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 Based on the interview with the President,  Application of membership must first be
there was an instance wherein a lecturer approved and reviewed by the executive body before
of MSU-IIT was registered as a member the qualified applicant pays to the treasurer a
and was deducted from the payroll when membership fee of one hundred pesos (Php 100.00)
in fact he should not have been deducted together with the membership form. Upon approval by
because he cannot qualify as a member. the body and payment made by the applicant, the
The membership must have been treasurer will then prepare and update the list of
overlooked due to the simultaneous members of the union to be given to the accounting
payment of membership fee and office for the processing of salary deductions of the
submission of application. monthly dues of the new members of the union.

 The collections are put together in a

single/common fund without monitoring  The union must maintain different
how much of the balance is actually logbooks/records of each breakdown of the
appropriated for each breakdown. This membership fee to trace its appropriate balances. The
could result to a problem of having not treasurer must account for the beginning balance,
enough funds for such program supported related transactions, additional contributions for the
by the breakdown. the month, the corresponding expenses and the ending
balance during the period. The sum of the ending
 There are not enough reconciling records. balances of each particular should be the sum of the
As per the interview with the treasurer, it Faculty Union’s account balances.
was found out that due to difficulty of
reconciling the items from the previous  Officers holding the position of the treasurer and
treasurer’s transactions, she was forced to the auditor should preferably be both from the College
just refer to the passbook for the of Business Administration and Accountancy to help
disbursements in order to balance and them in managing the faculty union’s finances properly.
start new reports for her term. The ways In case no one from the suggested college will take the
of how the past officer handled the positions, it should be required that at least the
transactions are different from the new succeeding officer has basic financial knowledge.
one because there is no guideline of how
to do so.  Guidelines on how the finances of the union
should be handled as well as an established format of
 Problems arise most especially when the the financial reports and internal documents would be
collecting and recording officers do not helpful for the efficiency of recording and reporting of
have basic knowledge of how to handle the next treasurer.
the financials.
 A format or manual will be helpful in preparation
for the succeeding officers and to serve as guidelines in
handling transactions and generating statements.

 The system used to record transactions will be

more effective if the union will follow good record
keeping practices. They must maintain a
cash/checkbook to monitor all its cash receipts,
payments, including the union’s bank deposits and
withdrawals. The union must indicate the source of
deposits and the type of expense in the
cash/checkbook. Per interview, the treasurer does not
have basis as to the bank charges that was deducted by
the bank. The union should ask for Statement of
Account from PNB since the treasurer needs to
properly account for the bank charges. The union
should reconcile the checking account each month.
 For retirees, regardless of how long they have ● Retirement criteria should be established and
been members of the union, when they retire their benefits should be based on that criteria
they receive the same amount of benefit. This (e.g bracket of years stay). Loan applications
could create a problem when the funding for should be amply supported with documents to
that particular becomes insufficient because ascertain whether or not the applicant is
the appropriate amount from the eligible for the loan and that the loan will be
membership fees of the retirees is the same used for the benefit of the faculty’s fulfilment
as for those who will resign. of responsibilities and not for irresponsible
personal expenses.
 There is a common fund for everything not no
records of the balances for each breakdown. ● Disbursements must be properly recorded on
The problem is the lack of monitoring for each the basis of their respective funds to properly
breakdown and the disbursements related to account for the balance of each breakdown of
it cannot be checked whether there is still a the monthly dues of the members.
balance to cover for it. Additionally, there is
also no proper monitoring of what portion is ● During the Budget Presentation, a canvass from
being invested on a time deposit. at least three (3) suppliers should be presented
for the formulation of their Budget Proposal.
 Based on the interview, when officers exceed The three suppliers should provide a Summary
their budget and paid more than their Cash of Price Quotation as a basis for their
Advances, they are reimbursed as long as they estimates. This will help them in tracing costs in
can provide supporting documents. The cases where the actual expense for a certain
problem is that an officer could irresponsibly activity exceeds its allocated budget.
purchase items out of the budget knowing
they will be reimbursed anyway. ● The deadline set for the submission of
liquidation reports should be strictly
 There is no strict deadline for the liquidation implemented by the treasurer. There should be
reports to be passed resulting to a problem appropriate sanctions on those who do not
on the part of the treasurer to generate follow. This is to avoid instances where the
accurate records. According to the interview, officer in charge holds the union’s money for
there is a deadline of 1-2 weeks after the cash too long in case there is an excess and also to
advance, depending on what transaction. help the treasurer generate reports.
However, this is not strictly followed because
of how busy the officers are also with their ● A Reimbursement Expense Receipt (RER)
job. should be used instead of the Cash Advance
Form when filling up for a reimbursement to
 The reimbursement process is treated as if it properly classify the transactions and to avoid
was a cash advance, only done in reverse (e.i confusions between the two when auditing
purchase first then fill up CA forms). such.

 The return of excess of cash advances is ● Excess of Cash Advances must not be used as
sometimes paid for miscellaneous expense or payment for reimbursement. The aggregate
as reimbursement of other officers. This balance on the liquidation forms in a day must
would create a difficulty of tracing the be reflected on the deposit slip to coop. This is
amounts later on for audit trail. to provide better trail of transactions when
 Officers are allowed to purchase and back it
up with an acknowledgement receipts in case ● Threshold should be set up for the amount of
the provider do not have an official receipt. acknowledgement receipts acceptable by the
However, there is not established threshold treasurer in cases where the member cannot
as to how ‘small’ this transaction should be to provide an official receipt. This is to avoid
be acceptable. irresponsible purchases and possible fraud.

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