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Analysis checklist

 Relative location
 Locality
 Absolute location
- latitude and longitude

 the geological form of the area to be studied, whether it’s on high or low land and
related aspects.
1. Area- the size of the distinct place to be studied
1 Regional identity
 identifying the common characteristics of the region or sub-region.
 relate to climate and physical geography as well as to socio-economic profile.
2 Linkages to surroundings
 is it a linear structure along a main route or part of a grid of streets?
3 Local character
 the form of a place and the way it is used.
 How can these be built into a project?
 Are there particular local materials, building forms and features that can be used
as a source of inspiration?
4 Morphology
 Define what gives shape to the local morphology
 historic routes,
 block patterns,
 building heights and
 massing,
 local vernacular

5 Natural features
 particular ecological or geological characteristics,
 its essential character?

6 Socio- economic profile

 particular local traditions and events to draw influence from.
Roles and relationships
• Function
• Current performance of the site/area to its
• Linkages to wider area relative to similar areas strategic context
• Relationship to (any related points)
• Identity adjacent areas

Contiguous areas
• Land uses

Character appraisal
• Historical development
• Building elements
• Settlement pattern and fenestration Details and richness
• Cultural characteristics
• Local community and heritage aspirations
• Local history
• Local/regional building
• Color and textures traditions and materials
• Local vernacular
• Other local traditions
• Events/festivals
• Place names
• Natural environment/ecology / local provenance (plants, trees etc.)
Continuity and enclosure
Clarity of form
A place where public and private space are clearly distinguished
• Streets,
footpaths and
open spaces
• Clear distinction between public and private space
• Avoiding gaps in the line of buildings
• Enclosing streets and other spaces by buildings and trees of a scale that feels comfortable
appropriate to the character of the space
• No leftover spaces unused and uncared for
• The relationship between new Development and nature, land form and existing buildings
• The framework of routes and spaces
Ease of movement
Connectivity and permeability
A place that is easy to get to and move through
• Density highest where access to public transport is best
• Roads, footpaths and public spaces connected into well-used routes
• Easy accessibility
• Direct routes that lead to where people want to go, that connect locally and more widely,
and the way
developments, routes, open spaces and precincts relate to one another
• A choice of safe, high quality routes

Ease of understanding
A place that has a clear image and is easy to understand
• Clear and easily navigable routes
• Gateways to particular areas
Ease of change
 A place that can change easily

Ease of choice
A place with variety and mixed uses
• A mix of compatible uses and tenures
• Variety of layout and building form
• Diverse communities and cultures
• Variety of architectural styles
• Biodiversity
Urban grain
The nature and extent of the Subdivision of the area into smaller development parcels
• The pattern and scale of streets, blocks and plots
• The rhythm of building frontages along the street as a reflection of the plot subdivision

Local plan policies

• Design
• Strategic views
• Land uses
• Transportation plans
• Temporary uses
• Specific constraints (eg. airport Protection zones)

Capital work programs

The strategy and policies of the development plan
 Water supply and drainage schemes
 Waste management facilities
 Recreation and amenity schemes and
 Social and community facilities.

Physical infrastructure
 Personal
 Institutional
 Material
 Economic
 Social
 Core
 Basic
 Complementary
b) Types
•Coastal management
•Critical infrastructure
• Dams
• Electricity
• Energy
•Hazardous waste
• Hospitals
•Irrigation schemes
• Levees
• Lighthouses
• Parks
•Pipeline transport
• Ports
•Mass transit
•Public housing
•State schools
•Public spaces
• Rail
• Roads
• Sewage
• Sluices
•Solid waste
•Water supply

c)Economic infrastructure
•Transportation... roads,
bridges, cycle highways, rail,
airports and ports.
•Energy.... solar panels and
•Safety & Resilience
•Health & Education
•Standards & Rules
•Public Space

Municipal services(abattoir,municipal cemetery,

 Funding... (property tax,
 income tax, municipal sales
 tax), fees (building permits)
 Water supply
 Sewage collection and
 disposal
 Refuse removal
 Electricity and gas supply
 Municipal health services
 Municipal roads and storm
 water drainage
 Street lighting
 Municipal parks and recreation
Other relevant policies and Supplementary planning guidance
 Development frameworks
 Design guides
 Site development briefs
 Other relevant local authority policies
 Relevant policies and requirements of other bodies (Environment Agency)
 Other local initiatives

Demographic and social issues to be

• is the land sufficiently large population to maintain the vibrancy?
• A population with a sufficiently wide age range including the younger age groups, and
• A population where in-migration
1. what is the Fertility rate ?
2. what is the Mortality ?
3. what is the Migration rate ?
4. what is the Population size,in number ?
5. what is the Population composition ?
6. what is the Geographic distribution ?
7. what is the Population projections ?
8. what is the Infant mortality rates ?
9. what is the Age specific fertility rates ?
10. what is the Age specific death rates ?
11. what is the Morbidity statistics ?
a)which of the following population trend can yenesa be devided in to ?
• Increase (high certainty)
• Increase (low certainty)
• Stable/variable
• Decrease
• No data
b) can the population trend be described using Common mathematical models like
 Exponential population ?
 Growth?
 Simple discrete time exponential model?
 Continuous time version of?
 exponential growth?
 Logistic population growth?
 Continuous-time model of?
 logistic growth?
 Discrete time logistical?
 Model?
 Individual-based models?
a) Specify which Formal education facilities can be found with in the site
& the qualities by which each institution can be assessd.
• Preschool
• Primary
• Secondary
• Tertiary (higher)
• Vocational
• Special
b) Which types of Other educational forms can be detacted
• Indigenous
• Informal learning
• Self-directed learning
• Open education and electronic technology

• Diet
• Exercise
• Sleep
• Role of science
• Role of pub
• lic health
• Self-care strategies

a) House (single family detached)
• Apartment
• Housing projects /
• Live-work space
 Housing design
 Accessible housing
 Healthy living
 Housing mix and
 Affordability
 Buildings, structures
 Layout and form of spaces
 Sense of enclosure and spaces
 Public /private interface
 Types of buildings
 Layout and form of building (including urban grain height, scale and Public and
open spaces
 massing
 Continuity of facades buildings
 Age and condition of buildings and structure
 Relationship between built and unbuilt form,
• Hostel (travellers’ hotel)
• Castles
d)Squat / Flophouse
• Shack / Slum
e) Issues and Aspects
• Rent
• Homelessness
• Vagrancy
f) Society and Politics
• Housing subsidy
• Rent control
g) Development
• Housing projects
• Mixed-use development

• poor
•middle class

• natural resources, livestock pro-
duction, beekeeping, fishery,
urban-rural linkage, crop production

• trade sector,
• service sector,
• transportation sector,
• tourism sector

• employed
• unemployed

Active travel
• Promoting walking and cycling
• Safety
• Connectivity
• Minimizing car use
• Public transport
• Private vehicles
• Interchanges
• Permeability
• Barriers
• Air quality
• Convenience of journey
• Speed
• Walking down and up Krebs
• Pedestrian crossings
• Pedestrian and cycle (Toucan) crossings
• Segregated path
• Quality of transport
• Over bridges
• Underpasses
• Severance
• Noise
• Pollution
• Visual amenity
• Variety in visual amenity
• Pavement congestion
• Road congestion
• Quality of pavements
• Quality of roads
• Cycle facilities

Vibrant neighborhoods
• Healthcare services
• Education
• Access to social infrastructure
• Local employment and healthy workplaces
• Access to local food shops
• Public buildings and spaces

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