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Adani Enterprises Placement Papers

Adani Enterprises Aptitude Test Placement Papers

1. The perimeter of a rectangle and square are 160m each. The area of the
rectangle is less than that it’s square by 100cm meters. The less than that of the
square by 100 sq.meters. the length of rectangle is

A. 30m

B. 40m

C. 50m

D. 60m

Answer: Option C


Each side of the square = 160/4m =40 cm

2(l+b) = 160

=> (l+b) = 80 (40) 2 –lb = 100

=> lb =(1600 - 100) = 1500 (l-b) 2 = (l+b) 2 – 4lb

= (80) 2 -4 x 1500 =(6400 -6000) = 400 (l-b) = 20

Therefore, l+b = 80, l-b =20

=> 2l =100

=> l= 50m

2. The average height of 50 pupils in a class is 150 cm. Five of them whose height
is 146 cm, leave the class and five others whose average height is 156 cm, join.
The new average height of the pupils of the class (in cm) is __________ .

A. 149

B. 151

C. 152

D. 153

E. None of these.

Answer: Option B


Total height = 150 * 50 = 7500 cm.

New average = [7500 - 5 * 146 + 5 * 156 ] / 50 = 151 cm.

3. A boat is rowed downstream at 15.5km/hr and upstream at 8.5 km/hr. The

speed of the stream is?

A. 3.5km/hr

B. 5.75km/hr

C. 6.5km/hr

D. 7km/hr

Answer: Option A


Speed Downstream = 15.5 km/hr,

speed upstream = 8.5 km/hr

Speed of the stream = ½ (15.5 – 8.5)km = 3.5 km/hr

4. What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% per
annum on a sum of Rs. 1000 after 4 years?

A. Rs. 31

B. Rs. 32.10

C. Rs. 40.40

D. Rs. 64.10

Answer: Option D


S.I. = (1000 * 10 * 4)/100 = Rs. 400

C.I. = [1000 * (1 + 10/100)4 - 1000] = Rs. 464.10 Difference = (464.10 - 400) = Rs.

5. The length of a rectangular floor is more than its breadth by 200%. If Rs. 324 is
required to paint the floor at the rate of Rs. 3 per sq m, then what would be the
length of the floor?

A. 27 m

B. 24 m

C. 18 m

D. 21 m

E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Let the length and the breadth of the floor be l m and b m respectively.

l = b + 200% of b = l + 2b = 3b

Area of the floor = 324/3 = 108 sq m

l b = 108 i.e., l * l/3 = 108

l2 = 324 => l = 18.

6. A mixture of 150 liters of wine and water contains 20% water. How much more
water should be added so that water becomes 25% of the new mixture?

A. 7 liters

B. 15 liters

C. 10 liters

D. 9 liters

Answer: Option C


Number of liters of water in150 liters of the mixture = 20% of 150 = 20/100 * 150
= 30 liters.

P liters of water added to the mixture to make water 25% of the new mixture.

Total amount of water becomes (30 + P. and total volume of mixture is (150 + P..

(30 + P. = 25/100 * (150 + P.

120 + 4P = 150 + P => P = 10 liters.

7. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence,
father's age was five times the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will be:

A. 5:2

B. 7:3

C. 9:2

D. 13:4

Answer: Option B


Let the age of father and son 10 years ago be 3x and x years respectively.

Then, (3x + 10) + 10 = 2[(x + 10) + 10]

3x + 20 = 2x + 40 => x = 20.

Required ratio = (3x + 10):(x + 10) = 70:30 = 7:3

8. Find the one which does not belong to that group?






Answer: Option A


B+2D+2F+6L, P+2R+3U+5Z, J+2L+3O+5T, C+2E+3H+5M and I+2K+3N+5S.

Except BDFL, all other groups follows similar pattern.

9. A is a working partner and B is a sleeping partner in the business. A puts in

Rs.15000 and B Rs.25000, A receives 10% of the profit for managing the business
the rest being divided in proportion of their capitals. Out of a total profit of
Rs.9600, money received by A is?

A. Rs.3240

B. Rs.3600

C. Rs.3800

D. Rs.4200

Answer: Option D


15:25 => 3:5

9600*10/100 = 960

9600 - 960 = 8640

8640*3/8 = 3240 + 960

= 4200

10. If the side of a square is increased by 25 %. Then its area is increased by:

A. 25 %

B. 55%

C. 40.5 %

D. 56.25 %

Answer: Option D


Let the side of the square be x units.

Then it’s area = x2 sq. Units

Side of new square = 125 % of x = (125/100 × x)units = 5x/4 units

New area = (5x/4 × 5x/4)sq.units = 25x2/16 Sq.units

Increase in area = (25x2/16 – x2) = 9x2/16 Sq.Units

Increase % = (9x2/16 × 1/x2 × 100)%

= 225/4 % = 56.25 %

11. The number of new words that can be formed by rearranging the letters of
the word 'ALIVE' is -.

A. 24

B. 23

C. 119

D. 120

E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Number of words which can be formed = 5! - 1 = 120 - 1 = 119.

12. Pipe A can fill a tank in 6 hours. Due to a leak at the bottom, it takes 9 hours
for the pipe A to fill the tank. In what time can the leak alone empty the full tank?

A. 16 hours

B. 15 hours

C. 18 hours

D. 17 hours

E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Let the leak can empty the full tank in x hours 1/6 - 1/x = 1/9

=> 1/x = 1/6 - 1/9 = (3 - 2)/18 = 1/18

=> x = 18.

13. A man and his wife appear in an interview for two vacancies in the same post.
The probability of husband's selection is (1/7) and the probability of wife's
selection is (1/5). What is the probability that only one of them is selected?

A. 2/7

B. 1/7

C. 3/4

D. 4/5

Answer: Option A

14. Find the greatest number of four digits which when divided by 10, 15, 21 and
28 leaves 4, 9, 15 and 22 as remainders respectively?

A. 9654

B. 9666

C. 9664

D. 9864

Answer: Option A

15. The sum of two numbers is 25 and their difference is 13. Find their product.

A. 104

B. 114

C. 315

D. 325

Answer: Option B


Let the numbers be x and y.

Then x + y = 25 and x - y = 13.

x = 19; y = 6

xy = 19 * 6 = 114

Adani Enterprises Reasoning Test Sample Papers

1. Statement: The availability of imported fruits has increased in the indigenous

market and so the demand for indigenous fruits has been


I. To help the indigenous producers of fruits, the Government should impose high
import duty on these fruits, even if these are not of good quality.

II. The fruit vendors should stop selling imported fruits. So that the demand for
indigenous fruits would be increased.

A. Only I follows

B. Only II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option D


The ideas suggested in both I and II represent unfair means to cut competition.
The correct way would be to devise methods and techniques such

that the indigenous producers could produce better quality fruits and make them
available in the market at prices comparable with those of the

imported ones. Hence, neither I nor II follows.

2. Statements: Money plays a vital role in politics.


I. The poor can never become politicians.

II. All the rich men take part in politics.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option D


Neither the poor nor the rich, but only the role of money in politics is being talked
about in the statement. So, neither I nor II follows.

3. Neha was born on November 8, 1984. She secured 65% marks in class 12 and
60% marks in graduation degree. She secured 58% marks in M.Com Statistics and
60% marks in CA. She has been working in a bank as officer for the past 2 years.
She also secured 50% marks in the written examination and 45% marks in
personal interview.

A. if the data provided are inadequate to take a decision.

B. if the case is to be referred to VP.

C. if the case is to be referred to President.

D. if the candidate is to be selected.

E. if the candidate is not to be selected.

Answer: Option B

For VP, instead of at least 60% marks in post-grad, if secures at least 60% marks in
CA, the case is to be referred as VP.

This case is satisfied here.

Following are the conditions for selecting a Senior Manager in a bank.

The candidate must –

i. have passed class 12th with at least 60% marks.

ii. be a graduate in any discipline with at least 55% marks.

iii. be a post graduate in Management with specialization in Economic/Statistics

with at least 60% marks.

iv. have work experience of at least 2 years in a bank.

v. be at least 25 years and not more than 35 years as on 01-03-2016.

vi. cleared written examination with at least 50% marks

vii. cleared personal interview with at least 40% marks

In the case of candidate who fulfills all conditions except –

a. at iii. above, but has secured at least 60% marks in CA, the case is to be referred
as VP.

b. at vii. above, but has cleared written examination with at least 60% marks and
personal interview with at least 35% marks, his case to be referred as President.

4. Conversion of computer-generated result in to human-acceptable form is a

function of:


B. Input interface

C. Output interface


E. None of these

Answer: Option C

5. While you board a train at the station,you find a suitcase beneath your seat.
you would :

A. report the matter to the police.

B. open up the suitcase to look through its contents.

C. try to find out the address of the owner from the papers etc,in the suitcase.

D. finding no one to claim it,take it into your own possession.

Answer: Option A


Report the matter to the police.

6. A recent study of 6,403 people showed that those treated with the drug
pravastatin, one of the effects of which is to reduce cholesterol, had about one-
third fewer nonfatal heart attacks and one-third fewer deaths from coronary
disease than did those not taking the drug. This result is consistent with other
studies, which show that those who have heart disease often have higher than
average cholesterol levels. This shows that lowering cholesterol levels reduces the
risk of heart disease. The argumentís reasoning is flawed because the argument

A. neglects the possibility that pravastatin may have severe side effects

B. fails to consider that pravastatin may reduce the risk of heart disease but not as
a consequence of its lowering cholesterol levels

C. relies on past finding, rather than drawing its principal conclusion from the data
found in the specific study cited

D. draws a conclusion regarding the effects of lowering cholesterol levels on heart

disease, when in fact the conclusion should focus on the relation between
pravastatin and cholesterol levels

E. fails to consider that percentage of the general population might be taking


Answer: Option E

7. 784 : 812 :: 1024 : __

A. 1040

B. 1056

C. 1132

D. 1098

E. 1236

Answer: Option B


784 : 812 :: 1024 : __

This is the form n2 : n2 + n.

v784 = 28 and 784 + 28 = 812 Similarly, v1024 = 32 and 1024 + 32 = 1056.

8. P @ Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.

P # Q means P is not less than Q.

P $ Q means P is neither greater than nor less than Q.

P © Q means P is not greater than Q.

P % Q means P is neither lesser than nor equal to Q.

Statements: A % B, B # C, C @ D, D % E

Conclusions: I. A % C

II. D @ A

III. B # E

A. Only I follows

B. Only II follows

C. Only III follows

D. Either I or II follows

E. None follows

Answer: Option A


P @ Q => P < Q

P # Q => P = Q

P $ Q => P = Q

P © Q => P = Q

P % Q => P > Q

The Statement is

A % B => A > B

B # C => B = C

C @ D => C < D

D % E => D > E

By Combining the above

Statements we get

A > B = C < D > E.

Conclusion I: A % C => A > C follows.

Conclusion II: D @ A => D < A, does

not follow.

Conclusion III: B # E => B = E, does

not follow. Only I follow.

9. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in
the middle?

A. Tennis

B. Tendon

C. Tender

D. Tempest

E. Terminal

Answer: Option B


Tempest, Tender, Tendon, Tennis, Terminal

10. In this question, five words have been given, out of which four are alike in
some manner and the fifth one is different. Choose out the odd one?

A. Collection

B. Compilation

C. Cluster

D. Assemblage

E. Assortment

Answer: Option C


All except Cluster denote collection of selected items.

11. In a certain code language, if the word REGISTRATION is coded as

TSIGERNOITAR, then how is the word ACCURATE coded in that language?






Answer: Option A



Pattern : The word is divided into two equal halves and the letters in each half are

Code : T S I G E R N O I T A R

Similarly, the code for ACCURATE is UCCAETAR.

12. One morning after sunrise, Gopal was standing facing a pole. The shadow of
the pole fell exactly to his right. Which direction was he facing?

A. South

B. East

C. West

D. Data inadequate

E. None of these

Answer: Option A

13. Statement: Is buying things on installments profitable to the customer?


I. Yes. He has to pay less.

II. No, paying installments upsets the family budget.

A. Only argument I is strong

B. Only argument II is strong

C. Either I or II is strong

D. Neither I nor II is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

Answer: Option D


In buying things on instalments, a customer has to pay more as the interest is also
included. So, argument I does not hold. Moreover, one who buys an item

on instalments maintains his future budget accordingly as he is well acquainted

with when and how much he has to pay, beforehand. So, argument II is also

not valid.

14. Which one of the following is always associated with 'tree'?

A. Flowers

B. Leaves

C. Fruits

D. Roots

Answer: Option D

15. Statements:

Police had resorted to lathi-charge to disperse the unruly mob from the civic

The civic administration has recently hiked the property tax of the residential
buildings by about 30 percent.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Answer: Option D


Both the statements I and II are the effects of independent causes.

Adani Enterprises Verbal Ability Test Model Papers

1. Champagne is drunk on new year’s eve.

A. They will drink champagne on new year’s eve.

B. People drink champagne on new year’s eve.

C. People always drink champagne on new year’s eve.

D. Let us drink champagne on new year’s eve.

Answer: Option B


People drink champagne on new year’s eve.

2. A live ass is better than a dead lion.

A. dead

B. live

C. both (a) and (b)

D. better

Answer: Option C


both (a) and (b)


A. Priceless

B. Free

C. Worthless

D. Cheap

Answer: Option D

4. This kind of ________ weather makes me happy.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. no article

Answer: D


no article

5. solve as per the direction given above

A. On the busy Ring Road

B. we witnessed a collusion

C. between a truck and an auto.

D. No error.

Answer: Option B


we witnessed a collision

6. Hobson’s choice :

A. Feeling of insecurity

B. Accept or leave the other

C. Feeling of strength

D. Excellent choice

Answer: Option B


Accept or leave the other

7. Ron wants to be self-sufficient. He has planted ______ fruit trees and

vegetables in his garden.

A. much

B. a lot of

C. a great deal of

D. a large amount of

Answer: Option B


a lot of

8. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Coat

B. Shirt

C. Blouse

D. Trousers

E. Sweater

Answer: Option D


All except Trousers are garments which cover the upper part of the body.

9. You should not put _____ doing something until the very last minute.

A. over

B. of

C. on

D. off

Answer: Option D



10. The majestic mahogany table

P : belongs to an old prince

Q : which has one leg missing

R : who is no impoverished

S : but not without some pride

The Proper sequence should be:





Answer: Option D

11. I will write a letter to you tentatively ..... the dates of the programme.

A. urging

B. guiding

C. indicating

D. involving

Answer: Option C



12. find correct spelling :

A. Parallelled

B. Parralleled

C. Paralleled

D. Paraleled

Answer: Option C



13. Let you and I /ponder over the basic/ question that students/do not get good

A. Let you and I

B. ponder over the basic

C. question that students

D. do not get good guidance.

Answer: Option A


Subtitute ëIí by ëmeí.íLetí is always followed by objective form of pronoun.

14. One who eats everything

A. Insolvent

B. Irrestible

C. Omnivorous

D. Omniscient

Answer: Option C




A. Challenge

B. Miserable

C. Deny

D. Disobey

Answer: Option B

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