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IoT: Internet Of Things

Connectivity is the key to intelligence.

IoT and World
IoT vs IIoT
Most Valuable Resource
Everyone Wants

The amount of data we produce every day is truly mind-

boggling. There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created
each day at our current pace, but that pace is only
accelerating with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the
world was generated.
“Is Data Everything ?”

-The Veins and nerves of the connected world

In addition to the range of IoT use cases, there are literally
hundreds of different types of IoT devices and sensors.
Each has its unique requirements including the number of
connections, the cost per connection, power availability and
the amount of data transfer required, both upstream and

Depending on application, networks of IoT devices will

require scalable, reliable, secure connectivity for remote
devices and sensors. Perhaps the biggest challenge is
providing low-cost connections to remote devices – some of
which will  use batteries and have no AC power supply.

Networking Requirements
• The ability to connect large numbers of heterogeneous IoT elements

• High reliability

• Real-time awareness with low latency

• The ability to secure all traffic flows

• Programmability for application customization

• Traffic monitoring and management at the device level

• Low cost connectivity for large number of devices/sensors

Design Considerations
• Is the device/sensor fixed or mobile?

• What is the level of security required at the device


• Does the IoT data need to be analyzed in real time?

• Do the network and IT system need to control activity

at the device or is it mainly passive?

• Does the device or sensor have access to AC power?

IoT Architecture
Software Developer’s
Best Friend : API
A micro-services architecture consists of a collection of
small, autonomous services. Each service is self-contained
and should implement a single business capability.

Consider this architecture style for:

• Large applications that require a high release velocity.

• Complex applications that need to be highly scalable.

• Applications with rich domains or many subdomains.

• An organization that consists of small development teams.

Microservices Architecture
Prototyping 101
1. Problem Statement.

2. Feasibility Study.

3. Have a logical sketch of the whole system as a whole.

4. Now fit the HW and SW components to this logical design

5. Depending on the Project’s requirement order the build process ,

test every individual component.

6. Validate the design for consistency at each step in the build


7. Integrate all components and check the connectivity.

8. Make a list of all inputs and their outputs and simulate each and
every case.
Demo: Simple WiFi Communication
Between ESP-8266 and a ExpressJS

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