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Under the sun, the “Golden Dream” exudes golden brilliance, as if it were a moving treasure.

Daniz stood in the captain’s room and continually paced back and forth, trying to remember everything
that happened during this time and finding clues for investigation.

Three days ago, his captain, “Iceberg Lieutenant” Ademona announced that it would do a study. It may
not appear for ten or twenty hours, so the corresponding courses are all cancelled. For this, Daniz and
others are not Strange, because It’s something that happens often.

They are delighted that they don’t have to go to class. On the boat, they are drinking and singing, and
they are holding a bonfire party. They just did not ignite the “Golden Dream” and they enjoyed it very

Over time, including the dull Deniz, everyone is gradually aware that the captain who should have
finished the study within 24 hours has not appeared the next day, and even did not find someone to
send food and serve as water. Light beer!

Waiting patiently for a long time, still did not see the “Iceberg Lieutenant” Ademona crew daring to
ring the door of the captain’s room, horrified to find no one responded.

Under the leadership of the great deputy Bruce Wals, the pirates opened the captain’s room and saw
that there was nothing left!

They then went to the collection room and other places, but still could not find the “Iceland Lieutenant”

Based on past experience, they initially suspected that the captain had thought of something
temporarily, so he applied one of various secret techniques or imitated the extraordinary skills of
others, and hurriedly left the “Golden Dream”, and did not have time to leave a message.

Later, Daniz and others tried to contact with the “Lingling Ceremony” and other methods. Without any
response, they could only search the captain’s room and other places, look for clues, and convince
themselves to wait patiently.

On the third day, Ademona, the “Iceberger”, still did not appear, and did not respond, the crew began to

“Shit, does your divination have results? Are you not an expert in this area?” Daniz irritatedly turned to
“flower bow tie” Jodson.

Jodson, who was black-stained with gold, licked his forehead and used a rather mellow voice:

“Failed, all the divination of the tracing failed.

“But for the time being, the captain is still alive, just don’t know where to go.”

Bruce Wals, the chief of the short gray curly hair, pushed his monocles:

“We have to ask for help. The captain’s collection has not been lost. She didn’t even take away some of
the necessary magical items, which shows that the situation was very unexpected.”

“Who are you looking for?” Another Sailor, the long swell of the waist, asked Dan Neils.

Bruce Wolth raised the silver-grained knife in his hand to his nose.

“Back to the West Coast.”

His implication is to find the “God of Knowledge and Wisdom” church behind Ademona.

“No, returning from the pirate paradise to the west coast, across the Sunya Sea, through the North Sea
or Mad Sea, and then sailing in the foggy sea for a long time, the captain can’t wait that long! She can
happen at any time!” “Flower bow tie” Desen said, “We must find someone who can contact you
quickly and can help in a short time.”

Daniz wanted to swear another “shit”, but suddenly there was inspiration.

He can quickly contact only one person, that is, Gelman Sparrow, and this crazy adventurer never
shows himself in front of him and is good at divination and mysterious background!

Maybe, the madman can find the captain, he can always do the impossible… Dani z pulled the collar
down, feeling worried about the irritability.

He stood up in his chest, looked around and cleared his throat:

“I have a choice, I can contact him immediately, and he is very good at divination…”

His voice did not fall, “foodie” Bruce Wols, “flower bow tie” Jodson and “iron”, “bucket” and other
people turned to look at him at the same time, with red eyes, shouted:

“Not too fast!”

“…” Daniz silently withdrew from the captain’s room and returned to his room.

He spread out the letter paper, picked up the pen, habitually gave greetings at the beginning according
to the captain’s instructions, and then sneered a few words.

Suddenly, he paused the pen and thought it was too polite and close.

“Shit!” Daniz said one by one, brushing off the piece of paper.
Then he wrote on the new paper:


“The captain is missing!”

“Well… although Gelman Sparrow is a madman who can’t guess with normal logic, but he doesn’t
know how to believe it… shit!” Daniz licked himself and tore off the second piece of sta tionery.

He calmed down his mood, considered it for a few seconds, and dropped the pen for the third time.

This time, he succinctly wrote about the captain’s disappearance before and after, and attached the
current position of the “Golden Dream”, and then euphemistically asked if Gelman Sparrow Gawain
could provide some help to the collaborators.

“divination seems to require specific items…” Daniz just folded the letter paper and suddenly realized
that he had missed it. He hurried back to the captain’s room and found a pair of pearl earrings that
Ademona often wore.

After doing all this, he took out a notebook that recorded various mystery science knowledge, turned to
the corresponding page number, and according to the experience he had before, he was not ve ry skilled
in arranging the ceremony of summoning the messenger.

After putting a gold coin on the altar, he retired two steps and mourned with the ancient Hermes


“I summon in my name:

“Hover is a spirit in vain, a friendly creature that can be driven, and a messenger of Gelman Sparrow.”

The creaking wind rang Hover, and the flames of the altar candle swelled rapidly and stained with a
marked paleness.

Renee 缇 Nicole drilled out unhurriedly, still wearing the gloomy black dress, carrying four i dentical
beautiful heads.

Daniz thought that the messenger would directly bite the gold coin and the envelope with paper and
earrings as he did last time. Who knows that the four heads of Renee Nikol’s head turn around, look
around, and finally concentrate. In the direction of the captain’s room.

A few seconds later, the two heads of Renee 缇 Nicole finally bit the gold coins and envelopes.
When the eccentric messenger disappeared, Daniz sighed and wiped his forehead, feeling that there was
an inexplicable pressure.


Olavic Island, another hotel room.

Klein was about to win a lot of money for Anderson Hood to buy a ticket to the “generous city”
Baiyam, and the inspiration suddenly touched.

He quickly opened the spirit vision and saw his headless messenger, Renee 缇 Nicole, who had no time
to float, and the four heads in his hands were bright.

Unlike the white bone messenger, when I first appeared, I was able to detect that she had completely
entered the real world, and my inspiration was touched… Klein thoughtfully took a shot from Renee.

At the same time, he found that Anderson’s inspiration was not worse than himself, almost at the same

“It’s …… messenger?” Anderson asked with uncertainty, and seemed to have heard of it, but didn’t
really see it.

Klein nodded his face and took the envelope.

Hey, pearl earrings? Klein unfolded a strange letter.

Next to Anderson was curious to get together, looking up and down Renee. Nicole, with a voice:

“There is a bloody beauty that is difficult to describe…”

His voice did not fall, his hands suddenly lifted up, he grabbed his throat, his ton gue stretched out, his
mouth spewed, and Renee Nikol, who was empty on his neck, did not react.

Klein turned his head and studied it carefully. He looked at his messenger and silently said a few

“Much like Miss Sharon’s ability… Miss messenger belongs to the ‘Prisoner’ path? No, I’m not sure,
she is a spiritual world creature. It’s normal to be good at this kind of thing…”

Seeing that Anderson is going to die, Klein is slow and open:

“Well, he has to help me lead the way.”

Renee 缇 Nicole turned his head in his head, and the scarlet eyes stared at Anderson for a second.

Then, the mouth of each of her heads is open one after another in a very orderly manner:

“Can…” “Make…” “Living Corpse…” “Same…” “Can…” “Lead the way…”

As she spoke, Anderson’s hands finally stopped, leaving her neck, leaving a noticeable deep finger

Huh, call… The strongest hunter gasps, bending over and retching.

Klein then quickly read through the letter and figured out that the sender was Daniz. The “famous big
pirate” called “Iceberg Lieutenant” mysteriously missing and needs help.

As soon as the line of sight left the stationery, Klein was shocked to find that Renee 缇 Nicole was still

This is not mystery science… The messenger will not disappear after sending the letter , and then
summon it to appear again? Klein pondered, and asked:

“Do you have anything else?”

“Wait…” “You…” “Back…” “Letter…” Renee’s four heads said in turn.

“How do you know that I will reply?” Klein looked at Anderson, who had not recovered, and was
convinced that the strongest hunter couldn’t notice that it was not in line with the words of the Gelman

The head of Renet’s head once again said:

“She’s…” “Missing…” “Very…” “Strange…”

“How do you know?” Klein thought for a moment that Miss Messeng er had peeked at Daniz’s letter.

The heads of the light gold long hair that are simply rolled up each spit out a word, which constitutes a
complete discourse:

“I…” “Inspected…” “On board…” “The situation…”

My messenger also works part-time as a spy? Will Miss Renee 缇 Nicole be a part-time hitter in the
future? I don’t know if I want to pay extra… Klein thinks and says:

“Don’t worry, I will wait for another letter.”

He intends to go to theabo the grey mist to do a divination with the earrings of “Achilles Lieutenant”

Renee 缇 Nicole did not speak again, and the figure disappeared silently.

“Cough…” Anderson finally slowed down and stood up straight, staring at Gelman Sparrow incredibly.
“Your messenger, your messenger, is half-god!”

You don’t have to tell me, I was almost certain… I heard the words of Anderson Hood, and Klein
calmly groaned in his heart.

From the very beginning, I met Renee 缇 Nicole in the spiritual world. When she saw her huge real
body and Gothic-style castle, Klein thought that the other party was not simple, but the messenger just
relaxed and almost killed. The performance of the hunter makes him undoubtedly believe that the other
party is a demigod, at least the Sequence Four!

A half god is sending me a letter for each gold coin? I think with my toes, I know that things will not
be simple. Miss Courier must have other plots. Of course, I don’t rule out that I always encounter
strange things, make her feel interesting, just like she is very free, so she is a guest. messenger……

A similar situation includes the “magical mirror” of Arrods’s pleasing, “Snake of Mercury” Will.
Ornstin’s goodwill… Anyway, beware, don’t be too convinced… have the opportunity to discuss
Before you do things, don’t think about the dangers. Do you want to blow the harmon ica? Maybe the
messenger will come out and tear me away… Klein thinks a lot in a flash, but his expression is still
indifferent, facing the horrified Anderson. , but the position is very small:

“This has nothing to do with you.”

…this guy is really mysterious! There is actually a semi-god-level spiritual world creature to do his
messenger! Moreover, he casually knows a member of Life School… No wonder it is so calm and calm
after “King of the Undead”… No wonder “King of the Undead” has not sought revenge, o r even
appeared! Anderson suddenly stunned and couldn’t help but look at Gelman Sparrow a few times.

“Well?” Klein glanced at the strongest hunter without emotion.

Anderson was busy regaining his gaze and laughing two channels:

“I found that you are very suitable for the protagonist of the figure painting, the background is dark and
bleak, which is very temperament.

“How, do you want to think about it? I can help you paint a portrait, believe me, I have a master level
in this respect!”
Klein didn’t even listen to his crap, took out the gold-shelled pocket watch, and glanced at it:

“Go back to your room, I will come to you in five minutes.”

“Good.” Anderson responded with a smile.

When the strongest hunter left, Klein took out the Azick copper whistle and Wil l. Ornstin paper crane
and turned into the bathroom to arrange the ceremony.

After bringing the “Iceberg Lieutenant” Ademona’s pearl earrings to the above the grey mist, Klein sat
down to the top of the bronze long table with a paper pen and wrote a simple divination statement:

“The whereabouts of Ademona Edwards.”

Holding the paper and earrings, Klein leaned back against the back of the chair, meditating on the
divination statement and entering the dream with meditation.

First, the gray world occupied his “vision”, and then a snow-covered plain reflected his eyes.

The blizzard of the call sign shrouded everything, and the fog was deep and deep, unlike the real

Klein quickly saw Ademona’s figure, her brown long hair in her mind simply knotted, and th en danced
wildly in the snow.

She wears a white waistband shirt with a complex pattern on the neckline cuffs and a pair of dark
trousers. In such an environment, it intuitively gives a thin feeling.

Ademona’s feet in leather boots kept moving on the snow, leaving a row of obvious footprints, but in
the raging snowstorm, it was easily buried.

The picture gradually shattered, and Klein opened his eyes and found that he could not interpret the
specific location of the “Iceberg Lieutenant” from the divination revelation.

“Polar? Fusac’s Yongye Plain? It’s completely impossible to determine, except for the snow, there is
no other symbol…” Klein sat up straight, put down the pearl earrings and the paper with the divination

He considered it for a few seconds and determined that another thing was that Ademona Edwards did
not disappear, not on the “Golden Dream”, which would preliminarily rule out the possibility of a trap.

Klein cautiously made a divination on the matter and got the conclusion that there i s no trap on the
“Golden Dream”.
After thinking for a while, he left the mysterious space of above the grey mist, and after some busy,
brought the pearl earrings back.

Recalling the map of the sea near Olawi Island and the current location of the “Golden D ream”, Klein
picked a desert island where ocean-going fishermen escaped the storm. In the letter, Daniz and others
drove the vessel to a distance. It’s too far away.

Folding the letter paper, he blows the harmonica and once again sees the messenger with fo ur heads.

At the same time that the reply was handed over, Klein coughed two channels:

“Can you still determine the location of Daniz?”

One of the heads of Renee Nikol’s head nodded, and the rest continued:

“Can…” “As long as…” “Not beyond the scope…”

Klein sees the messenger still floating there, without signs of leaving, looking to the side:

“The gold coin was paid by Daniz.”

“Good…” Renee 缇 Nicole’s figure is fading away.

Huh, Klein gave a sigh of relief. After careful preparation, he handled the scene, carried the packed
luggage, walked out of the door and knocked the door of Anderson Hood.

“Go to another place, then to Bayam.” He calmly told the strongest hunter’s own decision, “You can
choose to go to Baiam to wait for me, or follow me.”

Anderson said with a smile:

“I feel the blood of my adventurer is burning, I am curious what the messenger will bring.

“I thought I didn’t have a chance to understand, but I know you invited me!”

I didn’t, I just gave you two options… Klein turned indifferently and walk ed up the stairs, and
Anderson hurriedly mentioned his newly bought suitcase and followed quickly.

Out of the hotel, Klein took the carriage away from the port city and walked to the edge of an
uninhabited cliff on Mount San Drocco.

Looking at the waves underneath the mountain wall, Anderson looked around with a slight sigh:

“This is our destination?”

Klein ignored his question, took out a spell made of white tin, and thought of the “storm” mantra.

He perfused the spirituality, splitting the spells into two, half giving himself, half applied to Anderson,
leaving only one of them to the bottom of the cliff.

“Bottom breathing, deep seawater film…” Anderson is surprised to distinguish the extranatural effects
of his body.

At this time, there was a loud noise under the cliff, and a huge beak resembling a whale appeared in the

It is dark blue in its body, and its mouth is open, revealing the white teeth and the bloody interior.

Klein walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped straight down. With the help of t he power of the spell,
it fluttered into the mouth of the huge sea creature.

Anderson first looked at him with a blank look, then followed the excitement and jumped down to

The huge underwater creature closed its mouth and made it dark.

Then, it sinks into the water and swims toward the intended target.

In his mouth, Klein squatted in the lightning, saw the darkness, found a tooth to rest on, and sat down

Because of the protection of the “deep sea film”, he is not worried that the clothes will be soiled.

“Oh, a little bit…” Anderson looked around and curiously asked, “How did you come to mind? How
did you do that?”

Of course, I prayed to myself, and then I used the “Poseidon Scepter” to pull my head and come to the
appropriate underwater creatures nearby… Klein didn’t answer Anderson’s question, half closed his
eyes, as if he was raising his spirit.

“It’s a bit stuffy…” Anderson took out the cigarette case and the match from his pocket. “Can you

“You ask it.” Klein didn’t blink.

Anderson laughed twice and put the cigarettes and matches back:

“I don’t think it will like the taste of cigarettes.”

In the dark, dark sea, this huge creature swims fast, using special organs from time to time to extract
oxygen from the surrounding water very efficiently.

I don’t know how long it took, it surfaced, and there was a desert island in front.

After using the power of the spell to land on the desert island, Klein looked at the sea creature, took off
his hat, and took a gift.

“You are very polite…” Anderson witnessed the scene and said with a funny voice.

“I have always been very polite, even in the face of prey.” Klein glanced at each other as if to say, like

Anderson laughed and pointed to the other side of the desert island:

“There is a ship there.

“Hey, ‘Golden Dream Number’!”

At this moment, Klein also saw the clean and tidy sailing boat that was several tens of meters long. The
main gun that should not appear on the main gun was cascading and the light was flowing.

He immediately carried the baggage and leaned over. It didn’t take long before he came to the place
where the “Golden Dream” was parked.

Then he saw Daniz jumping off the deck and wading through.

Daniz just came to Gelman Sparrow and was thinking about how to speak, and suddenly sa w a familiar

“Anderson Hood!” he pointed to the strongest hunter and shouted.

Anderson suddenly laughed:

“I can’t think of it?”

Although he is not sure why he will encounter the “Golden Dream”, it does not prevent him from taking
the initiative.

Do you know? Klein glanced at Daniz with indifference.

Daniz instinct shuddered and piled up with a smile:

“This guy is not a good person. In the foggy sea, he is always chased by a group of pirates. Then, those
pirates are inexplicably turned into bounty.
“You may not know that he was born in ‘God of Knowledge and Wisdom ‘church. Later, because the
exam failed repeatedly, he was driven out. These are what I heard from the captain. They used to be

He looked down on Anderson’s IQ, and the “flower bow tie” on the boat, Jederson and others also
made a similar performance.

Anderson’s gaze swept slowly from their faces and slammed:

“This is not the point, the point is that I pulled your captain’s hair at the beginning!”

The scene became very quiet, and Daniz’s expression was unstoppably distorted.

Seeing the “Golden Dream”, everyone has signs of setting fire Anderson. Klein took a step forward and
sideways to Daniz:

“Take me to the captain’s room.”

“…good, okay.” Daniz took back the sight of Roger Anderson Hood.

It is most important to save the captain first. It is most important to save the captain first… He
constantly warns himself in his mind.

The “Golden Dream” first put down a small boat, then dropped the gangway, so that Klein no longer
need to use the power of the spell, simply and easily set foot on the deck.

Anderson followed his side, completely ignoring the eyes of all the crew members of the “Golden
Dream”, walking around with a smile, looking around, just like going back to their own home.

His psychological quality is absolutely super-class… um, even if he offended the half-god, he was
forced to apologize in public, took over the commission, turned his head and smiled, and ate happily…
Klein sighed in his heart and headed for “Three pairs” Jodson and others.

“Hello, Sparrow Gawain, I am the chief of the ship, Bruce Worth.” A man wearing a monocle, nearly
1.8 meters tall, politely bowed.

The “foodie” with a bounty of 6,200 pounds… The “Iceberg Lieutenant” pirate group, the bounty level
is significantly lower than the “star above”, is a treasure hunter of part-time pirates… Klein uses
Gelman Sparrow’s polite attitude And use the word:

“Hello, I have heard of you.”

“…haha, It’s my honor, I am just a treasure hunter who dreams of becoming a craftsma n but has to
embark on the path of a gourmet.” Bruce Wolse whispered himself and pointed to a man next to him.
Our second deputy, ‘singer’ Olvers.”

The bounty of 5,500 pounds… The extraordinary on the “Golden Dream”, the nickname is very strange.
If I don’t know the subordinates of It’s pirate generals in advance, I definitely think it is a sea tour
group, singing songs and eating food and cooking. At the party, I was looking for the treasures in the
legend. It was not too good… Klein turned his eyes to Olvers and nodded at random.

The “singer” has a stone-like deep outline and a brilliant blond hair, with a melancholy smile:

“In fact, I am just praising the sun, and now my sun is gone.”

… Klein almost got a goose bump.

“Oh, it’s the Intis, it’s the same as singing. Unfortunately, I was in Segal and grew up in Lunburg. I
didn’t learn this ability.” Anderson didn’t know if he was boasting or laughing. After all, he Half of the
Intis lineage.

Born in Segal, later went to Lunburg to study, um, it should be the church school, and the “Iceberg
Lieutenant” Ademona is a classmate… Olvers Gawain can be identified as the “sun” path, but the
probability is not “Eternal” Blazing Sun “church’s, judging from his bounty, should be Sequence Six
“Notary”… almost forgot, he had to tell the little “sun”, his formula already had, and he didn’t know
what he could exchange this time. … Klein grabbed the “foodie” Bruce Wals introduction before
turning around to “flower bow tie” Jodson, “bucket” Dan Neils and others:

“We have seen it.

“Don’t delay time.”

“Okay.” Bruce Wals breathed a sigh of relief and touched his short beard. He first went to the cabin.

If Gelman Sparrow’s crazy reputation is loud on the boat, he doesn’t want to be so polite.

At this time, Anderson deliberately fell behind a few steps, alongside Daniz, Olvers and others.

He glanced at each other, and he didn’t care about Daniz. They wanted to shred their eyes and
swallowed their eyes.

“You are not alert to me.”

“Yes, we are not alert to you, we just want to put you in, see it? That gun!” Daniz is not afraid of the
other is the strongest hunter, after all, this is the “Golden Dream”, there are countless There are few
pirates, and there are many extras of Sequence Seven and Sequence Six.

Anderson’s mouth snarled:

“The people like me don’t actually have any threats. You think about it. Your captain must hate me
very much, hate me, and won’t even say a word to me. Isn’t this the most ideal state?”

“…” Daniz opened his mouth, but did not say anything, because he suddenly fel t that the shit said it
makes sense.

Olvers, Jederson and others looked at Anderson’s eyes and subconsciously softened a lot.

Anderson snorted and looked ahead, his tone slightly whispered:

“You should be alert to Gelman Sparrow.”

“Why?” Daniz asked.

Although it is a madman, it does need to be vigilant, but it is not an enemy at present… Daniz silently
added a sentence in his heart.

Anderson smiled and said:

“I am assuming that if Gelman succeeds in finding your captain and saving her, will your captain fee l a
little good for him? And he looks good, has a cold beauty, and is strong. Reached the rank of pirate
general, the background is also very mysterious, enough to match…”

How… Maybe… Daniz wanted to refute it, but he couldn’t open it, the more he thought it was wrong.

The expressions of Olvers and others slammed down a bit, and looked at Gelman Sparrow’s back with a
little more vigilance and alertness.

solve! The problem that was just provoked was solved… Anderson smiled and followed the cabin.

When I came to the captain’s room, Klein first saw a bookcase that was surrounded by nearly a circle,
filled with books of various kinds.

The general captain’s room is a wine cooler… He silently sighed and went straight to the desk in front
of the window.
According to Daniz, Ademona, the “Iceberg Lieutenant”, was missing while conducting the research.
Therefore, it is Klein’s purpose to find the traces of the research remnant. Once he has collected enough
information, he can go to the same. It is.

At this point, there were a lot of things on the desk, with white paper, a round pen, a convex ink bottle,
a copper knife, and some books that were not neatly stacked.

In the middle of the desk is a booklet bound with parchment. On the dark brown surface, the words
“Mister Russell Travels” are written in the ancient Fusac language.

Isn’t this a collection of “Iceberger Lieutenant”? It comes from a mysterious, suspected to be related to
the giant dragon family and the “miracle city” Levished… Ademona was studying this before it
disappeared? Klein looked at the book and instinctively made a guess.

Seeing Gelman Sparrow looking at the ancient book, Daniz barely smiled:

“It has no problem, we have checked it.”

is it? I doubt your level of care… Because someone has turned over and there is obviously no
abnormality, Klein, after using the spirituality intuition to initially confirm that Daniz did not lie, put
his hand over and asked casually:

“Have you read this “Mister Russell Travels”?”

Daniz shook his head, and Bruce Worth, Olvers, and Jodson shook his head.

Their expressions seem to say that they are tired enough to study every day, and they don’t want to read
any books when they are resting!

The fingertips slid over the tan parchment, and Klein carefully and carefully read it page by page.

Soon, he turned to the place where the glue couldn’t open, and the corner of his eye swept through the

“Oh… no!” Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he turned back two pages.

He remembers very clearly that he only saw the giant personality Mis ter Russell and his team coming
to challenge the “Golden Dragon”, the frosty giant dragon. There is no more behind it. Now, there are
two more pages!

In other words, the glue part is thinner, and the book opens two pages more!

More than a thousand years, continue to write again? What is the research result of It’s “Iceberger”?
This also led to her disappearance? Klein frowned and froze, and read more than the last time.
The two pages mainly tell a lost pirate lady. She encountered the “King of the North” in the snowstorm
and was almost killed. She tried her best to escape and met the protagonist who came to challenge the
frost giant dragon.

More pirate lady… pirate lady… Klein chewed this title, and suddenly there was an inspiration in her

This will not be the “Iceberger” Ademona?

She entered the book and became a character in the story?

Following this idea, Klein quickly found some problems:

“Magical mirror” Arrods said that the past owners of “Mister Russell Travels” are missing…

In Mister Russell’s Travels, there are Era of Darkness, the second generation of active giants and elves,
as well as the second era Quartenary Epoch’s monk, the Solomon Empire, and the fifth era’s Lun

If they are the masters of the missing “Mister Russell Travels”, the problem can be explained… They
themselves do not belong to an era, but they are swallowed by books and become a member of the
story! The more Klein wants to think that this speculation seems ridiculous, there is a great possibility.

In the world of mystery science, this is not impossible!

I have to confirm… and, Ademona and the former masters have done what they have done, they will be
swallowed up by books… I should do something to release them… Klein took his eyes back and
meditated for a few seconds.

He quickly looked up and saw Daniz and others look at it:

“Give me a candle and other items, and I will pray for the secret existence.”

The secret existence is myself… Klein immediately ridiculed himself in his heart.

Sure enough, professional, really crazy… “Gourmet” Bruce Wals and others did not dare to say, rushed
to provide items, and then they all quit the captain’s room.

They dare not watch this dangerous ceremony unless requested by Gelman Sparrow.

Inside the captain’s room, Klein locked the door, closed the window, and quickly arranged the
ceremony to bring “Mister Russell” to the above the grey mist.
After putting this ancient book on the top of the bronze long table, he sat down with a paper pen and
brushed a divination statement:

“Ademona is in the story of this book.”

Put the pen in your hand and Klein untied the spiritual pendulum in the left wrist cuff. Hold it in one
hand and hang it on the paper, almost touching it.

“Ademona is in the story of this book.” Klein closed his eyes and meditated on the divination

After seven times, he opened his eyes and saw the citrine pendant spinning in a clockwise direction.

This is affirmation, saying that “Amiander” is in the book “Mister Russell Travels”!

It’s really the world in the book…and the state inside should be very special. Without newcomers to
join, the story can’t be turned… Klein’s invisible location is down, and the silver chain hanging the
citrine pendant is re-wrapped and picked up. Next to the crimson round pen, write a new divinatio n

“Enter the “Mister Russell Travels” approach.”

This time, he used the “dreamland divination technique”, and in the gray world, he saw a blurred

These figures are huge, some slender, and the common feature is that they are all holding a book of
yellow-brown parchment.

The next development has two different situations. Some of them have been carrying the “Mister
Russell Travels” and disappeared silently. Some of them sometimes took the book and put it aside.
After actively dripping blood on the cover, it suddenly disappeared!

The picture was broken, and Klein stared at the mottled long table in front of him, and frowned slightly
to interpret:

“If you want to enter or open the Mister Russell Travels, you will either have long -term contact, reach a
limit, or drop your own blood on the cover?

“Is this too simple? Maybe… it’s so simple, the story of the Lun’s soldier’s appearance is just an
ordinary person, even without understanding mystery science, with the help of his companions, he
grows up step by step’ Disciplinary Knight ‘…so, the method of opening is not complicated, and most
people can do it.
“A small number of researchers before, including ‘Amiyama Iceberg’ Ademona, are extraordinary
enough to have knowledge of mystery science. They can’t take their blood to drop things, otherwise
they don’t know how to die, this is normal. People use the effective ‘magical mirror divination
method’, it is very easy to attract strong unknowns, so they have no problem…

“Plus Ademona puts Mister Russell Travels in the collection room most of the time, and occasionally
contacts, so until she has a new research idea and long-term touch, will this book reach the conditions
for opening?

“Well, even the ‘magical mirror’ of Arrodes only knows that this book is weird, and that many of its
owners have disappeared. It is suspected that it is related to the giant dragon family and the ‘miracle
city’ Levished, which means “Mister Mister When Russell Travels is opened, it will interfere with the
surrounding environment and erase the corresponding clues. Therefore, most of the collectors in the
past are unclear that it has problems and no research ideas.

“The missing masters should not only be the few in the story, but the rest may have died of various
problems and failed to leave a name in the travel notes…”

Klein retracted his thoughts and made another divination, hoping to get away from the “Mister Russell

This time, he saw a more violent snowstorm in the gray dream world, and saw a huge figure standing
on the top of the ice peak.

It is a translucent giant dragon with four feet standing still close to five meters. It is like a close relative
of a lizard. It has an ugly face, a blue eye and a long, powerful tail with a pair of huge wings covering
the membrane. It is only the expansion, there is a feeling of covering the sky.

Its scales are like ice crystals, and the shimmering shimmer is the most beautiful and dreamy place on
the whole body.

Suddenly, this frost-like giant dragon raised his neck and body, sending out a terrible ripple through the

At this moment, it is more than ten meters.

“King of the North”… The frost giant dragon… Klein got out of the dream and tapped the handrail of
the high back chair.

His interpretation of the revelation of the previous divination is:

The key to leaving the “Mister Russell Travels” is “King of the North”!
Klein initially suspected that it was necessary to kill the frost giant dragon and let the protagonist
Mister Russell achieve the goal in order to make the story “end” and open the way out of the book.

However, you can also try to force the break between the world of the book and the real world… Klein
relies on a wealth of experience and soon has the idea of trying.

He first picked up the “Dark Emperor” on the right hand side and integrated it into his spiritual body.

In the hustle and bustle, Klein’s body is covered with black body armor, and a heavy crown is placed
on the top of the head. The atmosphere becomes noble and majestic, making people dare not look

Then, he instigated the power of the mysterious space of above the grey mist to the greatest extent,
letting them flow like water, surging.

Seeing this scene, Klein did not hesitate and waved through the “Poseidon Scepter” in the debris pile,
pouring his own spirituality into it.

The cyan gems at the top of the white bones are lit one by one, giving off dazzling brilliance.

Countless silver and white lightnings emerged, hovering in the magnificent palace, Netz, as if forming
a thunderous ocean.

In the end, Klein used the suppression and balance of the “Dark Emperor” personality to put all the
power of the spurt into the lightning storm.


Above the grey mist The thunder swayed and went straight into the distance, and the thick lightnings of
the hustle and bustle, or at the same time or successively, fell on the book “Mister Russell Travels”.

The glaring brilliance enveloped the entire palace and lasted for twenty seconds.

When everything subsided, Klein looked at the target again and found that the mottled long table was
ruined, and the dark brown book was intact, only the corners were slightly rolled up.

It’s more powerful than I thought… Also, it’s easy to create a book in the world of the book… Oh, it’s
definitely not a loss when you buy it for 8,000 pounds. It can be used as a shield. It can definitely block
at least Saint. The only problem with the level of attack is that the area is too small and the coverage is
not enough… Klein’s thoughts flashed, and the bronze long table quickly returned to its original state.

Since it is impossible to forcibly penetrate the “barrier” of the world of the book and the real world, he
can only begin to consider how to enter in the normal way.
“Get some blood first, then bring it here, wipe it onto the cover, and use the spiritual body with ‘Dark
Emperor’ and ‘Poseidon’ to enter? Don’t worry about getting ‘King of the Five Seas’ Nast because he I
couldn’t get it, and I couldn’t enter the world of books, but the problem was that after she rescued the
‘Iceberg Lieutenant’, she was sure that Gelman Sparrow was the Grand Thefter ‘Dark Emperor’…

“Well, there is one of the most important issues. Entering with a spiritual body means that the body is
in the outside world, in the captain’s room of the ‘Golden Dream’, and I don’t know the time flow of
the world in the book. It is easy to go. A few days, in that case, the body will encounter an accident if it
is not careful. After all, it lacks protection and is in a strange place. At that time, Ademona is rescued,
but it is found that ‘self’ is gone, and the joke is wide open.” Klein quickly denied The idea of entering
the spiritual body.

He is not too trusting most people on the “Golden Dream” and is also wary of the strongest hunter

After trying to divination into the book to save people, there is no danger, but after failing, Klein
meditates for a while and returns to the real world. Then, without hesitation, he takes the “Mister
Russell Travels” back and disposes of the ceremony. Residual traces.

Looking out the window of the sky near the dusk, he went to the door of the captain’s room, lifted the
anti-lock and opened the door.

“Gourmet” Bruce Wols, “singer” Olvers and others are all outside, no one left, even the stairway, there
are crew members to probe the brain.

“Is there a clue?” Bruce Wolth asked, but couldn’t hear his voice, because everyone who was squeezing
at the door was asking.

Klein glanced and nodded.

In an instant, he heard the long-sounding superposition of layers, and saw all kinds of joy and

If one day, I am so missing, there will be people like them… Klein thoughts and turns, looking at

“I need an assistant.”

After that, he turned to the desk position.

“Good!” Daniz was busy with the follow-up and skillfully locked the door.
“What do I need to do?” he eagerly asked, as if he had seen it, and with his own efforts, the captain was
finally rescued.

Klein stood at the desk and said with a serious expression:

“The next thing will be very dangerous.”

“Very dangerous?” Daniz instincted his teeth.

“You may have disappeared from here, even died on the spot.” Klein gave the worst results.

Seeing Gelman Sparrow, this madman is so serious, Daniz understands the seriousness of the matter,
his heart sinks, and the subconscious becomes confused:

“This, what does this have to do with the rescue of the captain?”

“Direct relationship,” Klein replied succinctly.

Daniz’s expression was somewhat distorted and silenced for two seconds:

“What if I don’t do it?”

“Your captain may stay there forever, or die in the next second,” Klein said truthfully.

Daniz opened his mouth and closed again, without speaking.

His eyes drifted for a few seconds and eventually fell back to Gelman Sparrow’s face, gnashing his

“let’s start.”

“Shit!” He whispered himself.

Klein picked up the paper and pen on the table, wrote a note, folded it into a square, and handed it to

“Put it in your pocket and wait until you see it.”

“Go in?” Daniz asked in a stunned and confused way.

At the same time as the opening, he had automatically taken the paper and stuffed it into the trouser

Klein did not answer, referring to the “Mister Russell Travels” on the table:
“Get some of your own blood and apply it to the cover of this book.”

This…Daniz has some speculations, picking up the bronze dagger next to it and focusing on it:

“it is good!”

Daniz held the copper knife and made a few strokes on the back of his left hand, hesitating that there
was no force.

He raised his head and squeezed his smile:

“Although I have suffered many injuries, the pain still makes me afraid.”

“Speaking focused.” Klein responded indifferently.

Daniz smiled and said:

“Haha, it’s a bit scary.”

His voice just fell, his right hand had already exerted his strength, and he used a copper knife to draw a
hole on the back of his hand. The words just appeared just to divert attention and relieve the mood.

The blood quickly overflowed, and Daniz was busy putting down the knife, using his right hand to pick
up the blood and apply it to the dark brown cover of Mister Russell’s Travel s.

After completing this step, he held his breath and waited for change.

Suddenly, there was a goose-sized snowflake in front of his eyes, and the wind was whistling in the ear,
followed by the bitter cold and madness into his body.

Although Daniz is already psychologically prepared, at this moment, he is still horrified, and the
instinct looks around and determines where it is.

He found that he did not know when he had left the captain’s room of the “Golden Dream” and was in a
frosty land covered with snowstorm. Because the environment was extremely bad, he could not see the
distance at all, and could not even judge whether he was on the mountain or not. Plain.

Really entered a strange world… The captain is here too? Daniz raised his hand in front of his fa ce,
afraid of being blinded by the wind and snow.

He calmed down, remembered the account of Gelman Sparrow, and took the squared paper strip out of
his trouser pocket and carefully unfolded.
In this process, he was afraid of accidents, causing the paper to be broken or blown away, which would
make him lose all hope. Fortunately, that did not happen. He saw what Gelman Sparrow wrote:

“With Hermes, preferably the ancient Hermes language, mourn the following names:

“Fool not belonging to this era;

“The mysterious ruler of the above the far mist;

“King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.

“I will burn after I read it.”

This…It’s a secret level of existence? Because of the strict teaching of Ademona by the Iceberg
Lieutenant, Daniz is not illiterate in the field of mystery science, and even has a good foundation.

Looking at the note in his hand, he subconsciously took a breath, inhaled the biting cold wind and cold
snow, suddenly coughing and distorted expression.

He can now confirm the previous guess:

Gelman Sparrow really belongs to a very powerful and secret organization, and that organization
believes in a god-level existence called “Fool”!

Sure enough, such a powerful and crazy guy would not have no origins, not just casually in the
ground… Daniz pulled the neckline, tightened the clothes, and looked at the note that danced in the
wind. There was a clear hesitation on his face.

He is very aware of the danger of mourning a hidden existence that does not know the origins of good
and evil, which may lead to a more terrible ending than death!

The captain was also trapped here, and there was no way to go out… Daniz broke his fist in front of his

He suddenly picked up his hand and used the ancient Hermes language to mourn the name of “Fool”.


On the “Golden Dream”, the captain is indoors.

Klein witnessed that Daniz first became illusory for no reason, and then disappeared. There is no doubt
about the way to enter the Mister Russell Travels.
Waiting patiently for a while, he screamed in the ear of the illusory cascading voice, and apparently
from men.

Huh, it seems that “Mister Russell Travels” can’t cut off the gray mist, the world in the book can still
connect to the mysterious space… In this way, even if I follow, I don’t have no back road without a
card… Klein Unknowingly relieved.

To confirm, he again took four steps back, mourning the mantra, entering above the grey mist, and saw
the spot representing Deniz circling around Fool’s high back chair.

“It’s the body and the soul to enter… The world is very solid in the book, you can’t break it by pulling
the spiritual body… Also, if you can, the previous divination will have corresponding revelation…
‘Poseidon’s scepter’ is too dangerous, direct’ Giving ‘Daniz, he will only let him die quickly…” Klein
closed his eyes and spread out the spirituality. He sensed for a while and reached many conclusions.

Without delay, he immediately returned to the real world, picked up the copper knife and wiped the
Daniz blood from the paper.

Fold the paper into the pocket and he starts thinking about what to do next:

“It seems that you have to smear the blood and go straight in, so you don’t have to worry about your
body accidents, and you can solve the problem quickly.

“But it can’t be careless and negligent. I have to guard against another danger. Um… If there is a
problem with the ship, after I enter “Mister Russell Travels”, I will look for an opportunity to sneak
into the captain’s room and sacrifice the book to ‘True. Creator ‘, ‘Primordial Demoness’ or ‘Hidden
Sage’, then I am in trouble, and I am sure I will die.

“The majority of the ‘Golden Dream’ crews seem to admire the ‘Iceberg Lieutenant’. Anderson’s
previous superficial provocations are effective enough to illustrate many problems, so tell them the
relationship between the ‘Iceberg Lieutenant’ life, Let them supervise each other, no one can enter, can
be assured.

“The problem is Anderson. He is the strongest hunter. He is better than any extraordinary on board. He
is good at ambushing and sneaking. There is no small possibility to avoid the supervision of others and
sneak into the captain’s room… his origin is not too Clear, can’t make me really believe.

“I have to find a way to let him enter the “Mister Russell Travels” with me…”

During the thought, Klein turned over the old book of the tan-colored parchment and found that there
was no more content at this time. The story also lacked the traces of Daniz.
“That is, you must survive successfully. If you meet the protagonist, you can truly become part of the
story and make the number of pages more present?” Klein made a preliminary judgment and once again
went to the door and opened the door.

“Is it successful?” “Flower Bow Tie,” Yodsen and others asked in unison.

Klein shook his head and said calmly:

“There will be a long ritual.

“No one can come in and bother, otherwise it will cause Ademona Edwards to disappear forever or die

After explaining the main matters, he looked around and said straightforwardly:

“I suspect that there is a problem among you.

“Next, you supervise each other.”

“Foodie” Bruce Wolth had to habitually refute, suddenly aiming at the captain’s indoors empty, has
disappeared from the Daniz who just entered.

Reminiscent of the captain’s disappearance, he was convinced that Gelman Sparrow r eally found the
problem and was trying to save people, so he nodded:

“I will be responsible for this.

“And they will supervise me.”

Klein didn’t close the 蚩吭诙 媲 媲 媲 陌 陌 . .. Hood:

“You come in.”

Anderson tilted the right corner of his mouth and snorted:

“I don’t know people who think that I am your subordinate. Your attitude is a model of Provocator.”

He groaned, his body still straightened, and he took a slow pace and stepped into the captain’s room.

After closing the door and unlocking it, Klein turned to face Anderson Road:

“Is there any interest in participating in a rare adventure?

“You may be able to achieve the achievement of hunting giant dragon.”

Based on these observations, he believes that Anderson Hood is a hunter who combines curiosity and
adventurous spirit. He is very happy to see new things and experience the excitement that has never
happened before.

Anderson stared at Gelman Sparrow’s face and looked at it for a few seconds, then smiled:

“not interested.”

He shook his head resolutely.

Immediately, he grabbed Klein before opening again, smirking:

“I ‘sweet’ into a dangerous atmosphere, a arrogant and crazy powerful adventurer actually invited m e
to take risks together. What does this mean? It shows that things are very troublesome and very

I thought you would be interested. This is not the same as your usual performance. It can really be put
away… Well, try the intimidation method again. If you can’t, throw this guy on the desert island and let
the golden dream No. “Get out of the way, come back and pick him up. As a hunter, it should be
difficult for him to survive on a desert island… Klein quickly decided, and his eyes turned cold a nd
looked at Anderson:

“I will not leave a hidden danger to myself.”

Anderson stayed for a second and quickly piled up a smile:

“Haha, just kidding, I am very interested in the title of giant dragon hunter.”

…you become too fast…you can stick to it and you can enjoy the treatment you can eat… Klein nodded
and walked back to the desk position, and followed Anderson Hood:

“Use your blood to smear the cover of this book, not too much.”

“Smudge it?” Anderson looked at the “Mister Russell Travels” curiously, and then looked around.
“Ademona’s disappearance is related to it? Is the disappearance of the hunter just now? Ah, yes,
‘flame’ Dani Well, I almost forgot his name, but fortunately he is now more rewarding.”

Klein’s mouth was slightly moving and he replied calmly:


“Somewhat…” Anderson glanced at the desk, picked up the copper knife, and casually made a hole in
his hand and made blood.
Then he carefully lowered the knives and applied the blood to the dark brown cover of Mister Russell’s

After observing for a few seconds, Anderson was about to pick up a copper knife and wipe off the
remaining blood. It was suddenly covered by a raging storm.

Watching Anderson disappear like Daniz, Klein picked up a piece of paper, wiped the blood from the
copper knife, and folded it into the pocket.

– He is not sure whether the three will be in the same place after entering the book world, so the
materials of the “divination staff” are prepared in advance!

After doing all this, Klein took the knife and stroked it on the back of his hand.

The muscles of his face moved up, and his eyes tilted down. It took a few seconds to make a force.

The body was slightly pumped, and the head was tilted. Klein’s mouth was involuntarily opened.

When the blood flowed out, he still grasped the cane with the knife and quickly applied the liquid to the
cover of the sheepskin book.

Not waiting for a long time, Klein found himself suddenly in a white world of ice and snow.

The wind with ice scum and goose feathers slaps and slaps to Klein’s face, letting him look at the
surrounding environment, while the body involuntarily tightens and trembles slightly.

“Really…cold…” He almost sweared out and made sure he was in a snowy sky with extreme visibility.

He originally thought that Beckland’s wet and cold winter was the most terrible, but now he finally
understands that the absolute low temperature and the knife-like wind are the combination of life, even
if he added a sweater before he came over, the coat is thick and long. The dress, at th is time, is a bit

This time, he did not wear a “sun brooch” because it produced a hot layer of spirit, used to fight the
effects of strong cold in a short period of time, not to make the body stiff, effective, and can be used for
a long time. The existence of ice and snow environment is tantamount to suicide – the heat of the
spiritual level will make the body release the pores, in the summer state, remove the last layer of
defense against the low temperature, and even take the initiative to meet.

So, Klein threw this magical item into the above the grey mist and prepared it for a specific occasion
before he brought it down.
The harsh environment made him dare not delay. After initially observing the situation, he immediately
burned the blood on the copper knife and stuffed it into the pocket. Then Klein took out the
“Adventurist Harmonica” and tried to blow it.

In the whistling wind, quietly opened the spirit vision, he failed to see the messenger Miss Renee.

Sure enough, this is not connected to the spiritual world, or there may be a unique spiritual world of its
own… Well, it seems that praying to “Poseidon” has no effect, only the inscription pointing to the
above mysterious space. To penetrate the barrier…

Then the question came. As a believer in God of Knowledge and Wisdom, Ademona mastered the name
of the true God. Why didn’t he try to ask for help? Or, if you tried it, it didn’t work?

Um… not every god will personally respond to believers. In many cases, it seems that the
corresponding rewards are given according to certain rules. Like my own “secret existence”, I can’t
find the second one… Klein laughed and made a preliminary judgment.

He then placed the harmonica, took out the paper with the fresh blood of Daniz, and wrapped it on the
top of the cane.

“The location of Daniz.”

Klein whispered and used the “divination staff” method.

Then, according to the result, he stepped on the thick snow, under the faint sky, quickly walked through
the raging wind, and from time to time dinitin again, adjust the direction, after all, Daniz would not
wait in place, it would change Ice sculpture.

About a decade later, Klein found a red glow.

Huh… He vomited, walked a few steps and saw the goal clearly.

It was indeed Daniz, the well-known big pirate dressed very thin, holding his arms and moving

However, he does not seem to be very cold, because he is surrounded by a red -colored fire crow,
evaporating snow, blocking the wind, bringing a feeling of warmth like spring.

At this time, Klein is particularly envious of “Arsonist”. Although “Magician” can also summon the
flame flow, it is an offensive ability that cannot be maintained. It can only be used in an instant. To rely
on it for heating, it must be constantly Summoning will soon be exhausted, and the ability to
“manipulate the flame” depends on the existing flame or the material that can be ignited, both of which
are extremely scarce in the world of ice and snow.
Looking at the flame crow that only soared, Klein stepped up and moved closer.

Daniz noticed that someone came over and was shocked. After seeing through the snow and seeing who
was coming, he suddenly sighed and then smiled a little bit strangely:

“Haha, you can’t even see the stars here, and getting lost is inevitable.”

Klein ignored his words and asked directly:

“Is it burned?”

“Burned!” Daniz nodded quickly, and the whole person revealed a fear that was difficult to describe.

Klein stared at Daniz for a few seconds, confirming that he didn’t lie, and immediately pulled out the
Gelman Sparrow-style courtesy smile:


“The tribute to the name of k is the believer of k.”

“…” Deniz’s expression was distorted, and then squeezed a few more ugly smiles than crying.

I don’t want to change my letter! I don’t want to believe in unknown unkno wns! He screamed in his
heart, but he didn’t say a word.

He suspects that if he wants to refute, he will be buried in the snow by the madman Gelman Sparrow!

Klein smirked with a smile that was a bit crazy, and the tone added:

“Remember, confidentiality.

“Once you leak, you and your captain will die.”

“What is the relationship with the captain?” Daniz asked.

Klein kept the expression just now, smiling and watching Daniz:

“What do you think?”

Daniz’s mouth was opened and he knew the reason. He could only laugh:

“I am like someone who can’t keep a secret?”

Klein nodded and took a note with Anderson’s blood and smiled low, saying to Daniz:
“Faith k, serve k, maybe one day you will become a leader like me.

“At that time, your reputation will be spread to the five seas, no worse than the pirate generals.”

During the speech, he wanted to match the gesture of a “Fool” believer, but sadly found that there was
no such thing, so he had to comfort himself in his heart:

The secret organization has to be secret, and it makes no sense to make these superficial matters…
“Hangman” Gawain is right…

No worse than the pirate general… Daniz suddenly shines.

Anyway, I have already missed the name of the secret existence. From the corner of mystery science, it
is really difficult to get rid of it. It is better to take this opportunity… He thought a lot, and even got a
name for his child.

Hey, if the Gelman Sparrow people are here, I will say directly, by then, you will have the reputation
and strength to match the “Iceberger Lieutenant”. Of course, the other party likes it is another matter,
according to me. Observing, your big probability is hopeless. Ademona wants a partner who can learn
and progress with her and discuss various kinds of knowledge together… Klein swears a few words and
once again uses “divination staff” law”:

“Anderson Hood’s position.”

“…he also came in?” Daniz first asked, and then asked with a slight sigh.

Klein finished the statement, let go of the cane, confirmed the direction of the fall, and nodded:

“He is not at ease outside.”

It turns out that you are also wary of Anderson Hood’s guy… Daniz is hard to hide and smile with a

“Yes! He is the kind of person who smiles on the surface and turns to take a knife!”

“He has a bad reputation in the foggy sea, and all pirates don’t like him!

“He just deliberately smashed you, wants us to guard you, hostile to you!”

If the pirates like him, they can only show that the title of the strongest hunter has water… Anderson’s
provocation, I heard… Klein didn’t respond again, picked up his cane and walked in the snowstorm.

After Daniz followed, the flying firecracks dispelled the snow, blocking the cold, so that the two would
not freeze.
Not bad, very conscious… At this moment, Klein once again felt the benefits of having a servant –
there was an umbrella in the rainy days, and there was heating in the blizzard!

In the heavens and the earth, the two seemed to be black spots. They walked on the snow and walked a
little bit. It took nearly twenty minutes to reach the position pointed by the diving staff.

“No…” Daniz looked around and couldn’t find the trace of Anderson Hood.

He had no doubts about Gelman Sparrow’s “divination staff” because he was the last person to be

Klein frowned and opened up the spirit vision, inspiring.

Suddenly, he noticed that the cane was just a poke, and the snow on the ground collapsed.

There was a cave in the collapsed place, and the rock inside was dark and reflected in the fire.

Klein groaned, peering inside, and found that the hole extended a narrow road, and at the end of the
road, on a pile of red stones, the strange underground plants were slowly burning, Anderson Hood sat
next to it, leisurely roasting A creature suspected of being a rabbit, the scent of oil and fat filled with a
warm feeling, and got into the nose of Klein and Daniz.

“You are here? Do you want to try it? There are strange rabbits that can survive in the snow.” Anderson
buried his body and looked at the entrance to the hole, just like a companion in the wilderness.

Although he did not say anything provocative, but I really want to hit him at this moment… Klein
jumped into the hole without expression, came to the fire and felt the long -lost beauty.

Daniz followed, and looked at the flames of the roasting rabbit. He looked at the firecracks around him
and silently removed them all.

“You, how did you find this hole?” Daniz refused to admit defeat, but the body was very honest and
approached the fire.

Anderson flipped the rabbit in the dark dagger and looked at Daniz:

“The first lesson of Hunter, observe the environment, be familiar with the environment, and use the

Daniz’s expression suddenly stiffened on his face.

Anderson looked at Gelman Sparrow again, smirking:

“How about the hole that I blasted out, is it good? The strength is very well controlled.”
During the conversation, he sniffed the smell in the air:

“It’s really fragrant, it seems to be baked. Would you like to try it? Although I didn’t bring the
seasoning, there is rock salt here, just a little bit.”

“Are you sure you can eat? If It’s extraordinary creature, you may go out of control when you go
down,” Daniz said.

Anderson gave him another look:

“Hunter’s second lesson, distinguishing what can be eaten in the wild and what can’t.”

He carefully explored his hand, pulled his leg down, stuffed it in the mouth, and ate it with gusto.

Klein was about to speak, and suddenly felt that there was a mad and violent atmosphere outside, and
that the pressure from the high creatures was just like the essence, so that Daniz’s body trembled

This breath swept through the air, did not find the strangeness of the hole below, quickly moved away
from this side.

The king of the North… Klein flashed this title in his mind.

At the same time as the high-altitude violent atmosphere flew over, Anderson’s chewing action
stopped, until the other side stayed away, only swallowed the remaining rabbit meat and looked up at
Gelman Sparrow:

“This is the giant dragon you said?”

Klein didn’t make a big difference, confirming Anderson’s guess.

Anderson’s mouth slowly lifted up, revealing that he didn’t know how to cry or smile:

“I thought you were talking about adult and even giant dragon, just that…

“I probably can’t be a giant dragon hunter, I can only do giant dragon faeces. ”

The madness of the “King of the North” is really a bit horrible. It’s better than the patchwork monster
that can make the hair grow wildly in the “Future”… Maybe it has Sequence Four, half -god Level…
Klein calmly judges in his heart, without any panic or fear.

He remembers very clearly, “Mister Russell’s Travels” clearly stated that the pirate lady suffered the
“King of the North” attack, tried her best to escape, and met the protagonist led by the giant personality
Mister Russell.
And Ademona Edwards is obviously not a demigod, belongs to the Sequence Five of the “Reader” path,
and because it is suddenly swallowed into the book, some magical items or sealed items that are
inconvenient to carry for a long time remain in the captain’s room, only one or two pieces on the body.
Available items.

In this case, she can initially compete against the “King of the North”, survived, Klein who has just
been promoted and adjusted the glove configuration will not have much problem, and he can also
connect with the gray mist, can use the “Poseidon” The stick” responded!

This is why Klein dared to enter directly after confirming that Daniz was in a normal state of prayer.

Well, the “King of the North” is not like the demigod on the normal path. According to the “Iceberg
Lieutenant”, it is a runaway monster that gathers many extraordinary features of the frost, which can be
comparable to the demigod in certain areas. There must be flaws… I, Ademona, Anderson, plus the
extraordinary members of the protagonist, there is no way to solve it! It’s not working, but the above
“Poseidon Scepter”, I don’t believe that this book can guard against the above -mentioned items in
advance. If you can, it’s already a performance… Klein, standing next to the fire, looked down at
Anderson. At a glance, open your mouth and say:

“Are you scared?”

Anderson slammed for a second and said with a smile:

“Not afraid, you seem to be very confident.”

After that, he looked at Daniz, who was still a little shuddering and trying to calm his emotions. He

“Do you know what is most important for men?”

Daniz had just taken a deep breath and heard the words, and he did not surely set his right index finger
and middle finger, pointing to the bottom.

Anderson blinked and laughed:

“… bastard, you are a vulgar pirate!

“Haha, what I just wanted to say, haha, I can’t remember it!

“Right, what I want to say is courage. The most important thing for men is courage. If you look at you,
the giant dragon has not yet attacked, and you are scared to hurry and beg for me rcy!”

Daniz’s face suddenly rose and he glared at each other.

You don’t do this in Skeeter… Klein can’t help but swear.

Daniz is about to affirm that he is simply influenced by the breath of high -level creatures. Suddenly he
remembered a certain sentence, and his expression immediately returned to normal. He responded with
an understatement:

“I can’t compare with the giant dragon’s stool.”

Anderson smiled and froze, coughing twice, pulling a rabbit leg without anything, handing it to Gelman

“Don’t you taste it?”

Klein silenced for a few seconds and shook his head slowly:

“It’s a strange world, it is best not to eat any food here until it is confirmed that there is no problem.

“Maybe it’s just a piece of rabbit meat that will keep you here forever.”

“…” Anderson put the roasted rabbit legs in front of his mouth and slowly let go, and his expression
fell a little bit. “Why don’t you say it earlier?”

Klein calmly responded:

“I just thought about this problem.”

Anderson’s expression was distorted for a few seconds, his head lowered, and he quickly picked up the
roasted rabbit legs.

“You, don’t you really have problems?” The action of the strongest hunter made Deniz stunned.

Anderson reluctantly laughed:

“I have already eaten one before, and the digestion has also been digested… Anyway, I can’t change it,
it’s better to concentrate on it.”

Klein and Daniz could not find a language response at this moment.

Anderson licked the rabbit leg and asked:

“You really don’t eat?

“I don’t know how much time it will take. If I can’t get enough, what can I do to fight a monster like
the giant dragon?”
Klein didn’t answer it directly. He took out the gold-shelled pocket watch and glanced at it:

“The outside time, 6:10 in the evening.

“After 4 to 6 hours, if you have no problem with your status, we can eat a small amount.”

“…” Anderson opened his mouth and couldn’t speak.

Klein ignored him and turned to Daniz:

“A break for a quarter of an hour, then go find your captain.”

While speaking, he has taken out the pearl earrings belonging to Ademona Edwards, the “Iceberg

“Good.” Daniz suddenly felt that his blood was boiling and completely forgot the cold outside.

After seven or eight seconds, he shrank in the direction of the fire.


Outside time, at 7 o’clock in the evening, Klein held the hat and carried the cane, together with Daniz
and Anderson, according to the revelation of the divination, all the way to a mountain peak.

Bypassing a huge rock condensed with thick layers of ice, they saw a black and secluded c ave, and
there was a woman guard standing at the entrance with a bow.

The woman has a soft, shiny black hair and tied it to a simple ponytail. The facial features are very soft
and different from those of all countries in northern continent.

She was wearing a brown ancient hunter’s coat and trousers and was keen to cast her eye on it.

Seeing her slightly pointed ears, combined with the content of “Mister Russell’s Travels”, Klein
immediately knew her identity:

The female elf who first met the giant personality Mister Russell, the name is unknown.

If compared with the Earth, the people of northern continent are closer to the European and American
style, this elf has a distinct oriental charm… Klein quickly summed up the characteristics.

“Elves! She is exactly the same as the elves in some ancient religious paintings!” Anderson suddenly
excited. “I have to discuss with her, ask her to be my model, let me paint some pictures for her!”

Next to Daniz, he sneered and succinctly said:


Obviously, he did not forget the ridicule of Anderson before.

“Do you only know that kind of painting?” Anderson glanced at him and stepped up to the female elf.

He had just approached, and the female elf did not hesitate to raise his longbow, and the arrow above it
flashed with silver electric light.

“Stop!” Anderson immediately raised his hands halfway.

It’s useless, most of the elves are “storm” paths, and it’s easy to be violent and savage… Klein quietly
opened the “spiritual body line” and intended to use the initial contr ol to let the elf calmly listen.

At this time, Anderson had a flower in front of him, saw two thick and strong gray-blue giant legs, and
a terrible giant sword with snow inserted!

“…” Anderson suddenly found himself only a little higher than the knee of the leg, instinctively
looking up the trace of the sword.

Nearly reclining, he finally saw the giant in front of the four-meter-high!

The giant’s complexion is gray-blue, with thick beast fur wrapped between the chest and abdomen and
the lumbosacral, and the rest is bare, and even the feet lack protection.

He glared at the giant sword that was wider than the human race door, and looked down at Anderson
and Klein with the iconic vertical one-eyed eye.

“who are you?

“Why come to the camp of Mister Russell?”

Klein was about to answer, and a huge figure in the dark and faint cave suddenly came out with a
familiar figure, and Daniz’s eyes were filled with ecstasy.

Ademona, the “Iceberg Lieutenant” wearing a complex shirt and dark trousers, swept through the three
of them, and there was a more obvious mistake in the cold expression. It seemed that Gelman Sparrow
and Anderson Hood would be here.

She quickly returned to normal and looked up to the giant:

“Mister Russell, It’s my companion.”

Mister Russell opened his mouth and was pleased to ask:

“Are you also dealing with Ulysian?

Yuris Ann? Klein didn’t know what to answer.

At this time, he saw Ademona standing in the shadow of the giant gave himself a look and made a
positive answer.

Is Ulysian equal to “the king of the north”? Klein replied thoughtfully:


“Haha, then we are friends!” Mister Russell looked down at the three people opposite, haha laughed.

As he spoke, Anderson quietly returned to the side of Gelman Sparrow, pressing down the voice:

“I saw the living giant for the first time.

“This simply can’t hit his key, too high.”

I can give him a pedicure… Klein spoke a word and responded plainly:

“A huge goal means easy to hit.”

“…Yes.” Anderson agreed.

At this time, Ademona came over and introduced them to the three of them:

“This is the head of the camp, the giant Guardian Mister Russell.

“This is the Elf singer Shatas.”

Elf singer? Ocean Singer? Klein thinks that the “Hangman” Gawain’s magical medicine formula is

Ademona turned half-turned, against the giant Mister Russell and the Elf Shatas:

“They are my companions.

“The strongest adventurer Gelman Sparrow, treasure hunter Anderson Hood, well -known Sailor Daniz.”

… I always thought that “Iceberger Lieutenant” is a type that you can’t lie… Well -known Sailor, Ha, in
a sense, it is also a fact… Klein took off his hat and took a serious bow, Anderson Followed loosely.

Daniz is delighted that the captain introduced himself to be a companion rather than a subordinate,
slowing down and appearing in a hurry.
Mister Russell laughed:

“Go into the camp, we are about to fight the evil dragon of Yurisian!”

Very warm and kind… But whether it is in the church book or in the myth of Silver City, the giants are
violent creatures with great destructiveness… Well, anything in the book is possible, just look at the
author’s roundness. … Klein gently daggers, following the Mister Russell to the wide cave.

Ademona saw it and approached the three people without any abnormality. It seemed to lead the way,
but in a few words:

“The history they talked about is a bit strange.”

“The language is also, no matter which language you speak, you can understand each other.”

No matter which language you speak, can you understand each other? Klein’s focus is directly on the
first sentence of Ademona, the “Iceberger”, placed on the second sentence that looks like no big

Although It’s in the world created by Mister Russell’s Travels, everything is possible, but the details of
certain things can still indicate certain problems!

For Klein, it’s not that they understand each other, but in what way they understand.

The world has solidified rules similar to the language, or is there a sense of ambition to help the
simultaneous interpretation work, as I did at the Tarot Society? If it is the former, the goal of not
knowing the Giant language is to hear a strange language, but you can understand the meaning. If the
latter, you will hear the familiar language… because you have mastered many ancient or supernatural
languages, Klein I couldn’t make an accurate judgment for a while, slowed down a little, and side by
side with Daniz, and lowered the voice to ask:

“What language did you hear about Mister Russell?”

Daniz took a second and recalled:

“A little familiar but unfamiliar language, but I can understand everything.”

The supernatural language he fully mastered is the ancient Hermes language, followed by the Elven
language, which is only just getting started on the Giant language.

Well, similar to the rules of linguistics… the understanding of the mind level… This shows that the
underlying rules of the world in the whole book can be different from the outside world, from their own
set, but the change does not seem to exceed a certain limit. After verification, it is impossible to rule
out the existence of a “Fool”, the possibility of completing the translation by means of spiritual
communication… Ademona is really keen and good at observing, and the problems found are directed
at the nature of the world in this book… During the thought, Klein entered the black and secluded cave
without going too fast.

As for the strange history of the members of the protagonist, he was not surprised at all, and even
waited for the details in this regard.

Klein has long known that the major churches and northern continents are consciously destroying or
hiding information, concealing the real history of the Quartenary Epoch, the second era, and even the
Second Age. The content of the outside world naturally and the protagonists who have survived in
those years. Members know different things.

And this is one of the reasons why Klein has entered a world of books with certain risks!

In the wide and airy cave, there are three humanoid creatures scattered around a pile of bonfires
emitting light and heat.

One of them was dressed in a simple white robes, facing away from the flames, facing the stone wall,
closing his eyes, and praying with confidence. He was a middle -aged man with wrinkles but not old. He
had brown hair, shoulders and arms. The calves and feet are exposed and covered with all kinds of old

Next to him is a young man sleeping on a stone, wearing a heavy and tough black body armor with a
black straight sword in his hand. The facial features are quite deep and have obvious Lun

Sitting opposite to these two is a 30-year-old man who is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. He wears a
pointed and hard black hat. The coat button is up and down, and it is asymmetrical and uncoordinated. .

In addition, the leather boots he wore pointed high, quite like Clown in the circus.

The man has a pretty good face, linen hair, dark brown eyelids with a tall nose and thin lips, even if
sitting, it gives a feeling of pride.

Ademona refers to the following:

“The Viscount of Mobate Soloyas of the Solomon Empire, a Gawain who can take away the ideals and
dreams of others.”

“Don’t be so euphemistic, hello, I’m the Philosophy Five of the Thief path, ‘The Dreamer.'” Mobett
laughed, not as arrogant as the temperament.
A member of the Zoroastrian family… Leonard has a family of Angels, perhaps knowing? Oh, I know
what the Sequence Five and Sequence Four of the “Thief” path are, but I don’t know the corresponding
Sequence Seven and Sequence Six… Klein’s surface flashed a lot of thoughts.

At this time, Anderson had greeted each other with a smile and awkwardly, asking in a familiar

“Frankly, the first time I heard about ‘The Dreamer’, I only knew about Thief and ‘Con Artist’, and
there were two sequences missing.”

“Is the path of extraordinary rare to this extent? Ademona is not known? Sequence Seven, ‘Decrypti on
Scholar’, Sequence Six, ‘Stolen Fireman’, haha, I will help you introduce.” Mobetter enthusiastically
pointed The prayers to the people, “The devout Snowman monk, he believes in the creation of all the
Lord, the omnipotent God, you don’t care about him, he is completely enclosed in his own world of
faith, but in battle, It will be a very reliable companion, hey, I said Snowman, you say at least one

Mobett, who did not get a response, smiled and touched his chin:

“It’s the treatment I often suffer, you may have a hard time imagining that when I first entered here, I
was still a proud, introverted, self-cultivating aristocrat, but the long time changed all of this, huh, huh,
when your companion It’s a giant who only knows smirk and shouts slogans…”

When he said this, Mister Russell, who was sitting on a stone, smiled slyly and raised his hand and
scratched his head. There was no brutality and tyranny in the singularity of the giants.

Mobett shook his head and turned to the monk Snoman Road:

“And he probably will not say a word a few years more than a decade, Xia Tasi is a woman very
violent, as long as there is a little emotional fluctuations, will beat my meal, hey, how much did I love
her, Now, how much, forehead, afraid of her, so I can only talk actively and talk to them, otherwise I
will definitely go crazy!

“Fortunately, Longzel came later. He is still talkative, hey, Longzer, wake up, have a new companion!”

The sleeping black armor slowly woke up and stared at Klein and others.

Suddenly, in the metal crash, he stood up and stared at Klein:

“Yes.” Klein nodded calmly and found that the former Lun soldier who had been missing for more than
165 years was not old-fashioned, his black hair was falling, his blue eyes were sharp, and he was
unconsciously obedient.

Longzel had a clear embarrassment, but soon he converges on his expression:

“Do you know the Edward family in Beckland?”

“Beckland has a lot of Edwards,” Klein responded simply.

“Living, living in the Edward family at 18 Drahel Street, North West.” Longzel eagerly asked.

Klein shook his head:

“There is no Northwest District now.”

“There is no northwest area…” Longzel whispered the other party’s words, and the voice gradually
became smaller.

He silenced for a few seconds and breathed a sigh of relief:

“I don’t know how many years have passed outside, but it should have been many years. Ademona told
me the specific year, but I don’t even remember which year I came in… I am sleeping most of the time,
here Time is like solidification.”

Mobate Soloyasd sneered a sneak peek:

“It’s just that you are not lucky. When we walked through the city and the countryside, everything was

He looked to Klein, Anderson and Daniz:

“At that time, we lived in a place with a human race and a wise race, we got married again and again,
and watched the wife go old again and again, weak, dead, huh, before the new members join, we will
forget the purpose, dozens I have lived a normal but pleasant life for hundreds of years. The only bad
thing is that I can’t have my own children.

“Then, Longzel came, we entered this snow-covered area, hunting a lot of monsters, but gradually
began to fall asleep, rarely awake until they met Ademona.”

In other words, the time in the world of the book is normal. The progress of the story is the influence of
certain forces on the protagonist. Before new members join, they will stay at the last node before the
book is turned over. Something else… This is similar to the language translation of the spiritual level…
In turn, can you say that the towns and villages in the world of the book are in normal and real
development? Well, we must find the “King of the North” Yurisian as soon as possible, otherwise we
will bear the influence, slumber, or think of the main purpose, staying here f or a long time until the
new members I was swallowed into the book and found us… Klein was silent for a few seconds and
was about to speak. Ademona said first:

“Don’t worry about this again.

“We will soon meet the ‘King of the North’.”

“Why?” Anderson and Mobert asked at the same time.

Ademona looks around in a circle:

“Before I came in, there were only a few pages left in the sticky part of the travel.

“And now, you have come in and found the camp. There must be more pages to turn over and the story
is coming to an end.”

Mobette’s invisible location was down, and Ademona’s judgment was endorsed, and Anderson
whispered words such as “glue.”

Ademona immediately introduced Klein, Anderson, and Daniz, and set it to the fire.

Klein took off his hat, took it with his cane, and sat down slowly, looking at the talking Mobate

“Have he heard of Tudor Empire, Tresost Empire?”

He did not bend, directly asked, the set of It’s Gelman Sparrow.

“No.” Mobett shook his head. “Ademona has already asked me, oh, in my t ime, Tudor, Terence, and
our Zoroastrian family were the great nobility of the Solomon Empire, loyalty. ‘Dark Emperor’.”

The Tudor and Tresost family were both traitors to the Solomon Empire… Klein thought:

“Are you aristocrats in Solomon Empire besides you?”

“A lot and a lot.” Mobett smiled and looked at Longzel. “Augustus, Abraham, Zarath, etc., etc., in my
time, the enemy of Church of the Night was the God of War church. Southern continent’s Aegis family,
Lord of Storms, Eternal Blazing Sun, God of Knowledge and Wisdom church are fighting against each
other and want to be supported by the Solomon Empire.”

He paused for two seconds and his expression gradually became solemn:
“At that time, the gods were on the ground, not the stars.”

The gods are on the ground, not the astral… In the early days of the Quartenary Epoch, in the era of the
Solomon Empire, there is no boundary between myth and reality. The gods go directly to the ground
without coming.

This is similar to the Second Age recorded in the Silver City classics. “Giant Wang Ting” and other
places are separated from the real world by a “gate”. If you want to pass it, you want to go back and go
back. …and, the astral really corresponds to the gods… I heard the description of the viscount of
Mobate Soroyas, Klein instantly associates.

He subconsciously swept Mister Russell, because the giant is probably a personal experience of a
certain history of the Second Age!

Mister Russell picked up a cup that was more exaggerated than the barrel and sipped the melt ed snow,
and laughed:

“Mobette, isn’t this a normal thing? Why are you so serious?”

“I don’t know why I am so serious.” Mobate Soloyas smiled a little. “Haha, it’s normal for us. It may
be terrible in their eyes, I can’t believe it, I You must tell with a suitable expression to achieve a
satisfactory result. Do you remember the expression of Longzel’s earliest listening to those stories? It
seems that I want to kneel down to ‘Lord of Storms’.”

“…” Klein, Daniz and others did not know what kind of expression and language to use.

Anderson went to the body of Gelman Sparrow and turned his voice down:

“I feel that he is very talented with Provocator.”

He seems to control the volume, but the words can actually be heard by every creature present.

Mobett didn’t mind laughing twice and continued the topic:

“I know that you don’t believe in the fact that the gods are on the ground. It’s hard to accept, just like
Ademona, oh, I can give two examples, the ‘Storm of the Storm’ and the Amanda Mountains in Passo
Island’ Squatting in the Kingdom of Heaven, the gods of ‘Lord of Storms’ and ‘Goddess of Night’, the
Kingdom of God on the ground, separated from the real world by an illusory ‘gate’ to the Kingdom of

Passo Island? Isn’t this the altar of Church of the Storms? Amanda Mountains… Amanda is quiet in
Hermes, It’s refers to Sacred Hall, Church of Tranquility? When the gods no longer walk on the
ground, the country of k became their respective church’s headquarters? Klein intuitively believes that
Mobert Soroyas did not lie and made a certain judgment.

Daniz heard some stunned and fearful, subconsciously want to avoid, can look at the serious captain,
thoughtfully Gelman Sparrow, and the face filled with “sentences” that I am interested in, etc. Hood,
had to forcibly hold back, uneasily looking for a more comfortable sitting position.

At this time, the elf singer Shatas, who was in charge of vigilance, came in and said disdain:

“Don’t mention the false god, the power of the storm belongs only to the king of our elves!”

Her voice is clear and feminine, but her voice is full of anger and temper. It seems that she will raise
her hands at any time and give Mobert Sorayas an arrow.

“Okay, I will use the false god to represent it.” Mobett raised his hand and stroked his sharp , hard black

Shattrath regained his gaze, and the former believer of “Lord of Storms”, former Lun soldier Longzel
Edward, said:

“it’s your turn!”

Longzel lifted his head a little, and there was still some lingering in his face.

He did not seem to pay attention to the dialogue and disputes just now, pulled up the iron -black straight
sword inserted beside him, and stepped toward the cave.

Klein observed for a while and seized the opportunity to talk to Xia Tashi:

“Do you know ‘The Queen of Natural Disasters’ Gao Shinham?”

He is not sure that Gao Shinam is the “Queen of the Scourge” from the elf king Sunia Solem, so the
inquiry is to wait for the elf singer Shatathas to give the answer.

The delicate face of Xia Tasi’s lines was also similar to that of Long zel:

“I haven’t heard the name of k for a long time, k is, k is the queen of our elves.

“Mobert and Longzel don’t even know that k has existed…

“Where did you meet k, no, know k?”

As he spoke, the tone of Xiatash became urgent.

At this time, Daniz has already looked to Gelman Sparrow, feeling that this madman is so learned, and
the elves suspected to belong to the ancient can have a common topic.

“I didn’t expect you to be a scholar… I can’t see it, I can’t see it…” Anderson shook his head as he

Ademona’s gaze is also directed to Klein, and there is a strong sense of knowledge in the light blue
eyes of the clear water.

Klein responded calmly:

“I entered a relic of the “Queen of the Natural Disasters” Gao Shinham and got some items.”

“Remains?” Xia Tashi whispered the word, and the tone was like losing something that wasn’t
important but reluctant.

“From the situation there, k may not really die.” Klein asked Shatasta after his eyes lit up and asked,
“Do you have the ‘Ocean Singer’ magical medicine formula? What can I exchange? ”

He feels that when dealing with the extraordinary of the “storm” path, it is best to be honest and

Shatas thought for a moment:

“Use the Queen’s item to exchange it.”

“I only got a glass made of gold, it has been squashed, the surface is engraved with complicated
patterns and the two Elven language words of ‘natural disaster, high sinham’.” Klein did not hide.

“I know the cup, that is the queen’s favorite cup.” Xiatas said with amazement, “The deal!”

“The cup is outside.” Klein didn’t think about the grey mist in front of everyone.

Shatas nodded:

“I know.

“When we leave the book, we complete the transaction.”

Having said that, she closed her hands:

“The storm will definitely belong to the elf!”

Without waiting for other people to speak, she curiously asked:

“What else did you find there?”

“Some murals tell the battle between the Elf King and the ancient Sun God.” Klein glanced at the monk
Snoman, who is said to believe in “the God who created everything, the omnip otent God.”

The middle-aged man facing the flame facing the stone wall finally hoarse and said:

“No, k is not just the sun god.

“k is our Lord, the father of all things, the great source.

“k is not fighting the Elf King, but is withdrawing his own authorit y.”

When Snowman’s voice just fell, Shatas stood up and pointed at him with his arrow.

Suddenly, the elf singer was tied into a ponytail, and the long black hair spread out. It violated the
natural law and swayed upwards and around. The hair roots were distinct, and they were wrapped with
silver-white electro-optic light, revealing a strange deep blue color. .

Shatasta was about to loosen the bowstring, and suddenly there was a huge gray-blue palm in front of
it, which was blocked in front of the arrowhead and was not afraid of being pierced and blocked there.

This is the palm of the giant personality Mister Russell. One of the characteristics of this race is that
the proportion of hands and feet is exaggerated and almost deformed, so he just sits and stretc hes the
action arm, stopping Shattrath.

“Well, Snowman doesn’t say anything anymore. You know, Shattrath is an elf who likes to use action
instead of language.” Mister Russell said to the monk, then turned to look at the elf singer, “Xiata silk,
we are companions, experienced many dangers together, back to the other side can be companions, you
can refute Sinuo Man, or even beat him, but not trying to hurt him. ”

It’s the protagonist of travel, full of positive energy… But what is the difference between him and
hurting him? Klein couldn’t help but swear.

Xiatashi snorted and sat down again. The scene was quiet and quite awkward.

Giant Mister Russell looked around with a straight one, and laughed:

“Then I will also talk about my past experiences.

“Before entering this book, I lived in the ‘Giant Wang Ting’, one of the watchmen of the ‘declining
forest’, where only our king can enter, it is said that the father and mother of k are buried, which is the
source of our giant family. “”
“Giant Wang Ting” is composed of many parts. Is “declining forest” one of them? Where is the oldest
ancestor of the giant family buried? Klein listened very seriously and just wanted to ask more.

For him, this is more valuable than the history of the Quartenary Epoch, because the hope of Silver
City’s hope is in the “Giant King Court.”

However, before he spoke, Ademona had already asked:

“Mister Russell, what did it look like when you got the book?”

Mister Russell raised his hand and rubbed his cheeks:

“It doesn’t have anything, just like a blank book waiting to be filled out.”

I also guessed that Mister Russell might be a complete book… Klein pondered for a few seconds, did
not directly inquire about the details of the “Giant Wang Ting”, turned to look at Mobert Soloyasd
Road :

“Do you know ‘渎神者’ Amon?”

“‘渎神者’ refers to the entire family of Amon, they are the deadly enemies of our Zoroastrians. It is
said that they have a very powerful and terrifying ancestor, even the two adults of Uros and Medici
Considered a lot, even a little fear, but no one knows the specific name of k.” Mobett detailed

Uluos, Medici? Well, at the time, “True Creator” and “Redemption Rose” were supporting the Solomon
Empire… Klein was in a hurry and immediately asked:

“Have you heard of the name of Saslier?”

Mobett groaned and slowly shook his head:

“I have never heard of it.”

“Dark Angel” Sasqual’s name disappeared after Great Cataclysm? Was it buried? Klein has thus
determined a fact.

At this moment, the monk Snoman facing the stone wall was dumbfound ed:

“Sassile is ‘Dark Angel’, the leader of the King of Angel, the closest to the Lord.”

I will wait for you to answer… Klein turned his attention to the monk, and asked:
“In addition to k, Uluos, Medici and Amon, what other King of Angel? You don’t have t o say the
names of k.”

Klein It’s fear of causing unnecessary reactions, just like the “confessor” in the afternoon town.

Ademona, Anderson, and Daniz have been in a state of utter disappointment since the beginning,
because Gelman Sparrow communicates with several ancient characters that they have never heard of.
They can’t believe that this crazy adventurer has mastered this. More secret and knowledge!

Snowman was silent for a few seconds:

“And, ‘Imaginary Angel’, Adam…”

He just said the name, the whole cave swayed a bit, and the familiar crazy tyrannical temperament

“The King of the North” Yurisian is coming over!

The former Lun soldier, Longzel, who was at the entrance to the cave, just swayed and saw a huge
figure descending from the sky and falling on a huge rock wrapped around a thick layer of ice. The
wings that covered the membrane did not It was put away and continued to expand, almost covering the
surrounding light.

Ice crystal condensed dreamy piece, the extreme violent blue dragon eye, the first time it was reflected
in Longzel’s eyes, let him instinctively aware of the danger, immediately carrying the iron black
straight sword, jumped to the side Going out, even rolling the belt away from the original standing

Almost at the same time, the “King of the North” Yurisian, the frosting giant dragon opened his mouth
and spit out a twisted, quiet and flaming ice blue flame towards the cave. It was everywhere, the void
was transparent, and all condensed!

After a moment, the ice blue flame set off a wave of dreamy light, madly pouring into the black
secluded cave, and everything will be frozen along the way.

Although Klein’s mind flashed the words “Ultra Angel, Adam”, it is not a reminiscent of Great
Emperor Russell’s description of the Twilight Hermit Society – “The purpose is to resurrect the
original Creator with the Audience path. The high-ranking person, even the ‘uniqueness’, is a way of
calling members through a real dream that connects the two sides of the continent, and as soon as th e
name is mentioned, it can be immediately detected, but it is instinctive to make a dangerous coming.
He fluttered sideways and quickly evaded the rugged terrain of the cave, trying to block the next attack
with the help of the rock in front.

However, the raging ice blue light is like a wave, flooding every place, freezing everything, and in the
forced environment of the cave, there is no safe area left.

Seeing that it was about to become hail around, a huge gray-blue figure appeared in Klein’s sight.

Mister Russell, the giant personality, kept silent in the front, left knees down, buried in front of his
back, and inserted a broad and straight sword in front of him.

The morning light illuminates, and the imaginary walls are cast around the Mister Russell, protecting
everyone behind.

The ice-blue “tidal water” rushed in, first separated by a vertical sword, and then hit the dawn light on
both sides!

In the vision of Klein et al., the cave was darkened and then restored to a small half -light.

They can clearly see that the fire has been extinguished, and the faint light from the outside penetrates
through a layer of ice crystals, which is extremely dim.

At this moment, in front of Mister Russell, every inch of space is frozen, and the giant seems to be a
bug in amber!

Then, the giant sword that was inserted into the ground burst into a glory of morning light.

They merged together, shrouded Mister Russell, and immediately turned into a storm of light, swept

Silently, there was a huge gap in the ice that melted and melted, and it spread to the outside of the cave.
The gray-blue figure of Mister Russell disappeared into place.

The elf singer Shatas, who had her hair in the future, carried her own bow and arrow, surrounded by the
raging wind, and rushed out of the cave with no cushions, wearing the asymmetrical black coat of the
Solomon Empire Viscount Mobet. Soroyasd muttered “Don’t worry,” “I finally came,” while striding,
behind Xiatashi.

The monk Snorman, who faced the rock wall, stood up at this moment and clicked on the chest as if he
had painted something similar to the cross:

“May the Lord be blessed!”

In the voice of the deaf-mute, his bare feet, he stepped on the cold ice, and ran through the crack and
ran outside the cave.

Klein also did not hesitate, did not pull the revolver, with his palms empty, and with the “death short
teeth” Anderson, quickly entered the crack of the ice.

Ademona Edwards, who wore a complex shirt, looked at Daniz, who had a shudder in the breath of the
high-ranking man. The voice was soft but not emotional:

“You stay here.”

After that, her pale blue eyes swelled deep, and the surrounding winds whizzed round and round,
pushing her to fly outside.

Stayed here… Daniz squatted for two seconds, and the subconscious looked aroun d and saw the rim
with the hoarfrost and the extinguished fire.

The cave is quiet and silent, only he exists alone.

The tremor of Daniz’s body subsided a little, his mouth was open, but he did not say anything. He
could only watch the captain’s figure disappear into the entrance of the cave.

Outside the cave, the former Lun soldier Longzel, who shunned the first round of attack, saw the “King
of the North” Yurisian’s wings spurt, and they would have to vacate and set aside their own
extraordinary distance to ensure Self-safe, busy to stabilize the body shape, obliquely push the left

Then he announced with the ancient Hermes language:

“No flight here!”

Between the horror, the frosty giant dragon, the sky-like wings seem to hang on the intangible things
ten times its weight, and the fan becomes extremely difficult.

The “King of the North” immediately made an angry groan, and a huge sound wave plunged into
Longzer’s ear, causing him to shake involuntarily.

In the voice of the call, the wings that covered the sky finally fanned down, and all the snow and frost
around them were picked up and sprinkled into the air.

Although Yurisian was tough, he managed to fly.

At this moment, the “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel expression became extremely solemn, and the
sentence of the ancient Hermes language word was again pronounced in the mouth:
“The offender is being disciplined!”

When the voice just fell, his figure bounced, and it was even faster than the frosty giant dragon
Yurisian’s high flying, as if he had gained the enhancement of unknown power.


Longzel opened his body in midair and waved the iron black straight sword in the action action. He
squatted in the neck of the “King of the North” with a certain hit.

In that place, the piece of ice-like piece of nails showed obvious cracks and spread a little around, but
this did not cause Ulysian to be bleeding.

This frost giant dragon may not even feel the pain, and the blue eyes are locked in Longzel, and the
look is cruel and tyrannical.

It then lifted the front paws, and Longzel was in the air and had nowhere to hide.

At the crucial moment, a hurricane blew, and the “Disciplinary Knight” wearing black armor was
pushed hard. Urisian’s slap hit in the void, causing a blasting sound and failing to hit the target.

When the elf singer Shattas rushed out of the cave, he did not hesitate to save Longzeer’s life.

Then, her hair was again opened in violation of nature, with a clear root and twined electric light.

She used the tip of the arrow to aim at the “King of the North”, a huge flying target in the air, and
firmly pulled the bowstring backwards.

It was gray in the air, as if there were dark clouds in the air, and there was electric light jumping.

Influenced by the “Disciplinary Knight”, the flight movement was not so s mooth, Yuris Ann suddenly
converges on the wings, swooping down, like a high-speed train hitting Xiatasi.

At this time, the gray-blue figure of the stable figure grabbed the past and blocked the dive route of the
“King of the North”!

Giant personality Mister Russell once again touched the ground with one knee and inserted the broad
sword that the human race could not use.

The light of the dawn glows, erecting an invisible wall.

The impact of the frost giant dragon and the giant Mister Russell is like a terrible explosion, smashing
all the snow and ice around it and pushing it to the periphery.

Mister Russell couldn’t hold it, flew out like a ball, rolled past Xiatashi, and slammed into the
mountain wall, hitting the snow and ice hanging above, almost creating an avalanche. .

And Yurisian did not go backwards, but stopped at the same place.

The subduction was interrupted, and the two legs behind it stepped on the ground, leaning forward,
swinging the neck, and the mouth aligning with the singer Shartha.

The nobleman of the Solomon Empire, Mobert Sorayas, had long been at the side of Shatas, and he
quickly reached out his right hand and quickly twisted his wrist.

Yurisian’s mouth was completely open, but he seemed to have forgotten what he was going to do. He
stayed there for a while, and did not connect to it. Mobetter slammed his head and spit out next to him.


Those spit are ordinary, without any specificity.

Grabbing this opportunity, followed by the monk Snoman raised his arms as if to embrace G od.

Then, he said to the elf singer Shatas, with an ancient Hermes language:

“God said, effective!”

As soon as it was said, the silver-white lightning on Shata’s hair was much brighter, and it rushed out
and entangled on the long arrow.

Her wrists then let go and the arrows shot out.


Half-empty clouds cascading, a thick lightning falling down, superimposed on the long arrow.

The arrow became completely silvery, just like from Raytheon, hit Ulysian’s forehead at an
unavoidable speed.

Layers of ice crystals disappeared, and the dreamy piece was split. This long arrow was inserted into
the head of the “King of the North”, making it a deafening scream.

The light blue blood flowed out and quickly condensed, and the frosty giant dragon swayed wildly and
At this time, Klein and Anderson ran out of the cave. “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel fell to the ground,
rolled a few laps, and stood up again. Mister Russell also took the action palm from the snow pile and
rubbed his head. It seems that Nothing hurts.

With so many teammates, I don’t have to take the initiative to attack. I can try to manipulate Ulysian’s
“spiritual body line”… From the point of view, it doesn’t seem to have a semi -god-level resilience. Of
course, it is much better than Sequence Five… In the 5 meter range, this is a bit dangerous… Klein
looked at the frost giant dragon and quickly got an idea.

The scream of “The King of the North” Yurisian quickly became a slap, and the blizzard that made
people unable to see the 5 meters outside was immediately smashed outside the cave.

The whistling whirlwind is full of dense “goose feathers”, which fills up every inch of space. At the
same time, an ice-blue halo rapidly expands and sticks out to the ground. Wherever it goes, everything
that comes into contact with it, They all condensed into ice sculptures from the bottom up.

Klein’s mind, where both sight and hearing were affected by the blizzard, showed a corresponding
picture. He was busy with his knees, his ankles forced, and he straightened up, let ting the ice-blue halo
pass underneath.

When Mobert Soroyasde, who is not known for his fighting, discovered the ice blue ring, the other
party was very close to him, so that he could not make a jump.

At this moment, his shoulders were caught and raised, and there was a violent hurricane in the soles of
his feet. The combination of the two made him passively leaping high and avoiding the end of the ice.

Mobette squinted his head and saw the Shatas with his face in the face. The elf singer was forbidden to
fly because of this place. He could only control the wind and slowly glide forward.

Anderson, Ademona, Snowman and Longzer also responded and jumped in time, not to escape the
attack in a thrilling way. Only the giant Mister Russell just took the broad swor d and broke free from
the snow. The ice blue aura was so evasive that it was touched by the other side.

A thick layer of ice crystals surged instantly, and Mister Russell stood in the same place, as if freezing
the body for a thousand years.


The exaggerated blizzard obscured the sight of the extraordinary, allowing them to completely lose the
lock on the frost giant dragon, and only passively guard against the attack.

At this time, the monk who had not yet landed, Snorman, once again opened his arms an d solemnly said
with the ancient Hermes language:
“God said, invalid!”

The plundering blizzard calmed down a lot, whether it was a violent hurricane or a dense goose feather,
which weakened or disappeared nearly half.

In the vagueness, Shattrath saw a huge ugly face like a lizard, and the broken long arrow was partially
inserted into the forehead of the other.

Frost giant dragon Yuris Ann has just taken the opportunity to bring the distance between the two sides

Xiatasi did not panic, the wind suddenly turned, pushing her and Mobetter to flutter backwards. At the
same time, she opened her lips with cold white hair and sang in the old and arduous Elven language:

“The reef must be torn by the waves;

“The big tree will be knocked down by the storm;

“The mountain will be destroyed by the Thunder…”

Because every word in Elven language is rich in meaning, the sentences are very short, so these lyrics
don’t cost Chiatas much time, and, starting with the first word, starting from the beginning of the
beautiful and strong melody, the blizzard The wind in the wind has changed!

The whistling wind confuses and collapses in all directions. The huge body of the “King of the North”
Yurisian reappears in the eyes of Klein and others.

When Shatasta sang the third word, “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel has launched the right palm, using
the ancient Hermes language to open the way:


In the twinkling of an eye, the ice giant dragon that was about to collide with Shatas and Mobetter
solidified in the same place, and there seemed to be a layer of transparent walls.

At the same time as Longzer’s whispering voice, the newly-formed “Iceberg Lieutenant” Ademona’s
light blue eyes suddenly turned black, and there was a viscous liquid that was suspected to be all the
evil thoughts in the heart of the soul.

Her right palm was just a light grip, and the “King of the North” Yurisian stood up and smashed the
effect of imprisonment.

The frosty blue eyes of this frost giant dragon are full of sorrow and pain, and seem to be immers ed in
the sudden burst of madness and tyranny!
Even though It’s its state of being, it has been completely detonated and it is very uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that it is a giant dragon with poor emotional control!

Seizing Ulysian’s short pause, Anderson Hood condensed a blazing flame rifle in his hand, then swayed
his back and cast it out.

Did not go to see the results, the flames of the strongest hunters came out, and they became liquid.


The blazing flame rifle accurately hit the half of the frost giant breast, and quickly melted away the
thick ice crystal piece, and spared the strength to penetrate the upper jaw.

Yurisian screamed again, and his hind legs slammed, and the body slammed out of the ground and
rushed to Anderson at a terrible speed.

In the eyes of it, there is only this bug that will protect you from harm!

Whoosh !

The snow was separated and the ground was plowed out of a deep and wide gully that spread all the
way to Anderson’s whereabouts and extended.

boom! The frost giant dragon, with a terrible inertia, hit a rock covered with thick ice, hitting it with a
broken shell and cracking the inner layer!

If this hits Anderson, the strongest hunter must become a meat sauce, and even if it is only wiped, he is
likely to die on the spot.

However, somewhere in the gully, Anderson’s original position, but there is a black hole that goes
straight down, just enough for people to drill in.


One hand was placed at the mouth of the cave, and the strongest hunter with the messy hair jumped out.

After he fired a long rifle, he did not panic to avoid it. Instead, he used extraordinary power directly to
melt snow under his feet, burnt the soil, and made a cave that was not too deep, and then the whole
person fell in. It was the perfect way to avoid the impact of the “King of the North”.

At this time, a clear and pure light column fell on the Mister Russell and quickly melted the ice crystal
of his outer layer.
The monk Snoman used the attack method to lift the restrictions imposed by the giant G uardian!

The dawn of the dawn broke out, and Mister Russell held a giant sword and strode to the frost giant
dragon and launched a crazy encounter.


Mister Russell’s height is only one meter shorter than the Ulysian Anfi. The strength is equally
exaggerated. In the continuous collision with the opponent’s front paws, although there is obvious
shaking and retreating, it will recover quickly. Cross, entangle the opponent.

With the giant Guardian blocking the front, others have made their own responses mor e calmly.

The monk Snoman kept his arms open, and there was a halo-like halo around his body. The aura flew
out and warmed up every companion present, bringing intense courage and precision control. , avoiding
the “king of the north”

Not far from him, Shatas hair is swelled, the bowstrings are opened, and one arrow that seems to be
condensed by a wind blade or lightning is shot. Because the target is very large, she can hit every
arrow, and Almost in the same position, that is the “shoulder” of the frost gi ant dragon.

Mobate Soloyas, in conjunction with Mister Russell, sometimes steals the idea that the “King of the
North” is about to be put into practice, making it appear short-lived, sometimes trying to steal, but in
times In a few cases, it has not been successful.

With a dark dagger, Anderson carefully wandered to the side, as if to attack a particular part,
“Disciplinary Knight” Longzel waved a black and straight sword, using bans and imprisonment,
assisting Mister Russell and Frost Giant dragon melee, if he is not restrained, even if the giant is
“Guardian”, he has already been pumped out and suffered a fatal trampling or vomiting.

Klein looked at Ademona and raised his finger:


He doesn’t know if the other person can simulate this ability. If not, he has to consider another method.

Ademona didn’t ask why, the light blue and clear eyes immediately reflected the image of Gelman
Sparrow, which immediately lost color and became transparent.

Klein’s body fades away and disappears.

After confirming the state, Klein hurried to the giant dragon and the giant who were in a fierce
confrontation, and rolled over to the left hind leg position of the “King of the North”.
Then, while paying attention to avoiding the pedaling of Yurisian’s battle, he used th e “spiritual body
line” vision that had been opened for a long time to spread the spirituality and manipulate the illusory
black thin line.

Then he rolled from time to time and sometimes leaped, looking for a safe space under and around the
frost giant dragon.


A silver-colored lightning arrow and a pure blue wind blade fell in a small area, crushing the ice crystal
piece and tearing the tough skin. Soon, the frost giant dragon “right shoulder” position was light. Blue,
the corresponding front paw waving has an insignificant delay.

“Disciplinary Knight” Longzel was keenly aware of this, and after shunning the ice -blue breath,
pointing to that position, he solemnly declared with the ancient Hermes language:


With a bang, Yurisian’s “right shoulder” position filled with light blue blood instantly dried up and torn
to see translucent bones.

Ademona also took out a palm-sized brass mirror that reflected the part of Ulysses’ body.

She explored the right palm and even grabbed the mirror directly, pinched the image inside, and then
pulled it hard and pulled it out!

Yuris Ann’s wound became exaggerated and spread, as if he was about to lose a front paw.

It screamed and screamed, and lifted up the body, and the people stood up.

The light blue and white brilliance rushed out of the giant dragon body. Within a hundred meters of the
surrounding area, the temperature dropped sharply, accompanied by the feeling of being hard to resist.

Between Horan, all the extraordinary seems to have suffered a long -lasting ice, the body is cold to the
extreme, it becomes very stiff, and it is difficult to contain it.

This is the case with Shattrath. This is the case with Mobett. This is the case with Ademona. This is the
case with Klein. The same is true for Mister Russell, Anderson and Ronzelle. Only the bitter monks
who have experienced numerous chills and tempers can still Reluctant action.

He kept his arms open, closed his eyes halfway, and solemnly said:

“God loves the world!”

The sun shines through the snow and the light comes in. The warmth begins to melt the feeling of


Yuris Ang took a flight from Mister Russell and hit the giant Guardian with a recessed front chest and
was not hurt.

It has not taken care of other people for the time being, aiming at the monk Snoman, and colliding with
the past at high speed!

Snowman didn’t protect… I was leaving my 5 meter range… Klein looked at the scene with a stiff
look, turned and rushed into the cave, prayed to himself, then went to the grey mist with the “Poseidon
Scepter” “The impulse to respond.”

At this time, a red fireball grabbed the frosty giant dragon, fell to the suffering monk, and then
exploded with no trace of politeness, flying the other side out.

This comes from the strongest hunter Anderson.

At this point, Ademona also condensed a fireball in his hand and threw it at Uris, but there seemed to
be no intention to hit.

She is creating a flashing passage for Klein!

She knows from Daniz that Gelman Sparrow has this ability!

Frost giant horse Yurisian rushed to the position where the monk Snoman originally stood, but did not
hit anything, directly slipped over, dragging a long gully.

Behind it, the fireballs blasted one after another, and another fireworks was made. Klein’s body flashed
slightly and stiffly, and was not pulled away by the “King of the North”, always within 5 meters of the

When Suristan stopped, he was still in a state of invisibility, and he had a bad premonition. He had a
corresponding picture in his mind, and he rushed forward and slammed into the ground under the frost
giant dragon.

At the same time, Yuris Ann’s long, powerful tail slammed open and swept out to the nearby Elf singer
Shatash and Solomon Empire.

The wind squeaked, and Mobett was thrown out to avoid the tail of the fro st giant dragon, and Shatasta
took a slow shot. Although there was a gust of wind, he followed the trend of sweeping back to resolve
the power, but there was still Pumping the side, the thick illusion that she emerged was broken, and the
roots of her ribs were broken. She pulled her out and flew out. Under the support of the wind, she fell
on the snowy ground.

For Mobetter, Anderson, etc., this blow is enough to make them die on the spot. Fortunately, the
“storm” path has corresponding magic scale protection, and each sequence will be upgraded
accordingly. Xiatashi is only seriously injured, not In a coma, even the mobility is not completely lost.

At this time, the “King of the North” Yurisian’s neck twitched, his mouth opened, and a light blue
wave was spit out.

The waves swept through Snowman and frozen the bitter monk into ice sculptures. Ademona, Longzer
and Anderson were either blocked by huge dragons, or they were using other extraordinary abilities, or
they were too far apart to rescue.


The frost giant dragon jumped low and stepped on the ground.

At this moment, its state has also dropped significantly, the right shoulder rip abnormal fierce –
although the frozen light blue blood sputum forced the deterioration of the injury, but the
corresponding front paws are almost paralyzed, not convenient.

The fantasy scales on the surface of the body are broken and become extremely bleak, as if losing a lot
of vitality.

In any case, it also hit or limited three opponents, the situation is much better than be fore, especially
the serious injury of the giant personality Mister Russell, let it no longer be entangled, can be willing to

Seeing this situation, Ademona’s light blue eyelids became dark again, and the sticky sorrows slowly
flowed inside.

Her right palm slammed tightly, and Urisian, the “King of the North”, looked up again, extremely
painful, with pale blue liquid flowing out of the corners of his eyes and mouth.

At this moment, the ice giant dragon’s mind is full of explosions that impact the ph ysical body.

Seizing this opportunity, Ademona’s eyes turned bright and became extremely pure, and the morning
light shone rapidly and condensed into a sword.
She wants to play the role of “Guardian” and go up to block the “King of the North.”

She believes that Gelman Sparrow is invisible to Yurisian, and certainly has his purpose. What is
lacking is only time!

At this time, a figure shrouded the brilliance from the dawn and rushed to the front of the frost giant

This is the giant personality Mister Russell!

His chest was sunken, the gray-blue skin was white, and the broad-sword in his hand showed a spider-
like crack, but he still bravely greeted the enemy.

Mister Russell is like burning life, emitting light and heat, and a sword is on the target.

“The giant will never back down!”

In the roar, Mister Russell blocked the slap of the frost giant dragon again and again, and because the
other front paw was scrapped, there was still room to avoid the ice blue breath.

“Captivity!” “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel ran over and began to limit the action of the “King of the
North”. Ademona also found a tacit understanding. When Yurisian broke away from the bondage, he
detonated its emotions and made the control continuous. Let the high -speed collision no longer appear,
Anderson will occasionally cast a blazing rifle, and sometimes create a condensed fireball, which will
hurt the opponent to the greatest extent again and again. After Mobate has slowed down, he continues
to steal ideas, steal power, and interfere. The attack of the frost giant dragon.

Yurisian tried to spread his wings twice, fanning the ice and snow, flying in the air, and was once again
affected by Longzeer’s superimposed “no flight”. It became difficult and slow to give up.

Klein, who is constantly changing his position under his feet, manipulated the “spiritual body line” a
little bit deeper, reaching the limit of 20 seconds, but still failed, because the “King of the North” is
powerful and crazy!

After a while, when a loud bang came out, the broad sword in the hands of Mister Russell was
smothered by the frost giant dragon, and was shot by the front paws. It suddenly broke open and turned
into countless pieces, pointing to different positions. Splash.

In the groaning voice, Mister Russell’s invisible wall near the limit was penetrated, and several pieces
of debris plunged into his head and plunged into his chest.

The nearest “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel did not have time to escape, was crushed side armor, and
the corresponding position was bloody.
“The giant will never back down!”

Mister Russell once again sorghum, and his face is full of dawn, and there is a pure lightsaber in his

The face was dark red and black blood flowing, and he blocked the frost giant dragon.

At this time, Klein swayed the strings of the “spiritual body” and finally saw the dawn of the initial

Three seconds! Two seconds! One second!

“The King of the North” Yurisian’s action is stuck, and every joint in the body seems to be covered
with rust.

The frost giant dragon immediately alerted and noticed that the source of danger came under him.
When the mind was not completely slow, there was an immediate decision to sit down.

It wants to sit the sinister and vicious guy into a meat sauce!

Suddenly, it was awkward in his mind, and he had forgotten what he had just wanted to do, and Mobate
Soroyasd, who was more than 20 meters away, had a soft foot and sat down strangely and sat on the

Klein took the opportunity to move, not too fast but not too slow to walk to the s ide of the hind legs of
the frost giant dragon.

His stealth effect began to recede. After all, the simulation was definitely not as good as the original.
His hands were half-stretched and his spirituality jumped as if he were manipulating a giant puppet.


Yurisian, who had been slow in thinking, retrieved the decision just now. The hind legs were slowly
bent and the body peaks collapsed, but they only stirred up the snow and dust.

No… It’s not… It’s ok… That’s it’s thoughts flashing one after another in a clear order, and the heart
slams and shrinks, condensing the faint brilliance of light blue and white.

It’s derived from the extraordinary ability of its life, can create an extremely cold hell, relying on this,
let Klein and others all freeze, if not the monk’s experience and ability to restrain this state, just now
There are more than one two dead extraordinary.
However, at this moment, under the control of Klein’s, everything that Ulysian did was significantly
slowed down. Ademona was keenly aware of the danger source that could not be grasped before, and
immediately grasped the right palm and detonated the frost giant again. The dragon fluctuates greatly.

The body of the “King of the North” shook with a slow-motion gesture, and the pale blue near-white
brilliance that was about to condense spread out uncontrollably, failing to interfere with the
surrounding environment.


The frost giant mouth slowly opened and screamed intermittently.

Elf singer Shatthas recovered a little, barely stood up, and immediately saw the pain and opened the

Her hair was opened again, and the deep lead clouds were reproduced in the air. Two different silver -
white electro-optical lights echoed each other and poured into the bow, forming a horrible arrow wit h
layers of electric snakes.

Xia Tashi’s face was distorted and let go of the bowstring.

The silvery electric light did not enter the chest and abdomen of Ulysian, tearing out a fierce wound,
the inside of the wound, the fire splashed, the thunder snakes smashed, doing more damage.

At this time, Anderson’s eyes lit up, his body covered with a blazing flame, and then turned into a
“streamer”, accurately shot into the wound.

The traces of darkness quickly emerged in the chest and abdomen of the frost giant dr agon. Just like
someone was graffiti there, Yurisian’s thoughts were not so slow under strong stimulation, struggling
to flap their wings and vacate.

“The flight is forbidden here!” “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel added more restrictions in time.


The “King of the North” fell again, all the dark traces of the chest and abdomen split, and the pale blue
blood and the broken internal organs poured out like waterfalls.

Anderson jumped away from the dragon’s toes, and the surface flame was extinguished, cover ed with a
thin layer of transparent ice.

“It’s so cold… it’s so cold…” He carried the “dead short teeth” and jumped stiffly out, his body
constantly groaning.
Klein, who was almost shackled by the frost giant dragon, regained the feeling of initial control , and
the idea that Yurisian wanted to be buried together was slow, and he was stolen and detonated.

Its slender neck slowly rises up, giving a slow sorrow, and the body falls down one inch.

In the process, Klein did not try to prevent Shatashas from continuing to attack, because he knew that
there was too many possible accidents in the process of converting the frost giant dragon into more than
five minutes.

“Disciplinary Knight” Longzel gasped and stood up straight, and in the state of flesh and blood on the
side of the body, once again launched the palm of the hand without the sword, solemnly declared with
the ancient Hermes language:


Yurisian’s body shook a bit, and the bang fell to the ground, like a hill formed by ice and snow.

In the body, a light blue and white light bursts, stirring the flesh and blood, and quickly swam away,
and soon turned this huge dragon into a thick and thick white snow covered door.

No need to be reminded, all the extraordinary people present know the door to It’s to t he outside world.

“Finally, finally… succeeded…” Giant personality Mister Russell laughed loudly and his voice was
getting lower and lower.


His body, nearly four meters high, fluttered in front of him, and his knees were on the ground. The
morning light on his body quickly dissipated, and the breath was almost instantaneous.

“Mister Russell!” Xia Tashi and others have moved hard and fast to get past.

Mister Russell slowly looked around, clenched his fists and smiled:

“We have succeeded!

“The giant will never, retreat…”

His voice stopped abruptly, and his head with his one-eyed eye hanged down.

“Mister Russell!”

And the giant’s recent “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel rushed to the front, helped Mister Russell, and
then let go a little, slowly standing straight, as if to make a dreamy dream.
Xiatasi broke away from Mobate’s support and couldn’t care about the pain of the body. With the help
of the wind, he hurried to the side of Mister Russell.

She bent down and watched for a while, pushing the other side, shouting screamingly:

“Wake up! Wake up!

“We should go out!”

Her voice is getting weaker and slower.

Mobette stood beside him and saw the giant’s body swaying, it was difficult to maintain balance, and
finally fell to the ground with a splash.

He quieted for a few seconds and vomited slowly and slowly.

At this time, Anderson and Ademona had run to the frozen monk Snoman, a flame, a simulated light, to
help the other quickly thaw, only Klein is near, directly to the Mister Russell.

His “spiritual body line” vision tells him that the other person has died, but the spirit still survives, but
it is also beginning to dissipate, which makes his ability to transfer damage unable to work.

From the burning dawn, the second time I was entangled in the frost giant drago n, Mister Russell
should have been ready to die… Klein was silent.

Mobett glanced at him and smiled bitterly:

“Frankly speaking, there are not many giants I have ever seen. Most of the impressions come from
books, teachers and parents. I have always thought that this race is cruel and violent, closer to monsters
than to intelligent creatures, but Mister Russell is not like this, he is frank and honest. , optimistic,
although it seems a bit silly, but better than anyone knows what is right and what is wrong.

“He told me It’s because he is not the oldest giant, not even the second generation of the third
generation… the cruel and mad giants also have the instinct to mate, will give birth to future
generations, and from time to time there will be comparisons The type of reason, these descendants also
progeny, so that the entire giant family is getting out of the category of monsters.

“Oh, I don’t know if I should believe him, but his existence proves such a possibility…”

Mobett said and suddenly stopped, seemingly caught in memories of the past.

At this point, Ademona and Anderson leaned over and covered the body with a sense of stiffness, and
the sorcerer struggling to get to the side of Mister Russell.
Looking at the closed vertical eye, Snowman painted a cross-like symbol on his chest, closed his eyes
halfway, and whispered to pray:

“The father of all things, the great source, there is an honest and pure spirit here… May he enter your
country and receive eternal salvation…”

Shatas opened her mouth and seemed to want to say that Mister Russell believed in the giant King
Auermus, but eventually did not speak and silently watched Snoman complete the prayer.

“We have to go out as soon as possible, no one knows how long the door will last!” The elf singer
looked around for a circle, and because of sadness and pain, she looked rather violent.

She looked down at the giant and looked down, adding:

“We can’t let the spirit of Mister Russell dissipate in this illusory world, we must let him return to the

“Good.” Mobett immediately agreed that Klein and others had no objection.

Ademona turned his head and shouted at the cave with ice and snow:

“Daniz, you can come out.”

At this time, Xia Tashi’s eyes turned slightly and seemed to think of something, licking the side t o

“Do you have a pen?”

“Yes.” Klein took out the water-absorbing pen and sticky note paper that he carried with him, and It’s a
professional trait of “Divinator”.

Xiatashi took over and brushed and began to write until Daniz ran out of the cave, sti ll not stopping.

Daniz was silent and did not speak. His emotions seemed to be quite low. He did not have obvious joy
and excitement because he was about to leave the world of books.

Finally, Shatass stopped writing and returned the paper and pen to Klein:

“The formula you want.”

Not going out to trade? Klein was puzzled and silent, took his pen and the “Ocean Singer” magical
medicine formula.
Seems to be aware of his incomprehensibility, Shatasta turned his head and looked at the Mister Russell
on the ground, saying low:

“We are now companions.”

So can you give the magical medicine formula directly? Klein collected the items and nodded invisibly:

“I will give you the wine glass after I go out.”

Xiatasi did not answer, pushed Mobetter a hand:

“Go to Mister Russell.”

Mobett looked down at his not-so-sturdy body and high-pitched leather boots, and with a wry smile,
went to a thigh of Mister Russell.

“Disciplinary Knight” Longzel silently followed, bending over and holding the giant’s left shoulder.

Anderson looked around and sighed:

“You hurt, weak and weak, or I am coming.”

He immediately hugged the shoulders of the other side of Mister Russell.

Klein was about to go to the left thigh, and Daniz had stepped over and grabbed the position.

Upon seeing it, he stopped and watched Anderson and others lift Mister Russell up to the unreal door
that covered the snow.

He, Ademona, and Shatti, who was swaying in the footsteps, silently followed, reaching the exit
position of the frosty giant dragon Yurisian.

At this time, Klein looked around and found that the pale blue blood that had flowed out before the
“King of the North” had disappeared and seemed to never exist.

Sure enough, an out-of-the-box, near-real monster… Klein fell behind and watched Ademona step
forward, slightly bending his back and pressing his palms against the door.

Then the “Iceberger Lieutenant” violently pushed the door that covered the snow to push it away.

Silently, everything that everyone saw became illusory, and immediately became transparent and

A row of brown-colored bookshelves soon appeared in front of them, and the orange sun that had fallen
to the sea level outside the window emerged, and a table with pens, ink bottles and paper emerged.
It’s “The Iceberg Lieutenant” Ademona’s Captain’s Room!

Klein quickly turned their eyes to the center of the table, where they had a book of yellow -brown

The book was flipped by the invisible wind and came to the last page, and Klein and others saw the

“With the help of crazy adventurers and powerful hunters, Mister Russell fulfilled his promise and led
his teammates to kill the ‘King of the North’, but he also slept in the Frost Country.”

“There is no end to our end… Xiatashi, where do you want to go next?” Mobetter put down Mister
Russell’s thigh and asked the Elf singer sideways.

Xiatashi’s gaze was fascinated for a few seconds, and she said firmly:

“Looking for my people…”

Her voice did not fall, and she suddenly saw Mobetta’s linen hair fluttering white and saw the apparent
smoothness of the other’s original smooth face.

Just a time of breathing, Mobetter in her eyes is aging to dying.

Xiatashi’s heart was tight, and she had to pounce on it, but she suddenly found that her legs had
become weak.

With a splash, she fell on the floor and found that her back was covered with scars from the old man.

She understood what was going on, the tears in her eyes couldn’t stop falling, and the body struggled,
struggling, trying to climb to Mobetter.

Mobetter also fell to the ground, also squirming to her, and extended the right palm forward.

Xiatashis handed over her right palm and took the dry, thin hand.

They struggled to look up, and the scorpion reflected what the other party is now.

Their mouths are simultaneously swaying upwards, unable to loosen, and the eyelids hang down,
covering the light.

Klein, Ademona, Anderson, and Daniz were completely unresponsive to such changes, and they didn’t
know what to do. They could only watch the body of Mister Russell rot and rot, flesh and blood,
leaving only the bones and the extraordinary characteristics of precipitation. Watching Mobetter,
Shatas, Snowman, and Longzer dying in just a few seconds, then losing their breath, repeating
everything that happened on the body of Mister Russell.

Their clothes either disappeared or became ash, and their spirits passed away at an extraordinary speed,
and soon they did not.

“The shortest one has been living in it for more than 165 years…” Ademona whispered, turning to look
at the white bone that looked out to the sea and the sun.

This is the “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel, he sits in the chair, overlooking the west, is the direction of

Snowman sat next to the plate, and the body kept a prayer gesture.

Yes, they lived in the world for hundreds of years in the book. For thousands of years, from the rules of
the outside world, even the half gods are not, they should die… I should want this question… Why do I
have a little Are you vigilant? Could it be that… Klein suddenly remembered the spiritual influence of
the world in the book on Mobert, Mister Russell and others, and vaguely judged.

He once again looked down at the book bound to the parchment, and believed that there were many
more secrets.

“This guy is very interesting, so he died…” Anderson looked at Mobett’s body and licked his mouth.

At this point, all the extraordinary features are slowly condensing, but “Disciplinary Knight” Longzel
did not precipitate something similar, Ademona looked at it for a while, in a plain tone:

“The magical medicine he took was false, and he gained the same power, just like the frost giant

It should be the reality of the world in the book, which is almost true. Klein silently sighs, and for a
moment he did not know what to say, but he had to keep the Gelman Sparrow -style silence.

In the next ten minutes, in the captain’s room of the “Golden Dream”, no one spoke until the four
extraordinary characteristics were formed.

They have a fist size, like a heart, covered with holes, shining like morning light, a jellyfish, a
transparent outer layer wrapped in azure water, sometimes with wind rolling up a vortex, sometimes
flashing silver, And a vaguely melodious song, a pure and shiny spar, full of sacred feelings, a palm of
the hand, a small five fingers open, changing the skin color due to different environments .

“Oh, we can’t always look at it like this.” Finally, Anderson broke the silence, “divide these
extraordinary characteristics.”
Just as Ademona’s light blue eyes were stained with anger, the hunter shrugged his should ers and
smiled bitterly:

“I think this should be their will, because we are companions who have fought together.”

Seeing Ademona’s gaze easing, Anderson sketched his mouth and shook his head and sighed:

“You, always so rigid, so you can’t be an artist all your life.”

After a sigh of relief, he looked at the corpse on the ground chair:

“We can’t always look at it, we have to do something. Is Xiatasi not looking for her lover? Just bury
her near the ruins of Sunya Island. Mobetter seems to want to be with Xia tasi, then Put it in the same

“Donzel is not trying to return to Beckland? Burn it into ashes, put it in the box, and take it to the big
city. If you have time, you can find his descendants. As for Snowman, he does not know what he
believes. The ancient sun god, or the original Creator, or the equivalent of both, oh, this is the same for
us, certainly can not find the corresponding church or altar, so he can only be buried next to the Mister

“Mister Russell … he should want to go back to the ‘Giant Wang Ting’, but the city that is unique in
It’s myths and legends, the reality can not be found, but, the southern northern continent has some giant
relics, you can bury him in those places Let him really sleep.”

“Giant Wang Ting”… Beckland… Klein listened to it silently and thought for a few seconds:

“Gust give me the ashes of Mister Russell, Snowman and Longzer.”

He thinks that it will not be too short, but it won’t be too long. Silver City should explore the “Giant
King Ting”. At that time, you can give the Mister Russell and Snowman’s ashes to the little “Sun” and
let him drop the way. The two ancient figures were buried, and Beckland was the place where Klein
wanted to return. It was the end of his trip, and he was able to bring back Longzel, wh o had left his
home for more than 165 years.

Ademona followed:

“The ‘Golden Dream’ often goes to Sunya Island, the corpses of Shatashas and Mobate, and I am

“Okay, wait until you are responsible for the cremation.” Anderson turned to look at Daniz, half-smile
and sighed. “Look, everyone has their own place to play, there is no need to feel inferior.”
He thought that Daniz would not understand his comfort and glared at himself. Who knows that the
famous big pirate just fainted a few minutes, and he silently bowed his head.

“Cough, as a companion who has faced the ‘King of the North’ together, we pick one, and inherit their
behest.” Anderson pointed his chin with the shimmering items on the floor. “Oh, these extraordinary
There must be a small amount of spirit left in the characteristics. I don’t know what kind of influence it
will bring. Whether it is blended into magical medicine or looking for a craftsman to make an item, it
should have certain specificity. The former can also pass ‘acting. Met hod ‘digested, the latter has no
way, ah, you don’t seem to understand the ‘acting method’, then when I didn’t say it.”

His last sentence was to Daniz.

Klein didn’t feel awkward Anderson, looked at the four extraordinary characteristics:

“City of Xiatashi.”

This is the main material of “Ocean Singer”!

Ademona thought for a moment:

“I take Snowman.”

This corresponds to “Priest of Light”, Klein already has a copy, so there is no choice.

Anderson glanced at the remaining two extraordinary features, his eyes re sting on the strange things
like the baby’s palm:

“I said that this guy is very interesting, maybe you can make a magical item that can chat with me, so
that everyone is no longer lonely.”

At this time, there is still no “the heart of the giant”, Klein looked at Daniz and said indifferently:


“I? I didn’t do anything, I didn’t participate in the battle…” Daniz was very surprised.

Klein said succinctly:

“You explored the road and took the risk.”

For Klein, this is actually a kind of compensation, because Daniz mourns the name of “Fool” and
knows the secret of Gelman Sparrow, so he must be forced to become a “Fool” believer, otherwise it
will leave a great Hidden dangers.
Although this is one of the risks that Daniz volunteered to take, Klein still want s to make up for it. Of
course, he hopes Daniz will regard this as a gift of “Fool”.

Whether it is the extraordinary characteristics of Nagger Mister Russell, the purchase of the
corresponding formula and materials, or the magic type of defense type, it is very useful for Daniz.

“Receive it.” Ademona also looked at Daniz.

“…well.” Daniz silently for a few seconds, focusing on the head.

After the distribution, Klein stepped forward and staggered to pick up the extraordinary characteristics
of the Xia Tashi legacy. He saw the blue water in the transparent film swaying gently, and faintly heard
the beautiful song of the elf.

When he just stood up, he saw that Daniz had nodded and seemed to be responding to questions, but no
one talked!

Klein’s gaze swept through Ademona’s faceless expression, skeptical that the “Teacher of Secrets” was
communicating with Daniz in a voice that no one else could hear.

Seeing Daniz giving a definitive answer, Ademona reached out and folded the “Mister Russell Travels”
on the table and handed it to Klein:

“It’s my thanks.”

“Without me, you can also defeat the frost giant dragon.” Klein didn’t reach out and looked at the
booklet that was bound into the yellow-brown parchment.

“No, we will die together. We can’t stop the last madness of the ‘King of the North’. And, when you
enter the book, you risk a lot.” Ademona is like a teacher, seriously explaining the reasons. “My only
request is to tell me the answer if you researched its origins and principles.”

Klein was very curious about the secrets of Mister Russell’s Travels, and he no longer quits, and
reached out to pick up this magical book:

“it is good.”

At this time, because the importance of “Giant Wang Ting” became more and more prominent, he also
wanted to buy the black iron key belonging to the giant worth 5,000 pounds, but he did not immediately
make this request, lest Ademona thought that he was squatting. Enthusiastic.

He is ready to wait a few hours, or tomorrow, and then find the “Iceberg Lieutenant” to borrow the key,
first go to the have the grey mist divination, confirm the value, and then pay for it.
Seeing Anderson and Daniz also picked up their own extraordinary characteristics, Ademona looked at
the darkness of the sky, to Klein:

“Where are you going next?”

“By Yam.” Klein answered calmly.

Ademona nodded:

“You can ride the ‘Golden Dream’ past, we have a lot of spare rooms.”

Klein barely visible the dagger and promised it.

Free boat who doesn’t like to sit?

After handling the cheekbones and cleaning up the captain’s room, Ademona went to the door and
opened the door.

The sound of a surprise sounded outside, and the atmosphere in the corridor soon became a feeling of

“Okay, it’s okay.” Ademona looked around in a circle, and the cold expression unknowingly smiled.

With a bang, the crew cheered, and the huge sound made Anderson unable to hold his mouth and
wrinkled his face.

“It’s more exaggerated than I thought…” His words were undoubtedly drowned in the carnival

By the time all of this subsided, Klein and Anderson, led by Daniz, left the captain’s room and headed
to the other side of the room.

Half-turning the body and looking at the original place, Anderson suddenly sighed:

“Is it over?

“Although it’s less than half an hour to get to know them, the guys who fought together are always
impressive. As a result, they are so inexplicably dead and dead…”

Klein was silent for two seconds:

“This world is full of inexplicable deaths.”

“…also.” Anderson smiled. “So I have a good view and enjoy life. If one day I face d eath, I must be
calm, chic, without losing grace, and greet it with the most handsome gesture. “”
Don’t set yourself a Flag… Klein didn’t open his mouth and entered the room where Daniz opened.
Anderson lived opposite him.

In the room, Klein stood in the window and silently looked at the darkening sea for nearly ten minutes
before going to the bathroom, going back four steps, mourning the mantra and entering above the grey

Sitting on the high back chair belonging to “Fool”, he directly appeared in the “world” and let him pose
for prayer:

“Great ‘Fool ‘Gawain, please tell ‘Sun’, I have got the Sequence Six ‘Notary ‘magical medicine
formula he wants, and the formula and main material of ‘Priest of Light’ have clues. He can not give it
for the time being. Remuneration, counted as debt, and will be paid in the future.”

Klein It’s is preparing for his promotion of the Sequence Four – Silver City has a wealth of resources,
there may be some kind of main material or auxiliary materials that are currently diffi cult to find, so he
intends to make small in the absence of urgent need for things. The “sun” owes first.

The reason why he didn’t say “Priest of Light”‘s magical medicine formula and the main material was
also because he felt that it was too exaggerated, and he was ready to wait until the little “sun” digested

After examining the existing images twice, he turned them into streamers and put them into the deep
red stars corresponding to the “sun.”

Afternoon town.

Derick, who had just patrolled the edge of the new camp, suddenly saw a flower and saw the boundless
gray mist and the vague figure of the prayer in the deep red light.

Then he heard the voice of the “world” and knew that his “Notary” magical medicine formula was

“The ‘world’ Gawain is so efficient, how many days it is promised, and extra clues to the ‘Priest of
Light ‘magical medicine formula and the main material!” Derick was amazed and accompanied by joy.

He couldn’t help but admire the “world” and hoped that he would have such ability a nd style in the

And above the grey mist, the busy “world” after “Fool” Gawain confirmed “Ocean Singer” “magical
medicine formula”, once again began to pray:
“Great ‘Fool ‘Gawain, please tell ‘Hangman’, I have got the ‘Ocean Singer’ magical medicine formula
and the corresponding master material, will be given to him at the next Tarot Society, ask him to
consider what can be exchanged “”

The undulating sea, inside the ancient dark sailboat.

Argel Wilson was standing at the window, thinking about what to pay attention to when he returned to
Passo Island, and there was an innocent grey mist and sorghum.

He immediately saw the deep red light, saw the vague figure of the suspected “world”, and the other
side sounded the calm and calm words of the other side.

After listening carefully, Alger’s eyes were a little bit big, and there was a joy that was difficult to
contain in his heart, and there was a strong surprise and sorrow.

He remembers very clearly that the last time the Tarot Society, the “world” only p romised to help the
“Sun” get the “Notary” magical medicine formula within three days, did not say “Ocean Singer” related
things, the result is only a few days passed, this Gawain got the rarely circulating Sequence Five
formula and also harvested the main material!

“What did he do?” Alger said silently, and his mind couldn’t help but recall the cool and stiff look of
Gelman Sparrow, and he felt that the other side couldn’t see through.

Is this the benefit of being a leader? Well, I just received the news yesterday. Gelman Sparrow boarded
the “Future” in Nasse last week. This aspect shows that “the star above” is indeed the “hidden”, and on
the other hand, it also indicates the “world”. What Zhou does is very important. For example, if I enter
the dangerous sea area in the east and get something, I have to seek the help of the “hidden”. So he was
promoted and became the expert of Sequence Five?

This explains the problem of getting the “Ocean Singer” magical medicine formula and the main
material in just a few days… But what did he do? Will not kill a church’s quasi-high-level? Alger
couldn’t help but frown.

He quickly calmed his mind and shifted his focus to something else:

Although I got the formula and the main material, it really made him very happy and exc ited, and
sincerely felt that becoming a member of “Tarot Society” is a turning point in his life, but
correspondingly, he must pay a price!

“What can I give to the world?” Alger fell into meditation and sadly found that there was no equivalent
item or money on his body.

He subconsciously paced back and forth, turning around in the window position.

Above the grey mist, the busy “world” disappeared, and Klein turned his attention to the “Mister
Russell Travels” that was brought into the above the grey mist.

This book, bound by yellow-brown parchment, is quietly placed on the top of the bronze long table.
There is no strange place. Ordinary people who only like to study history are willing to pay attention to

Klein has a paper pen and carefully wrote the first divination statement:

“It’s the uniqueness of the Audience path.”

This is what he is most worried about, because it means that it is impossible to seal this “Travel Notes”
in the above the grey mist – it is likely to bring unexpected surprises, and when you carry it, Klein may
decide when Being sucked into the book, it will be very troublesome.

Remove the spiritual pendulum from the left wrist cuff, and Klein calmed down and tried divination.

When he opened his eyes, the citrine pendant was spinning counterclockwise.

This means negation.

“It seems that this strange book is not the uniqueness of the “Audience” path, so I don’t have to be too
scared…” Klein thought for a few seconds and tried divination. “Mister Russell Travels” is “Audience”
“Path Sequence One or sequence 2 corresponding items, who knows the result of the failure.

Um… He has been indulging for a long time, writing down a new divination statement:

“It’s the origin.”

Klein dared to do such a divination because he knew that the sequence 0 of the “Audience” path had
already fallen, and the uniqueness and probability were in the hands of the “Twilight Hermitage”. At
present, the possibility of corresponding to the true God is almost negligible.

Put down the pen, hold the paper and the book, Klein leaned back against the back of the chair,
whispered the sentence, and entered the dream with meditation.

The gray world is violently cracked, and the sky becomes extremely bleak, as if there is a gust of wind
blowing around the clouds.

In such a dim environment, there is a light spot on the horizon, and then it is getting bigger and clearer.

It is a floating continent!
A continent that can accommodate several normal cities!

The continent’s periphery is grayish white, and a large piece of rock shows their outlines. Above it,
there are tens of hundreds of meters of magnificent stone pillars standing upright, standing alone or
propping up. A towering ancient palace.

A strip of gray or red, or brass cast, or ice crystal condensed giant dragon flies over this continent, the
sky above this alien city, sometimes falls to the top of a stone pillar to rest, overlooking Wanfang, and
sometimes into a tall and magnificent In the palace, it disappeared into Klein’s sight.

Among them, the smallest one can be equal to the “King of the North” Yurisian, and the largest one is
100 meters.

The picture is flying fast, and a palace that may be more than two hundred meters high begins to
occupy Klein’s vision.

Its interior, the pillars stand tall, hold the dome, and the space is large enough for any giant dragon to
move freely here.

The “lens” continued to move in. Klein soon saw a book made of yellow -brown parchment, which was
blank and floating in the air, which was incredibly small compared to the surrounding environment .

Behind the book is right, a huge shadow is presented.

The outline of this shadow has just been outlined, and the thoughts and thoughts in Klein’s head
exploded in an instant!

His eyes spurted out with blood, and his ear was left with only two black holes . In his mouth, his
nostrils, bright red milk was constantly pouring out.

The mysterious space above the grey mist then swayed gently, smoothing it all out, and Klein quickly
returned to normal, raising his hand and rubbing his head:

“Pain! Real fuck pain!

“This is no worse than ‘Eternal Blazing Sun’. I didn’t even see the look of k, I didn’t gain any

“k is the ‘dream dragon’ Angelville? According to the small ‘sun’ information, k has fallen at the end
of the second century, I separated a few years, two or three thousand years, just peeped, It has become
so miserable. If there is no grey mist isolation and help, it must have died on the spot… This mark is
too strong, right?
“There is no specific comparison, because the damage is not as good as ‘Et ernal Blazing Sun’, but one
is already dead, and one is still alive, so people have to suspect that the ancient god is stronger than the
true god now…”

After spending nearly a minute slowing down from the shadow of pain, Klein regained his gaze on
“Mister Russell Travels”, tapping the edge of the mottled long table with his fingers, silently saying:

“The author of this book is the ‘dream dragon’ Angel Weather?

“A story book written by an ancient god that can automatically interpret the ending?

“What is the purpose of k? When the book was formed, the ‘dream dragon’ should not have
encountered the ancient sun god, no problem, after all, the book should be spread from the ‘miracle
city’ Levished to ‘ The giant Wang Ting ‘has to have a short time, and before the Mister Russell is
swallowed by the book, the giant king is obviously still alive.

“Pure mischief? A playful thing that boring to pass the time? Or, the ancient god of the “dream dragon”
foresees a certain future, specially created this book, leaving a backing for himself or the giant dragon,
but because Miscalculation of the power and horror of the ancient sun god, the thoroughness of the
desolation, so that this book has not been effective for thousands of years, just naturally inhale
characters, deductive stories?”

Klein made some conjectures, but they couldn’t get further confirmation. They could only consider
looking for opportunities to enter the book and collect clues a little.

“You can then enter in the form of a spirit body in the above the grey mis t. Once you encounter an
accident, you can return immediately… Well, wait until they are separated from Ademona and
Anderson. They must be careful and cautious enough…” Klein Point Nodded, trying to divide the
“Mister Russell Travels” will bring bad changes to the myvo space of above the dynamic mist, the
result still fails.

As for the reason, he actually understands that the essence here is higher than the spiritual world. The
things involved here are naturally unable to use the means of divination to obta in revelation from the
spiritual world.

I decided to go to the above the new mist in the next few days and take a look at it. After the accident,
Klein threw the “Mister Russell Travels” into the debris pile and waved a partially squashed gold wine
glass. .

This wine glass has a complex and delicate pattern, and there are no special places inscribed with the
two Elven language words “natural disaster, high heatham”.
Holding it, Klein quietly rubbed for a few seconds.



Klein politely rang the door of the captain’s room.

“Is there anything?” Ademona, who had put her hair down, looked at Gelman Sparrow outside.

Klein handed the Queen’s gold chalice to the past:

“Put it into the tomb of Xiatashi.”

“…good.” Ademona was silent for two seconds and then nodded.

She habitually studied the inscriptions and symbols on the gold goblet, and immediately retracted her
eyes, and looked out the window:

“They want to hold a bonfire party, are you attending?”

“No.” Klein shook his head.

“I understand, I will not go to participate, not everyone like Anderson, can quickly get rid of their low
mood.” Ademona licked his lips.

In fact, this is not a good thing… Klein didn’t know how to respond, and Ademona was not a person
who was good at communication except for “class,” and the two suddenly ignored each other.

After a dozen seconds, Klein took a breath and broke the silence:

“The key that stems from the giant, are you still selling?”

“Sell.” Ademona thought about it and glanced at the direction of the collection room, addin g, “I can
lend you research first, and then decide whether you want to buy it before leaving the ship.”

… I don’t have to mention it myself… I was a little embarrassed to speak… Klein sighed in relief and
tried to figure out the person who was under Gelman Sparrow.

“I don’t take advantage of others.”

When the voice just fell, he regretted a little, fearing that “Iceberger Lieutenant” really changed his

Ademona light blue eyelids micro-turn:

“The only condition is, if you research something, tell me the answer.”

Calling… Klein is no longer close to the vertebral collapse

“it is good.”

After a few tens of seconds, he returned to his room with the iron black key with a large lyre.

At this time, there was a fierce singer in the front deck:

“How charming your eyes are, like the morning sun;

“Every night, the darkness is coming, I am alone Hover, my heart is sad, waiting for the light;

“Hey, how charming your eyes are, like the morning sun…” (Note 1)

Klein came to the window subconsciously, and the probe looked out and saw that the bonfire was
burning. The idle crew of the “Golden Dream” surrounded the side, or grilled fish, or sipped, or
followed the “singer” Olvers. The song is dancing in an irregular but full of lively dance, and the
atmosphere is extremely cheerful.

The seductive scent of the roasting oil spread out, and as soon as Klein saw Anderson Hood in the
group of pirates, he was so happy and happy, he sipped a few words and spoke a few jokes from time to
time. It seems to have become a member of the “Golden Dream”. It is not as repulsive as before.
Instead, Daniz did not appear outside. At least Klein did not find him next to “Tiepi” and “bucket”.

As long as you don’t provoke, Anderson’s communicative ability is still very strong… This may belong
to the “Conspirator” ability to collect information? Well, he may have transferred hatred to me…

I don’t know if Daniz will work hard because of this incident. If he can improve step by step and gain
stronger strength, then my “Fool” will no longer have only oneself, and no longer need to show the
status of the Trinity. Oh, my secret existence has a realistic believer, there is a clerk who can directly
command, although only Daniz is a person… I have to say that it is still shabby…

Klein, while feeling, prepared a ceremony to sacrifice the “giant key” to above the grey mist.

At this moment, his inspiration suddenly touched, and the instinct turned on the spirit vision and looked
to the side.

A white bone is thrown out and condenses into a messenger that burns the black flame in the eye
The messenger’s body is on the lower level, so it is almost flush with Gelman Sparrow and no longer
wears the ceiling. However, the palm of the hand holding the letter is still huge and seems to wrap
Klein’s head directly.

Mister Ards This letter is very fast… Klein nodded politely, took the letter paper and showed it.

He was about to read the content, and suddenly found that the white bone messenger still stayed in
place, not as usual, after the letter was sent, it disappeared directly.

“Is there anything?” Klein asked amazedly.

He just had an opening, and his thoughts flashed through his mind. He added:

“If I need to reply, I will call you again.”

The white bone messenger’s huge head was a little bit, and the body collaps ed, fell like a waterfall, and
returned to the underworld.

“The last time Ms. Reneet Nikol has waited for a reply, this white bone messenger is also… This could
it be that is the new normative new charter of the ‘Courier’s world’? Hey, there is no ‘messeng world’
All kinds of things are self-inviting, and most of the messengers belong to ‘part-time’… Well, just the
white bone messenger gave me a feeling of a little grievance…” Klein shook his head, didn’t think too
much, would The attention was transferred back to the letter of Mister Ards:

“…in simple terms, from the acquisition of divinity and the promotion of the Sequence Four, it is a
process of gradually evolving to mythological creatures. This process is not completed until sequence
2, so Angel and Saint are essentially different. In the distant ancient times, the former It can even be
called from God.

“Every half-god, including Saint and Angel, has its own mythological creature form. It’s a non -human
race form that combines complex knowledge, divine traits and hidden symbols. Even if ordinary people
just look at it, they will Suffering from serious injuries and even mental disorders, the higher the
position of the demigod, the stronger the damage, the less able to resist. Therefore, the creatures at thi s
level must control themselves at all times, not showing the corresponding form, otherwise it is only
itself. The existence of it will bring disaster to the surrounding.

“For the demigod, one of the characteristics of out of control is that you lose your mind and can no
longer converge on your own mythological creatures.

“However, Saint’s mythological biological form is not complete, and there are obvious original racial
characteristics. Strictly speaking, it must reach sequence 2 to be a true mythological creature…”
I don’t know if the blood that Ms. “Hidden” wants is the true mythological biological blood, or can it
be a little loose… Oh, I don’t know if the cord blood left by Will. Ornstin is not counted, k is Sequence
One. The “snake of destiny”, the absolute mythological creature, but the state is not too much… and so
much more things to accumulate, you can write on the paper crane and ask k, um, there are only two
opportunities to write, It must be cautious enough, but I am returning to Beckland soon… Thinking of
it, Klein silently counts when Will. Ornstin will be born.

He didn’t recall it accurately, and thought that Will. Ornstin was pregnant in November last year, and
now it is mid-April.

So, will k be born in July? It may be a little earlier… Klein didn’t think too confidently. After all, he
had no girlfriend, no wife, and no children.

He quickly converged his thoughts, put this thing aside for a while, began to arrange the ceremony, and
sacrificed the “Giant’s Key” to himself – the reason why the physical body was not carried, because the
key was too heavy, Klein is still moving now. Do not move.

Soon, he came to above the grey mist, letting the huge black iron key fly to the surface of the bronze
long table and carefully checked it several times.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he had a paper pen and wrote the divination

“The place where the key corresponds.”

Holding the paper and holding the key, Klein leaned back against the back of the chair and fell asleep
in the low thoughts.

This time, the first thing in the gray world is the twisted translucent barrier. Then the picture is zoomed
in, and there is a heavy door that is more than 10 meters high.

The door is dominated by blue-gray, with many symbols, logos and patterns symmetrical on both sides,
both solemn and mysterious.

The light of the evening is blurred, so that the door of the opposite door is obviously degraded, just as
the whole world is near, and the eternal darkness is coming.

Then, Klein noticed that the left side of the door, three or four meters high, had a dark hole, equivalent
to the fist of the adult human race.

The scene quickly shattered and the dream ended, Klein opened his eyes.
“The door that is similar to the black monastery but with different colors… the light of the evening…
My interpretation is that this represents a certain door of the ‘Giant Wang Ting’… well, the earliest
twisted translucent barrier should be ‘Land Abandoned by Gods ‘is a symbol of isolation from the
outside world, so without the gray mist to eliminate interference, no matter how divination, you can’t
see the picture you want…” Klein taps the mottled long table edge and does it in his heart. A certain
judgment has been made.

He has decided to buy this “giant’s key”!

After busy bringing 5,000 pounds of cash back to the real world, Klein packed up the items on the
table, took the thick huge hand, and left the room again, heading for the captain’s room.

“Oh, Gilschis’s ‘Apostle of Desire’ bounty is equal to a key plus 1000 gold pound…” Klein glanced at
the banknote in his hand and once again knocked on the door of “Iceberger Lieutenant”.

With a bang, Ademona appeared at the door. She looked at the cash held by Gelman Sparrow, her
eyebrows were moving, her eyes were wide, and she was bright:

“You have a result?”

Klein “Hmm” said:

“I have got the answer, it is suspected to be related to the ‘Giant Wang Ting’.”

“The mythical legendary ‘Giant Wang Ting’?” Ademona twilightly asked.

Klein gently decapitated and said yes.

Ademona’s lips were slightly open and seemed to want to ask something, but eventually did not say
anything and took over the 5,000 pounds of cash.

She looked back at the row of bookshelves in the captain’s room, and after a few seconds of indulging,
told Klein:

“If you are interested in these books, you can borrow them at any time during the day.”

My only request was… Klein silently guessed what the next “Iceberger” would say.

“My only condition is that when you have time, talk to me about history.” Ademona paused and add ed:

Klein smirked and thought about it:

“Good, but I won’t answer all the questions.”

At the same time, he silently prayed in his heart:

I hope that in the collection of “Iceberg Lieutenant”, there are more advanced spell making methods…

“No problem.” Ademona’s mouth was slightly moving and his expression was vivid.

“See you tomorrow.” Klein immediately took off his hat and pressed his chest to say goodbye.

Ademona also seriously recited the ceremony:

“see you tomorrow.”


Beckland, Tiemen Street, outside the “Brave Bar”.

Emlin. Wright left the carriage, pushed the wooden door open and went inside.

He was immediately stimulated by the mixed smell inside, and he shook his nose in disgust.

In the race of hunting “primitive moon” believers, he has not made much progress, so he plans to go to
the “Brave Bar” that Sherlock Moriarty often mentions, looking for the black market weapon trader Ian
who seems to be well-informed – the latter The name was heard from other sources before Emlin came.

After leaning over the body and avoiding a rampage of drunkards, Emlin frowned and flicked his
clothes and continued to squeeze into the bar.

In this process, he seems to have done nothing, but it always allows the surrounding alcoholic people to
touch him, regardless of speed, agility, or balance and coordination of the body, has reached a rather
terrible degree.

Finally, Emlin came to the bar and slammed the board:

“Where is Ian?”

The bartender glanced at him and said nothing, continued to duck down the glass.

“…” Emlin was kneeling in the same place and felt that he should have done something wrong. He
didn’t get the expected answer. This made him a little angry and angry. He wanted to go forward and
pick up the bartender.

However, he believes that this is a gentleman’s demeanor, forced to hold his emotions, looked around
and found that everyone is drinking.

Thinking about it, Emlin experimented with the opening:

“A glass of Auermus red wine.”

The action of the bartender wipes the glass and stops, raises his head, and looks at the handsome man in
front of the black and red with a weird look:


This is the world’s top red wine, the price is amazing!

Emlin wasn’t stupid. He realized from the other’s eyes that he had ordered the wine that he shouldn’t
have. He carefully recalled the following:

“A cup of Nanville beer.”

“5pence.” The bartender finally put the cup and the rag down.

Emlin directly pulls out the 1Shillings banknotes:

“No need to change.”

“Thank you.” The bartender pointed to the left side of the road, “Ian is in the No. 1 card room.”

Emlin suddenly smiled and was happy and proud that he had solved a substantial problem. He didn’t go
to the Nanville beer and turned directly to the No. 1 card room.

Hey! He knocked the door very politely.

“Please come in.” A slightly loud voice was heard.

Emlin took care of the neckline and pushed the door in and found that the scene inside was not quite
the same as expected.

When he thought about it, since it was a card room, there must be a bunch of people around the long
table, playing Texas hold ’em and other projects. Who knows that there are seven or eight people, but
there is no poker. Every participant is in front of him. Zhang Bai paper, messy and do not know what is
recorded, in addition to these, only pens and multifaceted scorpions on the table.

Emlin intuitively turned his attention to the youngest one in the area. It was a handsome boy with the
same red eyes. It looked like only fifteen or six years old.

“Ian?” Emlin confirmed the way.

Ian nodded and smiled:

“Yes, this Gawain, do you have anything? Or do you want to join us in this game?”
“Game?” Emlin instinctively asked.

Ian laughed and said:

“Yes, games, I don’t like playing cards, I don’t like billiards, but I have to find something to do here
every day. I found inspiration from the biography of Great Emperor Russell, that is, to organize some
people and sit together. Try a paper adventure.

“In this game, as long as you follow the rules, you can be anyone, a doctor, an adventurer who likes to
eat vegetables, a private detective that always carries a wrench and a pipe, or an Archaeologist who
loves to think about it. Then go to an old castle and look for stories hidden in history and fight with all
kinds of monsters.”

“It sounds a bit interesting.” Emlin inexplicably feels that such a game is a good fit for himself.

“Haha, do you want to participate? We are involved in a conspiracy this time, and we will face a
powerful ancient Vampire. He seems to have a handsome face, but the bottom of the skin is full of
pustules that burn in the blood.” Ian warmly invited.

Blood family, thank you! Emlin’s face twitched invisibly, directly saying:

“I have something to entrust you.”

“Okay… let’s go to the room next door.” Ian stood up with his dome hat and old bag.

Next door is the billiard room, and no one is inside. The well-behaved and sophisticated boy closes the
door. After reviewing it, look at Emlin:

“Gawain, I don’t know you, don’t know who introduced you?”

Emlin raised his chin slightly and smiled:

“Sherlock Moriarty.”

His voice just fell, suddenly looked around, raised his hand and pinched his nose.

“It turned out to be the detective of Moriarty.” Ian sighed with no disguise. “I was relieved, yes, he is
not going to vacation in Disu Bay? When is it coming back?”

Emlin puts down her right hand and says the same:

“He didn’t come back. I went to the place where he rented and looked for him.

“Frankly speaking, the normal vacation should end in mid-to-late January, and it is now April.”
“He, will there be any accidents?” Ian asked with some concern.

Emlin thought about the power and mystery that Sherlock Moriarty showed, and shook his head:

“Maybe just involved in a complicated case.”

Ian did not say more, and instead asked:

“What do I call you? What commission do you have?”

“You can call me White Gawain.” Emlin took out a paper-like road like a wanted order, “Help me find
these five people.”

Ian took the past and looked at it carefully:

“A valid clue of 20 pounds, a position of 150 pounds, is it acceptable?”

“No problem.” Emlin felt that the price was simply too cheap.

Compared with this, his offer on the Tarot Society is too exaggerated.

Ian folded the paper and finally asked:

“White Gawain, if there is a clue, where should I go to find you?”

“South Bridge, Harvest Church.” Emlin already thought about the answer.

Ian heard a few words and looked at him in amazement:

“You are a believer in ‘Earth Goddess’? This is rare in Beckland.”

“No!” Emlin shook his head firmly. “I just volunteered there.”

Before Ian spoke, he asked first:

“Who is your red eye inherited?”

When I saw Ian, he wanted to ask this question, because in the old age, red eyes belonged to the
characteristics of the blood family. However, the Quartenary Epoch, the human race and the blood
family had a long mixed life. The inhabitants of the empire, with a wide range of friendships, have
produced many descendants, and the “hybrids” with bright red eyes have gradually increased, and have
been inherited from generation to generation, becoming one of the most common twilights in the h uman

To put it simply, every red eyed human race has a blood race.
Ian replied in some confusion:

“My father… I don’t know if I go up, because I am a street child.”

It doesn’t seem to belong to the kind that is also associated with the blood family… Emlin gave a 20-
pound prepayment in a disappointment and turned away from the billiard room.

When he stayed away, Ian did not immediately return to the card room, but closed the door again and
opened the air:

“Moriarty Detective hasn’t returned to Beckland yet, I’m a bit worried about him.”

In the void of the billiard room, a figure suddenly appeared. She was pale and exquisite, wearing a
black bonnet and wearing the same Gothic style court dress, which was the “resent” Sharon.

“He is doing very well.” Sharon replied with no emotions, and his figure disappeared and disappeared.

“Every time I say that, you have that you have been communicating with Moriarty detectives…” Ian
whispered, picking up the newspaper in the corner of the billiard room.

At the top is “Tasok newspaper”, which is pressed below by “Sea News”, which originally reported on
the different colonies in Ruen Kingdom and what happened at sea, but because of current technological
conditions, it was passed to Beckland. The sea news has been seriously outdated, and it is of little use
to those in need, so the sales are not good and the worse.

Later, under the proposal of the new editor-in-chief, the style of the newspaper has changed, and there
have been many rumors on the sea, as well as various strange stories about pirates about adventurers,
which are more like story compilations than news reports.

Surprisingly, this style is quite popular, especially the content involving ghosts, ghosts, sea monsters
and treasures. It has become the first choice among the few bars in the various bars to know the words
to the majority of illiterate. It’s fake, but it’s interesting enough.

Ian flipped through the newspapers at random, didn’t find anything to pay attention to, and was only
impressed with a report on “Sea News”:

“It is reported that on the evening of March 25, the fleet of ‘King of the Undead’ attacked a ship
returning from Fusac to East Byron, robbing all the goods and money, and the ‘slayer’ Gilhies was like
his Like the title, I completed a bloody ‘burial’…”

These pirates are really arrogant… Ian shook his head, put down the newspaper, returned to the card
room and continued his game.
Outside the bar, Emlin boarded the carriage and leaned against the wall, watching the streetlights
slowly receding.

He squeezed his nose again and said to himself silently:

“A ‘rebel’?

“Ian this weapon businessman really has a lot of channels…good!”

Emlin then closed his eyes and had more expectations for his commission.


The sunlight outside the window shines and the captain’s room is dyed golden.

Ademona sat in a chair, holding a book and looking to the opposite side:

“So, do you think that the three empires of Solomon, Tudor, and Terencest have coexisted?”

“This is a necessary condition for ‘war of the four sovereigns’,” Klein responded simply.

He is holding the book of the Three Worlds, which is from a member of Life School, and then falls into
the hands of the “Iceberg Lieutenant”, who is talking about the material world, the spiritual world, and
the absolute rational world. There are some spells with some content, and there is no shortage of places.
Klein’s focus today is on this one, hoping to find a better way to use the “Poseidon Scepter” and the
“Insect of Time”.

Klein actually found out that the books collected by “Iceberg Lieutenant” are all fragmented ancient
documents, which is inconsistent with her “God of Knowledge and Wisdom” church’s characteristics,
so he guessed that “God of Knowledge and Wisdom “church internal, orthodox, systemic mystery
science knowledge is forbidden to be disclosed to non-church people.

Ademona just wanted to ask again, and suddenly found that the “Golden Dream” speed gradually
slowed down, looked up at the window, looked a few eyes, cold and open:

“By Yam is here.”

Is Bayam coming? Klein stood up and looked out and saw the familiar rebel private port.

He did not show any surprise, but he said calmly:

“It’s faster than I thought.”

This is at least three hours ahead of his expectations!

“It’s faster than I expected.” Ademona retracted her eyes and agreed with Gelman Sparrow’s words.

However, this is an insignificant detail… Klein lowered his head and casually flipped through the rest
of the Book of the Three Worlds and handed it to the “Iceberg Lieutenant”:

“The exchange is over.”

Ademona looked at the book in silence, opened his mouth and closed it again.

She took the “Book of the Three Worlds” and placed it on the table, then got up and walked the way:

“I look forward to the opportunity to communicate with you in the future. Your acco mplishments in
ancient history are admirable.”

If it is Klein’s own character, he will definitely be modest and praise the “Iceberger” has the same
extensive knowledge, but now he is a crazy adventurer Gelman Sparrow, can only slightly nod:

“We are collaborators.”

It means that there will be opportunities in the future.

He no longer said, leaving the “Captain’s Room”, returning to his room, easily packing his suitcase,
waiting for the “Golden Dream” to enter the port, all the way down to the deck.

At this time, a lot of crew members have gathered on the deck, including “foodie” Bruce Worth,
“singer” Olvers, “flower bow tie” Jodson and other high-profile pirate groups.

They showed a sincere smile and waved at Klein. They were very enthusiastic. Among them, “b ucket”
and “iron” were full of excitement and sang songs that delighted guests.

When were I so familiar with them? Klein groaned and crossed the pirates and walked to the side of the

Anderson Hood leaned there, his clothes were neat, and his hair smiled without a mess:

“They probably want to say, goodbye, no, never see you again.

“Gelman, do you know how dangerous you are during this time? Almost the enemy of all the crew, they
can’t wait to drive the ‘Golden Dream’ to Baiam in just 5 minutes.”

Klein was about to respond, but saw Daniz trotting in a black cloak.

This guy is really angry and ready to leave the “Golden Dream” alone? This is a bit out of my mind.
Around the “Iceberger Lieutenant”, near the “God of Knowledge and Wisdom” church, his “Fool”
believers can maximize their value… but it doesn’t matter, Daniz. Being able to grow up is more
meaningful than this… Klein habitually measured it, spinning out the extra thoughts and indifference to
Daniz, waiting for him to speak.

Daniz’s face opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. He had to laugh twice and said to

“Do you have a ‘Conspirator’ magical medicine formula?”

“Yes.” Anderson smiled. “But I am not going to sell it to you.”

Daniz’s face instantly darkened, and Anderson continued to carelessly:

“What do you mean by getting the ‘Conspirator’ magical medicine formula now? You are trying to
upgrade now, definitely out of control!

“Friend, you play the ‘hunter’ again, then ‘Provocator’ and ‘Arsonist’, oh, the ‘heart of the giant’, yo u
better find the ‘artisan’ to make defensive magical items, or else I am afraid that you will be killed
when you are.

“Wait until you are sure that you have the confidence, then look for your captain to ‘Conspirator”s
magical medicine formula, she has.

“But, oh, I think you’re here, and the ‘Conspirator’ is very demanding.”

Daniz was ridiculed and twitched, remembering every word that Anderson said, because It’s the guy
who claims to be the strongest hunter, has a lot of experience on this path, and he als o vaguely
understands that the key is ” “Playing”, I suspect that the captain’s previous teaching is also pointing to
this aspect, but it is not so clear.

“There is always one day, I will let you know, what is the real Conspirator!” Daniz mouth hardened an d
turned to look at Gelman Sparrow.

He cleared his throat and dared not look directly into the other’s eyes:

“I have already applied to the captain. I will contact the Rebels frequently and will often appear in

The meaning is, do not want to leave the “Golden Dream”, but will often find opportunities to exercise
themselves? Oh, how do you report your feelings to your boss? Klein smirked, “Hmm”.
Daniz suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person was very comfortable. If not the
companions were watching behind him, he would definitely go to help Gelman Sparrow with his
suitcase and send it all the way to the dock.

After seeing Gelman and Anderson leave, he decided to start praying to “Fool” every day, starting
tonight, to show his piety, so as not to have a bad accident.

In the private port of the Rebels, Anderson saw that Gelman Sparrow turned into a new road without
thinking, and then walked out of the jungle in the shortest distance.

“You are very familiar with this place? When I came last time, there is no such way.” Anderson was
half-hearted and boring.

Of course, many people pray to me every day and report what they have done, and I occasionally give a
response, for example, to guide them to repair this road… Klein smugly for two second s, his expression

“Where is your friend living?”

“It’s in a manor outside Baiyam.” Anderson stepped up and began to lead the way.

An hour later, he came to a manor with Klein, where the flavors of the various spices were superb and
mixed with an exotic style that was difficult to describe.

After telling the gatekeeper the purpose of the visit, the two did not wait for a long time, they saw a
medium-sized man, less than 1 meter 75 men came over, followed by a housekeeper and a servant.

The man’s skin is yellowish and has a tan-like feel. The outline is softer, but the eye sockets are much
more concave than the Lun people.

For Klein, it is possible to preliminarily judge the origin of the other party, that is, the Kingdom of
Fenpot has people of high altitude.

The man has become fat, his face is round and quite harmonious. When he saw the strongest hunter, he
immediately laughed:

“Anderson, are you still dead?”

“I am waiting to attend your funeral.” Anderson responded with a no trace of politeness, and
immediately turned to Klein, “Ocfa Connor Chris, my former team of physicians.”

He did not introduce Gelman Sparrow to Oak Law, but smiled:

“I brought you a good business.”

Oak Law understood Anderson’s meaning, did not ask in the face of the manserva nt and the butler, led
the two, went to the main manor house.

Along the way, Klein saw windmills, bakeries, wine houses, militia training camps and other buildings.
The whole manor is like a small kingdom. Except for the blacksmith shop, you can be self -sufficient –
most steel products go to the market. More cost-effective than yourself.

“This is the idyllic life…” Klein said with a sigh of relief, followed Oak Law into the main house and
came to his study.

Okfa did not let the hostess come over, nor did he hold his own children to see Anderson and Klein.
Obviously they did not want them to have some contact with the dangerous mysterious world.
Therefore, after closing the door, he looked straight at Anderson:

“what business?”

“You don’t want to sell the revolver? He is interested.” Anderson pointed to Klein, “Gelman Sparrow.”

“Gelman Sparrow? Easily hunted the powerful expert of the ‘smartwriter’ Misor?” Okfello was
surprised but opened without fear.

Although he has stayed away from adventurous life, he is very clear that he cannot ignore it. Therefore,
in the case of Baiam, he will take the initiative to grasp the necessary information to avoid accidents.

Anderson heard the words and laughed:

“Your message is too old!

“This Gawain’s current record is that he successfully hunted the ‘slaughter’ Gilthias and lived to this

“Gilhies?” The second pair of King of the Undead?” The expression of Okfafa changed, and it was both
horrifying and hidden.

“Yes!” Anderson laughed and laughed. “In the paradise of pirates, he is recognized as the strongest

Oakfaph swallowed his mouth and looked at Klein, uncomfortably revealing a smile:

“I believe you have the ability to buy the ‘cancel the clock.'”

“The death knell?” Klein was interested but asked on the surface.
“The name of the ‘revolver’, it is the old man who accompanied me for ten years. Hey, if it is not the
function of another magical item on my body, it is not very useful for my current situation, I They are
reluctant to sell it.” Oak Law sighed and replied.

At this time, Anderson sneered at the side:

“You didn’t say that before, you said that you prefer farming tools.”

A “Farmer”… Klein combined the words of Anderson and the appearance of Oak Law to make
corresponding judgments.

At the same time, he flashed the corresponding magical medicine name in his mind: Sequence Nine
“Farmer”, Sequence Eight “Physician”, the ancient name “Therapist Pastor”, and Sequence Seven
“Farming Priest”.

No wonder Anderson introduces him to be a former team of doctors… Klein thought about it:

“Do you know Frank Lee?”

“Haha, I don’t know. Although I am a Fenpot person, my formula and materials are all picked up by
myself. It has nothing to do with ‘Earth Goddess ‘church. So, I am totally afraid to go back to Fenpot,
but I listen. Said Frank Lee, he is a guy who makes the church a pretty headache.” Oak Law calmly
replied, “Just the Sixth’s ‘biologist’ can make the church so important, sometimes I really want to see
it. meet him.”

No, you will regret this idea… Klein sees from Oak’s answer that he believes in “Earth Goddess” and is
probably the expert of Sequence Five.

Anderson, next to him, after hearing the words of Okfafa, his face twitched obviously, and he said with
a lingering heart:

“That is really a headache. It can be called a demon in some way. His ability and his thoughts are
beyond the level of Sequence Six. Ok, don’t mention him. When I mention him, I will think of that
spray. Milk coming out.”

Oak Law looked at the opposite two with some puzzles, restrained curiosity, went to the table, opened
the drawer, and took out an iron-black pistol that was a little longer than the normal revolver barrel.

“It is the ‘mortem bell’.” Oak Law solemnly introduced the road.

The death knell? Every shot is a death knell for the enemy? I like this name… Klein controls the facial
expression, and instead of looking forward and excitedly, he reaches over and takes over the iron -black
revolver with a slightly longer barrel.
He was very worried that he would show a very wanted will, and he would be temporarily raised by the
other party. It is a common thing in It’s trading, but he thought that Gelman Sparrow is already famous,
and that Anderson is the strongest hunter in the foggy sea to testify. Although Chris Chinner may have
been the expert of Sequence Five, he has already withdrawn from the adventurer circle. He only wants
to live a stable life. He certainly does not dare to offend himself. He is afraid that crazy adventurers
will not attack in person, and will go back and forth. The manor.

Therefore, his efforts to maintain a dull attitude have become a purely sustainable need.

See Gelman Sparrow in the careful examination and study of the “the death knell”, Oak Law detailed

“It’s actually a very simple ability to harvest other people’s lives. There are three ways:

“One is a weak point attack, without opening the condition, directly infusing the spirituality, and
pulling the trigger can be used. It allows you to find the weakness of the target from the perspective of
mystery science, that is, to defend the weak place and provide the corresponding precision, thus causing
the transcendence. Normal terrible damage;

“The second is a fatal attack. You must use a hammer before the shot to use it. It is characterized by the
fact that it is equivalent to a weak point attack regardless of where you hit the target, and if you really
hit the real weakness, then, For an enemy that is not too strong in defense, you can do a shot deadly.
For a target that is good at defense, it can be solved within three shots. This includes ‘Guardian’. Of
course, the premise is that the interval between three hits should not be too long, preferably no more
than 5. second;

“The third is ‘killing’. On the basis of the weak point attack, it provides more than dou ble the
spirituality. This can make the normal bullet produce a shotgun effect. At the same time, it attacks a
large number of enemies in the direction of the muzzle. It belongs to the scope of killing. To increase
the damage level. On the basis of a fatal attack, it provides more than twice the spirituality, which is no
small burden for the user.

“It can also be matched with bullets of different characteristics for different types of enemies.”

It sounds like the Sequence Five “Reaper” of the “Hunter” path… Klein glanced at Anderson next to
him, thoughtfully asking:

“If the goal is a giant dragon with a physical strength that reaches Sequence Four, how many shots can
a deadly attack kill?”

Oak Law stunned for a second, and some of them slugged and shook thei r heads:
“I have never met the giant dragon.”

Not to mention the giant dragon whose body level reaches the semi -god!

Gelman Sparrow could it be that want to take this gun to the dragon? Or a semi -god giant dragon? Is
this going crazy? Oak Law suddenly feels that the current adventurer is completely different from his
active one, and he does not consider whether he will die!

Anderson coughed twice and cleared his throat:

“It depends on luck, really, believe me, luck is very important!

“If you encounter a giant dragon that has been hit by someone else, you can solve it with a single shot.
If not, my suggestion is to run away. Well, it is more important to live.

“Of course, if the semi-god giant dragon does not defend, standing and letting you fight, the deadly
attack of about five shots should be able to kill it.”

Oak Law looked at Anderson and looked at Gelman Sparrow again. He decided not to continue the
topic. He turned and said:

“Anderson told you the negative impact of the ‘cancel the bell’? After each use , you will get a
weakness that does not exist, or strengthen the existing weaknesses to make it more extreme. This
effect will last 6 Hours, once, I became very afraid of dogs, so that I just hunted the famous pirates, in
front of a kitten that was not born for a long time, the legs were soft, fell to the ground, shouted for
help, crying for mercy .

“If you just carry it, the problem is not big. It is only easy to be thirsty. Drinking more water and going
to the bathroom can solve it.”

I always feel that the negative impact of one more weakness will make a lot of accidents… but
relatively speaking, it is an affordable thing… Klein has considered the following:

“Offer price.”

“9000 pounds, Anderson should have mentioned, It’s my reserve price.” Oak Law looked at the “same
bell” revolver in the hands of Gelman Sparrow. “This is cheap enough, if not I worry about knowing
more extraordinary will be to me. The current life has a bad influence and actively promotes it, and the
12,000 pounds can definitely be sold.”

Indeed, this level of magical items, as long as the negative effects are not too serious, encountering the
right buyer, it is likely to sell high prices… Normally, 10,000 to 12,000 pounds is reasonable… Klein
has a heart I still have a price, but the price given by the other party is so low that he is a little
embarrassed and then takes advantage of it.

“I try, if there is no problem, I will deal.”

Of course, he didn’t want to really test the gun. This would make him have a weakness in his own way.
His method was to use physicality to explore the method of combining divination and lie detection. He
did quite well and didn’t care about Oak Law and Anderson. look.

Wait until you go to the grey mist to make a confirmation… However, Oak Law should not dare to l ie
to me. He must be afraid of revenge after a crazy adventure. After all, he has returned to a calm and
peaceful life, with his wife and children… Klein put the “cancel the bell” on the table, lifted the
suitcase, and took out the huge sum of 9,000 pounds that had been brought from the above the grey
mist to the real world.

Oak Law took over the money and quickly counted it, initially confirming the true and false and the
total amount.

“It’s the most famous adventurer recently. It’s not uncommon for people who can get 9,000 pounds of
cash at a time. Even some rich people don’t have so much liquidity.” He gathered the bills in a stack
and said with sincerity.

I used to buy the key for 5,000 pounds… Klein looked at the 9,000 -dollar bill into the drawer of Oak
Law, and suddenly there was a emptiness in his heart.

I have been tossing at sea for so long, and I have lost so much money, and the result is gone in a short
time… Now there are only 2,683 pounds of banknotes plus 6 gold coins, and even a slightly better
manor can’t afford it… Klein is inexplicable Hey, take out the ordinary revolver from the arm of the
armpit, take out the bullet inside, and insert a piece into the “the death knell.”

Anderson watched the whole process of the transaction and said:

“Okefa, you have changed. You used to check the authenticity of the banknotes one by one. If you are
in trouble, I can help!”

“It’s perfectly fine, but I’m worried that Gelman will give you a shot.” Oak Law is clearly aware of the
provocative talent of the strongest hunter.

One point of counting banknotes, verifying the authenticity against the light, slow movements, and low
posture, is a picture he can imagine.

Said it right! Klein silently agreed to put the iron-black long tube revolver into the armpit.
Originally, he was thrown into the trunk.

“Thank you for your generosity, so that I don’t have to worry about this matter anymore.” Oak Law
smiled and pointed to the door. “I let my servant send you away.”

Anderson opened his mouth and snorted:

“Okfa, don’t you leave us for dinner?”

“When you get married, with children, I invite you to share food in the most luxurious restaurants.”
Oak Law did not care about his companion accusation.

Out of the manor, Anderson blinked his head and looked at the sun that was about t o fall. He chuckled
a bit:

“When I got to know Okfa, he was just a doctor who was good at planting strange plants on the boat to
improve everyone’s life. I thought he would die early in adventure. I didn’t expect him to have been
lucky, but he even became a ‘Druid’.”

Why are you sighing with words, and so blame… Klein deliberately said:

“It’s really good.

“As your companion, you need to have enough luck to survive.”

Anderson was slightly surprised and looked at Gelman Sparrow with a few eyes:

“You will also ridicule people? Is It’s infected with me?”

He didn’t care too much about this matter, he took care of his clothes and took off his hat. He said with
a smile:

“Well, the magical items you need are at hand. If there is nothing else, I should set foot on my own

“Don’t forget the task of the demigod.” Klein succeeded in making Anderson’s expression bitter with
only one sentence.

“I already have an impulse in my heart, let me finish the matter as soon as possible. Well, no need to
say goodbye, maybe one day I will really see you again.” Anderson laughed at himself, shook his hand
holding the hat and turned to the road. Another road to Baiam.

Calmly watching the strongest hunter go, Klein slowly vomited, carrying his suitcase, in the glow of
the sunset, under the characteristic palm-like trees, along the original road, step by step to Baia M.

Inside the city of Bayam.

I found Klein, who stayed at a regular hotel, and started thinking about what to do next:

“At the end of the day, I can try to play ‘Puppeteer of Secrets’ and refine the corresponding code. This
is one of the most important things for me.

“Well, ‘Puppeteer of Secrets’, the focus should be on the ‘secret couple’, I haven’t really made a slap,
manipulate it to fight, start with this.

“This thing has to be done before returning to Beckland. There are not only extraordinary hiding, it is
difficult to meet, and no matter what you do, it is possible to provoke a church, which influential figure
must be cautious and careful, not A good place to pick and make cockroaches, or a good sea, wait for
the bar to turn around and find a pirate with enough crimes to be hanged to test.”

With the idea, Klein immediately got up and left the room, just like holding a deposit slip to go to the
bank to withdraw money, went straight to the nearby “seaweed bar”, where famous pirates often

Soon, he came to the door of the bar, sorted out the clothes, and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

A gaze swept across his face, first without any abnormal natural removal, and then someone shouted:

“Gelman Sparrow!”

Brushing the floor, many of the figures in the bar rushed to the back door quickly. Klein hadn’t had
time to react and it was going on. It was a lot cold.

Looking at the bar that was quiet enough to hear some people breathing, Klein took two seconds to step
in, as if nothing had happened, and went straight to the bar.

I have to change my appearance next time… He thought in his heart with annoyance, only to reach out
and cover his face.

Before Oak Law did not know that Gelman Sparrow had successfully hunted the “slayer” Gilshies, let
Klein think that his latest situation has not yet reached the “generous city”, so he went to the “seaweed
bar” with confidence. Who knows, the problem lies in the fact that Okfa is far from the adventurer
circle, the news is lagging behind, and the fierce adventure of the crazy adventurer has actually spread
among the pirates near Rhosid Archipelago.

Silently sighed, Klein sat in front of the bar and slammed the boardwalk:
“1 cup of Nanville beer.”

“…6pence.” The bartender swallowed hard.

Klein took out a few bronze penny in front of him and asked with no change in expression:

“What’s the situation recently?”

The bartender took the pence and carefully sent the beer to Gelman Sparrow before he squeezed out the

“Admiral Levitte was transferred back to Beckland, and General Robert Davis took over from his
position and became the supreme commander of the kingdom in this sea. The situation in the entire
archipelago was a bit nervous, many pirates The group sent people to inquire about the news.”

Admiral Amyrius was eventually dragged by his brother and lost his current position… However, as
long as he did not directly participate, as a demigod, there would be no worse situation, a t least the
treatment of the general can Keeping it, the family will not have any problems, and things will calm
down, maybe there is still a chance to continue to serve as the top of the navy… Klein sipped a beer
and asked:

“Which family is Robert Davis?”

“No, he is not a nobleman. He is a rare person who walks from the bottom officer to the position of the
Admiral. In Mad Sea, at Sunya Island, in East Byron, he has gained countless merits.” In the recent
newspaper, the praise of General Robert Davis, he paused. “But I heard that he has been funded by
many nobles.”

Well, in the current Royal Navy, the generals who were born in the royal family, the nobility, or have
close ties with the royal family and the nobility, accounted for at least 80%, and the remai ning 20%
were basically concentrated on the level of the Brigadier General and Major General… Klein had long
since left Ai The documents there are known to Livette.

In comparison, the Army is much better.

Seeing Gelman Sparrow didn’t ask any more questions, like drinking intently, the bartender turned and

“In these two or three months, the Rebels were very active. They have been trying to destroy the
railways or block the roads. The Governor’s Office is very troublesome. They have to send a large
number of troops to protect traffic. The rebel forces rarely confront them. “”
I know, it’s all according to my plan… In a place where the proportion of an indigenous and mixed -
race population is as high as 80%, it is not too difficult for the rebels to get accurate information, plus
external funding, short Survival in time, the problem is not big, the reason why they are in danger in
the past, all because the Cavieva sea snake is not sensible, always let them attack the city to occupy the
main points, fighting the naval and army of Ruen Kingdom… Klein After a few words, I drank a good
beer again.

He also warned the rebels that they should not be too active. If the Governor’s House is forced into a
very embarrassing situation, Ruen Kingdom is likely to send a Sequence Five that is good at tracking,
even a semi-god extraordinary to assist the Rebels. The strength of the power is simply not possible.
Klein gave them the instructions in the name of “Poseidon” to maintain and slightly improve the status
quo, waiting for the world situation to change.

This will not be too far away. According to the various feedbacks from Miss Justice, “Hangman” has
made a positive judgment, that is, as long as Ruen Kingdom completes the internal bureaucratic system
reform, the original and new ironclad ship team will be formed. Warfare, a war against the southern
continent colony is inevitable.

Quietly drinking, listening to the bartender’s story, Klein put on his hat, got up and left the bar, all the
way back to the hotel where he lived.

Along the way, he saw the child with a thin curly-brown hair and saw the indigenous people dressed in
the brown jacket wide-leg pants. These people were afraid to avoid it, dare not look up, or shrunk to the
side, watching Klein with complicated eyes.

Klein reluctantly hooked his mouth and silently returned to the hotel room.

He didn’t change his appearance immediately, and went to various bars to find pirates, because those
guys would definitely hide in tonight and would not appear again.

Just as Klein was going to explore the Mister Russell Travels, his door was suddenly slammed.

Without asking, just holding the handle, his mind naturally showed the appearance of the visitor:

Middle-aged, male, wearing a dark red coat and white trousers, wearing a boa t-shaped hat, the eyes,
forehead, mouth have obvious wrinkles, it is the captain of the “White Onyx”, military personnel, just
Ayre Lan.

Very good, the news that I appeared in Bayam just spread, I found out which hotel I live in which
hotel… Of course, because I did not cover up, directly registered with the identity document… Klein
twisted Handle, pull the door back, courtesy and open:
“good evening.”

“Good evening, I am glad that you have returned to Bayam.” Ayre Lan took off her hat and entered the
room without restriction.

“Is there anything?” Klein pulled the chair and sat down.

Ayre Lan immediately sat across from the opposite side and chuckled:

“Does visiting friends not the most important thing?”

I really can talk, but unfortunate Anderson has left, otherwise he has to let him study and learn! Klein
is inexplicably touched.

He maintains a consistent attitude and looks at the eyes of Ayre Lan:

“Okay, you have already visited.”

Ayre Lan seems to have expected such an answer, smiling:

“Remember Donna?”

Of course, she and her brother are very cute. I don’t know if I have come out of the shadow of my
“intimidation” and lost my curiosity to the mysterious world… Klein calmly responded:

“I don’t have amnesia.”

“Forgetting something that is not important is good for the health of our souls, huh, this is not what
Great Emperor Russell said.” Ayre Lan simply explained, “You are not telling Donna’s father, if you
need help, you are in In the Sugna Morning Post, has you been advertising for Damir’s special cured
meat for three consecutive days? He did this during this time, but unfortunately you are not in Baiam,
not in the nearby waters.”

“And then?” Klein saw Ayre Lan’s gesture relaxed and intuitively believed that the Donna family did
not encounter too serious things.

Ayre Lanhe laughed:

“I heard your conversation at the time. After I found the advertisement, I followed the address and
visited them in the past. You know, Donna is a cute little girl, always reminds me of my daughter.

“The matter is not complicated. Uldi, the father of Donna, has been robbed of the goods of high value
by the ‘Crazy Captain’, which makes his economic situation very bad, although it will not go bankrupt.
But life will definitely be a lot harder, so I want to entrust you to get the good s back.
“I know that you were not in Byam at the time, so you had to use your own channels to get Uldi to get
the goods back at a price that was too big.”

“Crazy Captain”? Klein first thought that this nickname was familiar, and immediately remembered
where he had heard it.

According to the red-haired Elaine, the slaves of the “Disease Lieutenant” Trey d demoness cult were
handed over to the ‘Crazy Captain’ Connor Victor, who seems to have many slave traders and
traffickers in Ruen Kingdom. close relationship.

And this involves the disappearance of the colonial population and the hidden truth behind the
Beckland smog!

I always wanted to track down this matter. When I attacked Trey, half of the purpose was on it.
Unfortunately, I didn’t succeed. Later I was busy playing the digestive and searching for the mermaid. I
gave up the investigation for a while… Klein thought sharply. The surface asked quietly:

“Where is the ‘Crazy Captain’?”

“Uldi has got the goods back.” Ayre Lanner snorted and stressed that things have been resolved.

Klein looked at him and repeated:

“Where is Connors Victor?”

Ayre Lan shook his head helplessly:

“I don’t know, but he still has his men in Baiyam to ask for news. You know, Admiral Amyrius is back
to Beckland. Davis is going to be in the future. Many things will change. Pirates also need to keep up to
date. Happening.

“So, I guess Connor’s ship should be parked in the shadow of which island nearby, but it can only be
guessed, completely unrecognizable.”

Klein listened quietly with both hands:

“Thank you.”

Ayre Lan breathed a sigh of relief and looked out the window, his expression quickly becoming

“I am coming to you today, I want to tell you that you are acting too prominently. The above focus on
you, and an expert who can easily kill Gilthias will not be ignored!
“You’d better not use this identity to register your accommodation, otherwise there will probably be
some troubles that are difficult to deal with.”

Klein nodded seriously:


He was very grateful to Captain Ayre Lan for his reminder, but did not show it.

When Ayre Lan captain left, Klein changed immediately and changed the hotel to ensure that his
whereabouts were not locked by the military.

After doing all this, he began to think about finding the ‘Crazy Captain’ C onnor Victor.

This is very difficult for others, but Klein has a trick.

That is to use the “Poseidon Scepter” to communicate the underwater creatures in the nearby waters!

As long as Connors Victor is in the waters of Rhosid Archipelago, it doesn’t look li ke Klein’s eyes!

Of course, the premise is that there is enough time to look for it.

Entering the grey mist, Klein reaches out and picks up the “Poseidon Scepter” from the debris pile, and
browses through the countless spots around the sealed item.

Each of these spots corresponds to the prayer of a believer, and the glory is flowing, sacred and

Soon, Klein made a preliminary screening with his mind, focusing on the part that originated at sea
rather than the island. After he isolated the “Poseidon Scepter” from above the grey mist, he could not
directly use this “artifact”. Inductively around the ocean, to make effective operations, we must rely on
the prayers of the believers, in order to use this as a starting point, to expand around 5 nautical m iles,
affecting the corresponding sea creatures.

Klein spirituality spread, touched one of the light spots, and saw the daily prayers of the indigenous
people above the boat before returning to Hong Kong in the evening.

With the change of Klein’s mind, the perspective of this picture is rapidly rising, the surrounding layers
of clouds accumulate, and the dark and undulating scenes of the waves are being added more and more.

“A few hours ago, there was a sign that the storm was brewing? Also, when I went out , I felt the
environment was very depressed… So Ayre Lan said that the ‘Crazy Captain’ Connor’s ship should be
parked nearby. In the shadow of the island, It’s to avoid the storm…” Klein tapped the edge of the
mottled long table and silently said to himself.
With such inferences, his next “seeking people” work will be much easier, because there is no need to
search the vast and innocent sea, just pay attention to the vicinity of different islands in this sea area.

At the top of the “Poseidon Scepter” in Klein’s hand, a blue-blue jewel illuminates.

On the sea where there is no fishing boat, the dark blue near the black light of Crimson’s moonlight is
rising and falling. Suddenly, the water is silent, and there is a pair of exaggerated eyes looking at the
sky under the eyes. Is a huge shadow outline.

At the same time, a strip of sea fish floated near the surface of the water, with different types.

They took over the empty rafts of the 鞴饣 蝗Γ 蝗Γ 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃 蜃

Ten seconds later, the waters within 5 nautical miles returned to their previous state, and the dark blue
near-black waves were once higher than once, waiting for the final outbreak.

Huh… This is a bit too expensive… Klein raised his left hand and licked his forehead.

He did not simply drive marine life, but gave them a certain extraordinary spirituality, so that they
could see the pictures they saw in the vicinity of the island and pass them back in prayer.

This is not too difficult or too complicated for the “Poseidon Scepter”, but for the operator Klein, the
burden is enormous and the consumption is not small.

Klein then selected the prayers around the islands of the archipelago and issued “commands” to marine
life in the corresponding area in the same way.

After doing all this, he refused to throw the “Poseidon Scepter” back into the heap of debris, returning
directly to the real world, taking off his coat and falling on the bed.

The spirituality consumes the extreme, he thought he would fall asleep, who knows that his head is
empty and painful, so that he can not blind his eyes, and can not enter the dream.

Klein can clearly feel that his skin is like an allergy, and he has raised bulges, and the granules hidden
under them are even more unclear.

Sure enough, as “Hangman” Gawain said, if you have your spirituality in the dry state for two
consecutive days, it will definitely produce auditory hallucinations and signs of loss of control. I am
only a limit. I haven’t maintained it for a long time. The body is a little abnormal. Of course, this is
also because I haven’t been promoted for a long time, I haven’t digested it, and I have taken the extra
sequence magical medicine. Klein got back a little bit of thought and tried medit ation cascading light
balls to calm the body and spirit. Exhaustion.
After a slight relief, he finally fell asleep and went to the middle of the night.

At this time, the wind outside was fierce, heavy rain was like a note, and the storm that had been
brewing for a long time finally came.

And this is not too rare in Bayam, except for these, the night is quite peaceful.

Klein went to the bathroom to solve the personal hygiene problem, washed her hands, went back four
steps, and again entered above the grey mist.

He picked up the “Poseidon Scepter”, which was placed on the bronze long table, and began to browse
the “pictures” that the marine creatures came back.

There are ships in these scenes, located in different ports, different docks, and different island s hadows.

Although Klein has never seen the “Crazy Captain” Connor Victor, he has learned about the
characteristics of the other side and has learned about the various signs of his pirate group.

A picture flashed and Klein patiently identified the details of those ships.

Ten minutes later, he showed a joy that was difficult to conceal, letting one of the pictures zoom in and
zoom in and zoom in!

He found a vessel with a suspected target!

The boat was moored at the leeward side of the most remote West Ham Isla nd in Rhosid Archipelago,
with a towering stone cliff behind it and undulating waves below it.

Its sails and flags have been stowed, but there is a white skull pattern on each side of the ship’s side
with a single eye patch.

This is the symbol of the mad captain pirate group!

Klein untied the spiritual pendulum in the left wrist cuff and confirmed it with the divination method.

The answer made him happy, it was indeed the boat of Connors Victor!

And this “crazy captain” has only one such boat!

“It’s no wonder that most of the adventurers at sea know that the ‘Crazy Captain’ has links with the
king’s traffickers and slave traders, but the Church of the Storms’ investigation into the disappearance
of the colonial population did not point to him. A bounty of on ly 3,300 pounds, a pirate The group also
has only one boat guy who can only do a little business, can’t afford such a large -scale population
trade… What should I do next?” Klein first sighed silently, then began to consider how to investigate .
His first reaction was to directly summon a huge underwater creature, take a ride like a “whale boat”,
take a storm, go straight to Simim Island, and then pretend to sneak in, relying on the “Puppeteer of
Secrets” ability, does not cause too much Controlling the “Crazy Captain” Connors Victor, but after
thinking carefully, I feel that this method is too reckless.

Dealing with other pirates who are not generals, this is fine, but since the “Crazy Captain” Connors
Victor is involved in such a terrible event as Beckland smog, it must be taken into account that he
usually only shows disguise, considering He actually has another identity, and his ship is likely to hide
a lot of secrets, so there is a high probability that there is a trap enough to deal with the pirate gener als.
If you sneak into it, even if Klein is armed to the teeth, you may not be able to come out alive. .

“Summon yourself, in the form of a spiritual body, holding the Poseidon scepter in the past? This is to
avoid accidents. If there is a problem, you can end the summoning return directly. However, the
‘Poseidon Scepter’ is essentially a ‘storm’ path high sequence. Extraordinary features, as long as they
appear in the real world, are likely to attract each other with King of Sea… This will make things
impossible…” Klein looked at the storm in the picture, and initially had a idea.

Before that, he once again had a paper pen and wrote the divination statement:

“It’s dangerous to deal with Connors Victor.”

Picking up the silver chain of the spiritual pendulum, Klein converged his thoughts and started
diversation intently.

Soon, he blinked and saw the citrine pendant spinning in a clockwise speed, which was extremely fast.

This means that dealing with Connors Victor is very dangerous!

“Sure enough, as I expected, fortunately, there was no slamming…” Klein picked up the “Poseidon
Scepter” and decided to implement the plan he had just thought.

That is to cover the storm, with the help of the prayer picture, directly attacking Connors Victor’s ship
with the “Poseidon Scepter”, and stunned the snake to force his secret!

When you have mastered the situation, you will end the attack before the “King of Sea” Yann
Courtman senses abnormal fluctuations or arrives at the destination.

If Connors Victor unfortunately falls into the hands of the “King of Sea,” Klein will not be
disappointed, because he has to find out the truth about the Beckland smog, and he has to find a way to
pass the information to the three churches.

If the “Crazy Captain” succeeds in escaping, Klein will use the secrets of the stunned snakes to develop
a follow-up attack plan!
Huh… Klein slowly vomited, looking at the rickety ship in the deep black waves, raising the “Poseidon
Scepter” in his hand.

At the top of the scepter, the cyan gems that circled around the circle burst into bright light.

West Meim Island, where the leeward, under the towering stone walls, the deep sea water is affected by
the surrounding waves, and the same is not a small fluctuation.

“Crazy Captain” Connor Victor’s “single-eyed nickname”, several pirates put on the cloak, pulled up
the hat, drenched the faint rain on the body, facing the child -like frenzy Wind, walk out of the cabin,
check four times to avoid accidents.

Their cloaks are made of linen, but the surface is coated with a viscous liquid that has solidified. The
rain does not penetrate and can only flow downwards and fall to the deck.

The liquid is the sap of the Doringsman tree. It is a natural rain -repellent material in the rainforest of
southern continent. Because it is more common, the price is very low, but last year, the research team
suspected that it has obvious hair growth. After the effect, there has been a considerable increase.

“This kind of weather is suitable for the ‘Red Theatre’, drinking spirits, smoking mar ijuana, licking a
woman!” A pirate probe looked out of the ship’s side and complained.

His companion approxed the pull of the cape hat:

“I heard that the ‘Red Theater’ has recently come to approve new goods, I really want to try it.”

“How do you know?” another pirate asked casually.

The pirate just laughed:

“I heard the head, you don’t know what the captain is doing ‘business’? So the head knows a lot of
traffickers, ha, they like to call themselves slave traders.”

“Speaking of this, I remembered that time.” The earliest talking pirate showed a resounding expression.
“In the ‘goods’ that was sent, there was actually a noble lady who left home, the skin, the figure, the
look, 啧Simply, I don’t know what to say. Anyway, I can’t forget it today. Unfortunately, she actually
committed suicide!”

During the speech, they felt brighter in front of them, and looked up in the air in the subconscious. In
the torrential rain that was rushing down, there was an unusual silver light that swept Hover in the dark
clouds that covered the scarlet moon and the stars.
Between the horror, a huge lightning bolt that illuminates the surrounding waters, went straight to the
upper deck of the “single-eyed nickname”!


The electric snake began to smash, and the deafening thunder echoed in the pirate’s ear when the
wooden structure of the cabin ignited the flame.

Then, the silver and white lightning that spread the claws again and again fell down. The single -small
slogan entered the Thunder’s forest in an instant.

At this time, the huge lightnings that were almost intertwined suddenly separated, and they were
separated according to the law. They could not hit the “single-eyed nickname”, and the surrounding
area hit the dark water, letting the nearby oceans be Light up, you can see the s mall electric snake that
sounds like a bell.

The pirates on the deck were affected, and one was already black, like the burnt wood. The two fell
down and twitched.

“There is a problem!”

Klein above the grey mist, through the picture, saw the scene of his “ Lightning Storm” being resolved,
and couldn’t help but feel a heart in his heart.

He is sure that this must be the power of the semi-god!

If he sneaked into the “single-eyed nickname”, even if there was “squirming hunger”, there was a
“cancellation bell” revolver, and there was “Mister Russell Travels”, and it was impossible to
effectively resist it under such strange power, and at that time There is no time to pray to myself, and to
the above the grey mist, respond with the “Poseidon Scepter”!

Taking a deep breath, Klein let the blue-blue gems at the top of the white bones stick up instead of one
after another!

Around the “single-eyed nickname”, the sound of the storm suddenly split into two, half sharp, as if to
pierce the eardrum, penetrate the brain, half low, seems to be hitting the heart, asking the spiritual

This brought a very uncomfortable experience to the pirates. One or two had the urge to vomit blood,
but this was only a prelude. The sound of the sound of the water was fierce, the direction of the stone
wall was facing, and the deep black waves rushed. Get up, close to 10 meters!
This wave is like a wall made by a god, pushed by the invisible hand, and flocked to the “single eye

This is the tsunami made by Klein!

This can already be called a natural disaster!

The sound of the slap is like an explosion. The pirates inside the ship look at the dark sky outside, the
dark clouds and the huge waves, as if they came to the end of the myths and legends, all lost their will
to save themselves.

But when they were desperately waiting for the final trial, inside the huge waves of the tsunami, there
was chaos that was not in line with logic and scientific laws. An indescribable vortex quickly formed,
tearing the whole, letting the horrible waves crash at a rapid speed. Collapse!

In the bang of the mountain collapse, the secondary wave threw the “single -eyed nickname” high and
threw it into the air, and some of the water splashes from the previous wave crashed onto the ship, and
the mast was smashed. One, the cabin was ruined and the deck was completely submerged.


A violent wind suddenly became fierce, spontaneously wrapped around the companions around him,
turned into a hurricane that surpassed its own limit, and forced the “single -eyed nickname” in the air to
the direction of the open sea.

Then, the ship was riding in the air like a gust of wind, and it rushed out of the sea for a while, and it
did not fall to the undulating surface of the water, as if it were an airship, and continued to mo ve

Klein is different from the half-god or the corresponding layered item in the “single-eye nickname” to
crack the tsunami, and sighs that his sequence is not enough, even if he mobilizes some power of the
above-mentioned mysterious space, he can not make a card. When Vituwa was the kind of tsunami that
could destroy the port, he would control the hurricane and let the “single -eyed nickname” lose its
reliance and fall directly, lest it escape the 5 nautical mile range that it can affect.

His goal at this time is not to destroy the “single-eyed nickname”, nor to seize the “Crazy Captain”
Connors Victor, but to force the half-god or the corresponding level of the sealed item in the ship to

This kind of personal expert and items, even in the whole world, can be counted, and they will see
them, sooner or later they will know who they are and which organization they belong to!

And this is the direction of the follow-up investigation of the Beckland Smog event!
I just hope that it is not the “Divinator” path, otherwise who knows if it is his real face… However, this
is also a good thing, both to investigate the truth of the foggy and murderous case, to figure out what
Ince Zangwill is doing, and to prepare for later revenge It is also possible to find the magical medicine
formula and main material of the “Mr. Master”… Klein silently sighs, letting a gem at the top of the
“Poseidon Scepter” emit a pure cyan glow.

With a bang, the flight of the “single-eyed nickname” changed. It fell like a stone, and even gliding
could not be done!

Suddenly, it became very light and light, and the action that fell on the surface of the sea was like a
feather that passed the face of the human race.

At this time, the spirituality has consumed a lot of Klein is about to make up the effort, recreate the
tsunami, and suddenly heard an explosion of loud noise in the picture.

That is a terrible sonic boom!

And it is different from the normal sonic boom, it seems to be mixed with the whine of the wind field.

This comes from “King of Sea” by Yann Courtman! Although he still has a long distance from here, he
can control this area of the sea, and can exert influence on the way to the air!

This is sequence 3, close to the Saint of the Angel level!

The horrible sound explosion blasted the “single-eyed nickname” and did not ask if it was a victim.
Anyway, playing pirates would not be wrong!

At the same time, Klein felt a powerful and terrifying spirit around the “sweeping”, looking for every
possible abnormal place, so that the scenes in front of him were affected and blurred.

Resisting the urge to make another blow, Klein calmly and sensibly ended the response, closed the
corresponding prayer screen, and then threw the “Poseidon Scepter” into the debris pile.

“The difference is not just a little. If ‘King of Sea’ doesn’t appear, I don’t have full control to force the
half-god, or my own sequence is lower. It is always difficult to apply the scepter, and the burden is
heavy… However, at sea, the ‘storm’ path is really strong, it is simply a natural disaster…

“The ability of the half-god has been distorted, confused, borrowed, and violated the conventional
elements. This is very similar to the ‘Dark Emperor’ path. Others may not have this feeling, but I have
the corresponding ‘Offense Card’. This is definitely not the ‘Confused Teacher’ of Sequence Five…a
‘Corrupt Count’? Well, the military has a part of the magic medicine formula of the ‘Dark Emperor
‘path, but it seems to be limited to the first five sequences, no Sequence Four and Above……”
Although Klein failed to force the half-god or the corresponding level of the sealed item, but also
grasped a certain clue from the other party’s performance, suspected that a certain faction of the royal
family had a secret cooperation with the democracy cult and Ince Zangwill. Master some of the power
of the “Dark Emperor” path.

Solomon, or the descendants of Tronzout? Is “King of the Five Seas” Nast involved in this matter?
Klein is thinking hard, and the sound of prayers cascading back and forth in the ear.

This interrupted his mind and let him instinctively spread the spirituality and touch the apertu re next to
the seat.

Then he saw Daniz.

The well-known big pirate is closing his eyes and praying faithfully to “Fool.”

“…” Klein pulled out his pocket watch a little bit, and repeatedly looked at it and confirmed that it was
two or three in the middle of the night.

Is there a problem with my head? What do you pray for in the middle of the night? Also let people not
sleep? Klein looked at it with a sigh of relief and laughter, and found that Daniz was a drunken look,
and there was a vague voice echoing outside.

Are the crew members of the “Golden Dream” holding a bonfire party? This time is to celebrate that
Gelman Sparrow has finally gotten out? I have been getting it in the middle of the night! Klein
understood why Daniz was praying now.

He took a breath and spread his mind into the aperture, opening his mouth:

“Oh my name should be in my heart.”


“King of Sea” Yarn Cotman flew to Simim Island to find a place where an unusual tsunami had just
occurred, and a ship that did not know which pirate group it belonged to.

He is very convinced that there is a demigod in the ship!

The tall, burly, dark-brown, Church of the Storms cardinal, “Justice Enforcer” senior deacon fist, the
half-empty dark clouds cracked, and Crimson’s moonlight sprinkled over the sea.

Identifying the location of the stars, Yann Courtman flew in one direction.

Suddenly, his speed slowed down because the front of the sea was drifting with the pirate ship with the
“single eye” logo.
The ship was unmanned and swayed in the wind, with red flames burning everywhere, and blackened
bodies all over the place.

The middle section of one of the masts, tied with a middle-aged man wearing a triangular hat and black
eye mask, was so stunned, his chest was deeply inserted by a wooden stick, and his blood was red.

His life and spiritual body have completely dissipated.

The “Golden Dream” is outside the storm, and Crimson’s moonlight shines through the thin layer of
clouds, spilling into the dark room without candlelight.

Daniz stood by the bed, motionless, like the extraordinary ability to meet Medusa’s gaze or
petrochemical type.

His teeth couldn’t stop, the legs were invisible, but it’s hard to contain it. The echoes in his mind are
the boundless gray fog, the ambiguous shadows on everything, and the name of “My name. Should be
in the heart of the low voice of majesty.

“This, this will really respond… there will be a response!” Daniz’s lips twitched and silently, only to
feel that his calf was obviously soft.

He was the first time he met a prayer to get a response!

This scared him almost to the soul!

Although he had long known that “Fool” was an unknown existence, it was the object of the secret
organization behind Gelman Sparrow, and because he had mourned the other person’s name, he had
already had a connection, once there was no reverence or betrayal. It will be inexplicably violent at
once, but these understandings are all derived from the knowledge taught by Ademona, the “Iceberger”.
He has not actually encountered similar things, and never thought that an unknown existence would
respond to himself.

When the fog, figure and sound suddenly appeared in the front of his eyes, he first knew that there
would be a great existence directly responding to believers!

Yes, Daniz has unwittingly changed the unknown existence into a great existence in his heart.

The shocked feeling was a little calm, he quickly took a deep breath, and then tried to pacing back and
forth, to resolve the fear of his inner remnants, but he just took his right foot and found that he really
has a soft leg, can only go backwards At the bedside, barely turned and sat down.

“It’s really great, it’s true…” Daniz whispered and clearly realized that he really had a big deal.
When he was in the world of books, he only missed his name and found no o ther abnormalities.
Therefore, he was only afraid of understanding the consequences. Now, he is facing the hidden danger
of finally showing the outline. And more unknowns that are more invisible, which makes him unable to
extricate himself from extreme fear.

I don’t know how long it took, and Daniz took a breath and comforted himself in his heart:

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing, at least Gelman Sparrow is not only alive, but also alive!”

Thinking of this, he forcibly smiled and said silently:

“I will be a member of the secret organization in the future. It is a person who has great blessings…”

During the rotation of his thoughts, Daniz decided to get up and pray in the morning. He believes that
no one exists and does not like the believers’ piety.

Of course, he will remember the order from God, and usually pray in his heart.


The next morning, Klein, who consumed a lot of money, slept naturally.

He slowly got out of bed, saw the sky outside the window, the ground was wet, the house was still
stained, the whole world seemed to be washed again, it was very fresh, but the messy leaves, broken
branches, all kinds of garbage also explained last night. Not calm.

After washing, Klein was wearing a common Lun’s face, asking for a cup of “eucalyptus sap” from th e
island of Symi, and a “Tyatiwa” that is relatively thicker than breakfast. To make up for the
consumption last night.

Drinking a drink of the same flavor with sugar and milk lemonade, eating a delicious fish with a sweet
and slightly sour taste, Klein picks up several newspapers provided by the hotel, from the Sonia
Morning Post “The News” began, one version of the first edition.

At the end of the breakfast, he opened the last “Wu Wen Bao” popular among adventurers and saw a
striking report:

“The bloody guilt in the storm:

“According to the effective source, late last night, on the ‘single -eyed nickname’ of Connor Victor’s
“Crystal Captain”, the pirates had a fierce guilt and executed the ‘Crazy Captain’, killing each other, no
one seems to survive. .
“The sins of all this were hidden by the storm of terror. No one knew the truth. Even until the ‘single -
eyed nickname’ floated near the West Hamm Pier, things were discovered.”

There is a photo that is not clear below the report, which seems to stem from the s neak shot at the dock

In the photo, the “single-eyed nickname” is clearly characterized and can be recognized at a glance. It
is seriously damaged, and it is dark and black. Only one mast is still intact, but the middle end is nailed
with a figure wearing a triangular hat.

“It’s Connors Victor… Is he dead like this?” Klein twitched and squinted. “Now it’s almost certain that
there was a demigod on the boat last night… He saw the ‘Crazy Captain’ has been eyeing Or being
chased by ‘King of Sea’ can only take care of itself, not taking Connors, so decisively destroying and
destroying all the evidence?”

Klein, who was also planning to continue to track the “Crazy Captain”, was low and found that
although the clues have not been completely interrupted, there is not much left.

The only thing he knows at the moment is that the half-god probability belongs to the “Dark Emperor”

“With the intensity of the storm last night, the ‘single-eye nickname’ should be ‘King of Sea’. Yann
Courtman sent to the dock for follow-up investigation, I don’t know if they have any extra gains…
well, can Let ‘Hangman ‘Gawain inquire inside the Church of the Storms… This doesn’t have to be
conveyed, the afternoon is the Tarot Society, the ‘world’ is directly commissioned…” Klein quickly got
the idea, the last point is “eucalyptus sap” Drink it in one bite.

He then returned to the room, ready to take out the radio ticker that had been in the same time for the
long time to contact the “magical mirror” of Arrods to see if it knew other clues about the “magical
medicine formula”.

– After leaving the sea east of Olavi, the place that was previously stared at by Aurora Union, Klein
dared to use something with a gray mist, but he knew that it could not be too frequent and could not be
maintained every time. Too long, otherwise there is a possibility of being caught by “True Creator”.

For this reason and the alertness of “magical mirror” Arrods, he intends to do it himself, and can ask
others to ask others, there is no way to play the quiz game.


The “Serene Blue Avenger” is docked inside.

Alger intends to make a final supply before returning to Passo Island.

Commanding the crew to buy what items, he replaced the indigenous style of clothing, all the way into
Baiam, a few laps, went to the “Church of the Waves”, ready to report to the parish bishop Jogori what
he had done recently.

Although he returned to Passo Island this time to report to the church executive, he knows very well
who his current boss is, knowing that he must do enough to make the other person want to bypass hi m,
and The feeling of establishing a direct connection above.

The spirit of Jogori is still awkward, and he is very satisfied with Alger’s initiative. After listening to
it, he said quite quickly:

“This is a normal debrief, you don’t have to worry about anything. I have already told Lord Kotman
that you are sincere to the Lord and loyal to the church. It is one of the most trusted ‘captains’, and
Lord Courtman will tell the cardinal meeting. “”

He paused and didn’t give Alger the space to talk and continued to preach:

“In addition, there is a mission to investigate those who have close ties with the ‘Crazy Captain’
Connors Victor.

“It’s the task that Lord Kotman directly confesses, you must pay attention.”

Investigating people related to “Crazy Captain”? Alger was slightly puzzled, but did not ask, directly
holding the right boxing left chest:

“Yes, Lord Jogori.”

The gray-haired Joe Gori nodded and thought for two seconds, then asked:

“Do you know Gelman Sparrow?”

This problem is like a blue sky, listening to Alger’s pupil shrinking, almost out of control on the spot,
but fortunately, his psychological quality is excellent, barely maintained a normal state.

“I have heard that his recent reputation is very loud. Not only did he hunt the ‘smartwriter’ Misor, he
seriously injured Trey, but also boarded Cattleya’s ‘Future’.” Alger disguised his heart with his words.

Jogori “hmm” a voice:

“You are at sea, the news is a little lagging.

“Gelman Sparrow killed Gilthias in Skeeter last week and received a b ounty. Oh, that pirate is really a
demon, the demon of the Sequence Five.”
“Gilcia Ess? Agarito’s second deputy?” Alger’s emotions were very real.

He knows that Gilch is suspected of Sequence Five, but it is not clear that the other party belongs to the
“demon” path, and that the addition of “Sequence Five” and “demon” means powerful, meaning that it
is difficult to kill, that is, Gelman Sparrow is probably killing Gilthias in the event of a sudden

This means that Gelman Sparrow is already at the top of the hierarchy in Sequence Five!

If it weren’t for him to buy the Magic Four formula of the Sequence Four, I suspect that he became a
demigod… Alger thought quietly at all.

He suddenly realized that in one week, the “world” got the magical medicine formula and main material
of Sequence Five “Ocean Singer”, killed the demon of Sequence Five, and probably has already
reached the magical medicine of Sequence Six “Notary” Formula !

How does It’s do it? Alger found himself a little scared of the “world” G elman Sparrow.

Of course, he is not unacceptable because he knows that the “world” is the leader of “Fool” Gawain,
and the leader of “Fool” Gawain is obviously impossible to have only one, if one is responsible for
“Notary” magical medicine Formula, one responsible for “Ocean Singer”, then Gelman Sparrow just
killed Gilch Ace.

Although this is equally daunting, at least it doesn’t seem like a story.

Jogori’s focus is on:

“Yes, Agaritu did not respond, which illustrates some problems.

“You pay attention to the intelligence of gathering Gelman Sparrow.”

“Okay, Lord Jogori.” Alger respected the ceremony and decided to try to fool this task.


At the hotel, Klein placed the radio ticker on the table.

It didn’t take long for the sound of dá dá dá to scream.

Dá dá dá, an unreal white paper spit out in the radio ticker, written in Lunwen:

“The great master, your loyal and humble servant, Arrods, finally finally catches up with you!”
…… Don’t be so excited… Well, “magical mirror” Arodus’s speaking skills are as professional as ever.
I don’t express the “remorse” that I can’t contact for a long time. I didn’t ask me why I didn’t find it for
so long. I blame myself on the problem, thinking that I have not caught up with my pace… I am a little
bit embarrassed, but the defense is still prepared… Klein didn’t know how to respond.

Arrods did not wait, using the radio ticker, dá dá dá made a cautious probe on the illusory white paper:

“The great master, the dominator above the spiritual world, your servant feels that you are one step
closer to returning to the Holy See, is it?”

This commodity has evolved so fast that it has evolved from the use of Yan Zi to the prototype of the
emoticon… In the understanding of Arrods, I am a step by step to find my true God? Therefore,
although it is clear that I only have Sequence Five, but still not a little slow, but more humble? Klein
understood that “magical mirror” was deliberately asking questions and calmly nodded:


“You have already answered my question, in exchange, as a rule I must abide by, you can ask me a
question.” Arrods “typing” responded quickly and attached a “smiley face” at the end.

Klein did not hesitate and asked directly:

“Where can I get the ‘Magic medicine formula’ of the Master?”

The illusory white paper is spit out a long, full of countless complex symbols, and then forms a mirror
that presents a real scene:

It was a deep temple with no natural light source. There was a huge squirmin g thing inside, it was so
vague that it was like a pencil erased by an eraser, and there was no way to see any specific details.

However, “magical mirror” Arrods has a large paragraph attached below the scene:

“It’s Zarath, k lost control in the process of promotion to Sequence One ‘The Secret Waiter’ and
became a monster. However, the great master should be careful, k is a very cunning guy, maybe all this
performance is deliberately made out. of.

“I can’t look directly at k, it hurts me. Except k, you can’t get the magical medicine formula from any
demigod of the Secret Ministers, because Zarath was directly provided by the high sequence magical
medicine, and there is almost no way to pass Extraordinary features are reversed from the divination.”

The answer is very detailed, but also let me know that the “Divinator” path corresponds to the
Sequence One is “the secret waiter”… It means to serve the secret Angel? It seems that the Secret
Ministers road can only get the magical medicine formula when facing Zarath, and I can’t even see it
directly… No wonder the “Destiny Snake” Will. Ornstin only talks about the crazy Zarat, not to
mention Secret Ministers… Klein was touched by the attitude of “magical mirror” Arrods. If he didn’t
feel that he had no personality and strength to control this sealed item, he intended to really regard the
other as his servant. .

In the crisp sound of snoring, the illusory white paper grows again, showing another scene:

It was a winding mountain with a run-down palace and a huge stone seat in the palace.

Klein is familiar with this picture, and without the “magical mirror”, he knows what it symbolizes:

Honages mountain range main peak hidden Antigonus family treasure!

The white paper continues to be spit out, the new scene is presented on top, and like the movie, there is
a change in the perspective of the lens:

The first thing that caught Klein’s eyes was a towering Gothic clock tower and a magnificent palace
surrounded by it.

The former represents the “clock of order” and the latter represents the Sodrak Palace, which are all
landmarks of Beckland.

The camera moved, and soon there was a new building on white paper, a pure black church with two
symmetrical clock towers.

The church was getting bigger and bigger in the scene, and soon it showed the interior, and the iron
black was fixed at a certain position on the ground.

The gate is extremely heavy, engraved with seven Sacred Emblem of Darkness, just like the guards of
the heavens.

“Chanis Gate… St. Seychelles Church…” Klein recognized the familiar door and determined that the
church was the headquarters of the Goddess of Night church Beckland, the St. Sayre Church!

The white paper spit out, the picture turned, the deep darkness, an empty bookshelf composed of roots
and white bones, quietly placed an old notebook, whose cover was made of hard paper and dyed black.

Klein recognized the notebook at a glance:

It is the Antigonus family notebook that causes the body to die of original self!

Going around, everything is back to the original point!

Klein quietly watched for a while, and when the picture disappeared, she found her own thoughts:
“Also, when people in Aurora Union saw the ‘Clown’ magical medicine formula from this notebook, I
got it to recognize it. When I look at it, the content presented above will definitely be different from the
past. There is a magical medicine formula of ‘诡师’, but it lacks material or characteristics.

“It turned out that this notebook has been sealed at the Chanis Gate in St. Saul’s Church. To get it from
this place, it is no harder than looking for Zarath and facing k… Beckland with a high sequence expert.
The smog incident, which was quickly settled after I reported it to the church Beckland parish by Miss
Justice, is enough to show that the power of the Beckland parish is strong, whether it is a demigod or a
sealed item, it is certainly not lacking… well, Anyway, go back to Beckland first and see if there is a
chance. I don’t even want to go to the Honagles mountains…”

Converging my thoughts, Klein looked at the dark-receiving radio-receipt channel:

“Last night, who was the half-god on the boat of the ‘Crazy Captain’ Connor. Victor?”

The sound of dá dá dá fluttered briskly, the illusory white paper in f ront disappeared, and the new one
was spit out.

The content on white paper is also a real scene:

On a beautiful lamp holder made of brass, five candles illuminate light and heat. A middle -aged man
with a triangular hat and black eye mask stands in front of a cabinet with wine, champagne and distilled
spirits. Opposite.

Opposite him, there was a tall figure with a black cloak, and his face was completely hidden under the

This figure does not seem to have a real head, only a deep, twisted darkness is se t on the neck.

With the help of the portrait on the reward, Klein recognized that the one -eyed man was the “Crazy
Captain” Connors – his hair was scattered and greasy, just covering his neck.

The opposite side should be the demigod, but he deliberately disguised himself and did the
corresponding anti-divination. It is quite remarkable that Arrods can get this level of image… Klein is
not too disappointed. Instead, seriously remember the figure of the figure:

1 meter 85 or more, but less than 190… The arm is slightly longer, and the knee position is almost
reached when the hands are hanging down… The shoulders are wide and the cloak is held up… The
legs have a certain degree of external deviation…

As an expert in the field of camouflage, Klein believes that after a person has concealed his appearance
and carried out a certain degree of anti-divination, it is very likely that he will not pay attention to the
camouflage of the figure, especially if there is no special place in itself.
So, this can provide some clues that will help Klein feel familiar when he sees the target in the future!

“Very good, you have to ask questions.” After remembering, Klein stopped looking at it and waited
with interest for “magical mirror”.

He is very curious that the other party can still break through his imagination.

The typing of dá dá dá has become somewhat sluggish, revealing a bit of hesitation, and the illusory
white paper spits out a little bit:

“Great master, me, can I say a word to you?”

“Yes.” Klein answered the question in a slightly surprised way and looked forward to what Arodes
would say.

The voice of dá dá dá is getting faster and clearer, showing a clear enthusiasm.

On Unreal White Paper, lines of words appear one after another:

“Great master, happy birthday!

“It’s a late blessing, your current body was born on March 4, 1327. I originally wanted to bless you in
the early morning of the day, but I could not keep up with you.”

… It really broke through the topic I imagined… I have forgotten the birthday… Klein’s mouth is
soaked, I don’t know what to say.

He has the memory fragments that receive the original self, gets some of his emotions, and still knows
about his birthday, but he is alone and wandering outside, and he will remember these things.

Ahrods is the first one to wish me a happy birthday… Benson, Melissa They should be more
uncomfortable on this day… In February, the interview is over, I don’t know if Benson is going well.
Becoming a government employee… Klein felt a sigh of relief, and the eyes of the radio ticker were

He thought about it and said calmly:

“The third question, your origin.”

The sound of dá dá dá stopped for two seconds and immediately rang again.

The white paper was spit out and a new scene emerged:
A large amount of black viscous liquid emerged from the holes in the ground. They twisted outward
and extended, and they grew a different number of arms and legs, which turned into a strange monster
that rushed to the front.

In this process, a light spot is ejected along with a black liquid, falls on a stone, and quickly combines
with the other side, and is transformed into a silver mirror with an old pattern and black gems on both

It’s what a strange scene… is Arlodes born like this? What is the light spot, where is it from? A bit
suspicious of extraordinary features… Klein initially interprets the scenes he sees.

The voice of dá dá dá did not stop, and spit out a line of words:

“Great master, do you have any other questions?”

After calculating the time, Klein shook his head:


“After you have finished answering, I should leave, the great master, the dominator above the spiritual
world, your humble and loyal servant, Arrods, look forward to serving you again, looking forward to
following you. Goodbye~” Finally, a wave of expression on the unreal white paper.

In the quiet hotel room, the dark and deep radio ticker instantly returned to normal, and the surrounding
light was no longer gloomy.

Klein was busy preparing for the ceremony, sacrificed it to above the grey mist, and then h ad the mood
to think about the answer he just got.

Based on the clues provided by “Magical mirror”, a combination of Mister Ards and “The Snake of the
Snake” Will Ornstin, Klein has a preliminary plan for the next phase.

That’s not just because you want to take a break to return to Beckland, but to think of this metropolis as
the main venue for a long time to see if you can steal it from the Goddess of Night church’s church.
Antigonus family notebook .

If you are sure there is no way, try to go to the nearest extraordinary path. If this doesn’t work, you
have to take the last road to the main peak of the Honagles mountain range.

“Well… Back to Beckland, you can’t use Sherlock Moriarty in the right way, unless you want to catch
Ince Zangwill or a faction hidden in the dark, but when you contact an acquaintance or use the steam
church resource, you can change back to Sherlock Moriarty. Look like that.
“In short, I have to use a new identity, and I have to make a complete distinction with Gelman Sparrow.
I don’t go back to Pritz Harbor this time. I will take a circle around Disu Bay to make people find the
origin.” Klein thoughts With electricity, there will be clear ideas soon.

After initially determining the direction, he wanted to extract the blood, and went t o the grey mist to
explore the “Mister Russell Travels” with the spiritual body. Considering the Tarot Society in the
afternoon, he lay back on the bed and rested to relax.


“Future” steadily travels in the undulating waves. “On the star,” Cattleya sta nds by the window,
looking at the scenery that is wide open to the invisible margin, and the front deck position, from time
to time, Nina’s angry voice, she In the roar of Frank Lee, he made a bunch of beef -flavored mushrooms
that breed very fast and love to eat fish.

Cattleya sighed silently and raised his hand to push the heavy glasses on the bridge of the nose.

At this time, her inspiration suddenly touched, looked down at the desk, I saw there are some more
yellow papers.

“The Diary of the Emperor… She finally sent a messenger…” Cattleya rejoiced to turn around and pick
up the paper that was not much more like the initial temptation.

By three o’clock in the afternoon, she had forcibly remembered those symbols, and she drowned herself
by seeing the illusory crimson radiance.

Under the towering dome of a stone pillar, the “hidden” Cattleya saw a similar dark red glow, turning
into a blurred figure.

She did not go to the fine, and found that the familiar glasses on the bridge of the nose naturally
appeared to be the perfect replica of the external state.

Then, the corner of her eye was aimed at the “Justice” lady who got up gracefully and greeted her with
a gentle tone to the bronze long table:

“Good afternoon, ‘Fool ‘Gawain ~”

Audrey’s recent mood is really good. After returning to the family castle, she successfully helped her
mother, Mrs. Caitlin, to solve some psychological problems stemming from her actual age and physical
condition. She got very good feedback, which made her summarize. More “Psychiatrist ” played the
Among them, the most important one is to help others solve the mental problems. She suspects that this
is the reason that magical medicine is called “Psychiatrist” instead of “Psychologist”.

Miss “Justice” is very happy… Klein seems to be infected, nodding with a smile, it is a response.

In the process, he found that “Hangman” Gawain seemed to be very worried and seemed to be
hesitating and struggling, and had not made up his mind.

Oh, this means that “Hangman” Gawain can afford the “Ocean Singer” magical medicine formula and
the main material, but it will cost a lot. I thought he would apply for installment payment… “Fool”
Klein recovered without any abnormality. Look around and look around.

When the greeting of Miss Justice is over, the “hidden” Cattleya looks to the top of the bronze long

“esteemed ‘Fool ‘Gawain, I have collected three pages of Mister Russell diary.”

It’s coming… I don’t know if the three-page diary specially selected by “Queen of Mysteries” will have
valuable information, for example, the drop of the “Offense Card” corresponding to the “Divinator”
path, which can provide me with Another possibility… Klein is quite expecting inside, and the
appearance is calm and natural:

“Good, you can think of a request.”

“Yes, ‘Fool ‘Gawain.” Cattleya replied with a little bit of trouble and then applied for a diary.

Seeing her performance, and thinking about her dreams, Klein was quite gratified, just as the head
teacher successfully made a student become acquainted.

“Ms. ‘Hidden’ gave me the Great Emperor Russell diary for the first time. With her level and ability,
there should be no way to collect it… Well, she used to watch more in the past, last time by ‘Fool
‘Gawain After the punishment, it really integrated into our Tarot Society?” “Justice” Audrey combined
with the “hidden” Cattleya last week’s performance, made a certain judgment.

At the same time, she also noticed that “Hangman” Gawain is not too right today. She seems to be
looking forward to what she is not giving, and she is very curious.

Klein didn’t wait too long, and the three-page diary was completed and came to him.

Members such as “Sun” Derick instinctively quieted and did not bother “Fool” Gawain’s reading.

“On February 9th, today is Bonova’s birthday. He is already a healthy, strong, honest, kind young man.
He is so religious and has been valued by church’s.
“Everyone is congratulating me, saying that Bonova is sure to be a leader and a Holy Spirit, praising
his faith as pure and innocent.

“I should be very happy, but my heart has a sadness that is difficult to contain. I hope that my children
will be more human, more emotional, and more capable of being themselves, not gods.”

“But almost everyone thinks that Bonova is in a good state right now, Matilda is like this, Shire is like
this, my aristocrats and my ministers are like this, only Bernard and I have the same Feeling, she told
me privately that she thought that people should be more self-conscious, as long as they don’t hurt

“Thinking of the words of Zarath when Bornova was born, and the more and more premonitions I have
when I stepped into the demigod field, my mood is even heavier. Cute Angel, hehe, really cute Angel.

“Is this your defense against me?

“Is this the way you try to control me?

“No, you probably can’t understand my inner pride. In my opinion, what about the gods? I can replace

“On February 11, I contacted Zarath again.

“Since I got the Antigonus notebook, the leader of the Secret Ministers has become less and less
frequent. I don’t know what to dream about. Anyway, k will not tell me.”

“On February 12, Bernardie made a magical item that was perfect for her.

“This allows her to effectively avoid the ‘Hidden Sage’ shackle, as long as she d oes not take the
initiative to ask for a response, um, this thing seems to help Saints enter the most ruins of the Sunya
Sea, not subject to ‘True The influence of Creator ‘slang, where there is a high probability of hiding the
secret of ‘Land Abandoned by Gods’.

“Hah, I just made a small gift to send my daughter. It has such a powerful effect. Bernard, you are the
best craftsman in the world!”

The best “craftsman”, Does It’s mean that when the Emperor wrote this diary, he has already reached
the sequence 2 of the “Erudite” path and became an Angel? In the presence of “God of Steam and
Mechanics”, this level is the culmination of “artisans”… No wonder “Queen of Mysteries” is free to
enter and exit the ruins of the gods. It turned out to be a gift from the great emperor. Sure enough,
Parents’ children are like a treasure… Klein feels inside.
In addition, he also read the repression and resentment of Great Emperor Russell from the lines of the
first diary, and used the reading comprehension ability he exercised in his life to produce some
information hidden under the content:

After becoming Angel, the emperor seemed to be clamped and prepared by steam church’s. The “God
of Steam and Mechanics” had a certain influence on his younger son, Bonova, and he became the most
devout believer. The perfect place to become the kind of Angel.

This not only did not make Great Emperor Russell succumb and scruples, but it aroused his resistance.

“The emperor later became the public enemy of the world, is it from this kind of resistance?” Klein
nodded in his heart.

At the same time, he noticed Zarath’s case and suspected that the “Master of Miracles” started to hit the
Sequence One level after getting the Antigonus family notebook. So he planned a lot of things, and
when he was promoted, he was promoted. Out of the situation, it became a monster. Of course, just like
“magical mirror” Arrods said, maybe Zarath is not out of control, just hiding somet hing and plotting

After a quick tour, Klein flipped through this page and looked back. This is not continuous and belongs
to the new content:

“On October 5, a few ‘primitive moon’ believers were captured by the black people I established and
failed to complete the corresponding sacrifice ceremony.

“The things they showed made me very curious, and the power they got seemed to really come directly
from the month of Crimson.

“Unfortunately, a lot of data shows that this scarlet moon is really an ast eroid, really spinning around
our planet. So, how does it combine physics and mystery?

“With my current ability, it is not impossible to go to scarlet moon. It is more difficult at most, but it
seems that it is not necessary.”

“On October 7, I finally made up my mind.

“I will try to go to the similar “Inquisitor of Secrets” path, and only then will I be a Sequence One.

“I have always suspected that ‘Hidden Sage’ was originally conceptually unique. Later, due to some
accidents, it produced intelligence and completely awakened. Therefore, the probability of this path’s
Sequence One position is still empty!”
“I have already got the magical medicine formula of ‘Knowledge Emperor’ from the oldest
organization. Now, it is time to find the corresponding material. It may already belong to an Angel,
maybe combined with the surrounding things and turned into a distortion. Evil monsters or chaotic
horror ‘0’ level sealed items, in short, must be careful enough to find the right helper.

“‘Knowledge Emperor’, the name of this Sequence One magical medicine is really interesting. If I
didn’t read the ‘Blasphemy stone’ directly, I would think it belongs to the ‘Reader’ path and belongs to
‘God of Knowledge and Wisdom ‘church. The strange thing is that the two paths are not

“I have discussed this with the mysterious leader and the Hermes old mister. We basically reached a
consensus that ‘Reader ‘path stands for ‘omniscience’ in ‘omniscience Almighty’, and “Inquisitor of
Secrets” ‘Erudite’ corresponds to the knowledge itself, which belongs to two aspects, one is more
mysterious and the other is closer to reality.

“Oh, when I became a ‘Knowledge Emperor’, Bernardie didn’t have to worry about the infusion of
‘Hidden Sage’, nor the fear of chasing knowledge.”

The Emperor finally turned to the “Inquisitor of Secrets” path, I don’t know if he has successfully
become a “Knowledge Emperor”… Perhaps it is because of this matter that he completely broke with
the steam church, so that he could not find the world afterwards. To the helper, I was hoping for the
“Twilight Hermits”… Klein was half-satisfied and thought.

Beyond that, he was very interested in the idea that the “Reader” path could not be interchanged with
“Inquisitor of Secrets” and “Erudite”. He thought that if you deepen it, you might find the rules and
principles of extraordinary path interchange.

“In the general perspective of the general, ‘Reader’, “Inquisitor of Secrets” and “Erudite” belong to the
field of ‘knowledge’, and there should be a strong correlation between them. The result is a heresy…

“‘Reader’ belongs to ‘omniscience’ in ‘omniscience Almighty’, that ‘Worshiper of Secrets’, which is

‘Shepherd’ path, is ‘all-round’ in ‘omniscience Almighty’? Then there is a certain intersection between
the two, for example, Learned and versatile, learned because of versatility, so they can be exchanged…

“From this perspective, the ‘storm’ path can be understood by the sea, land and air omnipotence. The
spiritual field corresponding to “Audience” is a powerful complement to the ‘storm’. So why can the
‘sun’ be interchangeable with them? To the previous one with the name of ‘omniscience and
omnipotence’ is the ancient sun god. Does it mean that the ‘sun’ is the cornerstone for accommodating

“Well… According to this idea, “Inquisitor of Secrets” and “Erudite” are different aspects of
‘knowledge’ itself, so they can be interchanged, so what is the differentiation of ‘Assassin’ and
‘hunter’? ‘Black night’, ‘Death God’ and ‘God of War ‘path?” Klein thought a lot, but he didn’t have
the time and lacked enough information to analyze it in depth. He could only temporarily put the
corresponding questions behind and use the idea to put the first The three -page diary got above.

At a glance, Klein’s spirit suddenly concentrated, because the current diary is very different from the

It has no date, the word spacing is very large, because it is the original version, it is also obvious that
the weight of the pen is extraordinary!

Klein’s eyes swept, and the content on the yellowed paper was reflected in his mind:

“No! Impossible!

“How could this be!

“If my guess is not wrong, there should be more than one in the first place!”

“No! No! How could this be!

“What I saw was telling me that everything would be destroyed, and everything I created was the same!
No! I don’t accept this ending!

“You must work hard to save yourself, no longer send fantasy to the Seven Gods!

“Only on the throne of sequence 0, I and the ones I value, can be saved!”

“Do I have to try to pull the ‘Gate’ back to the real world? No! Although I claim to be only Sequence
One, I think that k is not an ordinary Sequence One! It is very likely to bring me an unexpected
disaster! ”

The Chinese characters that are a lot bigger than the previous two pages occupy the yellowed paper in a
sparse and messy manner. The actual content is not much, but Klein’s head is sore.

When writing this diary, Great Emperor Russell is probably already the “Knowledge Emperor” of
Sequence One. His content written with intense emotions has a strong mystery, that is, if Klein reads
this content in the real world, May be mentally disordered, mad on the spot, even out of control!

Fortunately, Ms. “Hidden” does not understand Chinese, otherwise she has already mutated when she
forcibly remembered the content… Even if she doesn’t understand, she should feel particularly tired
and consume a lot… If she is in contact for a long time, she will be watching for a long time. And the
hallucinations are inevitable, and there is a high probability that there will be signs of loss of control…
Klein feels fortunately.
His attention quickly turned back to the diary itself, and doubts emerged:

“What did the Emperor see, and his emotions were so intense, and his attitude was a lot more radical?

“No, the sense of excitement and impulsiveness between the lines is a bit unnormal. It doesn’t match
the character of a long-time high-ranking person, and it doesn’t match an Angel’s personality. Even in
the last days, the emperor said which tube after my death. When the flood was in the sky, he did not
have such a state of disappointment, so excited.

“Who was it affected by him? Or was it contaminated or eroded by something?

“And, he mentioned that there should be more than one of him, what does it mean? Crossing?
Originally on the earth because of inexplicable things and things, really more than one, and me… even
more many?”

One by one, the idea flashed past, Klein didn’t waste time, let the three -page diary disappear, with a
smile on the “hidden” Cattleya:

“Thinking about the request?”

Cattleya had a good preparation and said:

“I want to know why Great Emperor Russell was crazy in his old age.”

In the same row of “justice” Audrey blinked and suspected that she had misunderstood. She did not
expect that the “hidden” lady’s opening was such a heavy problem.

And how does she know that Great Emperor Russell is crazy in her old age? Also, she only submitted a
three-page diary, and asked questions at this level, which did not meet the law of equivalent exchange!
Audrey had a variety of thoughts in his heart, but he did not stop Ms. “The Invisible” from asking
questions. Instead, he was very interested and excitedly waiting for “Fool” Gawain to respond.

“Hangman” Alger, “Moon” Emlin, and “Magician” Fowles also held their breath and turned their
attention to the top of the bronze long table. Only the “Sun” Derick and “World” didn’t care much
about it.

“Fool” Klein thought about it and chuckled a bit:

“First, we determine a fact.

“I am not omniscient, not all-powerful.”

He said this sentence with a self-deprecating and easy tone, but the “hidden” and others did not have
any abnormalities, and even acted more respectfully.
For them, “Fool” Gawain is not omnipotent or omnipotent. Even if they don’t mention their respective
speculations about the state of “Fool” Gawain, it is only the reality that there is no similar description
in the secret name. this problem.

Moreover, all true gods and Evil God do not have the omnipotent type of esteem!

After a good foundation, Klein began to answer the question of “The Hidden”:

“I also want to know what happened to Mister Russell in his later years.

“What is certain at the moment is that Mister Russell turned his attention to sequence 0 due to some
unknown reason for the stimulus or influence.”

He didn’t explain what the sequence 0 corresponds to. In the Tarot Society, he knows more than he
doesn’t know. If you don’t know, you can guess it.

Sequence 0…The Great wants to be a god? It’s no wonder that he was crazy in his old age… “Justice”
Audrey knows what sequence 0 stands for, and it is quite a moment, “Hangman” Alger is the same.

The “hidden” Cattleya obviously understands the meaning of the sequence 0, and thoughtfully
expressed his gratitude and regained his gaze.

Sequence 0… “Moon” Emlin and “Magician” Fowles chew these two words, it seems that this has a
level above the Sequence One, and this is true God!

“Sun” Derick looked at “Fool” Gawain ignorantly. He didn’t understand that the Great Emperor
Russell, who had a strong sense of presence, tried to hit the sequence 0. In Silver City, if there is a
chance, every resident wants to be a sequence 0. God, in order to create a more suitable environment
for everyone, or lead everyone to leave the abandoned land.

Klein didn’t say much more, leaning back on the back of the chair and looking around:

“You start.”

After that, he manipulated the “world” and looked at the “sun” Derick, laughing low:

“You want the ‘Notary ‘magical medicine formula.”

“Thank you, ‘World’ Gawain, according to the agreement, I will write down this debt and wait for your
request.” “Sun” Derick said sincerely.

“Okay.” Klein replied to the “world” while letting him pretend to make a request to “Fool” Gawain.

It didn’t take long for the magical medicine formula to come into the hands of the little “sun”.
Derick was delighted to have taken a quick look at the contents of the parchment as hu ngry and thirsty:

“Sequence Six, ‘Notary’. Main material: 1 part of the roots of the tree of the elders, 5 pieces of the tail
feathers of the kiling birds. Auxiliary material: 100 ml of the juice of the shining tree, a sun flower of
the golden side, the sun on the white side Flower one, 5 drops of water fern juice.”

Without waiting for other people to speak, “World” looked at “Hangman” Alger and once again said:

“You know, you have the ‘Ocean Singer ‘magical medicine formula and the main material.”

what? “Justice” Audrey and others were a little dumbfounded.

The “hidden” Cattleya is even more difficult to look at the “world”. She remembers very clearly that
Gelman Sparrow only hunt the “slayer” Gilschis last week, which is where “Ocean Singer” “magical
medicine formula and main material?”

He won’t kill the “Ocean Singer” again? This is a high-level in the Church of the Storms… It’s only a
week! Cattleya thinks this is not realistic.

“World” Gawain also got the “Ocean Singer” magical medicine formula and the main material, it is
really amazing! “Sun” Derick pulled his eyes from the parchment in his hand and looked at the Gawain
at the bottom of the bronze long table.

In his heart, the degree of power of the “world” has jumped to a level, and it is already comp arable to
the weaker ones in the “six-member council”!

“Magician” Fowles has a similar amazement and feels deeper.

She remembers that when she first joined the Tarot Society, the “world” Gawain gave her a visual
impression of being gloomy and restrained. Apart from this, there was no other characteristic. After the
party, he showed the experience, the extensive knowledge, and should It’s a good ability. At first
glance, it is a senior extraordinary who has experienced many things. It is a member of the Tarot
Society who is second only to “Hangman” Gawain.

The original image was set in Fowles’s mind. In the past few months, Miss Magician discovered that
the “world” has refreshed its cognition again and again.

He first heard about the very important news, and then sold a lot of extraordinary features in a short
interval. People could not help but suspect that he was an extraordinary killer active in the mysterious
world. He felt fear and accompanied by certain joy. Because this means that some commissions have a
high success rate in finding “world” Gawain.
When the new member “hidden” appeared, “Magician” Fowles thought that the “world” Gawain’s light
would be completely concealed by the powerful lady. Who knows, he regained the “wind” without
making a sound, let everyone A little dare not look straight.

The “Ocean Singer” magical medicine formula, the corresponding master material and the “Notary”
magical medicine formula are continuously available in a week, which is nothing like the human race
can do!

It’s really amazing. I appreciate this type of seemingly taciturn, ordinary, and very capable. Oh, I don’t
know when I can become a Viscount. After this hunt competition, the winner’s reward should be
enough. Give a blood family a gift of essential improvement… “Moon” Emlin. White quickly turned
his thoughts back to his own affairs.

“Justice” Audrey was amazed by the fact that he was increasingly puzzled by the previous one:

Why did such a powerful “world” Gawain never collect the Diary of Great Emperor Russell? Hey, he is
not like the “hidden” lady. It has been a long time since I joined the Tarot Society. I still need to
observe… He doesn’t have no need. There is no need to collect the Great Emperor Russell’s diary to
exchange the corresponding things from “Fool” Gawain… Why is he not collecting?

Could it be that he has submitted it privately? Why do you want to be private?

In the vagueness, Audrey felt that there was a certain connection between the “world” Gawain and
“Fool” Gawain, but there was still a lot of possibilities.

At this time, “Hangman” Alger silenced for a few seconds, looking sideways at the top of the bronze
long table:

“esteemed ‘Fool ‘Gawain, I asked to talk to the ‘world’ separately.”

Coming… Klein looked forward to beheading, and immediately blocked the senses of others.

Alger waited for two seconds and looked back at the “world” Gelman Sparrow:

“I exchanged with the original island coordinates that are not known to others.

“There are not only a lot of extraordinary creatures that have been extinct in the south norse continent,
but also an ancient relic that is unknown to the specific age.

“At the beginning, I was discovered together with Qilingus. At that time, we were not able to explore it
in depth, but he found some traces. He suspected that there was something very precious and very
important in the ruins. The value will not be worse than one of the cards made by Great Emperor
“My strength is not as good as that of Qieringus. It is not as deep as him. I can’t know what he saw. He
can only guess the situation from some of the words he casually said.”

…… “Hangman” Gawain These words are very informative. It seems that he and the “Hurricane
Lieutenant” Qilingers knew very early, and they also explored the dangers and discovered the original
islands and ancient ruins. Qilingus left the sea to solve the pirate general, and he… “Hangman” is not a
simple member of the Church of the Storms. His past seems complicated, hiding a lot of secrets… well,
a primitive island The value is not small. For a hidden organization, this is the cornerstone for
supporting the growth of the staff… Klein manipulates the “world” to pose a sinking gesture, trying to
get more information from “Hangman”.

Seeing “World” did not refuse, but did not agree, “Hangman” Alger, who had calmed down, calmly

“There are traces of the existence of semi-divine-level extraordinary creatures. For you, this should be
of great value.

“This, I can swear to ‘Fool ‘Gawain to make sure there is no lie.”

When I get the magical medicine formula of “Mr. Master”, I have to consider the acquisition of the
corresponding main material. At the level of the demigod, money can play a much less role, and the
barter is most likely to get what you want. Things… The place where the semi -god-level extraordinary
creatures are important, the ruins are also a bit interesting… The “world” no longer hesitates, and
laughs a bit:


“Hangman” Alger did not immediately request the “Ocean Singer” magical medicine formula, instead

“I have a precondition. I hope that when you first explore the original island, the companion is me.
There is ‘Fool ‘Gawain watching it all. I don’t think you have to worry about any bad plots.”

Klein considered it and let the “world” nod:

“No problem, when I go to a dangerous place, I will need some companions, I hope you have enough
ability to keep up.”

Alger was not angry with the other person’s tone and let out a sigh of relief:

“So, I hope that your first exploration will be after my successful promotion. Of course, if I am out of
control due to magical medicine, this agreement will naturally be void.”
“Yes.” “The world” replied inadvertently.

“Hangman” Alger is no longer close to the dam, and it’s hard to get rid of it.

Right on the edge of the Rhosid sea… the overall size is not small, it is equivalent to a blue mountain
island… Klein took the paper and quickly browsed it to figure out exactly where the original island

He quickly looked up:

“The magical medicine formula and the main material are given to you after the party.”

“Okay.” Alger, who made the choice, no longer has any entanglement. He heard a lot of groaning, but
the surface is calm and addictive.

The two men’s individual exchanges ended here, and the “hidden” Cattleya retracted his gaze to the
“world”, sideways to the “Magician” Fowles:

“陨star crystal has got it, 60 grams and 600 pounds.”

So fast… “The hidden person” is very efficient! Fowles was in amazement for a while.

After the party ended last week, she had already received the blood crystallization of Lavo octopus. For
this purpose, she paid 600 pounds, leaving only £230 in deposits, counting the 150 pounds that she had
just received this week, and the difference was 220 pounds.

Let’s borrow some money to make an emergency, she should have so much… If the promotion is
successful, then make a profit! Take advantage of making money! “Magician” Fowles breathed a sigh
of relief:

“Okay, trade this time tomorrow.”

“The Hidden” Cattleya “Well”, without looking at the “justice” Audrey:

“The spinal fluid of the black hunting lizard has been confirmed, 1,800 pounds, the fruit of the
psychedelic bell tree has no clues.”

“This is already very good. It is better than I expected. Thank you, Ms. ‘Hidden.'” Audrey sincerely
thanked him for not paying attention to the price.

She recently discovered that the establishment of the “Antiquities Collection and Protection Fund” has
another effect, that is, it can make the use of its own funds more subtle and less attractive, so that both
father and mother can’t detect the problem.
After confirming the two transactions, Cattleya showed a sense of integration and looked around:

“Is there a clue in the blood of mythological creatures?”

Klein immediately manipulated the “world” and laughed quietly:

“Is it a pure mythological creature?”

Pure mythology creature? Are there not pure mythological creatures? “Justice” Audrey and others are
both confused and interested.

“Hidden” Cattleya stunned for a second:

“Pure, that is, Angel’s blood, a drop is enough.”

She didn’t go into detailed introduction at the beginning. She thought that there would be no such high -
end things in the Tarot Society, unless “Fool” Gawain is willing to help, and it is clear that “Fool”
Gawain does not need others to explain what mythological creatures are.

“I have some clues, but I am not sure I can get it, and I have to wait for at least three months.” Klein
manipulated the “world” to give a response.

The other members of the Tarot Society were silent. I didn’t expect the “world” to have clues to
Angel’s blood!

What else can he not do? “Justice” Audrey, “Magician” Fowles and others once again refreshed their
impression of “world” Gawain.

“Hangman” Alger suspects that “the world” is borrowing a drop of blood from Angel of “Fool”

After a brief silence, I suddenly found that my ascension was not necessarily as obvious as the other
members of the Tarot Society.

“I have a clue last time, have you got a clue?”

“Magician” Fowles immediately said:

“There is a suspected situation, I will trace it down.”

She is full of motivation to work on her debts.

At the end of the transaction, “Sun” Derick made a request to purchase the crystals of the roots of the
elders, and the tail feathers of the Chilings were in the special warehouse of Silver City.
In addition, he also purchased auxiliary materials such as Phnom Penh Sun Flower, which is common
to It’s outside and what Land Abandoned by Gods lacks.

“The rhizome crystallization of the tree of the elders and the auxiliary materials are not a problem.”
“Moon” Emlin spirits swayed, “So, what can you exchange for?”

When he last provided the fruit of the tree of the elders to Miss Justice, he knew where the rhizome

“Sun” Derick thought for a moment:

“An extraordinary feature of Vampire for Sequence Five?”

This is not a rare monster in the depths of the dark.

“Blood!” Emlin said with a grin. “You don’t have to worry, wait until I think about what I want, and
tell you.”

He does not want to repeat the items from the transaction with the rewards of the hunting compe tition.

“Good.” Derick, who has owed the “world” a debt, is quite calm.

After another silence, “Fool” Klein tapped the edge of the mottled long table and signaled the
beginning of the free communication session.

PS: There is a question to say, why should I disassemble and change the idiom into a more cumbersome
description, because the background of this book is Western, so I want to try the language style without
a sudden, in the Mister Russell diary and In addition to Xiaoke’s psychological language, he t ries to
change the idioms with more Chinese characteristics, so that the overall description is less fun.

Someone said that there was a few words in the water and a word of water. I can see that I was teasing
and joking, so I laughed. I didn’t have to explain anything, but now I might be the one who said the
water. Influence, there are actually many people who think that I am deliberately adding more words
and thinking that my attitude towards the text is problematic. I have to come from two arguments.

In fact, when I am in good shape and have a good time, I will have the mind to think about how to
change the idioms and how to avoid the contradiction of language style. When the time is tight, or I
can’t think of a good statement, I will go directly to the idiom, you When I say the number of words in
my water, it is the time when my writing attitude is good. I really want the number of words in the
water. What is the use of those words? Instead of wasting my time to think about how to change,
directly on the idioms more clean and direct, with this time, can write a few more words.
Standing in the ancient palace of above the grey mist, “Hangman” Alger was not in a hurry to mention
the “Crazy Captain” Connors Victor. He leaned over his head and looked to the sid e of the “Sun”:

“Are you still in the afternoon town?”

Derick nodded honestly:

“Yes, we have used a long time to set up a camp, and then in a group unity, a street and a street to
remove the residual monsters, looking for possible ancient traces, although this will be slow, but safe
enough “”

He replied in great detail and showed “Hangman” Gawain if he wants to know more and has no

“Justice” Audrey listened with great interest and lifted the handrail slightly:

“You have been in the town for so long, what is your dependence on food? Is there black grass

She had listened to the little “sun” very early, and Silver City continued to rely on the black grass
planted in the surrounding area as a staple food.

“We have a powder of black-faced grass, but the main source of food is the monsters that are hunted.
There are a lot of them. As long as they have extraordinary characteristics, they are stripped of the fur
and burned with flame. They can be eaten. However, they all have some pollution, which can cause
mental problems. They cannot be ingested continuously and need suffici ent interval.” “Sun” Derick
answered the question of Miss Justice.

“Justice” Audrey recalled several dark deep monsters mentioned by the little “Sun”. Thinking about the
horrible style of the dark area of Silver City, I couldn’t help but ask:

“Is this not very disgusting?”

“Magician” Fowles, who is listening to other members’ conversations, was inspired by this question,
deliberately did not go to see “Moon” Emlin, and curiously asked the “Sun” Derick:

“I remember you said that the monsters in the darkness contain Vampire. They are pussy and ugly.
Then, after killing such a Vampire, will you use it as food?”

After listening to this question, Emlin completely forgot to correct the other party’s blood is not
Vampire, his face is green, and he has some incomprehensible horror.

Derick was silent for two seconds:

“Some monsters are really disgusting, very disgusting, like Vampire mentioned by Miss Magician, but
we have no choice but to eat as long as we can eat.”

His voice gradually became low, and it seemed that he once again felt the cursed tragedy that
enveloped the entire Silver City.

Once again, the palace in the residence of the giants was silent, and even wanted to refute the “sun”
Derick. Some of the “moon” Emlin did not speak, just slammed his mouth and shrank his arms.

After a few seconds, the “world” broke the silence and smiled low:

“Let’s go back to the sea. There is something worth paying attention to recently. ‘The captain of the
mad captain’ Connor. Victor’s ‘single-eyed nickname’ floated near the pier after a storm, the mast was
broken and there was burnt marks everywhere. All the crew members, including Connors Victor, have
died and none of them survived.”

“Justice” Audrey and others are not clear about who the “Crazy Captain” is. They are not too interested
in this news, just a little curious as to why such a shipwreck has occurred.

The feeling of “Hangman” Alger is very different from them.

“World” has actually paid attention to the “Crazy Captain” incident, and there is no secret behind it! It
is no wonder that Lord Courtman will solemnly issue an order to let the “Justice Enforcer” and
“Captain Sailor” investigate the relevant situation! Alger’s eyelids are slightly moving, thinking a little:

“At Bayam, the Church of the Storms is actively investigating the people and things related to ‘Cash
Captain’ Connor Victor.”

Oh, I don’t have to entrust it separately… Klein laughed and asked the “world” directly:

“What clues does the Church of the Storms have?”

“I don’t know, I will try to understand.” “Hangman” Alger shakes his head calmly.

He believes that “the world” can understand his own meaning, that is, I really don’t know now, but I
will inquire inside.

Curiously listening to the “justice” Audrey is more and more aware that the “crazy captain” is no t
simple, try to open the way:

“‘World’ Gawain, isn’t this a common pirate guilt?”

Klein was trying to perfuse the “Justice” two sentences at random, not revealing more, and suddenly
considered a problem.
“Beckland’s smog incident and the disappearance of the population may be hidden behind a certain
faction of the royal family, as well as some military personnel, and Miss Justice is naturally biased
towards the royal family in terms of emotions and positions. If one day, I will target those who are
Cursing the hanged guy and entrusting her with the corresponding task, she may not be willing to
accept it, and may even fall into the inner contradiction…

“So, now I have to instill a little bit of impressions of the royal family and the military with many bad
people, and subtly change her position and emotional bias. To this end, I can bear the risk of exposure
of the ‘world’ part of the information…” Klein thought about it. For a moment, let the “world” tone
easily say with a little sarcasm:

“The ‘Crazy Captain’ is related to the disappearance of the colonial population investigated by
‘Hangman’ Gawain.

“Demoness cult passes the deceived or plundered population to external forces such as ‘Sickness
Lieutenant’ Trey, who transports them to the east coast of the northern continent, with the help of the
‘Crazy Captain’ Connor Victor. This pirate has close ties with many traffickers and slave traders in

“I told ‘Hangman’ Gawain in a message in January that someone witnessed the disappearance of the
relevant Barron and the nine officers of the military loyal to the royal family.

“Also, Beckland’s biggest trafficker, Kapinger, has a ‘Arbitrator’ path protector.

“With so many things added together, do you still think that the death of ‘Crazy Captain’ is a simple
pirate guilt?

“Oh, I have been thinking, what is going to be so many slaves behind the scenes?”

The clear connection between the clues is presented in the minds of “justice” Audrey and “Hangman”
Alger, and they suddenly understand a lot of things.

“World” Gawain left Beckland and went to the sea to track the clues. He has been investigating the
truth about the smog and the death of Prince Edessack! According to the contents he provided, it is
obvious that the real murderer has not been punished, and he is still hidden inside the king’s room, and
some military personnel are working for him. It is really hateful! This kind of person should be thrown
into hell! Uh… “World” Gawain knows how the protector around Kapinger is the extraordinary of the
“Arbitrator” path? Have they dealt with it? Audrey thought about flying, and suddenly had Lenovo:

Kapinger was killed by Grand Theft Auto “Dark Emperor”, which is clearly aware of which path
Kapinger’s protectors belong to;
Grand Theft Auto “Dark Emperor” is the leader of “Fool” Gawain;

“World” Gawain is suspected to have a connection with “Fool” Gawain, who has never collected the
diary of Great Emperor Russell;

So, the “world” Gawain is the Grand Theft “Dark Emperor”, the leader of “Fool” Gawain?

Did he submit the Diary of Great Emperor Russell because he had submitted it privately? Some of his
previous performances were to hide the identity of the latter? It’s “Fool” Gawain’s test? It’s really hard
to link the “world” Gawain to the Grand Theft Auto”, which is more like a hero… Audrey feels that he
has found the truth and is curious about the “world” Gawain, the Grand Theft Auto, “Dark Emperor”.
What kind of person is in reality.

“Hangman” Alger and “The Hidden” Cattleya understand why Gelman Sparrow is attacking “The
Disease Lieutenant” Trey.

The leader is tracing the truth about the Bakerland smog!

And the hidden thing behind this is “Fool” Gawain interested!

Living in Beckland’s “Magician” Fowles and “Moon” Emlin also mentioned what Kapinger was faintly
aware of from the “world”. After all, the legend of Grand Theft Auto “Dark Emperor” has become quite
popular in the last six months and has become an important role in many popular novels. Even Fowles
himself wants to write a love story about Grand Theft Auto and Miss Aristocrats with the other side as
the main character.

They finally understood why they could be aware of the big events in Beckland before the “world”, and
it is likely that there will be tragedies because the Gawain has been tracking the corresponding clues.

From this point of view, Beckland’s business is far from over. There may be accidents in the future… I
really want to leave immediately. I am sure that I am not willing to explain it to her… Fowles has the
idea of escaping Beckland.

“Moon” Emlin is not too scared. In his opinion, there is a disaster, and the blood family also has an
influential figure in Beckland, which can certainly provide shelter.

Silence for two seconds, “Hangman” Alger solemnly said:

“I will try my best to investigate this matter.”

He has already felt that there is a rather terrifying storm behind the death of the “Crazy Captain”, so he
is somewhat fearful and afraid, but he is also lacking the excitement and trepidation of his most
important events in the participation of the Southern Northern continent.
“The Hidden” Cattleya listened quietly and clicked on it:

“I will also collect the corresponding news.

“If there are more clues available, maybe I can help.”

Klein thought about it and let the “world” say calmly:

“On the night of the ‘Crazy Captain’ death, he had a high sequence expert on the ship suspected of
‘Dark Emperor’path, but the demigod managed to escape before Yann Courtman arrived.”

“Dark Emperor” path, demigod…Alger and Cattleya chew these words at the same time, thinking about
where to start.

“Justice” Audrey and others are amazed at the fact that the Tarot Society has evolved from discussing
the demigod to directly participating in the semi-god-related events. It is really getting more and more
high-end. As for the “Sun” Derick, the whole process is hard to understand.

The “Crazy Captain” was temporarily behind, and the “hidden” Cattleya looked at the “world” and
deliberately mentioned:

“There is one more thing on the sea. Last week, the crazy adventurer Gelman Sparrow hunt the second
of the ‘King of the Undead’, the ‘slaughter’ Gilthias, the It’s Sequence Five’s extraordinary.”

“It’s amazing…” The only “Magician” Fowles of Sequence Eight is now amaz ed, she knows exactly
what the Sequence Five stands for.

“Well, it’s a legendary adventurer.” “Justice,” Audrey said.

“Moon” Emlin opened his mouth and closed it again, feeling that he was still far from such a level.

“Hangman” Alger said nothing unusual:

“Because of this, investigating the origins of Gelman Sparrow has become an important task for major

Do you mean that Church of the Storms also lets you investigate me? Klein understood the meaning of
“Hangman” Gawain and let the “world” smile low:

“I don’t know where to get this commission? I want to get money with some unimportant information. I
still know something about Gelman Sparrow.”
Well, “world” Gawain means that he doesn’t mind if I submit some of the Gelman Sparrow intelligence
that seems to be important and doesn’t make sense to exchange rewards and trust? “Hangman” nodded
with a clear understanding.

Free communication lasted for a while, until the “Sun” Derick finished the week of the ancient Hermes
language word, and everything was completely over.

After the “Justice” and other people who watched the ceremony, Klein turned his eyes to the “Mister
Russell Travels” on the table.

Feeling that he was not tired, Klein licked his forehead and took a hand to make a metal vial in the
debris pile fly over.

This is a small tube of blood that he took a lot of effort to extract from his veins. He has already taken
the above the grey mist, waiting for the spiritual body to enter the “Mister Russell Travels” and explore
the world of books.

After unscrewing the lid, Klein was not eager to apply the blood to the dark brown cover of the book.
Instead, the items that had been brought into the mysterious space before the Tarot Meeting were all
“summoned” from the pile of debris, scattered in front of them. .

Considering that the “Dark Emperor” shape is too eye-catching, Klein decided not to carry the Offense
Card, and switched to the Azick copper whistle to reinforce the spiritual body without knowing the
world’s specific conditions in the book, so as not to be killed by inexplicable forces. Return toabo the
grey mist.

With the integration of the old and exquisite copper whistle, Klein’s spiritual body seems to swell a
little, but it is a lot thicker.

There were two dark flames in his eye sockets, and they seemed to have their own vitality.

With meditation, adjusting the spirituality, Klein converges all the coldness from death into the body,
and the abnormality in the eye quickly recovers.

It’s like the evil spirits show the way ordinary people look and trick the prey.

Immediately afterwards, Klein put on “squirming hunger” and hid the extraordinary features of the
“Crane Bell” revolver and “Nightmare”, which he was looking for to explore th e dreams of the world’s
living beings.

After preparing for all aspects, he unscrewed the lid of the metal vial, poured a few drops of blood, and
applied it to the cover of the Mister Russell Travels.
After a short wait, what he saw was vague, as if there were countless transparent things, and it became
clear, with blue sky, white clouds, gray-brown walls, and pedestrians coming and going.

It wasn’t the land of ice and snow, but a city that looked normal on the surface… Klein stood on the
winding road and looked at the inhabitants of the book world and found that most of them were wearing
linen shirts, brown short coats and darker colors. Trousers, the overall style is similar to Ruen Kingdom
hundreds of years ago.

Looking down at his own swallowtail dress, hard collar shirt and dark red bow tie, Klein silently
changed them all, and it was no different from the people around him.

He then walked to the gate and prepared to enter.

Just then, a goalkeeper wearing a leather armor stopped him:

“Into the city tax! 1 Riddle.”

Do you think I look like a rich man? I don’t know what Riddle is… Klein smirked in his heart and
immediately used the “communication” between the spirit and the spirit to successfully transfer the
attention of the goalkeeper to the caravan that entered the city.

As a quasi-resentment that can be manipulated by the other party, the mental effect on the target is
normal operation. This ability is not strong, but it is very useful for ordinary people.

Entering the city, Klein was alert and relaxed on the street. He felt that the public health environment
was better than Beckland in earlier years. It seems that there is a mature sewer system, and there will be
no upstairs dumping of feces and urine. Case.

“It’s not a fictional world in the book. Everyone has a ‘spiritual body line’…” Klein looked at it while
moving forward, suddenly aiming at a stone building over 10 meters high on the side. It has only two
floors, and the top of the gate is almost four meters to the ground.

There is a sign next to the building that reads a few words that are different from the outside world but
that Klein can understand at a glance:

“Pesot Blacksmiths Guild”

There is also a blacksmith’s guild, and it really hasn’t got to the steamera… Klein just had the feeling,
and he saw the door slamming open, and there was a giant with extreme limbs!

The giant’s complexion was gray-blue, and the head of the head was marked with a straight, one-eyed
eye. He had a big, heavy hammer in his hand, and his mouth went to the other side of t he street.
The human race that is coming and going is not afraid of him. It seems to have seen too much.

They even greeted the giant:

“Good afternoon, Mister Russell!”

Mister Russell… Klein’s pupils who are more blind than the giants are shrinking, and thi s is familiar!

He was about to catch up, only to find that the giant turned into another street and disappeared into his

Klein stood in the same place, quietly watching the intersection of the two streets, and there was some
speculation in his heart:

“In the world of books, is there a Mister Russell?

“No, the end of the travel is the death of Mister Russell in the country of frost…

“It’s another story?”

All sorts of doubts, Klein was not in a hurry to find Mister Russell, turned and entered a pub next to the

This kind of place is often the most confusing and complicated part of a city’s news, helping him to
quickly grasp the overall situation.

The light in the pub was dim, the ventilation was not too good, and the air was a bit muddy. At this
time, there were not many people who came to drink, most of them were at the bar, and chatting with
each other and the bartender happily.

Klein walked slowly and his eyes solidified.

He saw the man sitting on the side of the bar wearing a hard black hat and wearing an asymmetrical
coat. He looked good, with linen hair, dark brown eyes, a tall nose and thin lips. It was Solomon.
Empire Viscount Mobert Sorayas!

Seeing him, Klein remembered the “dreaming” rapid aging, fell to the ground, and climbed to the elf
singer Shatas, holding the picture of her palm.

It was all as clear as yesterday when genius happened, but now Mobett appeared again in front of him.

Klein sank and walked over and sat next to Mobetter.

He did not speak, he knew that Mobett would actively communicate.

“Foreigner, the first time I came to Pesot? I swear, I haven’t seen you before.” Mobetter put down the
cup with distilled spirits and looked at Klein.

“I am from the country of frost.” Klein snorted.

Mobert suddenly laughed:

“You are really joking. This is the country of frost. Of course, that was a lot of things many years ago.

“Since the legendary ‘King of the North’ has been killed by some adventurers, no, heroes, there is no
snow or ice here. Everyone thinks that it should be called the country without winter.”

Klein was silent and did not respond.

“Why is it so serious? It seems that you also have your own pain.” Mobett sympathetically knocked
down the bar and sipped his mouth. “I tell you, men must never marry, it will be the beginning of a
lifetime of pain.” Do you know? When she has a little emotional fluctuation, she will slap me a meal,
swear at me when she is happy, yell at me when she is shy, yell at me, and swear at me anyway! I
decided, from now on , no longer going home!”

Is It’s married to Shatas? Klein silently for two seconds, looked at the face of Mobetter, found that
there is no trace of bruising on the top, which shows that the E lf singer still knows that men want to

He asked with some sighs:

“Then why are you marrying her?”

Mobett snorted and smiled bitterly:

“I came here with the caravan. When I saw her at first sight, she was so beautiful. The song was so
beautiful. It seemed to contain sadness that was difficult to describe. Oh, how much I loved her, now
How scared she is! I will never go back, feed, how sad are you? Don’t be sad for me, I am free!”

At this time, the pub door was opened and a beautiful female voice shoute d:

“Mobert, get out!

“I count dozens, if you don’t go home, never go back!

“Ten, nine…”

Mobette bounced up and rushed to the door, muttering as he ran:

“I know you won’t be patient. When you finish 8 every time, jump directly to 2!”

Klein leaned over the body and saw the figure of Shatas, but no longer had the idea of communicating
in the past.

The real Mobett and Shatas are dead, and here are just two characters in the world of the book.

Standing up, leaving the pub, Klein came to the nearby no-man’s alley, and I’m going to confirm what
the spiritual world looks like here.

In his mind, he quickly sketched out a cascade of light balls, and his thoughts gradually became empty,
and his body and mind became quiet.

With the extension of spirituality, there are many unspeakable illusions around him, but there are not
seven bright brilliances in the sky with different colors.

“There are no seven light…the number of spiritual world creatures is not enough…there is a false
spiritual world built by the book itself…” Klein stepped in, only to see that the color was sharp and
sharp, the atmosphere was extremely extreme, and the boundaries were clear. Overlapping together.

He was not in a hurry to explore the spiritual world, retired, wandered around in the city of Pesot, and
chatted with people.

It didn’t take long for him to find the residence of Mister Russell.

The giant runs a blacksmith shop, and is lying leisurely on the big bed on the second floor, filling the

Klein entered directly through the wall and came next to Mister Russell.

He watched the giant for a few seconds, took out the extraordinary characteristics of “Nightmare” from
the spiritual body, and used the capabilities that it naturally possessed quite hard.

The deep and quiet darkness filled the air, and Klein and Mister Russell were shrouded in it. In the
spirit body state, Klein saw an irregular beam of light directly.

His spirituality immediately spread and touched the ball of light.

A variety of scattered scenes instantly appeared and flashed around him, and finally settled on a tree
that was huge and towering but withered and withered. On the other side opposite the forest, the
mountain stands, the cliff is steep, and there is a magnificent and magnificent at the top. palace.

The palace is tall and magnificent, not like preparing for the human race, giving people an intuitive
feeling that it comes from mythology, and the dusk light that scatters on it seems to be solidified.
Klein has seen this palace, It’s the “Giant King Ting” that appeared in the dream world of the ruins of
the gods!

However, his current perspective is very different from the previous one. He is currently in the rear of
Wang Ting!

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