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Our point of take off is that the learning is a process, and as such it definitely has to be a true labor

of love for it to yield any tangible results, it is basically a grandiose purpose and that's not a
stretch, my guess is that anybody agrees thoroughly with me on this.

It‘s an emotional endeavor, emotion in this respect is a factor that directly feed into your
achievement, setting the tone for the rest of it (process), you need to put your heart and soul into
it, to blast through the obstacles you encounter that get in the way of your success, I hope that no
bad luck comes your way but let me say this upfront, it can be just as peculiar a task but you can
rest easy, you should rather be comforted by the knowledge that it is worth it all, take this fact into
account; have a think about it? Take some reflective time, if need be allow this concept take hold
in your imagination.

My prime duty is to insure you maintain-along the way -proper structure, taking information in the
correct sequence, at the correct stage, and in the proper manner, and more specifically to dispense
advice and provide actionable information that might carry a particular significance for you, or
come in handy,

I don't want and even if I did can’t press you against your will, so I leave the ball in your court, you
can stack the odds in your favor by taking matters into your own hands in the first place being
willing to consistently and incrementally implement small changes, the outcome of your journey is
the sum of its steps,

With a bit of patience and a whole lot of practice, and a strategic focus we will be able to beef up
our knowledge and refine our sketchy understanding of the issue under discussion or any other

If you set the time allowing it to happen, progress is the inevitable result.

You will significantly improve to the point where speech comes naturally to you, with each passing
day you’ll see progress on the basis of your own individual efforts,

Let’s briefly touch on this point, and expand on it later, if you're a beginner, or even if you're
brushing up on languages you learnt at school, you will know that what I have to say about
that barely scratches the surface of all that has been learned over the years, my interest in
this matter is confined to cover just a few basics in order to build on these basics a bit
further, every session we will go into some detail, enabling us to develop a context for
understanding and to transition us to our second point.

To start off with, let’s establish a simple framework to help you understand,

Placed into an analytical framework, language is the sum of its parts; these parts can supply
us with broad guidelines, that will point the way to follow in the time to come,

For the sake of simplicity let us leave it there, it is beyond our discussion

Suffice it to say that, in subsequent classes we examine the details underlying

Keep this book -it- to hand for when you need it

I can only imagine how happy you must be at the prospect of

become more and more excited over the prospect of

I made a point of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for the sheer sake of,,,,,,,

Point taken

on close inspection

Just about everyone knows that his specialty varies immensely from the recurring theme that we
encounter every so often in life, to drive this point home we first have to provide an accurate
account of all what the matter entails..Going into greater detail if need be but taking it in stages.....I
gather ....since we are strapped for time and working to a tight deadline

it is best to...begin right away.

finish up.....

Pick up a handy nifty tip

I can see your question coming; we’ll get back to that in a moment just bear
with me for a sec.” I’ll discuss that in just a bit

follow-up testing to keep close tabs on your development and to help you understand and
shortcomings should they happen

Just a couple more things and then we leave

Just so you know

The conceptual muddle has befuddled us

Let’s jump straight to…..

this question is beyond the scope of this book but you can inquire into it

Insofar as anything meaningful can be said about

think long and hard about

For a start, my advice is reliable as a rule of thumb,

it is highly recommended to read alot on an equal footing with listening.

make use of what might be of help

dont rely solely on novels but try books of various kinds To achieve control over what might be tricky
for you.

provide sufficient practice

maximize the exposure to the accurate linguistic patterns without major effort.

but truth to tell

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