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Siti Khoiriyah 11170140000080 4-C

Novel Critical Review

Book Title : Tug of Love
Author : Allie Spencer
Publisher : Headline Publishing Group
Date Published : 2009 Number of Pages : 309 Pages
Genre : Romance Book Code : ALL PBI
Tug of Love tells about a dilemma experienced by Lucy Stephens, a divorce
barrister, who understandably is also a synic when she is mentioned about romance.
Once she met Mark at one party and she immediately felt right with him. However,
unaware of many details of his personal life, she is soon horrified to discover that
they are connected both professionally as well as intimately. Then his cruel boss gives
an ultimatum to choose between her job or her ideal man, she feels she has to be
sensible and is justified in the her decision.
This novel is filled by several main characters such as Lucy Stephens who are
witty, but she is often carried away by feelings. So, it's very easy to get down, but it's
also easy to get excited again. Even so, he is very capable in his work. She's a fast
thinker and clever. The proof is that the Prime Minister likes Lucy's work. Then there
is Lucy's close friend Hez, he has a cynical and bitchy attitude towards people he
doesn't like. It was proven when Hez and Lucy planned to trap Hugo. Regarding
Hugo, he is a person who is always envious of Lucy. He was like a rival to Lucy.
Hugo was also not reluctant to oppress Lucy. In Lucy's love story, there is the figure
of Mark who is Lucy's dream man. But what is unfortunate about him is that Mark
did not open to Lucy about the original background where Mark was married and had
a son. Lucy also has a manager named Guy who is very regulatory, proven when he
gave Lucy an ultimatum to break off his relationship with Mark and focused on the
special work Lucy had do.
From those characters I mentioned, I really want to be like Lucy because I
catch her as a mature woman where she can easily make peace with her downturn
whenever she feels sad. Then professionally took care of very serious divorce case
without disturbed by his longing for Mark.
One part of the whole story of this novel, I like it the most when Lucy finally
decided not to have a temporary relationship with Mark and chose to focus on one
important case in order to achieve her dream job. For me, from this part Lucy looks
very consistent with what is her priority, which is getting a job she desires and she
can prove it by completing the special divorce case and getting the position she
wants. In my opinion also, pursuing what is an ideal is more important than having to
dissolve in the matter of romance and forget about consistency in pursuing dreams
that have almost been achieved. This part really motivates me to prioritize my dreams
for the desired future and live a decent life later, because in this story it is proven that
the fate of one's love is destined for each individual.
After discussing the interesting part of the story, then here I will also discuss
the part of the story that I did not like where Mark was revealed that he was the
husband of a woman and father of a child. This fact makes Lucy as a woman who
adores him, so disappointed even though she has been interesting with Mark since
they both met. It's a pity in this part of the story where the other side of Mark is
revealed as a playboy. He forgets his family and has an intimate relationship with
Lucy. There will be no woman who is happy with this disappointing event, either
from the side of the wife or from other new women.
From the whole story, if I were the author of this novel, I would like to change
the part of the story that I didn't like (which I have explained above). It is simple, I
want to change what was revealed from Mark (where he turned out to be a married
man and also Lucy's divorce client) become a character of Mark who is a man that
deserves to be coveted. Because from a number of figures who appear like Hugo who
has an antagonistic character and Guy (Lucy's manager) who continuesly pressing
Lucy about her job, it has raised enough conflicts in this novel. So, as a
counterweight where there are bad characters I want to change the part of Mark's
character to be completely good.
In choosing a decision, Lucy’s experience reminds me of my best friend’s.
She was faced with the choices between a college with a study program that she does
not like but the campus is in the same city as her place and also she can still meet
directly with her boyfriend or chose a campus that far from her place but with a study
program that she is very interested in and also had to undergo a long distance
relationship with his family and lover. Slowly she thought for the best decision and
did not forget to also ask for guidance from God.
Personally, I am not really a mature woman because to be honest I still easily
can be distracted by other’s wrong advices or suggestions where they are not
necessarily the best decision for my self. In other words, I have not become a person
who has a firm stance. From a characters I like the most, I got a lesson that indeed
basically the other person's words are important such as advices or suggestions, but
the best decisions are still those that resulted from clear thinking. Where as mature as
we are thinking of the good and bad of each choices by also considering the good
advices from people who care about us.

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