Miniature Wargames 257 2004-10

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HUMAN WAVE - YELLOWSTONE SURVEYS (4) - AUGHRIM rth deal Prey eel ISSN 0266-3228 October 2004 Issue 257 ‘ Published on the second Wednesday of the smionth by irene Publishing Lid, Suite 13, Wessex House, St Leonard's Road Bournemouth BHS QS, TeVAns: 01 ut Fax: 01202 297 345, E-mail jaime Printed in England Pditor, Publisher Advertisement Manager Tain Dickie. TeVAne: 01202 207 $44 Production Manager Carol Kowalewicrs Tel: O1425 484793 E-mail: Admin. Manager: Della Dawson TeVAnss 01202 207 344 Magne Marketing Compa, Wing Surey GU2S BHR Fe O18 Asralia: Esex Mitiatuen Aaa, 22 Sydney Rod, Horsbyteghs, SW Tel: 247 606 Australia, Fax: 0 Denna: Modes and Hobby Frederiksbonggade 2, DK1360, Kaen Germany, Asta, Switretand: Haskin Miniatures Deschland, Stephenpis fy 20854 Ve: OUP 1867, Fx 04005 13 16 Mala: Mosel Toys Li The Medel Shop, Bika Ps, iin, ‘New Zealand: Hisoric Games, 464 Ryber Piss Rod, Newmar, New Zealand Sin: E Vij Teco SA, Cardenal Herera (Ora 167, Ved, 280 Madi Si Tele TBA. Fa F491 United Sates: Games Promotions Wianaes tn) Box 27, Roa 40 Eat Tradlpi, WW 26059 0278, USA. Te 90454 000. ‘pening, Devin & Repo ‘COVER PICTURE: | just hac to take advantage ofthese wonderful figures (by HUBSC) and scratch buildings from lst 'mont’sfsue. Painting and conversions by Dave Wilson PHOTOGRAPHY: Richar Ellis Photography. Tel 01793 861198, (CARTOGRAPHY: Nigs! Pell. Tel: 01202 531659 MINIATURE WARGAMES CONTENTS Ascients Late Romans and Indians under WAB rules Battle Report MiscetLansous Figure Reviews Book & Rule Reviews Reconnaissance Report Renassincr Nordlin; Suede sn: The Swedish Eclipse “imperialists the afterglow of Gustavns Adolphus Narowsontc Never Mind The Quality, Feel The Width ‘Ruomning guns and gold the peninsular Renassusce Grim Aughrim Williamites and Jacobites in Ireland wwit Iwo Jima ~ Alternative Scenario Japanese turn at bay 1914 Cevruny The Yellowstone Surveys of 1871-1873 Pun Movens Human Wave Attacks Unmerving tacts bn Korea Suow Reront Attack 2004 Good beer and fod in the sunshine Mepis. ‘The Battle of Verneuil 1424 Scots aren enough to save the French EDITORIAL Tove the summer, waking to clear blue skies, long balmy days and short steamy nights. Unfortunately, since I live in the UK, what we get is overcast mornings and rainy Avy, evenings. Just as well we are really busy in the eo ay office. Not just preparing this issue but egy pi - v Wes working towards issues and new publications IK due for launching as far ahead as next April { The first of these should be available at Colours in Newbury 11/12th September, Add to that the figures being painted for photographs and you can see things are really buzzing here, That doesn’t mean you can slack off, oh no! I want to hear about your latest games and campaigns, it doesn’t matter about the period. Put pen to paper and share your fun with everyone else. Jain Dickie Battle Report: The Editor's Late Romans take on Gareth Harding's Indians. Terrain by MMT. Photography by Richard Ellis. ANCIENTS 25IVEVE LATE RONAN ¥S INDIAN An alternative scenario by Geoff Woottew ie been in the doldrums a bit with Ancients ever since WRG 6th Ed went out 1e continual stream of errata with 7th, and disliked the Word Processor typeface that was used. While I enjoy DBA I don't like the feel of DBM as a larger game format — itis a bit 100 artificially stylised. for me, and too much emphasis is placed on minute angles of troop bases and ‘micrometer measurements ~ a bit too “picky” for my personal tastes, especially in 15mm. Then at Britcon in Loughborough this year I saw my first game of Warhammer Ancient Battles, ow | always thought that | would be the last one to buy anything with Games Workshop on the front of it. My home is defintely a goblin-ree zone. And from what I hag heard about the game mechanisms of Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB), | wasr't inspired. All those unnecessary dice throws, femphasis on individual figures, not units, @ skirmish level game... Bah! And then at Britcon | suddenly changed my mind. Walking around the games, past some glum, very serious and very earnest OBM Next Issue on sale 6th October 2008 competitors, it was clear that the players who were having the most fun were clearly the WAB players. Having watched a couple of games | was Intrigued to find out how wrong | had been about both the level of game and the playability of these rules. By the end of the day Twas very keen to give them a try out, and | emerged from Britcon beaming broadly ~ but with a very much lighter wallet The basic rules booklet costs around £15, but unless you are going to be satisfied with ust fighting Imperial Rome versus Ancient British (or similar) you really also need to buy atleast the first of @ series of supplements that ‘accompany it. The fist supplement ‘Armies of Antiquity’ is a basic army primer for quite a INIATURI IANGAMES

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