Group Imovies Rubric

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Multimedia Project : Group iMovies

Teacher Name: Simone Hall

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Presentation Well-rehearsed Rehearsed with Delivery not Delivery not
with smooth fairly smooth smooth, but able smooth and
delivery that delivery that to maintain audience
holds audience holds audience interest of the attention often
attention. attention most of audience most of lost.
the time. the time.

Workload The workload is The workload is The workload The workload

divided and divided and was divided, but was not divided
shared equally by shared fairly by one person in the OR several
all team all team group is viewed people in the
members. members, though as not doing group are
workloads may his/her fair share viewed as not
vary from person of the work. doing their fair
to person. share of the
Content Covers topic in- Includes Includes Content is
depth with essential essential minimal OR
details and knowledge about information there are several
examples. the topic. Subject about the topic factual errors.
Subject knowledge but there are 1-2
knowledge is appears to be factual errors.
excellent. good.
Mechanics No misspellings Three or fewer Four More than 4
or grammatical misspellings misspellings errors in spelling
errors. and/or and/or or grammar.
mechanical grammatical
errors. errors.

Date Created: Apr 07, 2019 08:42 am (CDT)

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