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Project Proposal Form

Section One
Student Name: Samira Khalifa Khalaf Alshereqi
Student ID: 15s13525
Supervisor Name: Jinad Mansoor ALBalushi

Section Two:
Implications of e-communication of Human Resource department on financial department ; A case study

1.1Backgroundof study:
The Ministry Of Transport and Communication "MOTC" was built up by royal decree (15/1973). It was
established with the first group of ministry in the sultanate of Oman. The Ministry held the undertaking of
executing the plans of government in fields of transport and communications. The state law (No26/75) of
administrative body which demonstrated the tasks of ministry as (Ministry of transport). By a royal decree
(37/1978) the specialization of ministry divided into two ministries that are one for transportation and
other for post, phone and telegram. In 14/may/2001 the name of Ministry was changed to "MOTC"
Ministry of transport and communication. The role of the ministry show the constructing, paving and
maintenance of roads between governorates, the establishment of ports and airports, and the preparation of
the general policy of the telecommunications sector and the legislation regulating it.( Ministry of Transport
and Communication, 2014)
The featuring highlights of viable e-communication between HR department and financial department in
"MOTC” is plot as spreading learning, dispersal of organization's vision productively to the
representatives, decreasing the possibility of equivocalness, concentrating on worker inspiration and duty,
helpful commitment of worker in accomplishing amazing work. The goals which can be accomplished
through compelling communication for human asset administration is information sharing, work direction,
true building, motivation, commitment, involvement and eliminate ambiguity.

1.2Research Problem Statement:

The fundamental target of this investigation is to discover the ramifications of current e-communication
between HR and financial department in "MOTC". The exploration depends on the examination of current
e-communication framework between HR and financial department. The difficulties looked by current e-
communication will be analysed, and proposals will be given to create proficient specialized technique.

1.3 Aims and objectives of study

1.3.1 Project aims:
The point of this investigation is to look at the current e-communication channel between HR and financial
department. The issue explanation is to gauge the adequacy of e- communication design, what challenges
looked by the administration in e-communication with its human asset and how change can be made to
current process.


1.3.2 Research Objectives:

1. Study the current e-communication system between HR department and financial department in
2. Analyse the challenges of current e-communication system between HR department and financial
3. Identify set of best practices of e-communication system in MOTC.
4. Recommend the most suitable e-communication system to bridge the gap.

1.4 Research Questions:

1. What is the current e-communication system between HR department and financial department in
2. What are the challenges of e-communication systems current e-communication system between
HR department and financial department in MOTC?
3. Are there best practices of e-communication that benefit from?
4. What is the most appropriate practice be taken to improve the e-communication system?

1.5 scope of study:

Scope of study is very vast. It shows the relationship between HRM and finance department, that how they
work properly after implication of e communication. It will help to clearly understand the effectiveness of
e communication between two departments. It will show how e communication change the environment
and make it easy for everyone to work properly and without miscommunication
1.6 Significance of the Project:
This paper will advise how to overcome the hindrances of miscommunication can be evacuated and how
we can enhance e-communication with in the "MOTC". It will help HR and financial department to
enhance its execution and make income for government. E-Communication can represent the deciding
moment an organization. Powerful e-communications settles issues, joins specialists and builds
representative faithfulness
1.7 limitation of study.
The research is done very smoothly but there are certain limitations. Like some employees are don’t
willingly to give full information and some issues of finance department are not for public. These two
limitations were faced during research.
1.8 Operational definition of research:
Research Methodology
Research strategy:
The task will utilize both primary and secondary data. Secondary data gathered from diaries, books,
magazines, articles, daily paper, site, and furthermore inside sources, for example, representative input.
Primary data will be gathered by survey (questionnaire).

Research design:
A survey research methodology is quantitative method (Questionnaire) for evaluating the noteworthiness
of successful e-communication, the interior e-communication arrangement of Ministry of transport and
communication will be inspected by. Alongside subjective technique, quantitative system will likewise
be utilized to discover the viability of e-communication in representatives' perspective. A review is led to
assess the level of adequacy in inner e-communication of Ministry of transport and communication.

The example for the review is drawn through stratified arbitrary examining. Out of 1000 populace 40
respondents have been browsed the centre administration level among three offices; Finance, Project
administration and IT division. The respondents are arbitrarily chosen.

A review is lead to discover the viability of e-communication framework in ministry of transport and
communication. The instrument utilized for the overview is shut finished poll. Close finished (different
decision) survey is outlined keeping in mind the end goal to measure the reaction of workers. A few
inquiries have been requested to guarantee the representative fulfilment level with viability of e-

Data Collection:
The poll will be conveyance to the staff of organization and the examination speculation will be minded
the premise of this survey. The acquired information will be broke down by utilizing recurrence and rate
table and additionally trial of chi square strategy will be connected for inferential factual investigation
and on this premise tolerating or dismissal of built up invalid theory will be analysed.

Literature Review:
1. The Human Resources Department can work efficiently by doing several functions that meet job
needs. There are six functions of HR department that are job safety, recruitment, employee
relations, labor law compliance, compensation and benefits and training and development
(Mayhew, 2018).

2. Human resource department is engaged with number of exercises identified with representative
administration from contracting to worker advancement which thus help association to achieve
its objectives and targets. Human asset administration makes a connection between the human
capital and association by bringing out better of both. It encourages both representative and
association to achieve their objectives viably (Burma, 2014).

3. Financial department is administrative area which has several roles that are the arrangement of
cash and credit which is a means of organizing the Organization's objectives. The quality of
financial department is one of the factors influencing the success of institutions. (Ozioko , 2017)

4. There are many goals for any finance function that are control effectively for the environment,
supporting business service and lowest costs. Money is very important and nerve center in
finance and business.( Griffin,2018)

5. Electronic communication is the communication that takes place by media of electronic such as
computer systems, e-mail, telephone, fax or video conferencing. Electronic communication
enables People to easily communicate around the world without any physical movement.( Khan,

6. The e-communication dates back to the Telegraph, which was used to send long distance
messages through wires. After that, the telephone, television and wireless radio appeared. Later,
modern types of electronic communications emerged that are e-mail, web pages, forums, instant
messaging and text, social networking and video Chat(Jung, 2018).

7. Advances in technology are important in the process of communication within organizations. E-

mail is one of the most notable examples of progress that has helped to make writing
communication more rapid. The benefit of e-mail appears in the ability to use and adapt it and the
parties can participate at anytime and anywhere (Zondi, Cassim & Karodia, 2015).

8. There are several Guidelines for Electronic Communication that are related to access issues,
protocols, record-keeping, privacy and confidentiality issues, use of electronic discussion lists
and virtual committees(ALSC, 2000)

9. There could be number of reason cause miscommunication including; ill-advised choice of

specialized device, feeble listening abilities, ill-advised unravelling or elucidation of
correspondence, and low level of trust among beneficiaries (Conrad, 2014).

10. Organizational Communication helped us to understand the communication within organization.

It demonstrates distinctive sorts of correspondence with in the association which help individuals
to convey their messages effectively (Baker, 2002).

11. Effective communication brings successful organizational change. this exploration indicates
diverse goals of compelling correspondence in human asset administration which can change
nature of the association (Husain, 2013).

1.9 structure of the research:

The structure of this study is according to the standard. First we discuss and understand what is e
communication and its barriers and objectives, we examine the ministry on broader level and then
we focus on two department human resource management and finance department and the effect
of communication between them. Data collected from departments and analyzed to find the result.
1.10 Summary:
After basic examination of review discoveries, it can be inferred that Ministry of transport and
communication being an expansive scale association has data wealth. The stream of suitable data
to the coveted unit is essential with a specific end goal to accomplish superior through viable

Research Ethics:
Amid the examination ought to take after the exploration ethic of the analyst, which isn't to talk about
the individual information of representatives or any secret information of the organization, not reveal
any data identified with the organization or staff acquired through the investigation and keep them
classified, examples are picked far from bias, regard workers In the organization, not to harm the
property of the organization and not hurt the workers.


 Ministry of Transport and Communication(2014) MOTC Campus[online] available from < > [15 March 2018]

 Mayhew, R. (2018), Six Main Functions of a Human Resource Department[online] available

from <
60693.html >[16 March 2018]

 Burma, Z. (2014), Human Resource Management and its importance for today’s
organization, Available from
<file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Downloads/humanresouceandorganization----.pdf >[17 March

 Griffin, D.(2018), Role of Finance in a Business[online] available from < >[18 March 2018]

 Ozioko, C.(2017) ‘ Roles and Responsibilities of a Finance Department in a Pharmaceutical

Industry’[online] available from<
finance-department-pharmaceutical-industry/ >[20 March 2018]

 Jung, B.(2018), Six Types of Electronic Communication[online] available from < >[20 March 2018]

 Khan, M.(2013) ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication’[online]


available from<

electronic-communication/ >[21 March 2018]

 ALSC(2000) Guidelines for Electronic Communication[online] available from < >[22 March 2018]

 Zondi, S. Cassim, N. & Karodia, A. (2015), Internal communication challenges and Issues: A
case study of Transnet freight Rail Business[online] Available from <
Business-Unit-Coal-Vryheid-Kwazulu-Natal-Province-South-Africa.pdf > [22 March 2018]

 Conrad, D. (2014), Workplace Communication problem: Inquires by employee and

applicable solutions. Available from<
content/uploads/2014/06/June_2014_8.pdf > [23 March 2018]

 Baker, K. (2002), Organizational Communication, Available from

< >
[24 March 2018]

 Husain, Z. (2013), Effective communication brings successful organizational change.

Available at
dubai13.pdf (Accessed on (25 March 2018).

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