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Isabel Díaz. Manuel Vidal. Cristina Alonso. Arancha (1º NA-grupo G)

Do you want to know what happened to me one day?

It was a raining and windy day, I was walking in the street, trying to cover myself from the bad weather.
Then something caught my attention: I saw a little girl in the middle of the street.

At first I thought that she was playing alone, but I soon realized that she was just standing and she didn´t
move. Somehow it seemed strange but when I passed near to her I noticed that she was barefoot and
she wore a dirty coat, with a hood shadowing her face.

I stopped in front of her and I asked her: "Where is your mum?"

She seemed to be paralyzed and she didn't answer, so I asked her again: "Are you alone?... Where are
your parents? Where are you shoes? Are you cold?..."

Then she raised her head and stared at me. After a few seconds she said in a whisper: "Do you want to
play with me?"

I was really worried about her. All of a sudden she said: "Would you take care of me?" *

Her reactions confused me, she seemed so fragile but she didn’t showed to be frightened, she only
appeared to be alone. In almost a whisper she said: “You must come with me. You’ll take care of me and
we´ll play together.”

All this was very strange. I thought that her parents could be near there, and that she had got lost.
Probably their parents were looking for her in that moment and they would be really worried; . I
couldn’t leave her in this way…I had to do something to help her!

I quickly look around and lastly, I told her: "Please, wait here, I´ll come back in a second". There was a
bar at the corner and I run to it, looking for help. When I came in I said in a loud voice: "There is a lost
girl outside, did someone know her or who her parents are?" Then all customers stopped talking and
moved their heads to look at me. There were some families with children, but nobody seemed to have
lost any girl. Anyway, nobody said a word

I came back to where she was but she had disappeared. I was shocked and I returned slowly to the bar,
facing backward hoping to see her again.

When I was in the bar the barman and one waitress come to speak with me: “You said before that you
had seen a los girl, hadn´t you?. “Yes, she was outside”, I answered.

They came with me outside and we were searching for a while, but we only could found the dirty coat.
when I looked it more closely, I realized that there were lots of dark red spots, like bloodstains…
“I thought that they had cleaned everything” Said the waitress.

“Sorry. What do you mean?” I asked her.

“Yesterday there was here a terrible accident.” She told me. “A school bus lost the control and run over
some people before crashing violently into a wall. There were some students injured and a little girl

When I told the story to my grandmother she said to me that I was really lucky, because I had been in
grave danger, if I had touched the girl or went with her I would never have came back, because lost
souls always try to take an alive soul with them. And nobody returns from the dark side

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