and / or lunch, they mostly catered for their own meals even forego some
meals, their efficiency at work is reduced, hence low quality of work. The council never
took the efforts of the serious by at least providing them with lunch or break fast.

4.3 The solutions to the challenges

The intern was able to solve the issue of power by going to the nearby computer centre to
type work and submit to the agency supervisor to ease service delivery.

The intern was in position to consult his agency supervisor in case of doubt especially the
codes of the different departments and their items which had are difficult to capture off

The trainee during the field attachment was able to solve the of bad weather by wearing
the heavy jackets, use of umbrella in rain, in order to reach the office in time to start the
daily activities in the organization.

The intern also loved the field attachment and the position as a way of adapting easily to
new environment.

Lack of transport to and from the place of the internship training was partial solved by
waking up earlier such that he could walk and reach early in the office.
The challenge of tedious and time consuming was solved by been committed and
concentrated entirely on the work in order to reduce work load and squeeze some time for
other things.

The challenge of lack of fund or money was partial handled by the friends who could
help the trainee with some money when he mate them and try as much as possible to stay
without money since things are hard.

4.4 Enjoyments

They had the following enjoyments during the field attachment training

Team work

The trainee enjoyed the team work system at the college where by all the staff work as a
team and the internees also had team work amongst them and with the supervisor in the
accounts department which made the work simple and enjoyable.

Care for interns by the staff at municipal

The internee also enjoyed the care that was showed to the internees by the staff of the
college, they were so caring, honored and appreciated the work the trainee had for them
at the college which made him feel home and the environment too was so friendly.

Social interaction

Another thing the trainee enjoyed was the friendly interaction with the entire staff, fellow
internees and the students from the different colleges which made him learn a lot and
acquire new friends like from IUIU, Nkumba university among others.

Foot ball sports activities

The intern enjoyed sports activities organized by the organization after working hours
whereby the intern participated and enjoyed himself during field attachment period some
thing which gave him more refreshment.
Delegation to lead lead team in the field

The trainee also enjoyed the delegation system whenever they delegated and assigned
some work to the trainee, the intern would learn and discover many new things which he
never knew before which could make him excited and responsible.

Moderate work

During field work, the intern was not subjected to too much work which made him to
always be accurate without making of errors due to tiredness. This therefore proved to be
conducive since most of the time the intern was working on own things.


During field work period, the intern was also recognized by giving respect by other staff
of council. This was through introducing the intern to the various offices at the council,
involving him in meeting, among others.

4.5 Disappointments

The trainee had the following disappointments during field attachment training

Unfavorable climate

The internee was disappointed by the unfavorable climatic conditions especially the
heavy rain during the time to and from the internship training which used to wash the
internee on the work or home.

Power blackout
The intern was also disappointed by unstable power which could disrupt the activities
assigned to the intern by the supervisor such as printing, photocopying which could make
work stand still as at the end of it report has to be submitted to the field supervisor.

No allowance was given

The intern was not given allowance after when he completed the field work yet he
expected it to be given at the end of the field work. This created atmosphere of
dissatisfaction with the organization since most organization pay some money for the

5.0 Introduction

This chapter is about the conclusion of the field attachment and recommendations to the
institution as well as where the student conducted his internship program in regard to
learning, approaches and method used by the organization for implementation of the
training as well as relevance of the internship to real life work experiences.

5.1 Conclusion

The internship program is an important learning approach that exposes the student to very
many business activities and other administrative development initiatives in the office.
This therefore equipped the student with field practical skills, and experiences hence
leading the student to become responsible, consistent and competent Administrator/
manager in his areas of operation.

The field attachment program is very important and vital which trains the students both in
the lecture room and out in the practical field which imparts ideas, skills, and ability to
judge and take decision by the students which in future will help them at their various
place of work and it is a key component in that it enabled the student to apply knowledge
and skills acquired at the university through practicing field activities like planning,
program implementation, analyzing, record keeping and report writing.

5.2 Recommendations to Nansana Municipal Council

The municipal should employ more staff in finance department.

The organization should acquire stand by generator to solve the challenge of power.

The municipal should train staffs so that they are knowledgeable what takes place in the

There is need for the municipality to acquire more computers and printers to address the
challenge of few computers.
The municipal should provide breakfast to the staff in order to motivate them.

The municipal should provide interns with allowances at the end of their training as a

There is need for stable means of transport to take staff to field and back to office.

There is need to create more space in finance department in order to accommodate large
number of trainees.

5.3 Recommendations to MUBS

MUBS needs to assign more lecturers who are close with the students so that they can be
able to relate freely amongst themselves and at the organization as well. This is for the
purpose of proper guidance and guidance and monitoring during the training period.

The school should take responsibility of allocating places of internship for trainees who
have failed to get places since it’s very difficult to find. This relieves the students from
the stress of looking for placement.

The University should give students more time in the field for the students to carry out
the internship exercise so as to enable them gain more experience in the field.

The academics supervisor allocation should be done before the students go to the field to
enable easy coordination.

Field visits by the academic supervisors should be done early from the beginning of the
internship period and this is to ensure that the student can make correct adjustments and
also become aware of some mistakes.

5.4 Recommendation to the policy makers

The Local Government needs to be proactive and collaborate with donor organizations so
as to increase funding moralities. This will make its plan efficiently, attract staff, retain
and motivate the staff for adequate and quality service delivery to the people.
Local government (PPDA) guidelines, 2008

Restructuring of the local government and staffing levels (revised edition 2005)

PPDA Act, 2003

The Government Financial and Accounting Regulations (UGFAR), 2007

Local Government Performance Assessment Manual, June 2017

Michael Armstrong Armstrong’s Handbook Of Management And Leadershipa Guide To

Managing For Results 2nd Edition (2009)

Work Groups and Teams in Organizations 2001 Steve W. J. KozlowskiMichigan State University
Drucker, P (1963) Managing for Results, Heinemann, LondonThe Oxford Handbook of
Cognitive Psychology Edited by Daniel Reisberg Mar 2013
Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong; Valerie Trifts; Peggy H. Cunningha, Principles of Marketing
14th Editionn (2012)
Kotler & Armstrong 2012) Principles of Marketing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Appendix 1: Copies of a log book
Appendix 2: A Copy of an acceptance letter
Appendix 3: A copy of field attachment request form
Appendix 4: A copy of field attachment training programme

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