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Niňo Academy
Taliwa, Malitbog Southern Leyte
Junior High School
Grade 10, 2017-2018
Set b Exam Science 12-RBA

Grade & Level:_______________________________ Date: August
Test I. Multiple Choice. (NRx1).30 points
Write the letter of the BEST answer BEFORE THE NUMBER in your test paper. STRICTLY
NO ERASURES minus 1 each.
1. The organ of the body in the head that controls functions, movements, sensations and
thoughts is called
a. Brain c. Parietal lobe
b. Forebrain d. Post central gyrus
2. Which is the best definition of occipital bone?
a. the base of the skull and forms the posterior and higher part of the cranium.
b. the base of the skull and forms the posterior and middle part of the cranium.
c. the base of the skull and forms the posterior and lower part of the cranium.
d. None of the above.
3. Bases of Deoxyribonucleic Acid that contains double rings
a. A & T c. C & G
b. T & G d. A & G
4. Bases of Deoxyribonucleic Acid that contains two rings and nitrogen
a. A & T c. C & G
b. T & G d. A & G
5. Dr. Joe diagnose his patient Maria with a fainting disorder that also affect here visual
perceptions. What part of the brain did Maria is affected?
a. Fore Lobe c. Temporal Lobe
b. Occipital Lobe d. Parietal Lobe
6. Incisor Central is one of the visible teeth when you smile, especially for group selfie using
OPPO F9. The question is….. if your two incisor central (Left & Right) were
detached…. how many remaining teeth are left?
a. 30 c. 32
b. 31 d. 29
7. Which is NOT belong to the double stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid
a. The bases attract each other because of hydrogen bonds.
b. The bases attract each other because of Carbon bonds.
c. Both a & b is correct.
d. Both a & b is incorrect.
8. When your head is rotating vigorously side by side especially in sports this posterior _____
is always reinforcing your joints
a. Posterior atlano membrane c. posterior atlano axis ligament
b. Atlas d. none of the above
9. Memorizing your studies especially in history and biology is one of the basic activity of
your brain. While you were studying my subject (Biology 1st quarter) which part of the
brain stores your long term memory?
a. Brain c. Temporal Lobe
b. Occipital Lobe d. Frontal Lobe
10. Arrange the bones in order from bottom to top.
I. Sacrum IV. Body of sternum
II. 6th rib V. atlas
III. Xiphoid process VI. clavicle
a. I, III, VI, IV, VI, V c. I, II, III, IV, VI, V
b. VI, V, IV, III, II, I d. I, VI, III, IV, VI, V
11. Proper steps of constructing DNA in order.
I. Determine the bases of DNA V. construct a single lines to form geometrical shape
II. Write the designated Nitrogen VI. Flip the right side of the bases to perform pairing
III. Insert four hydrogen covalent bonds
Page 1 ofVII.
4 Write the designated carbons
IV. Construct a Phosphate group
a. I, IV, V, III, VII, II, VI c. I, IV, VII, V, III, II, VI
b. I, IV, VII, V, II, III, VI d. I, IV, VII, II, V, III, VI
12. Which group is NOT belong to the Spinal Cord?
a. Lumbar 2nd , thoracic 5th , Posterior atlano occipital membrane, nuchal ligament,
ligament flava, vertebrae
b. Thoracic 8th , posterior atlano occipital membrane, sacrum, Lumbar 6 th, cervical
vertebrae 5th
c. Posterior atlano occipital membrane, Cervical vertebrae 8 th, Thoracic 8th, Ligament flava,
d. Sacrum, Lumbar 4th, thoracic 1st , vertebrae, ligament flava, thoracic 3rd , cervical
vertebrae 7th
13. If cerebellum is puzzle solving, occipital is visual perception and temporal is hearing
in the part of the brain. Then _____ is primary motor and external capsule is ______.
a. Postcentral gyrus , conscious thought c. Postcentral gyrus, organ
b. Postcentral gyrus, word association d. none of the above
Please read before you answer. 14 – 17 only.
There are 5 students performing a DNA activity in the class of professor %#!!%.
Student %#% is counting the precise carbon of Guanine, student %#^% is
constructing the single bonds while student %#!% is reinforcing student %#^% to add
a several double bonds, student %#*% is constructing phosphate group and student
%#^!% is preparing for Cytosine.

14. How many double bonds is student %#!% reinforce?

a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
15. According to student %#% that the total carbons of Guanine is
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
16. If Guanine accepts an additional one carbon then results will be
a. 3 +1 c. 5 + 1
b. 4 +1 d. 6 + 1
17. How many nitrogen in Guanine?
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
18. Arrange the bases of DNA according to the number of carbon by applying < , > and

I. Guanine III. Cytosine
II. Thymine IV. Adenine
a. I = II < IV > III c. II < I = III > IV
b. II > IV = I < III d. I > III < IV = II
19. Arrange the bases of DNA according to the number of nitrogen by applying < , >

and =.
III. Guanine III. Cytosine
IV. Thymine IV. Adenine
a. I > IV > III > T c. I > III < IV > II
b. I < IV > III > T d. I = IV > III < II
20. The superior part of the cranium, also includes the occipital
a. Frontal c. Parietal
b. Temporal d. Mandible
21. corresponding part of the adult brain between the forebrain and hindbrain
a. forebrain c. Hindbrain
b. midbrain d. Limbic system
22. occurring free in tea or combined in many substances of biological importance,
including the nucleic acids, which govern hereditary characteristics of all cells
a. Adenine c. Guanine
b. Cytosine d. Thymine
23. is one of several types of bases that are incorporated into the nucleic acid molecule
a. Adenine c. Guanine
b. Cytosine Page 2 of 4 d. Thymine
24. a corresponding nucleoside (a structural unit composed of a nitrogen compound
and a sugar), in which it is chemically linked with the sugar deoxyribose
a. Adenine c. Guanine
b. Cytosine d. Thymine
25. is combined with the sugars ribose and deoxyribose and the nucleotides guanylic
acid and deoxyguanylic acid, which are phosphoric acid esters of guanosine and
a. Adenine c. Guanine
b. Cytosine d. Thymine
26. is the largest and strongest bones
a. Mandible c. Frontal
b. Temporal d. Parietal
27. There are ____ cervical vertebrae
a. 6 c. 8
b. 7 d. 9
28. There are ____ Lumbar vertebrae
a. 5 c. 7
b. 6 d. 8
29. is a very long polymer
a. DNA c. both a & b is correct
b. RNA d. all of the above
30. The average of human cells
a. 75 million c. 75 trillion
b. 75 billion d. 75 quadrillion

Test II. Matching Type. (NRx1) 10 points.

Write the letter of the BEST answer BEFORE THE NUMBER in your test paper. STRICTLY
NO ERASURES minus 1 each.
1. postulated that two strands of polynucleotides coil a. Frontal
2. coordination of muscles b. Sphenoid
3. Resembles a bat wings extended c. Corpus Callosum Lobe
4. Sometimes called canals throughout the bones of the skulld. Limbic System
5. Forehead and superior regions of orbit. e. DNA
6. Spongy cube-shaped bone f. Parietal
7. Allowing communication between the two sides of the brain g. Lateral Ligament
8. concerned especially with emotion and motivation h. Erwin Chargaff
9. main control center for sensory i. Foramen Magnum print of life j. Ethmoid
k. Cerebellum Posterior Lobe
l. Frontal
Test III. Alternative response. True or False. 10 points. (Right - Wrong). STRICTLY NO
ERASURES minus 1 each.
Write True if the statement is correct and write False is the statement is wrong.
_______1. In test I. number 19 letter (c) choices I > III < IV > II
_______2. DNA has two strands that fit together something like a zipper
_______3. Deoxyribose is also a sugar
_______4. There are 9 single lines in Adenine
_______5. There are 4 double bonds in Guanine
_______6. There are 5 oxygen in phosphate group
_______7. In test I. number 19 letter (b) choices I < IV > III > T
_______8. In test I. number 11 letter (c) I, IV, VII, V, III, II, VI
_______9. There are 12 letter (a) correct answers in test I.
_______10. Letter b is the most dominant correct answers in test I.
Test IV. Application. 50 points.
Draw and connect the bases of DNAPage
(all 3carbon
of 4 and nitrogen is visible). STRICTLY NO
ERASURES minus 1 each.
1. C - G

2. T - A

3. G - C

4. A-T

5. T-T
Test V. Creating. 50 points
Construct a 5 five phosphate group together with the 4 bases of DNA to form double
helix strand.

Good Luck 
Prepared by: Mr. Logue

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Answer Key
Test I..
1 a
2 c
3 d
4 d
5 b Test II.
6 a 1. H
7 b 2. K
8 d 3. B
9 d 4. I
10 c 5. A
11 b 6. J
12 c 7. C
13 a 8. D
14 a 9. L
15 c 10.E
16 c Test III.
17 d 1. False
18 b 2. True
19 a 3. True
20 c 4. True
21 b 5. False
22 a 6. True
23 b 7. False
24 d 8. False
25 c 9. False
26 a 10. False
27 b
28 a
29 a
30 c

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