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Name: Muhammad Waseem

Reg. No. NDU-S19-2007

Assignment No. 3
(Dated: 20 Mar 2019)

Case Study

An Exploration in Leadership

Question No. 1. How is this an example of transformational leadership?

Answer. The overall commitment level and attitude of students has changed
radically over the period, apropos to the involvement and treatment of Dr. Cook;
therefore, it is an example of transformational leadership. It was followed by less
sicknesses, more input and involvement from the students. He transformed the team
from its initial form (which was disjoint, unmotivated and exhausted) to a team that
was more involved and mutually supportive of each other.

Question No. 2. Where are Dr. Cook’s strengths on a Full Range of Leadership
Answer. In my opinion, Dr. Cook has utilized the 4 I’s so as to put him within the
top right corner of the graph (which is Effective and Active). He had influence on
students, he inspired motivation, he provided intellectual stimulation, and he
provided individualized consideration to each student.

Question No. 3. What is the vision Dr. Cook has for the archaeology excavations?
Answer. In my opinion, Dr. Cook intends to advance the scholarly work in
archaeology based on the outcomes of the expeditions. He likes to teach and inspire.
His vision for his excavations is to provide growing and learning prospects. He wants
his students to work as a team. He was able to successfully transform a team to a
completely different one after two weeks.

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