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Assignment # 4

Due: April 29th at 11:59 pm. Don’t forget to include the one-page assignment reflection
essay. Upload separately.
For this module you will use the research work you have collected over the semester to create a
game. This assignment will ask you to consider how you integrate text and digital elements to
create a story about your research and your research process. This assignment will be unique in
that you will use your fellow classmates as resources for the things you might not be good at.
Example, if you are a great story teller but not great with technology, find classmates to help you
design your game and be willing to do the same for them.
Develop your research from this semester into a game to share online. You will need to cite
sources in either APA or MLA. The game must include your research work from this class.
Create an online game using Twine or other game creation software. We will use the discussion
board to brainstorm different game options, software, and how-to’s.
Reflect on your research you have done this semester to create a narrative for your game. You
can discuss the process of finding sources, writing about your research or your game can be a
representation of your work. You must include each of the sources used in your paper and
connect how they relate to the game.
The game is up to you. Use your imagination in how you create.

Quick tips:
This can be a challenging assignment, just as your classmates are a resource to brainstorm and
develop your game, so am I. Feel free to email for help.
This project integrates text and graphics, be sure to site anything pulled from internet sources.
Go to the Writing Center. They are helpful people.

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