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Table of contends

1. Overview

1.1 Current System

1.2 Limitations of the current System

1.3 Proposed System

1.2.1 Objective of the proposed System

2. Functional Requirements

2.1 System Requirements

2.1.1 Scope and Boundary

2.1.2 Context Diagram

2.2 Inputs and outputs

2.3 User Interface Screens

3. Operating Environment Requirement

3.1 Hardware

3.2 Software

4. Non-Functional Requirements

5. Detailed Design

4.1 Data Flow diagram

4.2 UML Diagram-Use case diagram

4.3 Database Table

6. Testing

7. User Manual
Gantt Chart:
Model Used:
Here, the project is done with the help of PROTOTYPE MODEl. Since it is an online web
interface it includes lot of interaction with end users. There is lot of interaction Prototyping
ensures that the end users constantly work with the system and provide a feedback which is
incorporated in the prototype to result in a useable system. They are excellent for designing
good human computer interface systems. User are actively involved in the System. Missing
functionalities can be easily identified. Hence this project is done with this model,

Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs within an organisation. Hiring is a strategic function for human
resource department. Human resource management includes several responsibilities, mainly
selecting potential employees that the organisation needs. We consider an organisation that we
can automate its recruitment process and this organisation is currently using a manual system
to recruit employees; since recruiting employees manually is a time consuming, possibly
erroneous in employing incompetent individuals, thus wasting of the organisation’s money or
loosely speaking not a wise strategy in terms of economy. This system will help the
organisation in selecting the best potential applicant that could help in achieving its goals.

1.1 Current System:

Current system of recruiting involves the following steps:

❖ Requirement unit shall receive requisition from any departments of the organisation
through hiring manager.
❖ Recruitment unit prepare job description and person specification.
❖ Recruitment Unit shall announce vacancies to the public through radio, television,
newspapers and etc.
❖ Recruitment Unit shall register applicants and receive their educational and other
relevant documents after checking against their originals.
❖ Recruitment unit will do Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with
required characteristics and conduct interview with the selected candidate.
❖ Hiring manager make decision on the selected candidates and shall prepare minutes and
recommend for approval.
❖ Recruitment Unit ensures that the successful candidate is medically fit and free from
any criminals and finally result will be posted on the organisation notice board.
❖ The selected candidate who are certified and fit for the job shall fill in application forms
for employment.
❖ Recruitment Unit prepares Personnel Action (PA) after collecting all documents
necessary for the personal file of the employees. The PA shall describe Employee name,
identification No, position/grade and salary, job code, cost centre, location, work
Unit/department, division, section, remarks and effective date.
❖ A recruited employee shall be assigned to their respective department for 45 days of
probation period. The department shall notify to Recruitment Unit on the performance
of the employee before the probation period ends.

Current system of bringing organisation for campus placement involves the following

❖ Individual of the college may request with the organisation. Organisation based on the
results of the college will make interest on recruiting in that college.

1.2 Limitations of the current system:

Often paper work is slow, which results delay on client’s services and for the personnel
processes of the organisation. Personnel information about employees stored in many places.
Personnel information has to be captured again and again when activities related to a particular
employee is performed. Data is not securely stored as the result; personal information of
employees is exposed to unauthorized agents. Due to the large number of manual files, data
organization is difficult and is not easy to meet new information needs from stored data. Manual
handling of data is expensive as compared to automated system. Cost in terms of time is high.
Inefficiency due to poor time management. Effort and materials required for tasks is excessive.
Once an error occurs in the input process this error can affect all levels of the division.
Inconsistency in decision making with regard to employees. Delay in announcing notice for
vacant positions. Poor recording of requisitions. The process of getting organisation into
campus involves lot of manual works, which is completely reduced by this software.

1.3 Proposed System:

The primary purpose to develop this system is to optimize the recruitment process for an
organisation. Besides the qualified applicants could be sort by this system based on their
qualifications and organisation requirements. The system has been designed to do a whole lot
more than just reduce paperwork. It can make a significant contribution to a organisation’s
marketing and sales activities.
1.2.1 Objectives of the proposed System:

This software acts as an interface between job seekers and recruiters. It also acts as an interface
between college placement teams and organisation. Most of the software available now
contains either one of the above features. But we provide above both interfaces.

Placement teams and organisations:

This project is beneficial for college students, various organisations visiting the campus for
recruitment and even the college placement officer. The software system allows the college
placement teams to create their profiles and upload all their details including their performance
onto the system. The software system allows college placement team to view a list of
organisations who have opened up for hiring. Organisation can extend their views based on the
college results, rankings, previous year placement results. Thus, it helps an organisation to hire
students from any colleges, not only hiring from top colleges. The system handles student as
well as organisation data and efficiently displays all this data to respective side. The software
allows organisation to advertise.

Jobseekers and Recruiters:

This software helps applicants to find suitable job within any particular locations with addition
he can search based upon salary, by their percentage in college. Provided he can search for a
job in various domains like banking etc. The software is capable of sorting and filtering best
suitable candidates based on some criteria. Organisation will not have to waste their time for
finding right employee at right post.
2.Functional Requirements

The system should record all the details of an applicant, recruiters and colleges. The system
should provide applicant, recruiters and colleges to edit their profile. The system should allow
user to give feedback about the system. The system must allow the users to delete accounts.
The system should allow the admin to have full authority over user accounts. It should allow
the admin to sort and filter applicants based on some criteria. There must be password recovery
system for users in case of forgetting password. It must allow the colleges and organisations to
advertise. Whoever registers for the system is provide with user id. There must be a User id
recovery in case of forgetting. They are allowed to create their own password, which must be
of 8-15 characters. The password must contain a Uppercase alphabets, lowercase alphabets,
Special characters and numbers. The Jobseekers can search their jobs based on their salary,
locations, designation etc. Location search must be available for both placement teams and
organisation. Once the Jobseeker is recruited by an organisation, their status must be converted
as employee from candidate. This must be done by the organisation. Later the admin will be
notified that particular applicant got hired, so he will cancel the candidate. As soon as got
cancelled concerned Jobseeker must be notified.

2.1 System Requirements

Processor : 450 MHz or faster processor 32 bit or 64 bit processor.

RAM : minimum of 2GB

Operating Systems : Linux / Windows 7,8,10/Mac OSX 10.8

Hard Disk Space : 200 GB

Printer : Any Windows-compatible inkjet or laser printer.

2.1.1 Scope & Boundary:

Online recruitment system enables the users to have the typical recruitment facilities and
features at their disposal. It resolves typical issues of manual staffing processes and activities
into a controlled and closely monitored work flow in the architecture of the application. This
Multi-platform solution brings in by default, the basic intelligence and immense possibilities
for further extension of the application as required by the use. The system makes it simpler to
share and manage the organisation’s human resource requirement with higher efficiency and
easiness. The objective of these website is to serve as a common meeting ground for jobseekers
and organisation, both locally and global. This kind of systems is specifically designed for
organisation to help in solving staffing problems and managing human resource department
activities at high degree of optimization.

2.1.2 Context Diagram:

College Placement

Organisation Job Seekers
2.2 Inputs and Outputs:

Firstly, job seeker, organisation, placement team have to register by give their details like
Name, DOB etc as an input. By giving so, they will be provided with User id as an output and
they will be allowed to create their own password. User id and password will be given as an
input for login. They will be directed to their corresponding pages as an output. In that they
will search for a job, post vacancies, view college results, organisation status etc as an output.

2.3 User Interface Screens:

2.3 Modules and Submodules:

❖ Administrator:
He has the full authority over the website. He can view all the registered users and have
the power to delete them. He can edit the web pages and update them. He can view all
the organisation details also and college details too.
❖ Jobseekers:
He or She can register himself. After registration he will be directed to home page.
There he can search his/her job or view vacancy etc. After registration, he/she can
change password.
❖ Organisation:
An Organisation can register and they will be directed to the page, where they can
update the vacancy details, hiring details etc. Organisation can search for any college
details and view their results.
❖ College Placement Teams:
Similarly, after registering they can be directed to the page, where they can upload their
results. Later they can be viewed by the organisations and they will decide whether they
need to hire or not.

Safe and security:

This software is secure for every kind of its users, because here is facility of session
management. If any user logout from any session then nobody will be able to access his profile
without knowing their confidential password.


This application can be accessed from any type of platform.


There is no case of redundancy in the database so it will not take extra memory space.


There should not be any complainant regarding the availability of the system. The system
should be capable of serving its intended function. The system shall be available 24/7 and


Check whether there is any critical failure for a consecutive 72-hour period when heavy
operations being carried out. The system shall not allow unauthorized personnel to access to
the data.


Check whether the system runs well on different platforms like Linux, Microsoft Windows
(x86, x86- 64), Mac OS X (PowerPC, x86, x86-64) etc.
Error handling and Extreme conditions:

Input validation has to be performed in detail in order to notify each and specific errors occur
while a user is filling forms data or uploading a big file or any other conditions there must be
a way to notify the conditions.
5. Detailed Design:

4.1 Data Flow Diagram:

Level 1
Level 2:
Level 3:
4.2 UML diagrams:

Use case diagram:

Placement teams:
4.3 Database Table Details:

Table name: Login

Primary key: User id

Data name Data type Width Constraint

User id Varchar 7 Not Null, unique

Password Varchar 15 Not Null, unique

Table name: Jobseeker Registration

Primary key: user id

Data name Data type Width Constraint

First Name Char 25 Not Null

Last Name Char 15 Not Null
DOB Number 8 Not Null
Gender Char Not Null
Mail address Varchar 30 Not Null
Address line1 Varchar 15 Not Null
Address line2 Char 15
Town/city Char 20 Not Null
User id Varchar 7 Not Null, Unique
Password Varchar 15 Not Null, Unique
Mobile Number Number 10 Not Null
Table Name: Organisation Registration

Primary key: User id

Data Name Data Type Width Constraint

Name Char 30 Not Null

Address line1 Varchar 15 Not Null
Address line2 Varchar 15
Town/City Char 30 Not Null
Mail address Varchar 30 Not Null
User id Varchar 7 Not Null, Unique
Password Varchar 15 Not Null, Unique
Mobile Number Number 10 Not Null

Table Name: Placement team Registration

Primary Key: User id

Data Name Data Type Width Constraint

College Name Char 30 Not Null

Address Line1 Varchar 15 Not Null
Address Line2 Varchar 15
Town/City Char 30 Not Null
Mail address Varchar 30 Not Null
User id Varchar 7 Not Null, Unique
Password Varchar 15 Not Null, Unique
Mobile Number Number 10 Not Null
Table Name: Jobseeker Resume

Data Name Data Type Width Constraint

First Name Char 25 Not Null

Second Name Char 15 Not Null
Father Name Char 25 Not Null
DOB Number 8 Not Null
Mail address Varchar 30 Not Null
Mobile Number Number 10 Not Null
Address Varchar 50 Not Null
Qualification Char 30 Not Null
Institution Char 30 Not Null
Percentage Number 3 Not Null
Work experience Char 50 Not Null

Table Name: Hiring

Data Name Data Type Width Constraint

Recruiter Name Char 25 Not Null

Organisation Name Char 50 Not Null
Post Name Char 30 Not Null
Vacancy Number Number 3 Not Null
Looking for Char 50
6. Testing:

Test case id: LP001

Test description: This following test case is for common login. When the user enters their
details the possibilities of the test cases are given below

Note: V means valid, I means Invalid

Testcases Steps Expected results Status

1.1 Blank, Blank Displays error Fail

1.2 Blank, I Displays error Fail
1.3 Blank, V Displays error Fail
1.4 I, Blank Displays error Fail
1.5 V, Blank Displays error Fail
1.6 I, V Displays error Fail
1.7 I, I Displays error Fail
1.8 V, I Displays error Fail
1.9 V, V Directs to their Pass
Home page
Test case id: FU002

Test description: When user forget user id, it will be regenerated. User has to enter the details
as mentioned in the form and the test cases are given below.

Note: V means Valid, I means Invalid, S means Selected and N means Not selected

Test cases Steps Expected Results Status

2.1 Blank, Blank, Blank, Displays error Fail

N message
2.2 Blank, Blank, Blank, Displays error Fail
S message
2.3 Blank, I, V, N Displays error Fail
2.4 Blank, V, I, N Displays error Fail
2.5 Blank, I, V, S Displays error Fail
2.6 Blank, V, I, S Displays error Fail
2.7 V, Blank, I, N Displays error Fail
2.8 V, Blank, I, S Displays error Fail
2.9 I, Blank, V, S Displays error Fail
2.10 I, Blank, I, N Displays error Fail
2.11 V, I, I, N Displays error Fail
2.12 V, I, I, S Displays error Fail
2.13 I, I, I, S Displays error Fail
2.14 I, I, I, N Displays error Fail
2.15 V, V, V, N Displays error Fail
2.16 V, V, V, V Directs to the Pass
appropriate page

Test case id: FP003

Test description: When the user forgets the password, it can regenerate by giving so details in
the form. When correct details are given an OTP will be sent. By giving so the password can
be reset. Test cases are given below:

Note: I means Invalid, V means Valid

Test Cases Steps Expected results Status

3.1 Blank, Blank Displays error Fail

3.2 Blank, I Displays error Fail
3.3 Blank, V Displays error Fail
3.4 I, Blank Displays error Fail
3.5 V, Blank Displays error Fail
3.6 I, V Displays error Fail
3.7 I, I Displays error Fail
3.8 V, I Displays error Fail
3.9 V, V Directs to their Pass
Home page
Test case id: FP004

Test description: After clicking next button, they will be directed to the page where they set
their password. They are allowed to enter their password twice, if both matches the test will be

Note: M means matches, N means Not matches

Test cases Steps Expected results Status

4.1 Blank, Blank Displays error Fail

4.2 N, N Displays error Fail
4.3 N, M Displays error Fail
4.4 M, N Displays error Fail
4.5 M, M Password set Pass

7. User Manual:

When the user opens the software, there will be the common login page. If they already have
their account, they will be logged in. If they forget any credentials, there will be an option
below to regenerate them. If any new users, they will find the registration page link below in
the login page. After login, they will be directed to their home page. In the home page they can
see the vacancy post posted by recruiters for jobseekers. For organisation, they will see the
placed resumes by Jobseekers and etc. For Placement teams they will see the organisation
news. Admin can able to see all those after login. Their will be a search option for all the pages.
If any modules select that, they will be listed by the types of search, and their corresponding
results will be shown. When they swipe right there will be some list of options like Edit their
profile, feedback etc.

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