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23/02/2019 Project Proposals for HackFest’19 - Google Docs

Project Proposals for HackFest’19 

at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad 


Problem Statements by Onometra Technologies 

#1  Adverse  Drug  reaction  extraction  from 

Biomedical literature 
The  Adverse  drug  reactions  (ADRs)  are  unwanted  or  harmful  effects  experienced  after  the 
administration  of  a  certain  drug  or  a  combination  of  drugs  and  are  amongst  the  top  causes  of 
morbidity  and  mortality.  Regular  ADR  reporting  systems  (e.g.,  clinical  trials)  are  typically 
under-reported  and  many  ADRs  are  not  recorded  in  the  systems.  Recently  unstructured  data 
such  as  medical  reports  have  been  used  to  detect  content  that  contains  ADRs.  Case  reports 
published  in  the  scientific  biomedical  literature  are  abundant  and  generated  rapidly.  Thus,  it  is 
imperative  that  ADR  knowledge  is  extracted  automatically.  Advancement  in  natural  language 
processing  (NLP)  tools  have  made  it  possible  to  develop  tools  for  automatic  extraction  of  ADR 
information  from  biomedical  literature.  In  this  project  we  would  like  to  explore  deep 
learning-based  NLP  techniques  (e.g.,  named  entity  recognition,  polarity  determination,  sentient 
analysis)  to  identify  and  extract  sentences  or  clauses  containing  ADR  information  from 
biomedical texts. 
Skills  required:  Python,  Keras  and  Tensorflow,  Machine  Learning  (Deep  learning,  NLP,  word 
embeddings). 1/4
23/02/2019 Project Proposals for HackFest’19 - Google Docs

#2 Tracking and tracing using blockchain 

Global  supply  chains  are  the  cornerstones  of  business  operations  today.  They  have  also 
become  increasingly  complex  making  product  movements  difficult  to  trace,  which  is  critical  to 
the  transparency  and  efficiency  of  the  supply  chain  along  with  meeting regulatory compliances. 

Traditional  tracking  solutions  are  hosted  in  private  databases  and  not 
interconnected  - which means email and manual process to trace the ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ back 
to  source.  This  is  inefficient  and  create  industry  scaled  vendor  lock-in.  Blockchain  is  an  ideal 
technology  for  building  a  connected  record  of  a  supply  chain  and  the  provenance  of  individual 
items.  Using  blockchain  the  partners  in  a  distributed  supply  chain  ecosystem  can  passively 
cooperate  on  a  decentralized,  blockchain-backbone  without  loss  of sensitive information. In this 
project  we  would  be  implementing  a  blockchain  based tracking and tracing solution where each 
trade  partner  will  have  a  software  client  -  Android  app  -  that  allows  them  to  register  ‘proofs’ 
representing  supply  chain  events  (e.g.,  a  photo  taken  using  the  phone  camera)  and  ‘hashes’ 
representing  data  into  the  blockchain  ledger.  The  client  would  be  able  to  verify  the  validity  and 
provenance  of  data  at  any  point  in  the  supply  chain.  We  would  also  be  emulating  autonomous 
clearing house operations using smart contracts. 
Skills Required: Blockchain concepts, Hyperledger Fabric, Node.js, Golang, Android 
23/02/2019 Project Proposals for HackFest’19 - Google Docs

#3  Building,  migrating  and  optimizing 

software-as-a-service (SaaS) on AWS 
In  this  project  we  would  be  migrating  an  enterprise  application  to  the  software-as-a-service 
environment  in  AWS  and  optimize  it  for  cost  and  operations.  There  are  many  factors  that 
influence  a  SaaS  solution  design  and  architecture.  An  application  and  some  of  the  influencing 
factors  such  as  business  goals,  scope  and  cost  would be given for the project and we would be 
using  AWS  SaaS  Factory  recommendations  and  prescriptions  to  design  and  develop our SaaS 
Skills required: AWS, Node.js, Knowledge on software delivery models.    

#4 Personalized Food Recommendation 

There are a number of restaurant recommendation services that recommends restaurants 
based on personal context and taste. But there aren't many services that recommends food 
items/dishes based on personal taste or choice. The main challenge in building such a service is 
to model personal taste and then using it to recommend food items/dishes that the person would 
like with a reasonable rate of accuracy. Yelp has made its user-generated data available for 
research. The reviews posted by the users contain personal feedback on several aspects of a 
restaurant as well as rich information about the food items/dishes offered at the restaurant. In 
this project, we would be analyzing the reviews using natural language processing (NLP) 
techniques for insights on the personal tastes of a user as well his personal opinions on the 
dishes he has tried in the restaurants he has written reviews for. These insights would then be 
consumed by a recommendation engine for providing personalized recommendations of food 
items/dishes that he is most likely to like in a given restaurant or a new restaurant serving food 
items/dishes of his choice. 3/4
23/02/2019 Project Proposals for HackFest’19 - Google Docs

Skills  required:  Python,  Keras,  and  Tensorflow,  Machine  Learning  (Deep  learning,  NLP,  word 
embeddings), Recommendation Systems. 

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