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In English grammar, a modal is a verb that combines with another verb to
indicate mood or tense. A modal (also known as a modal auxiliary or modal verb)
expresses necessity, uncertainty, ability, or permission.
The function, modal is usually used to give the additional information or
explanation of the main verb we use in the sentence.


Modals are divided into two types, that is Modals Present and Modals Past
Modals Present Modals Past
- Can - Could
- Shall - Would
- Will - Should
- May - Might
- Must - Had to
- Ought To

So besides the example above, some words can have the same meaning, like:
Can/could : be capable of. be able to. manage to

Will/shall : he doing to, be about to

May/might : perhaps, probable, possible, presumable bad better, be supposed to

be is a meaning to be like: is, am. are, was, dan were.

( + ) S + modal + V1 + ( O )
( – ) S + modal + not + V1 + ( O )
( ? ) modal + S + V1 + ( O ) ?

1. Can/could (ability,allowed to, possibility)
- I can cook very well
- Could I come with you?
- Mark could show up to work today
2. May/Might (possibility, allowed to)
- You might meet Your mom
- May I ask you a question?
- Tia does not come to the class, she may get up late.

3.Must (Probable, Necessity)

- It must be hard to work 60-hours a week.

- You must listen to the professor during the lecture.

4. Shall (Shall is used to express a plan.)

- We shall return the books this week end.

- I shall not text you tonight

5. Will (Plan, Willingness, Prediction)

- I will go to Manado.

- I will help you

- If it rains tonight, I will not come.


1. Eva will not drive the BMW

2. I will help you with this formula
3. Andy might not come to the party.
4. He could tell me that day.
5. The Avengers is amazing. You must see it


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