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Detailed Lesson Plan

Music Grade 7


At the end of 60 minutes’ discussion, learner can perform the following with at least 80%
proficiency level:
a. identifies the different secular music from the Lowlands of Luzon
b. sings folksongs of the Lowlands of Luzon accompanied by improvised instrument available in
surrounding and create appropriate movements or gestures to accompany the music selections
c. appreciates the significant social functions and purposes of secular music


a. Topic: Secular Music of Luzon (vocal form) ( MU7LU-Ia-h-7)

b. Material: visual aid, speaker, laptop and music
c. References: MAPEH 7, Kto12 Curriculum Compliant, Miranda, Quennie S. et al, page 14-20.
d. Value Infusion: Develop appreciation and love to our very own music


Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Everyone please rise for our prayer. (Everyone stands and Ella leads the prayer)
Ella kindly lead us. Classmates let us pray. In the name of the
Father… Amen.
Good morning class! Good morning too Ma’am Leah.
Please take your seats. Thank you Ma’am. (students take their seats)

Checking of Attendance
Let me check your attendance. Say
“present” as I call your name.

(teacher checks the attendance) Present Ma’am.

Checking of Assignment
Kindly pass your assignment in front. (students pass their assignment in front)

B. Review of the Lesson

Let’s have a short review. What was
our previous discussion all about? Ma’am our topic last meeting was all about the
sacred music of Luzon.

Correct! Then, what is sacred music? Ma’am it is the Liturgical and Devotional music.

That’s right! What are the different sacred

music of Luzon? Give one. Mass or the songs sang during Liturgical
Celebration or mass.
Yes. That’s good, what else?
Pasyon or a song about life and passion of Christ

Correct! What else? Salubong or a song that is sung during

Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the meeting of Jesus
and Mama Mary.

That’s right! What else? Flores de Mayo or a song for Mama Mary during
May Flower.
Very good! So, those are some example of
sacred music of Luzon, but there is still
more, we have also, Credo, Pastores,
Senakulo, Santa Cruzan, etc. Do you have
any question? None Ma’am.

Okay, I’m glad that you learned a lot from

our last discussion. Now, let’s proceed to
our new lesson for today.


Let’s have an activity. The title is

I hum, you guess!
I will hum the song and you will guess the
title of it. I’ll group you into four. The
group who guessed more songs’ title will
receive a price. Just raise your hand if you
know the answer. As you answer, sing its
first stanza. Okay? Yes, Ma’am.

Are you now guys ready? Yes, we are.

Okay. Group yourselves into four. (students group themselves into four)

Does everyone have a group? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, let’s start.

(teacher hums the songs) (each group guesses the songs)

(after the activity)

Okay, let’s give a “petmalu clap” to the
winner group. (learners perform “petmalu clap”)

Did you enjoy the activity class? Yes ma’am.

What can you say about the songs we

used in activity we did? Ma’am those songs are folk song?

Yes. How can you say that it is a folk

song? Ma’am because it expresses the customs, tradition
and people’s activity of a particular place.
That’s right! Folk song is the traditional
music of the Filipino people. It said to be
the “voice of the people”.

How many folk songs do you know? A few.

What are those?
Bahay Kubo,

Magtanim ay di biro.

Leron Leron Sinta

(learners continue to answer)
That’s good! As a Filipino we must know
our very own folksong. We must be proud
of it.

Our activity has something to do with our

topic for today. Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

To strengthen our love in our very own

music, today we will learn about the
Secular Music of Luzon, specifically its
vocal form.

Okay. I have a question. What is secular

music for you? And how does secular
music differ from sacred music? Ma’am for me secular music is somewhat worldly
songs and non-religious songs while sacred music
refers to liturgical and devotional song.
Very good! That exactly secular music. It
is non-religious in nature.

Is Palawan part of Luzon? Yes ma’am.

Yes. We are part of Luzon. What are the

folksongs of Palawan do you know? Kingking anay wa’wa’

Yes. What else? Taringting

Yes. What else? Layang Pasyak and Petrona Pipay Dolores0

That’s right! Those are some exampe of

the Palawan folksong, Cuyunon version.
Can we sing it together? Sure ma’am.

(teacher plays the music and leads the (everybody sings)


Very nice class! We must be proud to our

very own music.

Now, let us discuss the different

classification of secular music of Luzon,
vocal form.

Let me ask you. In what way did a man

court a lady during our grandmother and
grandfather’s generation? Ma’am, they were courting a lady through
serenading or what we call harana.
That’s right! Harana is one of the secular
music of Luzon, it is a Filipino word for
serenade, is a traditional practice of
courtship in which a young man woos a
maiden through a song. What instrument
usually used? Ma’am a guitar, violin and flute.

Correct! It is accompanied by two or

three instrumentalists who are playing
guitar, violin or flute.

Now you will hear a harana song entitled

“O, Ilaw”. (learners listen and sing a song)

Okay, next secular music of Luzon is Polka.

Do you know polka? Ma’am polka is folk dance, such as Polka sa

Exactly! It is a dance and it is also folk song.

Now I am going to play a song for you to
have an idea about polka. Please listen.
(teacher plays a song) What is the song I
played? Leron-Leron Sinta.

Let sing it together. (everybody sings Leron-Leron Sinta)

What is the measure or time signature of it? Duple time ma’am.

Correct! Polka is a type of dance written in

duple time signature. It is the national dance
of Czech Republic. Aside from Leron leron
sinta, what are other songs with duple time? Magtanim ay di biro.

Yes! Let’s sing it together. (everybody sings Magtanim ay di biro)

Very Nice singing class!

Next, Pandanggo. Do you have an idea

about Pandanggo. Ma’am it is a folk dance. Like Pandanggo sa Ilaw.

Yes. Pandanggo is a courtship dance but it

can also refer to a type of song to entertain
the farmers in the rice field.
Please listen to the song, Pandanggo sa ilaw. (learners listen to the song)

Next is Balitaw. Do you know Balitaw song?

Now I am going to play a song for you to
have an idea about Balitaw. Please listen. (learners listen to the song)

(teacher plays a song) What is the song I

played? Lawiswis Kawayan.

That’s right. What is the song all about? About a man courting a girl.

Correct! Balitaw is a dialogue or courtship

song in triple meter. Mostly in 2 and 3 part
forms an arrange with counter melodies.

Next, we have Kumintang. What do you

know about kumintang? (learners give their idea about kumintang.)

Now I am going to play a song for you to

have an idea about Kumintang. Please listen.

(teacher plays a song) Do you know the song

I played? Ma’am that song is “Mutya ng Pasig”

Yes, who composed that song? Nicanor Abelardo.

That’s right! What is the message of the It is about love, specifically, mourning the loss of
song? loveone.

Yes. It is about love but originally, it is a war

song that became famous for the Batangeño.
Please read. Kumintang is a war song that became famous for
the Batangeño. It is a kundiman that gives
inspiration to the Filipinos who were involved in
continuing fight for freedom.
There are some revolutionaries from Bulacan
who contributed to the secular music of
Luzon. Please Read. Jocelynang Baliwag is known us “Kundiman ng
Himagsikan”, or “Musica de Legitimo Kundiman,
was most popular during Revolution of 1896.

Constancio De Guzman, a music composer, who

set into music Huseng Batute’s patriotic poem
“Bayan Ko”
Okay, do you know the song Bayan Ko? Yes ma’am.

So, let’s sing it together. (everybody sings Bayan Ko)

Very good! What do you feel about the song? Touching ma’am. It really shows love to our

That’s good. Lastly, Kundiman. Do you have

an idea about kundiman? Ma’am it is a song expresses love.

Now I am going to play a kundiman song

for you, the title is “Kundiman ni Rizal.”
Please listen. (learners listen to the song)

What is the message of the song? Love for our motherland.

Correct! Kundiman is not only expression of

love for someone but also, for a parent, child,
spiritual and a motherland. Please read.
Kundiman means, kung hindi man, in English
“though I am not worthy). It expresses the lofty
sentiment of love and even heroism, in a
passionate and melancholic mood. It is often sung
in harana.
Do you Know Francisco Santiago?
is Known as the “Father of Kundiman Art Song”

Yes, and he was also first to use folksong in

the complete classical sonata.

Now I want you to listen to the son

“Pilipinas Kong Mahal”. (learners listen to the song)

Very good! So what can you say about the

song? Very inspiring ma’am.
It really shows love for our country.
That’s good! That’s all about Secular music
of Luzon. Do you have any question? None ma’am.

Can you sing a secular music now? Of course ma’am. We can!

That’s great!

Okay, let’s have an activity. Now, each
group (the same group) will create a short
presentation; at least 1-2 minutes, you are
going to choose a song from the secular
music of Luzon and sing it, accompanied
by improvised instrument available in
surrounding and create appropriate
movements or gestures to accompany the
music selections. Your performance will
be rated as follows:

Criteria for Singing Secular Music

(teacher explains its criteria)

Musicality - 40%
Creativity - 30%
Mastery - 20%
Unity - 10%
Total - 100%
Is it clear class? Yes clear ma’am.
Okay you can start now. You will be
given 15 minutes to practice.

(After 15 minutes practice)

Okay class. Its already time. Are you
ready? Yes we are ma’am.

(After the presentation)

Let’s give a boom panis clap for group 1 Learners do the boom panis clap for group 1

Let’s give a wow galing clap for group 2 Learners do the wow galing clap for group 2

Let’s give a ayos na okay clap for group 3 Learners do the ayos na okay clap for group 3

Let’s give a lodi clap for group 4. Learners do the lodi clap for group 4.

You dit it very well class! Thank you for your



Do you enjoy your activity? Yes of course ma’am.

What can you say about your activity? It is a quite challenging but enjoyable ma’am.

What do you realize in your activity? As we sing the songs, we realized that each song
has a significant social function and purposes.
That’s good!
We also realized that we should love and be proud
to our very own music, the secular music of
I agree. As a Filipino, we must love
Filipino music. That’s great! Okay,
again, what are the secular music of
Luzon? Harana

Very good! Do you have any question

None ma’am
Okay, prepare for a quiz.
Direction: Identify the different secular music of Luzon being defined below. Write only your answer
on ¼ sheet of paper.
1. It is a type of dance written in duple time signature.
2. It is a war song that became famous for the Batangeño.
3. It is a dialogue or courtship song in triple meter.
4. It expresses the lofty sentiment of love and even heroism, in a passionate and melancholic mood.
5. It is a traditional practice of courtship in which a young man woos a maiden through a song.
Matching type
Direction: Identify what classification of Secular Music of Luzon each song that I am going to play.
6. Sitsiritsit
7. O, Ilaw
8. Lawiswis Kawayan
9. Nasaan Ka Irog
10. Mutya ng Pasig
Key to Correction
1. Polka
2. Kumintang
3. Balitaw
4. Kundiman
5. Harana
6. Polka
7. Harana
8. Balitaw
9. Kundiman
10. Kumintang

Direction: Compose at least 3 stanza of song inspired by our love to the culture and traditions of our
society. Write it on a short band paper.

Prepare by:

Leah G. Zozobrado.

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