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What is Current Transformer ?

Current transformer is one type of instrument transformer

which is useful for measuring AC current in any electrical
equipment. Current transformer primary is connected in
series with the circuit whose current is to be measured
and it's secondary is connected to relay, ammeter, watt-
meter, etc. This current transformer measures current in
primary by producing proportional current in secondary
circuit. All current transformer have particular ratio like
200/1, 400/5 etc upon it's requirement. So for ratio of
200/1, this current transformer will produce 1 ampere in
secondary circuit if there is 200 ampere in primary circuit.

Why we need small scale value for

measuring the current in electrical
circuits ?
Current transformer is converting high value of current to
low value of current and we use low value of current for
measuring and protection purpose. We need low value of
current because If we will use large value current for
measurement and protection, then the instruments like
ammeter, wattmeter and relay rating will have to be larger
to bear the high current and the costing of this devices
will also be high. Large currents are also not easy to
handle without circuit breakers.

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