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Danielle Page

Professor Stalbird

ENG 1201

20 January 2019

Research Proposal

My research this semester will be about gun violence in the United states, and

specifically how updating the current gun policy could decrease the amount of firearm deaths

and injuries. This topic chose me because as I was trying to come up with a research topic

throughout the week, topics surrounding gun violence kept appearing around me. It was in the

news, it was in conversation with my friends and family, and it was brought up in my own high

school as we had to practice an active-shooter drill with the local police department. Gun

violence has always been something that I have been aware of but it only becomes more real to

me as each day passes and more and more tragedies are reported around the country.

My feelings surrounding gun violence are definitely negative. I hate that there is so much

hate in our society. Before doing the research, I think that gun control is one of the most

controversial topics in politics and that it needs to be discussed more urgently than it is, because

if the government continues with this inaction, more and more lives will be lost. I believe that the

current policy gridlock around gun control is unnecessary and that politicians need to come

together and devise some sort of plan that will stop gun violence from robbing so many innocent

people of their inalienable right to life. I already know that the rate of gun violence in the United

States is increasing and that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a prominent obstacle in gun

policy reform. I know that people with liberal ideologies tend to favor stricter gun control and

those with conservative ideologies tend to oppose it.

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After researching this, I hope to become more informed on the different causes of gun

violence and the ways that it could be prevented. I also hope to find feasible solutions or possible

laws that people from both sides of the issue would be able to agree on, so that maybe one day in

the future we would have peace, and that people would be able to go to school, or church, or the

movies without fear. I think the news is where I will be able to find the answers to these ideas.

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