Phylogenetic Relations and Geographic Distribution of I-L38 (Aka I2b2)

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The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010

ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG

Phylogenetic Relations
Hans De Beule
and Geographic Distribution
of I-L38 (aka I2b2)
(29th of June 2010 –


The first section of this paper presents a 49 marker network analysis of 64 I-L38 haplotypes. This network is
used to visualize the phylogenetic relations between the 64 haplotypes. The second section maps the geographic
origin of I-L38 samples from several public databases.
Whenever possible the phylogenetic relation between samples with known geographic origin was visualized on
the map. Calculating the MRCA between these samples creates a hypothetical timeframe to explain the relations.
The third section describes the construction of a distribution map of I-L38. The general conclusion is that, at this
moment, most evidence points to a relation between I-L38 and the migrations of Late Bronze Age (Urnfield Cul-
ture) and Iron Age (Hallstatt, La Tène) people.

1. On the Structure of I-L38

Determination of subgroups of I-L38 is diffi-
Introduction cult because the genetic variety within
I-L38 is too small to be significant. To gain in-
sight in the structure of I2b2 without narrowing
Haplogroup I-L38 is defined by the SNPs
down the structure to a limited set of markers, it
L38/S154, L39/S155, L40/S156 and L65/S159.
is useful to calculate a minimum spanning net-
In the ISOGG tree its current name is haplogroup
work to cluster the samples.
I2b2. It is believed to be an ancient clade. Ken
Nordtvedt estimated the Most Recent Common
For the first times such a network was made
Ancestor (MRCA) of all living I-L38s at 4100
for I-L38 starting from a 67 marker set.
years ago.

Until now, no SNP was found to separate

Method: calculation of the minimum
I-L38. Several researchers structured I-L38, into
spanning network and clustering
different clusters, using different markers. Ini-
of the samples
tially Ken Nordtvedt separated I-L38 into 3 clus-
ters using DYS448:
According to Bandelt (1999) the multitude of
 I-L38A with DYS448=19; plausible phylogenetic trees is best expressed in
a network that displays alternative potential evo-
 I-L38B with DYS448=21; lutionary paths. A minimum spanning tree for a
set of sequence types connects all given types,
 I-L38C (later called I-L38Scot) with such that the total length (the sum of distances
DYS448=20. between linked sequence types) is minimal. The
minimum spanning network serves as a good
point of departure to reconstruct the most likely
Received: July 28 2010; accepted: July 30 2010; published: August 7 2010
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
tree by taking geographical information into ac-  the number of mutations between two
count. samples, as displayed in the Fluxus network, was
The Median Joining Networks in this paper are
created by Fluxus Software.  Ken Nordtvedt’s I2b specific mutation
rates were used. The average mutation rate used
To create a minimum spanning network for to calculate the MRCA is based on 48 markers:
I-L38, STR values of 64 samples with known 67 0,002311697 (or 1/432 per generation). This
marker set were used. All samples were selected equals one mutation every 9 generations
out of the FTDNA I-L38 project. By ignoring the (432/48)-or- one mutation every 279 years (9
multicopy markers (in the 4 FTDNA panels) the generations * 31 years).
67 marker set was reduced to the following 49
STR loci to create a network: Example: When the number of mutations be-
tween two samples is «20», this equals 20* 279
DYS393, 390, 19, 391, 426, 388, 439, 392, years = 5580 years between the two haplotypes
458, 455, 454, 447, 437, 448, 449, 460, H4, -or- 5580/2 = 2790 years between both involved
456, 607, 576, 570, 442, 438, 531, 578, 590, haplotypes and their MRCA.
537, 641, 472, 406, 511, 425, 557, 594, 436,
490, 534, 450, 444, 481, 520, 446, 617, 568,
487, 572, 640, 492, 565. Results

Appendix A refers to the used samples that Figure 1 shows the minimal spanning network
can be found at the FTDNA I-L38 project. of the 64 I-L38 samples. This network displays
the relationship between the 49 (weighted) STR-
In the Fluxus software it is optional to correct values and shows the most likely evolutionary
the STR-values with a customized weight (the tree. The «torso» of the network is displayed in
standard weight is 10 and the maximum weight bold red lines. It is interesting to note that:
is 100).
1. the «torso» has three distinct arms – the
Following Qamar (2002) a weighting scheme samples tied to these arms only partially fit the
with a five-fold range was used in the construc- traditional STR-subgroups listed in Appendix A.
tion of the networks. The weights assigned were
specific for each haplogroup and took into ac- 2. with the exception of the I-L38Scot clus-
count the Y-STR variation across the haplogroup ter, there does not seem to be a relation between
in the whole population. The following weights clusters of samples and geographical origin, sug-
were used: variance 0-0.09=weight 90; variance gesting the respective I-L38 clusters spread to-
0.1-0.19=weight 70; variance 0.2-0.49=weight gether as a mixed lot;
50; variance 0.5-0.99=weight of 30 and variance
1.00=weight 10. 3. the sample (A7) nearest the crossing of
the three arms of the «torso» is geographically
To calculate the MRCA between related haplo- linked to Solothurn (Switzerland) in the High
types with known origin (see Figure 3 and Ap- Rhine area, emphasizing thus the relation of I-
pendix C): L38 and the Rhine.

 generations of 31 years were used (this is

the median paternal generation interval calcu-
lated by SMGF);

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG

I-L38-A clus-
ter sepa-
rated by
DYS442 =

Figure 1: phylogenetic 49 marker network of 64 I-L38 samples . Nodes represent haplotypes and are proportional to the number
of haplotypes representing it. The length of the links represents the genetic distance. The colour of the nodes and the codename
of the sample refers to the clusters as defined in the FTDNA I-L38 project: yellow nodes = I-L38-A; red nodes = I-L38-B;
dark blue nodes = I-L38-Scot (I-L38-C); green nodes = I-L38-D; white nodes = I-L38-E; light blue nodes = I-L38-14.

2. Mapping the Geographical Spread

Introduction of I-L38 In 2008, a map with pinpointed I-L38 samples
showed that the Upper Rhine region (Rhineland –
Since the discovery of I-L38 in may 2005 - Palatinate) has a high I-L38 frequency. Also was
then called I(X) - an increasing number of sam- proved that this region harbours a high I-L38
ples with known geographic origin became avail- cluster diversity (demonstrated by various
able on public genetic databases. DYS448 and DYS19 combinations), making it a
likely point of origin of the I-L38 haplogroup. (De
In 2005 it was puzzling why I-L38 was that Beule 2008 and 2009).
absent in northern (Scandinavian) Europe.
Since 2009, gradually, an increasing number
After it became known, in May 2006, that the of samples with known East and Southern Euro-
bones that were found in the Lichtenstein cave pean origin pop up, demanding an updated state
(in Osterode-am-Harz) could be attributed to of affairs.
haplogroup I-L38, it was tempting to conclude
that the Harz region was the cradle of I-L38. This sections pinpoints the publicly available
samples of I-L38 on a map (and shows the phy-

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
logenetic relations between them) in order to  Most MRCAs go back to Iron Age
meet this demand. (Hallstatt, La Tène) or Late Bronze Age (Urnfield
Culture) age, suggesting that I-L38 might have
been one of the haplogroups that spread on the
Method waves of these cultures. In this respect it is
noteworthy that the 3000 year old artefacts that
A distribution map of I-L38 samples was are found in the Lichtenstein cave also belonged
made using the known geographical origin of 84 to the Urnfield Culture (Schilz, 2006).
I-L38 samples from the following public STR da-
tabases: It is important to recognize that there are still
vast areas of Europe of which very little
 Ysearch (Search by Haplogroup / I2b2); Y-DNA data are known. To draw conclusions
about the presence/absence of I-L38 in Spain,
 The FTDNA I-L38 project; Portugal, Italy, the Balkan countries, France, etc.
more I-L38 samples with known origin are
 SMGF, status May 2010 (with search val- needed.
ues: DYS393=13, 426=11, 392=11, 459=8,10,
455=10, 454=12, YCAII= 19,19). To overcome this drawback, section 3 con-
structs a predicted distribution map of I-L38.
Refer to Appendix B for an overview of the
pinpointed I-L38 locations.
3. Constructing a I-L38 Distribution Map

Results Introduction

Figure 2 shows the distribution of the samples Since most researches simply did/do not test
with known geographic origin. on SNPs determining I-L38, no real distribution
map of I-L38 is available. A rough and predicted
Some of the pinpointed samples were also I-L38 distribution map can be made using a
used in the network analysis. When these phy- workaround.
logenetic related samples are connected interest-
ing patterns emerge (see Figure 3): Chiaroni (2009) summarizes the structure of
haplogroup I as shown in Figure 4.
 one can almost see how I-L38 migrated
from the Upper Rhine to the coast of Normandy According to the ISOGG 2010 tree, SNP M436
(France) to cross the Channel to enter England (aka P215 or S31) defines haplogroup I2b.
and Ireland; Itself, I-M436 (I2b) consists of the subclades:

 from the Upper Rhine region there are  I-M223 SNP- (defined by SNP M223, called
also connections to the north (Southern tip of I2b1 by ISOGG);
Norway), east (Poland) and south (Spain);
 I-L38 (defined by SNP L38, called I2b2 by
 the Lichtenstein cave (yellow dot) is situ- ISOGG).
ated right on the «northern route»;

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG

Figure 2: pinpointed I-L38 samples with known geographic origin.

Figure 3: phylogenetic related I-L38 samples with known geographical origin; the yellow dot represents
the Lichtenstein cave. The white numbers indicate the time (years ago) to the MRCA of the two samples.
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
In other words: Remark: a part of the I-M436 haplotypes does
not belong to either I-M223 or I-L38. This group
«Haplogroup I-M436» = is labelled I-M436* (aka I-P215* or S31*). I-
«Hg I-M223» + «Hg I-L38» M436* is believed to have spread lightly and uni-
-so- formly over Europe, excluding Scandinavia. I-
«Haplogroup I-L38» = M436* is ignored in the reasoning above since
2Hg I-M4362 - «Hg I-M223» the light and uniform spread will not affect con-
clusions about I-L38 too much.

Haplogroup I-L38,
(not mentioned by

Figure 4: the structure of haplogroup I according to Chiaroni (2009).

Method I2b (SNP M436) in European countries. It does

not display percentages on the distribution of I-
Subtracting the I-M223 % value of a country M223 or I-L38.
from the overall I-M436 % of that country theo-
retically results in an indication of the Eupedia states that:
I-L38 percentage in this country.
 The sample size for each country or region
is at least 100. Italy, Germany, England and Ire-
Estimated % of M436 per country land have over 2000 samples each, France and
Spain over 1000, Portugal over 900, Belgium
Drawing on various sources, Eupedia (see ref- over 750, the Netherlands, Finland and Hungary
erences) displays the frequencies of haplogroup over 650, Greece over 500.
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
 The division of Italy is as follows: North were combined there was a need to correct the
Italy is everything until Liguria and Emilia- outcome. Since the I-L38 values in Belgium (cfr.
Romagna; Central Italy comprises Tuscany, Hertogdom Brabant DNA project) and the Nether-
Marche, Umbria, Latium and Abruzzo. South Italy lands (cfr. Zonen van Adam in Nederland) are
is everything else to the south, except Sardinia known, a correction factor could be applied to
and Sicily, which have been made into separate correct the combined Wiik + Charioni I-M223
categories due to their specific history and rela- values.
tive geographic isolation.

 The division of Germany is as follows:

North Germany includes the Schleswig-Holstein,
Lower Saxony (+ Hamburg and Bremen) and
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. West Germany
is the Rhineland, Hessen and Saarland. South
Germany is Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.
East Germany is composed of Brandenburg, Ber-
lin, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia.

Estimated % of M223 per country

Kalevi Wiik (2008) visualized the distribution

of I-M223 on a map of Europe (see Figure 5).
Also Chiaroni (2009) published a distribution map
of M223 (see Figure 4). Both maps were used to Figure 5: distribution of I-M223 (formerly known as I1c)
estimate the percentage of I-M223 in the coun- according to Kalevi Wiik (2008).
tries/regions mentioned in the Eupedia distribu-
tion table (see Table 1). This corrected I-M223 % could be subtracted
from Eupedia’s I2b (I-M436) percentages to es-
timate the percentage of I-L38 per coun-
Results try/region. In some cases this resulted in a
«negative percentage», meaning «even less than
Because the percentages of I-M223 were zero %» presence of I-L38.
based on gradient maps and different researches

Table 1: the last column displays the estimated percentage of I-L38 per country.

I-M223 I-M223 Corrected
Region/ I2b% Wiik &
categor category % %I-L38
Haplogroup Eupedia Charioni
y Wiik Charioni I-M223
Belgium 4,50 8,00 4,00 12,00 3,20 1,30
Albania 3,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 2,47
Austria 2,00 5,00 2,00 7,00 1,87 0,13
Belarus 1,00 1,00 0,00 1,00 0,27 0,73
Herzegovina 0,50 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 -0,03
Bulgaria 1,00 6,00 0,00 6,00 1,60 -0,60
Croatia 1,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 0,47
Czech Republic 4,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 0,80 3,20
Denmark 5,00 10,00 3,00 13,00 3,47 1,53
England 4,50 6,00 2,00 8,00 2,13 2,37
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
I-M223 I-M223 Corrected
Region/Haplogro I2b% Wiik &
categor category % I- %I-L38
up Eupedia Charioni
y Wiik Charioni M223
France 4,00 4,00 5,00 9,00 2,40 1,60
North Germany 5,00 12,00 3,00 15,00 4,00 1,00
East Germany 3,00 12,00 2,00 14,00 3,73 -0,73
West Germany 7,00 8,00 4,00 12,00 3,20 3,80
South Germany 3,00 6,00 2,00 8,00 2,13 0,87
Greece 1,50 4,00 2,00 6,00 1,60 -0,10
Hungary 2,50 1,00 1,00 2,00 0,53 1,97
Ireland 4,00 4,00 0,00 4,00 1,07 2,93
North Italy 2,50 2,00 1,00 3,00 0,80 1,70
Central Italy 5,00 2,00 2,00 4,00 1,07 3,93
South Italy 2,50 2,00 2,00 4,00 1,07 1,43
Latvia 1,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 0,80 0,20
Lithuania 1,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 0,80 0,20
Macedonia 0,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 -0,53
Netherlands 6,00 10,00 6,00 16,00 4,27 1,73
Norway 1,00 2,00 3,00 5,00 1,33 -0,33
Poland 1,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 0,80 0,20
Portugal 3,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 2,47
Romania 2,00 4,00 1,00 5,00 1,33 0,67
Scotland 4,00 4,00 0,00 4,00 1,07 2,93
Serbia 4,00 2,00 0,00 2,00 0,53 3,47
Slovakia 1,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 0,80 0,20
Spain 1,00 3,00 0,00 3,00 0,80 0,20
Sweden 2,00 1,00 10,00 11,00 2,93 -0,93
Switzerland 3,00 5,00 2,00 7,00 1,87 1,13
Ukraine 1,00 5,00 2,00 7,00 1,87 -0,87

Colour key: 3-4 % 2-3 % 1-2% 0-1% 0%

Figure 6 visualizes the estimated percentages Remark on Portugal:

on a map of Europe. If this rough approach re-
flects the distribution of I-L38 in Europe suffi- One can find an indirect evidence of the pres-
ciently correct, it means we can expect more I- ence of I-L38 in Portugal at the Iberian DNA pro-
L38 samples to pop up along the Danube (Serbia, ject of FTDNA. According to the Cullen Hap-
Slovakia, ...) and in Southern European countries logroup I predictor the families Ochoa, Baptista,
as Portugal, Spain and Italy. Cardoso and Dos Anos turn out to be members of
I-L38-A (probability 38-39%) or I-L38-RecLOH
Remark on Italy: (probability 38-39%). Three of the four families
are linked to Cape Verde, a former Portuguese
The distribution of the surnames of the known colony.
Italian samples suggest that they «leaked» into
Italy from across Alps. For the distribution maps
of the Italian surnames: see Appendix D. These
maps suggest that I-L38 has a higher presence in
Northern Italy than in Central Italy.

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG

Figure 6: estimated % of I-L38 per country on a map also displaying known origins of I-L38 samples.

4. Further Discussion The Urnfield Culture (1200-750 BC) developed

into the Hallstatt culture (750-450 BC) that led to
Looking at the predicted distribution, it be- the La Tène culture (450–50 BC).
comes clear that there is still much to discover
concerning I-L38. Given the age and the spread of I-L38 it
seems logical that the migration of I-L38 from
At this moment the geographic distribution of the Upper Rhine region to all its current locations
I-L38 samples with known geographic origin, en- can only be explained by successive independent
riched with: collective and individual migrations taking centu-
 phylogenetic relations between samples
shown by the network analysis; From an archaeological point of view, it can
be argued that the distribution of I-L38 played a
 MRCA calculations; role in Late Bronze Age (Urnfield Culture) and
Iron Age (Hallstatt, La Tène) migrations.
 the estimated distribution of I-L38 in re-
gions of which very few Y-DNA data are known; The former could explain the Urnfield-
artefacts that are found in the Lichtenstein cave;
points in the direction of a relation between the latter could be tied to La Tène (De Beule,
I-L38 and the spread of Late Bronze Age (Urn- 2009) artefacts.
field Culture) and Iron Age (Hallstatt, La Tène)
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
In this respect it is interesting to look at the Further research focussing on the presence of
distribution of Iron Age stamped pottery in west- I-L38 in Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Galatai
ern Europe. It is important to stress that Iron region in Turkey, etc… is needed to generate ac-
Age stamped pottery only occurs in specific Euro- curate data for these regions and to confirm (or
pean regions. This type of pottery is found in the reject) the supposed link to Hallstatt and/or La
vast area encompassed by the Rhine, Danube, Tène cultures.
Marne and Rhône basins, in Armorica, in Cornwall
and the western part of Britain, in the Golasecca We can expect more I-L38 samples to pop up
and Este culture regions and the Alps, in the high in Southern European countries and regions
Hérault in southwestern France, in the central along the Danube.
areas of the Iberian Peninsula along the Ebre
River, the Tagus and the Guadiana Rivers. Figure
7 clearly shows this European phenomenon and
emphasises its continental origin in the seventh
and sixth centuries BC, slowly spreading further
south. Some examples of fine stamped grey pot-
tery, show that they used the same La Tène
models that we find in northern France, the Brit-
ish Isles or Germany. The forms of the vases
may vary from region to region, but the stamped
motifs are very similar.

Such decorated vessels can be found from the

beginning of the early Iron Age on, or in what
used to be called Hallstatt, but especially by the
sixth century BC and since the beginning of the Figure 7: distribution of Iron Age, La Tène linked,
late Iron Age or La Tène (Gamito, 2005). stamped pottery (Gamito, 2005).

In southern Europe La Tène artefacts are also

found in the south of France, the north of Italy,
the south eastern Alps and in the Lower Danube

From a linguistic point of view the Hallstatt

and La Tène culture is tied to the Celtic-speaking
peoples that entered the historical records with
the Hallstatt culture. By the end of the Hallstatt
period, the Celts had moved outward from Cen-
tral Europe in almost all directions: first into
France, Spain, and Britain, then southward into
northern Italy, and then eastward into the Bal-
kans and Asia Minor as the Galatians of the Bible
(see Figure 8) (Noonan, 2008). Figure 8: supposed spread of Celtic language
(Noonan, 2008).

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
1. Bandelt Hans-Jürgen, Forster Peter, Röhl Arne.(1999) Me- 6. De Beule Hans. Early Bronze Age Origin and Late Iron Age
dian-Joining Networks for Inferring Intraspecific Phylog- (La Tène) Migrations of I-L38, november 2009, posted on
enies. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 16(1): 37-48.
2. Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn-Khosrovani S., van 7. Gamito Teresa Júdice, The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula,
Gestel AWJM, Plooij FX, Uitgeversmaatschappij Barjesteh Journal of interdisciplinary Celtic Studies, volume 6,
van Waalwijk van Doorn en Co’sZonen van Adam in Ned- 2005, 571-605.
erland; Rotterdam en Gronsveld, 2008, 405p. 8. Noonan, Michael. Celtic Crossings Lecture. 2008:
3. Chiaroni Jacques, Underhill Peter A., Cavalli-Sforza Luca L.
Y chromosome diversity, human expansion, drift, and cul- re.IE.pdf
tural evolution 20174–20179 _ PNAS _ December 1, 2009 9. Qamar Raheel, Ayub Qasim, Mohyuddin Aisha, Helgason
_ vol. 106 _ no. 48. Agnar, Mazhar Kehkashan, Mansoor Atika, Zerjal Tatiana,
4. De Beule Hans. Origin, Distribution and Migrations of I2b*- Tyler-Smith Chris, Mehdi Qasim. Y-Chromosomal DNA
Subclades, 18 september 2008, posted on Variation in Pakistan. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 May; 70(5): 1107–1124.
5. De Beule Hans. Origins of Hg I-L38 (I2b2) Subclades, 5th 10. Schilz Felix. 2006. Molekulargenetische Verwandtschafts-
of april 2009, posted on analysen am prähistorischen Skelettkollektiv.
der Lichtensteinhöhle. Dissertation, Göttingen. 11. Wiik Kalevi. 2008. Where did European Men Come From?
Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 4:35-85.

Webreferences section 1:
On the Structure of I-L38
1. Free network software: 6. Definition of the Upper Rhine and High Rhine:
2. Haplogroup I subclade modals: 7. Average mutation rates for I2b: Relative-m(i) excel file at
3. Haplogroup I predictor: 8. Median paternal generation interval:
4. Public STR database: jspx
section=yresults 9. Hertogdom Brabant project:
5. Calculation of the I-L38 MRCA:

Webreferences section 2:
Mapping the Geographical Spread of I-L38

1. Public STR database: 3. Public STR database:

2. Public STR data-

Webreferences section 3:
Constructing a I-L38 Distribution Map

1. Estimated frequencies of European haplogroups: 4. Public STR database:
dna_haplogroups.shtml section=yresults
2. Eupedia Sources 5. ISOGG 2010 tree:
rope.shtml#Sources 6. Iberian DNA project:
3. Sorensen Molecular Genealogy Foundation (aka SMGF): aspx?section=yresults

Webreferences section: Further discussion

1. Noonan, Michael. Celtic Crossings Lecture. 2008:

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
Appendix A: Samples to Create the I-L38 Network (Figure 1)

Most Distant Ancestor Network code Thomas Cullen, °1690,

Upton, Nottinghamshire A26
I-L38-A John Fortner, °1775,
Patrick Connolly b.c 1808 North Carolina, USA A27
Bulgaden Co Limerick IRE A1 I-L38-B
Owen Ragon, °1797 A2 Patrick Bellew, °1820,
Andrew Wolfe A3 MountBellew, Irleland B1
Peter Lawrence 1774 (NC) John Garrison, °1799 B2
-1856 (IN) A4 Claude Reynaud, °1723,
A5 Bâtie Montgascon, France B3
Christian Deterding, °1792 John White, 1862-1907
and 1799 A6 Phila PA B4
Fridolin Hurbi, °1767 A7 Enoch Cornelius Seaver,
Robert Thadeus McClellan, °1834, North Carolina B5
°1895 TN - A8 Ommund Ommundson
Johan Fuchs (Fox), °1784, Fjellestad, °1812, Norway B6
Prussia, Germany A9 Jesse Campbell, °1820,
Georg Simon Wehr, °1720, South Carolina, USA B7
Heidelberg, Germany A10 Roger Chievre 960 - 1000 B8
Evans A11 Thomas Sivers 1680 -
Samuel Robison about 1714 B9
°1765 - 1826 A12 Stone B10
Haworth B11
William Barker A13
Foster B12
France A14 Elisha Foster, °1766 -
1833, b: VT/MA - USA B13
Hugh Bullock A15 Henry Hutchison B14
Elijah (Wm E.) Butler, Michael Weathers, °1733,
°1819, Colerne, Wiltshire A16 Surry Co. VA B15
Matthew Weakley, °1695, Francisco Fox B16
Martock SOM UK A17 Henry Hainer, Ulster Co.
James Smith, NY B17
°1792 - 1868 A18 I-L38-C or I-L38-Scot
William Robinson,
°1614-1668 A19 McCratic Sc1
Jean Guittard, °1614, John MacKenzie, °17xx
Bellemagny, Alsace, France A20 M:Dicie Sc2
Williamson Sc3
Joseph Price, °1796 A21 Wilson McKenny, °1758,
Horatio Huggins, of VA Sc4
Gingerland, Nevis, WI A22 Samuel McKinney, ° 1840,
TN Sc5
Loran White, °1952 A23
Nicholas McKinney, 1822,
Brooks A24
Franklin Co., AL Sc6
Samuel Dale, °1801,
Johnson McKinney, °1764,
Ballycloghan, Antr,
VA of AL Sc7
N. Ireland A25

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
I-L38-D I-L38-14
Reece Vandever Morrel, 141
°1795, Camden Dist SC D1 Hezekiah Haney, °1770,
Richard Wootten Halifax Co. NC 142
of Warwick, °1614, James Rawls, °1734,
England D2 Nansemond Co., Virginia 143
Thomas Boucher, °1780 Suárez 144
western VA D3 Johannes Böhly, °1702,
I-L38-E Switzerland 145
Grantner 146
William Chaffee Shannon, Joseph Seiler, °1687,
°1876 NY E1 Germany 147
Edward Richardson, °1701 E2
Wojciech Tatucha, °1750,
Warta, Lodz, Poland E3

Appendix B: Overview of the Pinpointed I-L38 Locations (Figure 2)

Database Family Name Origin

SMGF Standage °1758, Berry, Sussex, England
SMGF Gandola °1864, Porleza, Como, Italy
SMGF Jackson °1782, Haydock, Lancashire, England
SMGF Hansen °1833, Frederikshavn, Hjorring, Denmark
SMGF Bennett °1772, Nutwood, Sussex, England
SMGF Mezic °1878, Mali Podlog, Slovenia, Austria-Hungary
SMGF Spagnotto °1885, Vallo, Italy
SMGF Fosson °1855, Magnechilas Ayas, Aosta, Italy
SMGF Tavernier °1847, Lille, Nord, France
SMGF Fridal °1795, Lundy, Fyn, Denmark
SMGF Adam °1879, Leith, Scotland
SMGF Garscadden °1879, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
SMGF Worthington °1812, Ropley, Hampshire, England
SMGF Tietjen °1654, Dellien, Bleckede, Niedersachsen
SMGF Weinheimer °1837, Antonin, Tarnopol, Galizien Ukraine
SMGF Van Hoesen °1582, Huizen, North Holland, Netherlands
SMGF Hill °1674, Old Swinford, Worchestershire, England
SMGF Dale °1801, Maghadone, Derry, Ireland
SMGF Kronenberger °1811, Plock Poland
SMGF Bottemiller °1795, Brockhagen, Steinhagen Westphalia in Kreis
SMGF Craig °1813, Prestonpans, Scotland
SMGF Heidenreich °1710, Hullhorst, Lubbecke, Westphalia
SMGF Grund °1857, Valašské Meziříčí, Moravia, Austria-Hungary
SMGF Clare °1886, Newton, Prestwick, Lancashire, England

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
Database Family Name Origin
ZvAiN Blaas Rees Germany
ZvAiN De Booy De Lier Netherlands
ZvAiN Meert St Amands, Belgium
ZvAiN Spée Baarlo, Netherlands
FTDNA Strohmeier °1649 -1729, Bogen, Bavaria
FTDNA Saylor / Seiler °1715, Methingen Metzingen
FTDNA Ochs °1625, Poppenhausen
FTDNA Wehr °1720, Heidelberg, Pfalz
FTDNA Krassin °1791 - 1798, Kreis, Kolmar, Posen
FTDNA Hartung °1620 - 1700, Geisleden
FTDNA Marschall °1755, Ommeray Lorraine
FTDNA Zimmer °1866, Darmstadt
FTDNA Underwood °1832, Berlin
FTDNA Schlenke °1861, Bosseborn (Kreis Hoxter)
FTDNA De Beule °1560, Zele
SMGF Lems °1504, Hoogvliet Rotterdam
FTDNA Brion Kirrberg, Elzas, FRA
FTDNA Hauteville-la-Guichard, France
FTDNA Guittard Bellemagny, Alsace
FTDNA Reynaud Bâtie Montgascon, France
FTDNA Ommundson °1812, Fjellestad, Norway
FTDNA Tatucha °1750, Warta, Lodz, Poland
FTDNA Lehman °1702, Schauffausen SWIT
FTDNA Wanchick Jastrabie, Slovakia (Žiar nad Hronom)
FTDNA Peder Andersen °1742, Hojrup, Tonder
FTDNA Brabazon °1692 - 1772, Ballinvoher, French Park, Ireland
FTDNA Mortimer °1635 - 1704, Wiltshire England
FTDNA Bassett °1830, Llanelli, Wales, England
FTDNA Butler °1819 - 1905, Colerne, Wiltshire, England
FTDNA Oldfield °1813 - 186, Hanley Castle, Worcestershire, England
FTDNA Evans °1854 - 1920, Haworth, Yorkshire, England
FTDNA Furbey °1840 - 1892, Whitnash, Warwickshire, England
FTDNA Sawyer 1623 - 1702, Bedfordshire, England
FTDNA Hutchinson °1779 - 1838, Aldby, England
(south east of Whitehaven)
FTDNA John van Brussel °1849, Veldhoven, Netherlands
FTDNA Dirk Gerritz Kors °1754, Heemskerk, Netherlands
FTDNA Joseph Seiler °1708 in Sembach, Germany
FTDNA Patrick Connolly °1808, Bulgaden Co Limerick IRE
FTDNA Wendelin Stehle °1717-1785, Bittelbronn, Hohenzollern Zollernalbkreis,
Tubingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
FTDNA Matthew Weakley °1695, Martock SOM UK
FTDNA Thomas Rix °1622, Brancaster, England UK
FTDNA Thomas Cullen °1690, Upton, Nottinghamshire
FTDNA Edmund Rule °1534, Balsham, Cambridgeshire
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
Database Family Name Origin
FTDNA Patrick Bellew °1820, MountBellew, Ireland
FTDNA George °1765, Huntly, Aberdeenshire
FTDNA William Cornwell °1609, Terling, Essex, England
FTDNA Judde °1554, Winterbourne Wiltshire
FTDNA Alexander °1880, Lumphanan, Aberdeensh
ysearch Bower Elgin, Moray, Scotland 1750
ysearch Connolly County Limerick, Ireland
ysearch Deterding Hannover/Hanover, Germany
ysearch Hurbi Kienberg, Solothurn, Switzerland
ysearch Kelly Dundalk, Louth, Ireland
ysearch More Wick, Caithness, Scotland
ysearch Rule Balsham, Cambridge, England
ysearch Salvesen Vennesla, Vest Agder County, Norway
ysearch Stehle Bittelbronn-Haigerloch, Hohenzollern, Germany
ysearch Suarez Garrovillas de Alconetar, Spain

Appendix C: Overview of the Pinpointed Locations with their Genetic Distance

and MRCA Calculation (Figure 3)

Years ago
Location 1 Location 2 counted on
Fluxus network
Mountbellew(B1) Montgascon (B3) 28 3.911
Warta Lodz (E3) Montgascon (B3) 23 3.213

Garovillas de Alconetar
(144) Solothurn (A7) 15 2.095
Solothurn (A7) Methingen (147) 18 2.514
Methingen (147) Fjellestad (B6) 14 1.956

Hannover (A6) (A20) 23 3.213
Bellemagny (A20) (A25) 17 2.375

Martock (A17) Guichard (A14) 13 1.816
Hauteville-la-Guichard (A14) Heidelberg (A10) 15 2.095
Heidelberg (A10) Colerne (A16) 16 2.235

Limerick (A1) Upton (A26) 20 2.794

Upton (A26) Warwick (D2) 28 3.911

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, №2, 2010
ISSN: 1920-2989 © All rights reserved RJGG
Appendix D: Distribution Maps of the known Italian I-L38 Surnames

Fosson Gandola Spagnotto


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