Science - Go Green LP

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Student: Lexie Schuman School: Park Elementary School

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Gloria Earl Co-op Teacher: Ms. Susie Klee
Teaching Date: n/a Grade Level: 5th

As humans continue living on Earth, there is a greater development of waste. In this lesson, students will begin identifying
the problems of pollution and the ways in which we can start solving these issues. Students will create a poster that states
their action plan to remedy the issue of water, land, noise and air pollution.

• Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Students will develop a greater understanding of the consequences of human actions regarding pollution
and create a plan to find a solution.
B. Objective: In groups, students will create a poster to present solutions to remedy the consequences of pollution
in our water, soil, noise and air.
C. Standards:
a. IAS: 5.ESS.3 Investigate ways individual communities within the United States protect the Earth’s
resources and environment.
b. SEPS.3 Researching and investigating problems in order to find solutions
• Management Plan
• Materials:
- Student Chromebooks
- EPIC! Articles
- Posters (large sticky notes)
- Writing supplies (markers, colored pencils, etc.)
- Bowl with water
- Sponge
- Small amounts of dish soap, syrup, dirt, red and green food coloring, salt, soil, brown sugar, and paper

• Time: 45-50 minutes

• Space: Classroom
- Students will work in groups at desks and/or small group tables.
- Students will rotate around the perimeter of the room to look at posters during the closure activity.

• Behavior
- Students will be expected to follow the rules and procedures of Park Elementary, specifically Ms. Klee’s
classroom. In addition, DoJo points or Eagle bucks will be employed for behavior.
- Students should fulfill their role in the group assignment by working together efficiently and quietly. This
is evident through respectful listening, good time management, and appropriate discussion.
• Technology
- Student Chromebooks for EPIC! articles
• Grouping (based on Ms. Klee’s groups)
1. Group A - Tripp, Braxton, Breanna, Zach
2. Group B - Jessie, Corbin, Luke, Heaven
3. Group C - Chloe, Eli, Brooklyn, Karson
4. Group D - Chevelle, Will, Cailee, Alex, Savannah
1. Group A - Brock, Brooklyn, Kaitley, Kyle
2. Group B - Mason, Broenn, Lilly, Liz, Brayson
3. Group C - Alexis, Jacob, Blayd, Ava, Lila
4. Group D - Cayleigh, Maya, Leo, Eli
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

1. Group A - Osie, Lindaly, Braden, Kalee

2. Group B - JeSavorh, Kiera, Peyton, Savannah
3. Group C - Patricia, Brynn, Eleazin, Sophia
4. Group D - Rosin, Emma, Laila, Skyler, Ava

• Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—

• The following chart is based on Ms. Klee’s adaptions following students’ personality traits, ESL, 504’s or IEP’s.
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
- Students BB, WE, and CW will - Student BH will need content - Students LA (English as a Second
need content read aloud to them read aloud by a classmate or a Language) and DE will need content
by classmate or a teacher/aid. teacher/aid. read aloud to them by classmate or
- Students BB and CW will have - Students JS and BT will need a teacher/aid.
modified lessons (drawing rather redirection and reminders to stay - Student De will have modified
than writing). on task during assignment and lessons (drawing rather than
- Students KS, AS, and EW may instructions. writing).
need redirection and reminders to - Student SH will be pulled at 2-2:15
stay on task during assignment and 2:30-3 for a break/independent
and instructions. work with an adult.
- Students AS and CW will be -Student LH will be allowed breaks
allowed breaks to provide a time to provide a time for student to
for students to refocus. refocus.
-Student RW will need redirection
and reminders to stay on task during
assignment and instructions.

• Early Finishers
- For groups who finish early, they will be asked to research more information regarding their
topic. For example, encourage students to look up current solutions our community is utilizing or
areas of the world where their pollution topic is the worst.
• Reteaching
- Reteaching in whole group will occur through the process of “Give me Five’s.” In this way, I obtain
the students’ attention and revisit a topic of confusion or elaborate on a part of the lesson quickly
before students return to working in their groups.
- Reteaching in a small group will occur based on the individual groups’ needs. The needs will be
determined based on the check for understandings and questions students ask throughout the


• Anticipatory Set (5 min)
• “Class, I have a bowl of water and a sponge. Each group has a liquid, such as dish soap or object. As I call up the
groups to pour their objects into the bowl, take note of what happens to the sponge with each group.” Begin
calling up groups to deposit their objects into the bowl.
• “What did you notice as more things were added to the water? What happened to the sponge?” Allow for 3-5
students to answer.

• Purpose: Today we are going to use EPIC! to research facts regarding pollution and use this information to create a
poster with an action plan to start clearing pollution from our community.

• Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) (30 min)

• “As you noticed with the water and the sponge, the more things we added to the water the more the sponge
soaked the contents up and began to sink. This is a similar issue fish face regarding water pollution.”
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

• “How many of you have driven past a factory and noticed smoke billowing out of their buildings?” Allow time for
students to raise their hand. “This is an example of air pollution.”
• “Raise your hand if you have driven along the side of the road and noticed litter? Or driven past our county
dump? This is an example of land/soil pollution. Has anyone ever heard of noise pollution?”
• “Look at those in your group, together, you will create a poster highlighting the definition of the pollution you
are assigned as well as an action plan, or steps, to help fix this pollution.”
• “I will come around the room with your groups’ poster. I also have a card with the topic written on them. One
person of your group will randomly choose a card. After you have your card, open EPIC! and read the
coordinating article to help guide your research.” Pass out posters and have groups chose their topic.
• “The goal of your poster is to inform and persuade your audience to follow your action steps.”
• Allow time for students to read articles and continue with the follow: “Since many groups have finished reading
their articles, I have created a checklist to help guide your poster creation. Following these guidelines are
recommended and will help your group focus on sharing tasks.” Pass out checklist. “What questions are there?”
• While students begin working on their poster and/or finishing their article, walk to each group and ask, “What was
one fact that stood out to you while reading your article?” (CFU)
• Allow students 20-25 minutes to create their poster. At 20 minutes, ask the following: “If you need more time say
need it.” Gauge students’ reaction adjust time accordingly.

• Check for understanding. (CFU)

• While students are working, walk around the room asking groups questions, clarifying expectations, and
encouraging collaboration. This is a time to check if students are following the guidelines of the checklist and the
verbal instructions for completion.
• When students begin adding information to the poster, inquire about their thought process and goal behind
choosing their facts or steps in their action plan.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure – (7-10 min)

• When all groups have completed their posters, hang them throughout the room.
• “At this point, each group will visit your peers’ posters. While we rotate, look at the information and action plan
they provided. Think about which poster was the most persuasive to you as the audience. Your group will have
one minute at each poster before we rotate.” Begin rotations and continue until each group has looked at them all.
• “In your group, discuss which poster was the most persuasive and list the characteristics and reasons why you
thought that. (CFU)” Allow 4-5 minutes for discussion.


• Formative Assessment
o Students’ assessment will be given through the finished poster project. This poster will identify facts
regarding their assigned pollution issue and the action plan they developed to remedy the issue in
nearby areas. The poster will be assessed on group collaboration and inclusion of all requirements.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were groups able to collaborate to accomplish the checklist?
8. How did students respond to the gallery walk?
9. What common themes occurred when listening to students’ conversations?

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