Answers of Baroda Gyani Weekly Quiz On Audit & Inspection

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Question Text * Option1 * Option2 * Option3 Option4
To generate
Which of following does not come under the perview of Zero Genaration of CIBIL Chage Creation Display of Bank's
1 Intersol/offsol
Tolerance Area Report under Cersai Core Values
Risk Based Internal Risk Based Revised Bank's Review of Business
2 RBIA stands for
Audit Inspection Audit Inspection Audit Impact and Audit
Periodicity of RBIA for Low Risk Branches covered Under
3 9 to 12 months 12-15 Months 15-18 Months 18-24 Months
Concurrent Audit is
Frequency of Internal Audit(RBIA) of regional/Zonal/Corporate
4 Once in 06 Months Once in 12 Months Once in 18 Months As per Requirement
& Head office is-
Total business Credit exposure
As per the latest guidelines the branches to be categorized
5 Credit Exposure Total Business excluding bulk excluding Non fund
based on their ________ for the purpose of internal Audit.
deposit credit exposure
As per the revised Risk Matrix, the maximum marks (Total)for
6 1000 1050 1500 1550
the Risk Assesment are
Which of the following Risk does not come under Business Business & Strategy
7 Earning Risk Liquidity Risk IT Risk
Risk Parameter Risk
Business & Strategy
8 Which of the following Risk comes under Control Risk Earning Risk Liquidity Risk IT Risk
Does achievement of quarterly business Target contribute to
9 Yes No Some times None of the above
Risk control Matrix
10 The Revised RBIA Policy (Domestic) is effective from 01-05-18 01-06-18 01-07-18 01-04-18
As per latest guidelines only __________ of total TL/DL
11 Accounts having O/s balance & CC/OD Accounts sanctioned 10% 20% 35% 50%
limit up to 1 lac to be taken as sample size for RBIA purpose.
KYC status in newly Display of BCSBI Effective Use of Ultra
Which of the following parameter comes under Zero Tolerance
12 opened Accounts Codes in the Branch Violet Ray Machine All the above
only Premises only only
Which type of risk contributes the most under control Risk for Operational Control
13 Credit Control Risk Compliance Risk None of the above
the branches having credit exposure up to 50.00 Crores Risk
Close Monitoring &
14 High Risk rated branches can be controled through Root cause Analysis Motivation All the above
compliance culture
As per revised RBIA(Domestic) policy, scores are given based
15 on the deviation percentage out of the ________ tested by the All the accounts samples Errors None of the above
internal Auditors.
Risk Control Revised Control
16 RCM stands for- Rating carried Matrix Risk Control Matrix
Managemnt Management
17 Frequency of Internal Audit(RBIA) of currency chest is- Once in 6 Months Once in 3 Months Once in 9 Months Once in 12 Months
Which type of risk contributes the most under control Risk for Operational Control
18 Credit Control Risk Compliance Risk None of the above
the branches having credit exposure more than 200.00 Crores Risk

Question Text * Option1 * Option2 * Option3 Option4
As per Revised Risk Matrix , only ………………..(sample size) of
accounts will be examined by internal Auditor for TL/DL
19 50% 35% 10% 100%
accounts having o/s balance & CC/OD accounts sanctioned
limit between 10.00 lacs and above to 1 lac.
As per Revised Risk Matrix , only ………………..(sample size) of
accounts will be examined by internal Auditor for TL/DL
20 50% 35% 10% 100%
accounts having o/s balance & CC/OD accounts sanctioned
between 25.00 lacs and above 10.00 lacs.
As per Revised Risk Matrix , only ………………..(sample size) of
accounts will be examined by internal Auditor for TL/DL
21 50% 35% 10% 100%
accounts having o/s balance & CC/OD accounts sanctioned
limit above Rs. 25.00 lacs.
As per Revised matrix, Internal auditor to examin ……………..
22 the new & RWI Accounts sanctioned during the audit review 50% 35% 100% None of the above
period, irrespective of exposure.
Zonal Internal Audit Zonal Internal Audit Zonal irregularities & Zonal inspection &
23 ZIAD stands for
Division Department audit Division Audit Department
Controlling Compliance Concurrent
Central Internal
24 CIAD stands for Inspection Audit Inspection Audit Inspection Audit
Audit Division
Department Devision Division
As per Revised Risk Matrix, the branch has to score
25 above…………. Marks(out of 500) in each of categories ( 300 350 400 450
Business Risk & Control Risk) to obtain "LOW" Risk Rating

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