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C o n g r e s s i o n a l S o u t h A v e n u e , B u ro l 1 , Ci t y o f Da s m a ri ñ a s , Ca v i t e



In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Subject

Practical Research II

Angcao, Bayani George V.

Fernando, Joana Marie F.

Mohammad, Fayezah M.

Lamigo, Ralph David O.

Rascal, Jalalodin P.

Sampilo, Edshil Rudiel P.

Villestas, Erica Joyce A.

March 2018

This study, entitledFactors Affecting School Responsibility of

Grade11 students in Dasmariñas Integrated Highschool prepared by

Bayani George Angcao, Joanna Marie Fernando. Fayezah Mohammad, Ralph David
Lamigo, Jalalodin Rascal, Edshil Rudiel Sampilo, and Erica Joyce Villestas in
partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research II, is hereby examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for the oral defense exam.





Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research II

by the committee on oral defense exam.





Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research


ASDS/ Concurrent Principal


The authors would like to acknowledge and express their sincerest

thanks to the following persons and institutions, whose contributions led

to the realization of this endeavor:

Ms. Ana Grace M. Filio, our Research II teacher, for showing her

knowledge, guidance and valuable suggestions during the preparation and

development of the study, constructive review and useful discussions in

the completion of our thesis.

_____________, our class adviser, for his encouragement and constant

follow up on the status of our research work.

Dr. Lualhati O. Cadavedo, our School Principal for allowing our group to

conduct our research.

______________________, for giving us insights on how to go about our

chosen study.

______________________, for their assistance in our statistical analysis.

Our sincerest thanks and appreciation to our parents for their moral and

financial support during the entire research work. Their prayers, love

and understanding served as our inspiration.

Most of all, our deepest gratitude to our Almighty God for all the

blessings received and knowledge discovered. To Him, this work is humbly





........ III

CONTENTS.................................................................. IV

.......... V





Statement of the Problem


Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study


Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Literature and Studies
Definition of Terms

Research Design

Research Sampling

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment of Data








Chapter I


We are now in the time of Technical Revolution and Globalization. At this era,

education is considered as the most powerful equipment that you will have. It

plays an important role in the humanity for an individual's well being and

opportunities for the better living of everyone. It ensures the acquisition of

knowledge and skills that enable individuals to increase their productivity and

improve their quality of life (Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq and Berhanu, 2011).

This increase in productivity also leads towards new sources of earning which

enhances the economy’s growth of a country (Saxton, 2000). For the Educators,

their top priority is to build a student where in performing academically were

good. Educators, Trainers and Researchers are exploring new techniques to

contribute to the enhancement of the learners. In previous researches, there

are variables are inside and outside school that affect student's quality of

academic achievements. These factors may be termed as students - teacher’s

relationship factors, gender factors, peer factors, family factors, and

socioeconomic status factors.

Amongst the factors, socioeconomic status is one of the most researched

and debated factor among the educational professionals that contribute towards

the academic performance of students (Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq and Berhanu,

2011). Their argument saying that the socioeconomic status of the learner can

affect the quality of their academic performances. Most of the experts argue

that the low socioeconomic status has negative effect on the academic

performance of students because the basic needs of the students remain

unfulfilled and hence they do not perform better academically (Adams, 1996).

The low socioeconomic status causes environmental deficiencies which results in

low self - esteem of the students (US Department of Education, 2003).

The definition of good quality education varies from culture to culture

(Micheal, 1998). Educational services are often not tangible and are difficult

to measure because they result in the form of transportation of knowledge, life

skills and behaviour modifications of learners (Tsinidou, Gerogiannis and

Fitsilis, 2010). The personal characteristics and the environment has an effect

to the academic success of a learner. The people who surround the learner play

an important role to help and support the students for the good quality of their

academic performances. More specifically, this study aims to know the attitude

of Senior High School students in Dasmariñas Integrated High School towards in

their School Responsibilities.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine what factors can affect the attitude of Grade 11

students in their school responsibilities.

Generally, this study aims to determine the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

a) Age

b) sex

c) Family monthly income

d) Strand

2. What is the attitude of the respondent toward school responsibility?

3. Which factors influence the attitude of the respondents toward school


a. Teacher factor

b. Peer factor

c. Health factor

4. Is there a significant difference in the attitude toward school

responsibility when grouped according to their profile?

Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to know how students reacts, respond and how

they comply with their school responsibilities. It also aims to know its factor

that can affect the students’ attitudes towards their school responsibility.

At the end, the researchers should figure out the following:

1.) The student’s attitude towards their school responsibility

2.) How factors can thoroughly affect student’s attitude in school


3.) The factors affecting the attitude of students in school responsibility.

4.)The significant difference in the attitude toward school responsibility when

grouped according to their profile.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the attitude level of Grade 11 students in their school

responbilities. The study will conduct at Dasmariñas Integrated High School. I

n this research, the information will be collected is from the Grade 11 from t

wo tracks the academic and tech-vocational tracks and in each track there are

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Accountancy and Business Management (A

BM) for the Academic Track;Cookery, Bread and Pastry (CBF), Electrical installation and maint

enance (EIM), Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), Automotive Services (AS) and Wellness an

d Fitness for the Technical Vocational Track.General Academic Strand (GAS) was not included f

or the reason there is no GAS in Grade 11.

Significance of the Study

Resultof the study might benefit the Teachers and Students

Teachers and those who will pursuing teaching would benefit the most because they will

enlightened on the things that influence the learnings of every students. It may help them realize

to give more attention in helping their students learning the syllabus.

Students might be informed in the things that affect their learning and their school responsibilities.

It will help them develop to manage their time between other things and school responsibilities.

Chapter II

Conceptual Framework
The chart below proposes the factors that namely Peers, Socio-Economic, Health,

and Teachers that might affect the Attitude level towards School Responsibility

of Grade 11 students in Dasmariñas Integrated High School.


Socio- Attitude level

Economic school
Status responsibility



Walberg (1981) determined three gatherings of nine variables dependent on full of feeling,

psychological and conduct aptitudes for improvement of discovering that influence the nature of

scholarly execution: Aptitude (capa city, advancement and inspiration); guidance (sum and

quality); condition (home, classroom, peers and TV) (Roberts, 2007). The home condition also

impacts the insightful execution of understudies. Instructed gatekeepers can give such a space, that

suits best for educational achievement of their children. The school specialists can give guiding

and bearing to watchmen for making positive home condition for advancement in understudies'
temperament of work (Marzano, 2003). The insightful execution of understudies seriously depends

on the parental commitment in their educational activities to accomplish the bigger sum of

incentive in insightful accomplishment (Barnard, 2004; Henderson, 1988; Shumox

and Lomax, 2001).

Review of Related Literature

As time pass by the studies involving the influence of students in their leisure

activities has increase. Dissimilarity between the structured and unstructured

leisure activities of the students can be made (Eccles & Barber, 1999). Studies

shows that student that is involve in extracurricular activities receive higher

grade from their teachers as it shows more ability than their peers who are

less involved in activities (Prelow & Loukas, 2003). Being involved in

extracurricular activities may be a positive attribute to the students as it

provides positive peer support, positive adult role models and giving students

opportunity to be involve in activity during their leisure time, which result

the lessen of students getting involved in delinquent behaviour (Eccles &

Barber, 1999). Some studies show that there is still a possibility a youth

getting engage in a delinquent behaviour as being involved in extracurricular

activities can't act as an protector for being engage in delinquent behaviour

(Burton & Marshall, 2005).



A number of factors related to teachers have been identified as a huge influence on the academic

performance of the students. (Adane) Factors found in teachers such as absenteeism, lateness and

inadequate assignments to students identified to contribute to low academic performances of the

students. Teachers' role is very important in achieving academic excellence that's why lateness and

absenteeism greatly affect the student's performance in class. The lateness of teacher in school
affects the student's output in a way that they will lose the interest on that particular subject. To

ensure that the students will study at home, teachers gives homework to the students. So if the

teachers fail to give homework on the students, it will affect the learning and academic

performance of the students especially those lazy students. As a result, Poor attendance of students

caused by cutting classes, leaving the school without permission and tardiness are the result of

teacher's attitude. Attitude is a huge factor that affects how a person acts and does things positively

and negatively.

Attitude also affects the teacher on how he/she prepares and discusses the lesson. It has been found

that the teachers’ attitude is the huge factor that influences a student’s interest in studying. The

personality and attitude of the teacher are powerful and highly influential of the student's

comprehension. If a teacher shows the signs of lack of interest, tardiness, and absenteeism, students

will not be able to absorb the knowledge that they need. This shows that the attitude of teacher is

a huge influence on how students perform in class. The student and teacher's teaching and learning

have a significant impact on their academic performance. Student’s attitude such absenteeism,

tardiness and cutting classes have a negative effect on how they will learn (David Baidoo, 2016).

In achieving academic excellence, the role of a teacher is very consequential. Tardiness to the

school on the part of the teacher greatly influences the students. Tardiness of a teacher to school

affects the output of work wherein they not are able to complete their syllabi before the

examination of the students. Giving homework to a student’s results to continuous learning of a

student after school. So if there is no homework it affects them academically (Adane). Having a

positive relationship between teacher and students was found to be more increased interest to the

students and improved behaviour in school. (Bm, Murberg, & Stephens, 2001; Hall & Hall,

2003; Harter, 1996; Murdock & Bolch, 2005; Wentzel, 1994;

Wölk, 2003; Woolley & Bowen, 2007.). Reports of conflict over teacher and students, increases

in student problem behaviour and decreases in competence behaviour (Pianta, Steinberg, & Rollins

1995). Students, who feel teacher to be caring, trusting, and respectful of students, also feel their

environment understanding and warm. When students feel teacher to be one sided and

discriminatory, their feel in school environment is unfriendly and less responsive (Roeser Not having a motivation and professional commitment on the part of teachers can lead

to poor attendance and unprofessional behaviours towards students and can results the affect

through the performance of students academically (Lockheed and Versos). Girls students reported

more finding for positive work attitude and school oriented behaviour rather than boys towards to

their teacher (Birch & Ladd, 1997). Girls are less confronting in their interactions with teachers

and shows prosaically behaviours than boys do. Such positive reaction and tend to build the

development of closer interpersonal relationships between teachers and female students (Birch &

Ladd, 1997; Caims & Caims, 1994).



Nourishment likewise in a roundabout way impacts school execution. Poor sustenance can leave

understudies'defenceless to sickness or on the other hand lead to migraines and stomachaches,

bringing about school nonattendances (Brown, Beardslee, and Prothrow-Stith, 2008).

Mexican states show that children’s illness is a primary cause for absence and poor performance

(Carron & Chau,1996). Thus, Children who expertise medical distress are at risk for low academic

achievement (Spernak, Schottenbauer,Ramey& Ramey,2006).Access to nourishment that fuses

protein, starches, and glucose has been appeared to make strides understudies' insight, fixation,
and vitality levels (Bellisle, 2004; Sorhaindo and Feinstein, 2006).Martínez-Gómez et al. (2012)

analyzed the autonomous and joined impact of meeting proposals for four wellbeing

practices among Spanish young people (PA, TV review, rest and organic product admission) and

found that young ladies with 3– 4 solid practices demonstrated altogether higher chances of getting

passing evaluations for writing/dialect and arithmetic contrasted and those with 0– 1 wellbeing

practices. Satisfactory and adequate admission of sustenance is fundamental to cerebrum work

(Bloom, 2009; Dauncey, 2009; Kazal, 2002; Shariff, Bond, and Johnson, 2000).


Students problems having a relation to the peer groups interactions (peer rejection) can have a

emotional consequences affecting the students social and academic life (Bashmaster D, 1990). The

truth that Moroocan students spend critical 12 years in school with an total of 975 hours a year

(M.Boulhya 2013) ,makes peer relationships having a high significance in affecting students

academic life .Its common for the group members to have mutual socio economic status ,age and

locality increasing shared time after school .Students are more likely to have long time together in

school influencing academic performance.(Manheim 1998) claims that students throughout their

school responsibilities will be grouped with their contemporaries so they will become accustomed

to have the limitations and addition of each long intensified .(Taimo 2024) wrote that the peer

group outside the home from which does not always conform with adult standard ,and each

children stire to to abide with the ethics if the group they takes membership with because rejection

by the group can have a negative effect to the students learning .


Factors contributing to problems are the socio-economic status of the school (Kozol, 1991; Oakes,

1990; Ingersoll, 1990 as cited in Rima 2008). Major settings that influences the way children and

adolescents grow up include families, neighbourhoods, and schools (Owens, 2002)

This lack of investment in school has been connected not to a lack of ability, but rather, a reaction

to the racial prejudice and discrimination that minority students face in the classroom and other

areas of life (Battle and Lewis 2002, Seyfried 1998). The affect that sex has on a student’s

academic achievement has been debated and heavily researched over the past several decades

(Chambers and Schreiber 2004, Eitle 2005). Past research has indicated an academic achievement

gap between the sexes, with boys ahead of girls. However, more recent research has shown that

the achievement gap has been narrowing and that in some instances girls have higher academic

achievement thain boys (Chambers and Schreiber 2004)

Typically, effort has been positively linked with test scores and academic performance in both

direct and indirect ways. Some studies have shown that high student effort leads to greater

educational values, which in turn indirectly affects student performance (Ceballo et al 2004,

Carbonaro 2005). Effort has also been linked to higher student grade point averages (GPA)

(Carbonaro 2005). Effort has been measured in a variety of ways ranging from time spent on

homework to attentiveness in class and all have been positively linked with school performance

(Carbonaro 2005).
Definitions of Terms

Attitude - They are perplexing and an obtained state through encounters. It is

a person's inclined perspective with respect to esteem and it is accelerated

through a responsive articulation toward a man, place, thing, or event which

thusly impacts the person's idea and activity.

School Responsibility – it occurs when students take an active role in their

learning by recognizing they are accountable for their academic success.

Student responsibility is demonstrated when students make choices and take

actions which lead them toward their educational goals.

Education- the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge,

developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing

oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

Characteristics- A feature of person or thing are the qualities or features

that belong to them and make them recognizable.

Responsibility - An act where an individual can be independently and take

decisions without authorization.

Academic Performance - It describe how a students perform well in their

activities or subjects.

Extracurricular Activities - Extracurricular activities are those sponsored by

and usually held at school but that are not part of the academic curriculum.

They often involve some time commitment outside of the regular school day.

Chapter III


Research Instrument

To gather data a research instrument survey questionnaire is used. The

questionnaire is composed of 24 questions. 9 questions are for their attitude

towards school responsibility, 5 questions are for peers, 5 questions for

Teachers and 5 questions for Health. It was a self-made questionnaire made by

the researchers. The questionnaires contain. The participants’ responses in

each question can also test their attitude level towards school

responsibilities. The reply of the participants is categorized and coded as





Research Design

This study used a Descriptive Design as it obtains information concerning the

current status of the students in their attitude towards their

responsibilities in schools. The researchers also used a Quantitative Design

as it emphasizes objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or

numerical analysis of data collected through a survey questionnaire.

Research Samplings
On this research, As shown in Raosoft the total population of grade 11 students

are 751 the academic strand which contains 185 students from Humanities and

Social Science (HUMSS), 131 students from Accountancy and Business Mangament.

Technological Vocational Livelihood Strand ( TVL) that contai 48 student from

Electrical Installation Maintenance (EIM), 131 students from Automotive

Services(AS) , 136 students from Cooker and , 49 students from Shielded Metalic

Arch Welding (SMAW), 35 student from Wellness Local. The researchers gathered

251 students to accomplished gathering the data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will use survey questionnaires as the main tool in gathering

data. The following are the steps will be conducted by the researchers:
1. Get the population in each sections of Grade 11 students

2. Use Raosoft to get the exact sample that will be needed in each sections

3. Administer the survey questionnaire to the respondents

4. The respondents will be given an enough time to answer each questions in the


5. The survey will be collected once it was available

This examination pursued the reliability analysis. Reliability analysis is set by getting the

proportion of systematic variation during a scale, which might be done by determinant the

association between the scores obtained from totally different administration of the size. the

appropriate worth of alpha is 0.8 within the case of intelligence test, therefore the acceptable worth

of alpha within the case of ability test is 0.7 (Kline,1999).

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.709 23

The table above shows that the Cronbach’s Alpha is .709 which is the exact ability test of
statistic it specifies that research is stable and reliable.
Chapter IV
Result and Discussion
This study aims to determine the factors that can affect school responsibility of the Grade 11 Senior

High School Students in Dasmariñas Integrated High school. It also aim to determine if there

is a significant difference in the attitude toward school responsibility when

grouped according to their profile.

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Age

Table 4.1

Frequency Percent

15.00 1 .4

16.00 48 19.1

17.00 113 45.0

18.00 61 24.3

19.00 18 7.2

20.00 4 1.6

21.00 3 1.2

24.00 1 .4

26.00 2 .8

Total 251 100.0

The table above show the Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the respondents

according to their age. The data result show that most of the respondent are 17 years old with

a frequency of 113 and a percentage of 45.0% and with the least respondent of 24 years old

with a frequency of only 1 respondent and a percentage of .4%.

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Strand

Table 4.2

Frequency Percent

HUMSS 41 16.3

ABM 47 18.7

CBF 35 13.9

AS 34 13.5

EIM 38 15.1

WLFH 24 9.6

SMAW 32 12.7

Total 251 100.0

The table above show the Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the respondents

according to their strand. The data result show that most of the respondent are from the

Academic Track Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) with a respondent of 47

students with a percentage of 18.7% and the least respondent are from the Technical-

Vocational-Livelihood Track(TVL) WLFH with only 24 respondents with a percentage of

9.6 %.

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Sex

Table 4.3

Frequency Percent

FEMALE 126 50.2

Valid MALE 125 49.8

Total 251 100.0

The table above show the Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the respondents according

to their Sex. The data result shows that most of the respondents are female with a frequency of

126 and a percentage of 50.2% while the male respondents is 125 with a percentage of 49.8%.

Frequency Distribution and Percentage according to the monthly income of

grade 11 families.


Frequency Percent

less than 5,000 109 43.4

5,001 - 10,000 71 28.3

10,001 - 15,000 41 16.3

15,001 - 20,000 16 6.4

20,001 and above 14 5.6

Total 251 100.0

The table above shows the Frequency Distribution and Percentage according to

the monthly income of grade 11 families. The data results show that most of

the income of the families of grade 11 are less than 5,000 with a frequency

of 109 and a percentage of 43.4%, with a big difference from the families

with an income of 20,001 and above with a frequency of 14 and a percentage

of 5.6%.
Grade 11 Senior Highschool Students Attitude toward School Responsibility

Table 4.4

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation

I passed my requirements on time. 251 3.2072 .55580

I avoid absences as much as possible. 251 3.3028 .60328
I maintain to have good relationship to the other people. 251 3.2550 .57160
I participate in extracurricular activities. 251 2.7928 .83241
I Discern and listen very carefully to my teacher. 251 3.2829 .60964
I participate in activities inside and outside of the school. 251 3.0080 .75890
I follow and obey the given task in my group. 251 3.3108 .59920
I help my group during group activities. 251 3.3785 .54788
Inside the classroom I use my gadget to the lessons. 251 2.9402 .81019
Valid N (list wise) 251

N Mean Std. Deviation

Student Attitude 251 3.1669 .31189

Valid N (listwise) 251

Legendary: 1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree 2.51- 3.25 - Agree

1.76- 2.50- Disagree 3.26- 4.00 – Strongly Agree
The table above is the frequency and Descriptive statistics that shows the results of the

respondents answer in question about how student attitude affects the students school

responsibilities. According to the result above with a mean of 3.16 most of the students are doing

their part in their school responsibilities.

Teachers as A Factor Affecting School Responsibilities of Grade 11 Students in Dasmariñas
Integrated High school.
Table 4.5

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std.

The teaching methods of my teacher affects me in my studies. 251 3.2351 .65462

I attend my class according to my teacher's arrival. 251 2.5618 .95873
Because of my teacher I am doing well in doing my assignments. 251 3.1394 .68153
The assignments has a greater help in understanding the lessons. 251 3.1833 .65596
I consult my activity to my teacher. 251 3.0837 .67303
Valid N (listwise) 251
1.00 – 1.75 - Strongly Disagree 2.51 – 3.25 - Agree
1.76 - 2.50 - Disagree 3.26 – 4.00 - Strongly Agree

The table shows the Frequency and Descriptive statistics that shows the result of the respondents

answer inquestions about how Teachers affect the attitude of students in their school

responsibilities.The data result shows that with a range of 2.51-3.25.It can considered that most

of the Respondents agreed that teacher does have effect on doing their school responsibilities

with a mean of 3.04066

Peers as a Factor Affecting School Responsibilities of Grade 11 Students in Dasmariñas

Integrated High school
Table 4.6

N Mean Std. Deviation

My friends influences me to attend class every day. 251 2.8685 .83585
My friends helps me in my activities in school. 251 3.2829 .66608
My friends serves as my inspiration. 251 3.0717 .71192
I'm happy to be with my friends in a group activity. 251 3.2988 .58169
Me and my friends are working and studying together to better understand the
251 3.2112 .66876
Valid N (listwise) 251
1.00 – 1.75 - Strongly Disagree 2.51 – 3.25 - Agree
1.76 - 2.50 - Disagree 3.26 – 4.00 - Strongly Agree
The table above is the Frequency and Descriptive statistics that shows the result of the respondents
answer in questions about How Peers affect the attitude of students in their school responsibilities.
The data result shows that with a range of 2.51 – 3.25 it can be considered that most of the student
agree that peers does have an effect on doing their school responsibilities. Particularly if their peer
is included with them in a group activity with a mean of 3.29.

Health as a Factor Affecting School Responsibilities of Grade 11 Students in Dasmariñas

Integrated High school
Table 4.7

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation

My health is a factor in attending my class 251 3.1315 .72845

I’m attending school even I’m feeling ill 251 3.0797 .75474
I neglect myself because of many school works 251 2.6056 .88984
I sleep and attend my class on time 251 2.9323 .81449
The activities in our school helps me to become physically fit 251 3.1155 .69757
Valid N (listwise) 251
1.00 – 1.75 - Strongly Disagree 2.51 – 3.25 - Agree
1.76 - 2.50 - Disagree 3.26 – 4.00 - Strongly Agree

The table above is the Frequency and Descriptive statistics that shows the result of the
respondents answer in questions about How Health affects the attitude of the students in their
school responsibilities. With a range of 2.60-3.11 it shows that most of the student of Grade 11
agree that health is a factor that can affect in doing their school responsibility specifically if
there’s an activity that includes physical activities.
Significant Difference in the Profile factor that affect the attitude toward school responsibility and
respondents profile

Table 4.8


df F Sig. Verbal Interpretation

There is no significant difference in the Age as factor that

16 1.155 .306 affects the attitude of the respondents towards school

age responsibilities.


There is significant difference in the Strand as factor that
16 .574 .902 affects the attitude of the respondents towards school
strand responsibilities.
There is no significant difference in the Sex as factor that
16 1.242 .237 affects the attitude of the respondents towards school
SEX responsibilities.
There is significant difference in the Monthly Income as
16 .631 .858 factor that affects the attitude of the respondents towards

MONTHLY INCOME school responsibilities.


Chapter V


The personal characteristics and the environment has an effect to the academic success of a

student. This study aims to show the factors such as teachers, peers, and friends that can affect

the students towards school responsibilities and has the significant relationship in the attitude

toward school responsibility according to their profile. The total of grade 11 students in

Dasmariñas Integrated High School is 715 but according to Rao soft the researchers only have to

gather 251 respondents. The researchers use self-made survey questionaire that consists of 24

questions. According to findings teachers, peers, and health has an affect towards school

responsibilities of Grade 11 students in Dasmariñas Integrated High School.


The researchers found out that the given factors have an effect in the respondents’ attitude

towards school responsibility. The researchers also found out that in terms of Age and sex don’t

have effect in the attitude of the students towards their school responsibilities, while the other

factors in profile which is the monthly income and strand has a bigger effect in the attitude of the

students in their school responsibilities.


Teachers, parents and environment(peers) must be aware on how they affect the learning and
performing the responsibilities of a particular student. This study shows that everything

surrounds with the student had a big impact on how he/she perform well their school

responsibilities. It’s much better to help them in their learning as we help ourselves to be a

successful person. The researchers are looking to continue this study by the other researchers on

a broader medium for us to understand more how this factors affect their school responsibilities.


C o n g r e s s i o n a l S o u t h A v e n u e , B u ro l 1 , Ci t y o f Da s m a ri ñ a s , Ca v i t e

Pangalan (optional): Buwanang Kita:

Edad: Less than 5,000
Strand: HUMSS CBF EIM SMAW 5,000-10,000
ABM AS WLFH 10,000-15,000
Kasarian: Female Male 20,000 Above


Mga Tanong: Sumasang- Matinding Hindi Matinding
ayon Pagsang Sumang- Hindi
ayon ayon Pagsang
1. I passed my requirements on time. (Nagpapasa ako ng
mga requirements sa tamang oras)
2. I avoid absences as much as possible. (Iniiwasan ko ang
pagliban sa klase.)
3. I maintain good relationship to other people (Mabuti
ang aking pakikisalamuha sa aking mga kaklase.)
4. I participate in extracurricular activities. (Ako ay
sumasali sa Extra-curricular Activities.)
5. I Discern and listen very carefully to my teacher
(Nagsusuri at nakikinig sa tinuturo ng aking guro.)
6. I participate in inside and outside of the classroom.
(Nakikilahok sa mga aktibidad sa loob at labas ng
eskwelahan .)
7. I follow and obey in my group activities. (Ako ay
sumusunod sa mga panuntunan ng paaralan .)
8. I help my group during group activities. (Ako ay
tumutulong sa aking mga grupo tuwing may
pangkatang gawain.)
9. Inside the classroom I use my gadget in lesson. (Sa loob
ng silid-aralan, ginagamit ko ang aking gadget sa mga
Mga Tanong: Sumasang- Matinding Hindi Matindin
ayon Pagsang Sumang- Hindi Pag-
ayon ayon sang ayon
1. The teaching method of my teacher affects me in my
studies. (Ang paraan ng pagtuturo ng aking guro ay
nakakaapekto sa akin paghilig sa pag-aaral.)
2. I attend my class according to my teacher's arrival.
(Ang aking pagpasok ay na aayon din sa pagpasok ng
aking guro.)
3. Because of my teacher i am doing well in doing
homeworks. (Dahil sa aking guro hinuhusayan ko ang
pag gawa ng takdang aralin.)
4. The assignments have a great help in understanding the
lesson. (Malaki ang naitutulong ng takdang aralin ng
aking guro upang maintindihan ang mga aralin.)
5. I consult my activity with my teacher.(Ako ay
kumukunsulta ng mga Gawain sa aking guro.)
Mga Tanong: Sumasang- Matinding Hindi Matinding
ayon Pagsang Sumang- Hindi
ayon ayon Pagsang
1. My friends influence me to attend class everyday. (Ang
aking mga kaibigan ay nakaka impluwensya sa aking
pagpasok araw-araw.)
2. My friends help me in my activities in school. (Ang
aking mga kaibigan ay nakakatulong sa aking mga
gawain sa pag-aaral.)
3. My friends serves as my inspiration. (Ang aking mga
kaibigan ay nagiging inspirasyon ko sa aking pag-
4. I am delighted to be with my friends in a group activity.
(Masaya akong kasama ang aking mga kaibigan sa mga
pangkatang gawain.)
5. Me and my friends are working and studying together.
(Kaming mag kakaibigan ay sama-samang gumawa at
nag-aaral ng araling upang mas lalo pa naming
maintindihan ang mga lekstur.)

Mga Tanong: Sumasang- Matinding Hindi Matinding
ayon Pagsang Sumang- Hindi
ayon ayon Pagsang
1. My health is a factor in attending my class. (Malaki ang
epekto ng aking kalusugan sa pagpasok ko araw-araw.)
2. I attend my class even I am feeling sick. (Ako ay
pumapasok parin kahit masama ang aking
3. I neglect myself because of many workloads.
(Napapabayaan ko na ang aking sarili dahil sa sabay-
sabay na gawain.)
4. I sleep and attend my class early. (Ako ay nakakatulog
at nakakapasok sa tamang oras.)
5. The activity in our school is helping me to become
physically fit. (Ang mga aktibidad sa aming paaralan ay
nakakatulong sa aking maayos na pangangatawan.)

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