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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

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Associate Professor


(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
Opp. LIC Training Center, Karakambadi road, Tirupati-517507, A.P
(2015 – 2019)


(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)

Karakambadi road, Tirupati-517507, A.P
2015 – 2019

This is to certify that the seminar report entitled,
”hydrogen train”
Is a bonafide work done by

K.YAMUNA (15BF1A0334)

For the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B.Tech Degree in

Guide Head of the department

M. Gopal Krishna, M.Tech, Prof.M.Chandra Sekhara Reddy,
Assistant Professor, M.Tech, Ph.D,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Head of Department,
SVCE,Tirupathi. Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SVCE, Tirupathi.

Submitted for seminar held on___________________


We are thankful to our guide Mr. M. Gopal Krishna for his valuable guidance and
encouragement. His helping attitude and suggestions have helped to successful completion of
seminar report.

We would like to express our gratefulness and sincere thanks to Prof. M. Chandra Sekhar
Reddy, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, for his kind help and
encouragement during the course of my study and in the successful completion of the seminar

We have great pleasure in expressing our hearty thanks to our beloved principal

Dr. N.Sudhakar Reddy, Ph.D for his support in completing this seminar report.Successful
completion of any seminar report cannot be done without proper support and encouragement.
We sincerely thanks to Management for providing all the necessary facilities during the
Course of study.

I hereby declare that the Seminar report entitled “HYDROGEN TRAIN” submitted to
the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College Of
Engineering, Tirupathi in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Technology.

o This Seminar report is the result of our own effort and it has not been submitted
to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree or diploma other than
specified above

K.YAMUNA (15BF1A0334)

Germany now has a hydrogen fuel cell-powered train, which is a world’s first. The trains

are officially called as Coradia lint. This is the first time in the world that commercial

trains being powered by hydrogen-based cells have gone into use for passengers.

The idea with these hydrogen based trains is to move away from diesel based systems,

which cause more pollution emissions. The trains are low-noise, zero-emission and can

reach speeds of up to 140 km per hour, according to the company.

These will replace the current diesel fleet on the train line and help reduce emissions.

These trains can run for about 600 miles (1,000km) on a single tank of hydrogen,

similar to the range of diesel trains. The world’s first hydrogen-powered train, signaling

the start of a push to challenge the might of polluting diesel trains with costlier but more

eco-friendly technology .
1.1 What is hydrogen train? 1
1.2 How hydrogen is used as a fuel 1
1.3 fuel cell technology 2
1.4 Advantages of a fuel cell 3
2.1. Introduction 4
2.2. Hydrogen train importance 6

3.1. Objectives 7
3.2. Methodology 8

4.1. Fuel cell 8
4.2. Ion – Lithium battery 9
4.3. Hydrogen tank 9
4.4. Traction motor 10
4.5. Auxiliary convertor 11
4.6. Traction convertor 11





1.1. Hydrogen train 1
1.3. Fuel cell

2.1 Introduction of hydrogen train 4

3.2 Methodology 8
4.1 fuel cell 8
4.2 ion-lithium battery 8
4.3 Hydrogen tank 9
4.4 traction motor 9
4.5 auxiliary convertor 10
4.6 traction convertor 11
5.1 construction 12
6.1 working 13

9.1 diesel train vs hydrogen train 17

1.1 What is a hydrogen train ?

Hydrogen train is a zero-emission rail system where trains on tracks are

powered using hydrogen as the primary source of energy for propulsion. Since
this propulsion energy is entirely electric, no combustion occurs and no carbon
emissions are produced. has rolled out the world’s first hydrogen-powered
train, signaling the start of a push to challenge the might of polluting diesel
trains with costlier but more eco-friendly technology.
Hydrogen trains are equipped with fuel cells that produce electricity
through a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. The Coradia lint trains can run
for about 600 miles (1,000km) on a single tank of hydrogen, similar to the
range of diesel trains.
It plans to deliver another 14 of the zero-emissions trains to Lower
Saxony state by 2021, while o ther German states have also expressed an


1.2 How hydrogen used as a fuel :

Hydrogen fuel is a zero-emission fuel when burned with oxygen. It
can be used in electrochemical cells or internal combustion engines to power
vehicles or electric devices. It has begun to be used in commercial fuel cell
vehicles such as passenger cars, and has been used in fuel cell buses for many
years. It is also used as a fuel for the propulsion of spacecraft. Since hydrogen
gas is so light, it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure
form, H2.[1] In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H2)
reacts with oxygen (O2) to form water(H2O) and releases energy.
2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g) + energy
In atmospheric air instead of pure oxygen, as is usually the case, hydrogen
combustion may yield small amounts of nitrogen oxides, along with the water
The energy released enables hydrogen to act as a fuel.
1.3 . Fuel cell technology :

Fuel cells generate electricity by an electrochemical reaction in which oxygen

and a hydrogen-rich fuel combine to form water, the fuel is not combusted, the
energy instead being released electro catalytically. A fuel cell is a device that
converts chemical potential energy (energy stored in molecular bonds) into
electrical energy. A PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) cell uses hydrogen gas
(H2) and oxygen gas (O2) as fuel. The products of the reaction in the cell are
water, electricity, and heat. The anode, the negative post of the fuel cell,
it conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that

Cathode: O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → 2H2O

Anode: 2H2 → 4H+ + 4e–
Overall: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
be used in a electrical circuit. It has channels etched into it that disperse the
hydrogen gas equally over the surface of the catalyst.

The cathode, the positive post of the fuel cell, has channels etched into it that
distribute the oxygen to the surface of the catalyst. It also conducts the electrons
back from the external circuit to the catalyst, where they can recombine with the
hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water. Pressurized hydrogen gas (H2)
entering the fuel cell on the anode side. This gas is forced through the catalyst by
the pressure. When an H2 molecule comes in contact with the platinum on the
catalyst, it splits into two H+ ions and two electrons (e-). The electrons are
conducted through the anode, where they make their way through the external
circuit (doing useful work such as turning a motor) and return to the cathode
side of the fuel cell .

on the cathode side of the fuel cell, oxygen gas (O2) is being
forced through the catalyst, where it forms two oxygen atoms. Each of these
atoms has a strong negative charge. This negative charge attracts the two H+
ions through the membrane, where they combine with an oxygen atom and two
of the electrons from the external circuit to form a water molecule (H2O).

All these reaction occurs in a so called cell stack.

1.4. Advantages of fuel cells :

 By converting chemical potential energy directly into electrical energy,

fuel cells avoid the “thermal bottleneck” (a consequence of the 2nd law of
thermodynamics) and are thus inherently more efficient than combustion
engines, which must first convert chemical potential energy into heat, and
then mechanical work.
 Direct emissions from a fuel cell vehicle are just water and a little heat.
This is a huge improvement over the internal combustion engine’s litany
of greenhouse gases.
 Fuel cells have no moving parts. They are thus much more reliable than
traditional engines.
 Hydrogen can be produced in an environmentally friendly manner, while
oil extraction and refining is very damaging.

2.1 . Introduction
Alstom is making progress on its Coradia iLint train, the world’s
first hydrogen-powered passenger train, expected to launch in Germany this
year. The train, which emits no carbon and is capable of operating in near-
silence, could be set to revolutionize the future of rolling stock while improving
air quality. Hydrogen is a common and easy to find element, being
that water has two molecules of hydrogen for every oxygen molecule
present.[9] Hydrogen can be separated from water via several means, including
steam reforming (normally involving the use of fossil fuels) and electrolysis
(which requires large amounts of electricity). Once isolated, hydrogen can serve
as a form of fuel.It has been proposed that hydrogen for fuelling hydrail vehicles
can be produced in individual maintenance depots, requiring only a steady
supply of electricity and water; it can then be pumped into pressurised tanks
upon the vehicle.
On September 16, Alstom, a French multinational company operating
worldwide in rail transport markets, launched the world's first hydrogen fuel
cell-powered train to enter passenger service.
2.2 why is hydrogen train important ?
Regional trains connect passengers between and through rural,
suburban, and urban areas. They are an important cog in an environmentally
and socially sustainable public transportation system, connecting commuters to
long-distance trains, local commuter trains, or other forms of public
transportation. However, regional trains are often powered by diesel engines ,
This distance greatly increases the costs of electrifying rails. Without
onboard electricity generation, battery-powered trains are unable to provide
the necessary range to connect cities and towns across the distances regional
trains cover. Hybrid diesel-electric trains have been developed, but these only
reduce the dependency on diesel rather than eliminate it.
Jo Johnson, the UK’s Transport Minister, identified hydrogen
powered trains as a ‘prize’ to realize an affordable and cleaner alternative to

Minister Johnson and others in the transportation industry recognize that fuel
cells and hydrogen energy provide a solution with the performance of a diesel-
powered train, sans any emissions that are harmful to humans, the climate, or
the environment. Each hydrogen powered class 321 train will have a range of
1000km as well as a maximum speed of 140km/h. Coradia iLint can travel at
speeds up to 87 miles per hour.

3.1 . Objectives:
By 2020 fuel cell and hydrogen technologies as one of the pillars of future
European energy and transport systems, making a valued contribution to the
transformation to a low carbon economy by 2050.
The following are objectives, to
 reduce the production cost of fuel cell systems to be used in transport
applications, while increasing their lifetime to levels competitive with
conventional technologies,
 increase the electrical efficiency and the durability of the different fuel cells
used for power production, while reducing costs, to levels competitive with
conventional technologies,
 increase the energy efficiency of production of hydrogen mainly from
water electrolysis and renewable sources while reducing operating and
capital costs, so that the combined system of the hydrogen production and
the conversion using the fuel cell system is competitive with the
alternatives available in the marketplace;
 demonstrate on a large scale the feasibility of using hydrogen to support
integration of renewable energy sources into the energy systems, including
through its use as a competitive energy storage medium for electricity
produced from renewable energy sources;

3.2 Methodology

Hydrogen train has very easy equipment induced in its body and where it has a
hydrogen tank where hydrogen is compressed at 200bar using cylinder .

4.1. Fuel cell:
A fuel cell is a device that generates electricity by a chemical reaction.
Every fuel cell has two electrodes called, respectively, the anode and cathode.
The reactions that produce electricity take place at the electrodes.
4.2 lithium – ion battery:

A lithium-ion battery or Li-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery

in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode
during discharge and back when charging.

4.3. Hydrogen tank:

Here hydrogen fuel is compressed which is taken from the batteries
and then about 99kg of hydrogen at 350bar is compressed .

4.4. Traction motor:

It drives wheels for acceleration and braking, traction motor is a type
of electric motor also used for rotation of torque in vehicles.
4.5. Auxiliary convertor:

Main objective for providing the auxiliary converter inside the locomotive is to
provide supply to various auxiliaries for satisfactory operation of propulsion
equipment i.e. Blower Motors, Oil pump motor, Battery Charging etc..

4.6. Traction convertor:

A traction substation, traction current converter plant or traction
power substation (TPSS) is an electrical substation that converts electric
power from the form provided by the electrical power industry for public
utility service to an appropriate voltage, current type and frequency to supply
railways, trams (streetcars) or trolleybuses with traction current.


5.1. Construction of hydrogen train:

As we already know the components and it is simple in construction and

has high unique features .Hydrogen trains have already replaced more
polluting diesel engines on a line in Germany, and some train companies think
the vehicles could be running in Britain as early as 2022. one potential
alternative is to generate electricity on board the train. One way to do this is to
use fuel cells that combine hydrogen gas with oxygen from the air to produce
electricity and water.
Hydrogen can carry more energy than the same weight of
batteries, meaning fuel cell systems could be lighter. They also take less time to
refuel than batteries take to recharge and don’t have the same high
environmental costs from manufacturing.


6.1. Working of hydrogen train:

Hydrogen trains are equipped with fuel cells that produce electricity through a
combination of hydrogen and oxygen, a process that leaves steam and water as
the only emissions. Excess energy is stored in ion lithium batteries on board the
train. The Coradia iLint trains can run for around 1,000 kilometers on a single
tank of hydrogen, similar to the range of diesel trains. When the hydrogen and
oxygen combine with each other by the process of electrolysis, it exchanges the
protons and electrons which in return produces electricity .we already know
that fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy, these energy will
be stored in the ion-lithium battery by using auxiliary convertor for the
conversion of process I charging the battery and traction motor is used for
driving of wheels by converting rotational torque using traction convertor.
There is a hydrogen tank for filling of hydrogen gas into the cylinder and is
compressed to the fuel cell. This is the simple working of the hydrogen train . by
using the auxiliary convertors the battery is recharged and again the train is
ready for the travelling. so, when the electrolysis is done it produces some
chemical reactions in order to produce the electricity to the batteries where it is
dc current .


7.1 Applications:

Hydrail can enable fully electric rail service more quickly and at
lower cost than the traditional, infrastructure-intensive approach. This means a
portion of the funds that would otherwise be dedicated to building overhead
electrification infrastructure can instead be invested to improve and further
expand public transit and commuter rail services. In turn, this contributes to a
cleaner, more effective transportation system in urban regions.

Running a Hydrail system is very similar to running conventional

diesel-powered trains. In both cases, locomotives are refueled on a regular
schedule, and railway corridors are maintained in a similar manner. However,
with Hydrail, switchyards and maintenance areas would be much cleaner since
no oily diesel emissions would accumulate on tracks and on the surrounding
lands. The noise and pollutants emitted from large diesel combustion engines in
locomotives would also be absent.

8.1. Advantages:
Hydrogen train has many advantages compares to other locomotives
like diesel trains and electric trains

 Hydrogen, much like our current vehicles based on fossil fuels have its
biggest advantage i.e. its accessibility. We can store Hydrogen in
tanks for use just like petroleum. Compare it with electric vehicles
where you have to have a dedicated infrastructure to carry electric
supply which is very costly to install and maintain. Thus, a hydrogen
based railway system is cheaper to operate.
 The current push for electric vehicles is mainly due to its perceived
nature of being environment friendly as it does not have any kind of
emission. In case of Hydrogen based vehicles the only emission is
Water which is a non-pollutant. The perception of electric vehicles
being environment friendly falls flat when the source of electricity is
from fuels like Coal. Moreover, the batteries of these vehicles are
major environmental hazard when its life is over. Thus, Hydrogen
based vehicle is more environment friendly. Granted that in case of
trains if the power source is non polluting like Nuclear, Solar or Wind
then it is at the same pedestal as Hydrogen based trains.
 Efficiency has been a major problem with any kind of combustion
based power source. Maximum theoretical efficiency held by any IC
engine is approx. 58% which is very less when compared with fuel cell
based engines which stands at 83%.
 Fuel cell does not have any kind of moving parts and thus there will
be very minimal vibrations from it.

8.2. Disadvantages:

Now, coming to disadvantage part of Hydrogen based vehicles.

1. Hydrogen is a very combustible gas, hence it is required that the

storage systems need to be reinforced properly to take care of any
accidental damage to it. In case such a damage is received then it is
very likely that everything would end up in a fireball. Thankfully,
Hydrogen is very light, hence it does not face the same issue as is faced
by Butane (LPG) as it immediately goes up in atmosphere when
2. Currently the production of Hydrogen is done through a process called
Steam Reforming which uses Natural Gas as a fuel. Natural Gas being
a fossil fuel generates the same dilemma as in the case of coal based
power plants i.e. the production process is not clean.
3. Although Water is a non-pollutant but it is a greenhouse gas and thus
widespread use of Hydrogen based fuel cells can cause changes in local
climate as the increase in Humidity will cause a change in the Water
4. Fuel cell in its current state cannot output enough power to support
high torque applications like carrying freight. Although it will surely
progress enough in future to be used in freight operations.

9.1. Diesel train vs Hydrogen train:

As we can see from the above figure hydrogen trains are more eco-
friendly and emits zero emissions compared to diesel trains

Grid-power electrolysis, called Power-to-Gas, can use this generating capacity

to produce valuable, zero-carbon hydrogen fuel that can be stored for later use.
This allows more value to be created from existing green power and
transmission assets, benefitting electricity consumers throughout the province
while decarbonizing a major part of Ontario’s commuter rail system.

Power-to-Gas systems help make more productive use of low-emission sources

of power, by:

 allowing the energy produced to be stored and used in other valuable

ways, like powering trains.
 Easing cost pressures on electricity systems.

Hydrogen trains are the part of the future and are environmental
friendly locomotives which produces zero emissions and it is cost expensive but
not so expensive to travel .it is the part but they are not the existence in universe
all along the life and they are not everything in the world that changes again and
again with the technologies growing daily.

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