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Placement Tests
Who are they for? – Students can be divided into two
These tests are designed for: groups, each taking a different test
– schools which do not have entrance (A or B).
examinations in English – Answer keys for Tests A and B are
– new classes where the teacher knows printed on pages 13-18 of this booklet.
nothing about the level of the students – The teacher may choose to administer
– teachers who are trying to decide which only a quarter or half of a test if s/he
level of New Opportunities is most does not expect the students to exceed
appropriate. a particular level. However, to obtain the
fullest picture of a student’s ability, we
would recommend administering the
The tests
whole test.
The tests focus primarily on grammar, as
the clearest indicator of a student’s ability
in the language. In addition, there is some
limited testing of collocation and lexical Although the tests only seek to determine
items. The tests cover material typically a student’s ability in English grammar they
learnt from beginner to intermediate level. should be indicative enough to enable
The context of questions is biased towards teachers to group students broadly
teenagers and young adults and is derived according to level and to select the
from the New Opportunities Students’ appropriate New Opportunities Students’
Books. Book. If time allows, the teacher may of
course choose to hold individual or group
interviews to ascertain whether there are
The structure
any significant discrepancies between
Each test consists of 80 multiple-choice students’ grasp of grammar and their
questions, in order to make them ability in terms of language skills (listening,
straightforward for students to answer and reading, speaking, fluency etc.)
quick and easy for teachers to mark.
Interpretation of results
There are two parallel tests (designated A
and B) for each of three levels: The following scoring bands indicate
where students should be placed.
Test 1 A and B Beginner to Elementary However, there are cases, particularly
Test 2 A and B Elementary borderline cases, where teachers should
to Pre-intermediate use their discretion in deciding whether
Test 3 A and B Pre-intermediate a student will benefit from starting at
to Intermediate a higher or lower level.

In each case, the test is biased towards the Test 1 40 – 40 points Beginner
higher of the two levels. Thus Test 3 is more 40 – 80 points Elementary
Intermediate than it is Pre-intermediate.
Test 2 40 – 40 points Elementary
40 – 80 points Pre-intermediate
Administration and scoring
– Each test should take approximately Test 3 40 – 40 points Pre-intermediate
30 minutes to complete. 40 – 80 points Intermediate
– Answers are marked in boxes on
a separate answer sheet.
– Each correct answer earns 1 point,
adding up to a maximum of 80 points
per test.
New Opportunities Placement Test 1A
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 21 Where did you see Titanic? – I .... it at Cineworld.
A for B fore C fort D four A saw B see C seen D look
1 Hi. What’s ….? 22 .... you bring your dictionary yesterday?
A you name B your name C the name D name A Did B Are C Was D Has
2 Mr Green is .... English teacher. 23 I .... my shoes because they were dirty.
A our B us C we D you A took B took off C took out D took from
3 How .... you today? – I’m fine thanks. 24 Today is .... than yesterday.
A are B is C be D am A much cold B more cold C colder D cold
4 We are .... the classroom. 25 We don’t .... stay at school after the lesson today.
A on B in C at D with A must B have to C ought to D should
5 .... are fifteen students in my class. 26 Which book are you .... in the summer?
A These B Them C There D Their A read B going to read C will read
6 Look at .... aeroplane in the sky! It’s very big! D have read
A these B this C it D that 27 We .... go to school yesterday because it was
7 .... the time? – It’s five o’clock.
A don’t B wasn’t C didn’t D weren’t
A What’s B Where’s C When’s D How’s
28 This book is .... than that one.
8 Franco comes .... Costa Rica.
A difficulty B much difficult C more difficult
A for B in C at D from
D difficult
9 Where do you .... from? – Barcelona in Spain.
29 What .... you going to do tomorrow evening?
A come B comes C be D go
A did B was C are D can
10 Franco .... like eating English breakfast.
30 .... Russian? – No, I can’t.
A don’t B doesn’t C aren’t D isn’t
A Can you speak B You can speak C Speak
11 How .... is that CD player? – It’s £9.50. D Speak you
A cost B price C many D much 31 Do you come from Mexico? – No, I .... . I come
12 Yolanda comes to school .... train. from Costa Rica.
A on B with C in D by A ’m not B don’t C didn’t D doesn’t
13 .... you walk to school or take a bus? 32 She .... television every evening.
A Are B Is C Does D Do A watch B watches C to watch D sees
14 Elephants .... drink a lot of water every day. 33 He goes skiing .... winter.
A must B need C was D has A very B ever C every D always
15 Franco .... 7 years old in 1999. 34 What time do you .... wake up on school days?
A are B am C were D was A used B usual C use D usually
16 Where .... Carla and Yuri on Saturday afternoon? 35 The Pyramid of the Sun is.... Mexico.
A was B is C were D we’re A from B on C in D at
17 How old .... you in 2002? 36 Are there .... big sports stadiums near your home?
A are B have C were D had A any B some C the D a
18 Yuri .... breakfast at half past eight yesterday 37 I .... visit my grandma on Sunday afternoons.
morning. A some time B sometimes C some
A has B have C is having D had D sometime
19 Did you see the news on TV .... ten o’clock? 38 .... the most famous singer from your country?
A at B on C in D from A Who’s B Whose C How’s D What’s
20 Franco .... to the cinema after the lesson. 39 How .... do you watch a film in English? – Every
A did go B went C wanted D gone month.
A often B much C many D every

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 1

Test 1A

40 Are you good .... swimming? 60 Her mobile phone is .... than mine.
A in B for C on D at A much expensive B more expensive
41 Stella’s father is a .... . He built my house. C many expensive D a lot expensive
A build B building C builder D built 61 My Mum says my brother’s room is .... than mine.
42 Is this Stella’s hat? – No, it isn’t Stella’s, it’s .... . A tidy B tidier C tidiest D tidily
A me B I C my D mine 62 Sao Paolo is .... biggest city in South America.
43 .... Language Powerbook is this? Is it yours? A a B an C the D than
A Who’s B Whose C How’s D Who 63 Don’t buy that CD. It’s not very good. You .... enjoy it.
44 We .... the history of Napoleon last year. A will B can C won’t D must
A study B studying C studies D studied 64 .... you ever visited an English speaking country?
45 .... about calculus in your Maths class? A Was B Did C Have D Are
A Had you learn B Did you learnt 65 .... you going to be at home this evening?
C Was you learn D Did you learn A Was B Did C Have D Are
46 I .... this coat at a shop in London last summer. 66 Mrs Thomas isn’t going .... the health club.
A bought B brought C buy D bring A join B to join C joining D joined
47 The hunter didn’t .... the tiger with his gun. 67 David borrowed some money .... a car.
A shot B shooting C shoot D shoots A to buy B buying C buy D going to buy
48 How .... CDs do you buy each year? – About 25, I 68 .... never seen a tornado.
think. A I’ve B I’m C I haven’t D I was
A many B much C any D some 69 Leo .... his girlfriend. She’s taking her driving test.
49 How .... sugar do you put in your coffee? A have just phone B has just phoned
A many B much C any D some C did just phoned D is just phone
50 Can you get me a .... of mineral water please? 70 Simon has lost .... mobile phone.
A bag B packet C box D bottle A he B its C his D their
51 How much homework .... every weekend? 71 She’s bought some sandwiches .... her lunch.
A do you have to do B are you have to do A from B for C to D in
C do you must to do D are you must to do 72 Is Moscow usually warm .... summer?
52 Do you eat .... fruit? A at B to C on D in
A many B lots C a lot of D a few 73 (telephone) Hello. .... I speak to Carol Turnbull,
53 .... stand and touch your toes? please?
A Can you B Have you C Are you D Able you A Can B Have C Must D Am
54 We can go to school and use the library on 74 .... those your new trousers?
Saturday afternoons if you like. But we A Is B Am C Be D Are
A mustn’t. B don’t have to. C can’t. 75 Cities are much .... than they were in the past.
D don’t used to.
A noise B noisy C noisier D noisiest
55 Can you speak .... ? I can’t understand you.
76 I can’t .... without my glasses.
A slow B more slowly C more slow D slowest
A hear B see C watch D look
56 What are you doing .... ?
77 Did you come here .... car?
A every day B at the moment C often D usually
A with your B on your C by your D by
57 What is Stella .... today?
78 You can have either orange juice .... tomato juice.
A wear B wearing C to wear D wore
A or B neither C nor D both
58 The car is driving .... the tunnel under the Thames.
79 What’s the time? – It’s half .... six.
A across B through C over D between
A before B to C after D past
59 John is visiting his girlfriend. He always .... her on
80 The weather’s beautiful today. .... sunny and warm.
Friday evenings.
A There is B It has C It’s D Its
A visiting B visits C visited D to visit
[Total 80 marks]

2 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

New Opportunities Placement Test 2A
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 20 .... happened to your car? It’s scratched!
A for B fore C fort D four A Which B Who C What D Why
1 We .... tennis at five o’clock every Thursday. 21 If you .... ice, it melts.
A playing B are playing C play D plays A will heat B heated C heats D heat
2 Last year I .... to Costa Rica. 22 He needs .... new printer. He should buy one soon.
A go B am going C have gone D went A some B the C a D an
3 Where .... Paul work now? 23 I .... in ghosts.
A do B is C does D have A am not believe B don’t believing C aren’t
4 Cats.... to eat fish. believe D don’t believe
24 Only .... students in my class wear glasses.
A like B are liking C likes D is liking
A a little B a lot C a few D any
5 Did you see Susan yesterday? – No, I .... .
25 The train has probably left .... .
A haven’t B hadn’t C don’t D didn’t
A yet B already C still D just
6 There’s a cinema in the town centre.... there?
26 There is .... at home. I’ve been ringing all day.
A isn’t B hasn’t C wasn’t D doesn’t
A no one B everyone C someone D anyone
7 Look! The cat .... on your bed.
27 I thought the book was very .... .
A sleeps B is sleeping C sleep D sleeping
A excitement B exciting C excited D excite
8 It’s Sunday so I .... get up early.
28 Dolphins are more intelligent .... chimpanzees.
A haven’t to B didn’t had C hadn’t to
A as B from C than D to
D don’t have to
29 The dentist told me .... my teeth after every meal.
9 Does Marcus earn .... money?
A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned
A many B lots C the D a lot of
30 Mercedes .... a new car. It’s called the Smart car.
10 Have you ever .... to Bangkok?
A had built B have built C build D building
A go B been C went D gone
31 I haven’t seen John .... 2001.
11 If the weather is good, I .... the children to the park.
A for B since C until D before
A took B taken C take D have taken
32 I think your letter is .... on my desk.
12 .... any students from Hungary in my class.
A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere
A It isn’t B There isn’t C It hasn’t
D somewhere
D There aren’t
33 I tried .... the trainers but they didn’t fit me.
13 In the future, everyone .... a computer in their car.
A on B in C into D for
A is having B has C having D will have
34 .... from Italy?
14 It’s late. Let’s go .... home.
A Does you come B Am you come
A along B through C back D down
C Do you come D Are you come
15 Helena .... to Paris last year.
35 Everyone .... to learn a musical instrument.
A went B has gone C goes D did go
A should B can C must D ought
16 This is the .... film I’ve ever seen.
36 Where can I get .... information about the sports
A worse B most bad C bad D worst centre?
17 When .... the party? A any B an C a D some
A have you left B do you left C did you left 37 The hotel .... by a large fire.
D did you leave
A is destroyed B destroy C was destroyed
18 Dad can’t come to the phone because he .... the D destroys
38 The dog is hungry. She .... something to eat.
A will cook B is cooking C cooks D cooked
A must B has to C can D needs
19 Terry drives too fast, .... he?
39 Is that .... car over there?
A isn’t B doesn’t C won’t D don’t
A they B their C them D there
40 Paulo is Brazilian, .... ?
A is he B isn’t he C does he D doesn’t he

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Test 2A

41 Ouch! I.... my finger! 61 What .... to do?

A ’m just cutting B had just cut C ’ll just cut A are you want B is you want C do you want
D ’ve just cut D does you want
42 What’s .... ? 62 Are these .... books?
A your hotel name B your hotel’s name A yours B you C yourself D your
C name your hotel D the name of your hotel 63 .... talking, please!
43 The manager will see you .... Tuesday morning. A Stopping B Stop C To stop D Stopped
A in B on C at D during 64 What is the .... mammal in the world?
44 Next year, I.... seventeen. A big B bigger C biggest D most big
A ’ll be B ’m being C be D can be 65 Can you see .... people over there? They’re
45 Nicky .... a film when the fire started. dancing.
A was watching B is watching C watches A them B these C those D that
D will watch 66 I .... your jacket is in the sitting room.
46 ‘Have you ever seen an eclipse?’ – ‘No, I .... : A think B thought C am thinking D will think
A didn’t B don’t C hadn’t D haven’t 67 .... a lot of people on this train.
47 Nathan is very selfish. He never thinks about .... A There is B It is C There are D They are
68 My brother can cook very .... , can’t he?
A every B any C other D some
A best B well C good D better
48 The Mona Lisa .... by Leonardo da Vinci.
69 Do you .... clean your bedroom at home?
A paint B painted C is painted D was painted
A have to B ought to C must D need
49 I’m sorry. Peter isn’t here. He .... out.
70 Is this the boy .... bike you found?
A goes B has gone C will go D is going
A who B whose C that D which
50 .... help you to carry your suitcase?
71 When .... finish?
A Shall he B Shall they C Shall I D Shall you
A did you B you C have you D are you
51 .... a lot of rain in Colombia.
72 Usually Sue cycles to college but today she .... .
A It’s B There are C Is D There is
A walking B walks C is walking D walk
52 Diana hasn’t got .... money.
73 The sign says no parking. You .... park here.
A any B some C no D many
A must B mustn’t C don’t need to D should
53 I need .... milk for my coffee.
74 Write soon and give me all your .... .
A some B any C a D an
A information B stories C news D facts
54 Look! The cat is in the tree. We should .... it.
75 What are you doing .... Sunday afternoon?
A help B helping C to help D will help
A in B at C to D on
55 Who .... your car?
76 Could you pass me my diary? It’s .... the desk.
A stole B to steal C stolen D steals
A at B on C from D to
56 If you .... me with my homework, I’ll buy you a
77 Everybody says that Rio de Janeiro is very .... .
A beauty B beautifully C beautiful
A helped B will help C help D helping
D more beautiful
57 Alan .... his dog for three walks a day.
78 Excuse .... , can I order a cheeseburger, please?
A is taking B takes C take D taking
A you B I C it D me
58 Soon cars .... use petrol. They’ll all be electric.
79 .... these shoes in size 37, please?
A don’t B can’t haven’t C aren’t D won’t
A Are you got B Have you got C Do you got
59 Simon looked at me and .... . D You got
A laugh B laughs C laughed D to laugh 80 My friend is coming to stay with me .... two weeks
60 He’s the best football player in the school. .... is as in the summer.
good as him. A since B until C for D during
A No one B Nothing C Anyone D Everyone
[Total 80 marks]

4 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

New Opportunities Placement Test 3A
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 21 We .... French by Mr Dubois, the French teacher.
A for B fore C fort D four A teach B were taught C learnt D taught
1 I .... .50 years old in 2030. 22 The race .... by Paul Lucas in 92.8 seconds.
A is B am C will be D am being A was won B has won C is won D had won
2 There aren’t .... students in the class today. 23 How .... have you had this boat?
A much B some C many D none A much B far C long D time
3 Excuse me? Can I buy .... green apples please? 24 What time did you .... go to bed when you were ten
A a few B less C a bit D a little years old?
4 Sorry, we have .... green apples. A must B should C have to D ought to
A no B none C any D nothing 25 I’ll come and see you after I .... my essay.
5 Sorry, I .... here on Thursday. I have to go to the A finished B will finish C have finished
dentist. D did finishes
A is B ’m C ’ll be D won’t be 26 Don’t start making the pasta until I .... you.
6 .... my brothers live in the U.S.A. A will phone B ’m phoning C phoned D phone
A Neither B Both C Any D None 27 Paul McCartney comes from Liverpool, .... he?
7 When it rains we .... inside. A isn’t B doesn’t C hasn’t D didn’t
A go B went C are going D goes 28 This is the painting .... was stolen in 2004.
8 What .... you do if there is a blackout? A what B who C where D which
A shall B will C are D have 29 The teacher told me .... worry about my exam
9 If you throw a stone into the water, it .... .
A not to B not C don’t D don’t to
A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking
30 The teacher told me .... .
10 Who .... you talk to when you have a problem?
A to relax B relaxing C relax D relaxed
A did B do C does D will do
31 .... anything about astronomy?
11 I .... to your flat if you don’t want me to come.
A Do you know B Are you know C Have you
A ’ll come B ’m coming C won’t come
know D Do you knowing
D don’t come
32 Napoleon Bonaparte .... in Corsica.
12 If she .... recharge her battery, she won’t be able to
use her phone. A was born B is born C born D to be born
A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t D wasn’t 33 I .... Portuguese because I lived in Brazil for ten years.
13 If I didn’t like cooking, I .... be a chef. A understand B ’m understanding
C to understand D ‘ll understand
A won’t B haven’t C didn’t D wouldn’t
34 She can’t run in the race because she .... her leg.
14 Would you go into space if you .... the chance?
A broke B has broken C breaks D is breaking
A have B had C has D will have
35 They arrived after the party .... .
15 If I lost my handbag, I .... the police.
A finished B had finished C was finished
A phone B ’m phone C ’ll phone D ’d phone
D finish
16 Who .... the washing-up in your house?
36 John .... a brown jacket when I saw him.
A makes B does C has D gets
A wore B was wearing C has worn D wears
17 How are you? I haven’t seen you .... a long time?
37 William Shakespeare .... in this house when he was
A since B after C before D for a child.
18 I haven’t eaten any meat .... I became a vegetarian. A had lived B used to live C would live D lives
A since B after C until D before 38 The film was awful and we were very .... .
19 I .... her since she went to Germany. A bored B boring C bore D boredom
A haven’t seen B didn’t see C wasn’t seen 39 Are you three boys .... in the back of the car?
D won’t see
A comfort B comfortable C comforted
20 He .... in this house until he died in 1998. D comforting
A lives B has lived C lived D living 40 Have you .... finished your assignment?
A complete B completed C full D completely

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Test 3A

41 I couldn’t take any pictures because I.... my 62 Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It .... rain!
camera at home. A must B can C ought D may
A ’d left B ’m leaving C to leave D ’ve left 63 That .... Brad Pitt — not in this small town!
42 When I got home I saw that my brother .... all the A mustn’t be B mightn’t be C can’t be
chocolates! The box was empty! D shouldn’t be
A had eaten B has eaten C ate D eats 64 George hates everything. He must be very .... .
43 In the evenings, we used to sit around the piano A cheerful B comfortable C miserable
and our mother .... our favourite songs. D positive
A played B would play C plays D will play 65 It was a warm day when they returned, so they ....
44 I.... David Copperfield for two weeks but I haven’t switch on the heating.
finished it yet. A had to B weren’t able to C can’t
A ’ve read B ’ve been reading C read D didn’t have to
D ’m reading 66 She .... ride a bicycle until she was twelve years old.
45 You look very tired. .... you been working too hard? A can’t B couldn’t C hadn’t D isn’t
A Did B Was C Have D Are 67 If I hadn’t got married when I was eighteen, I.... to
46 “I’d like to introduce .... . My name is Dahlia Ross.” university to study agriculture.
A myself B yourself C me D ourselves A ’d go B ’d have gone C ‘ll go D was going
47 They love .... very much and they are going to get 68 She .... a great ballet dancer if she hadn’t grown so
married. tall.
A others B themselves C oursleves A will have been B will be C had to be
D each other D would have been
48 She hurt .... when she was gardening. 69 She wouldn’t have become a millionaire business
A herself B itself C himself D myself woman if she .... hard at school
49 I .... of ghosts. A hadn’t worked B had worked C didn’t work
D worked
A frighten B am frightened C am frightening
D fightened 70 She told me that she .... her car when she was
driving to work.
50 All the children .... presents by Father Christmas.
A was crashing B had been crashing
A give B were giving C gave D were given
C had to crash D had crashed
51 The thief .... by a security camera.
71 Mrs Fielding said she ..... help me with singing.
A was watching B was be watched C was been
A would B need C ought D is able
watched D was being watched
72 The doctor asked me what I .... when I broke my leg.
52 She went to the salon .... .
A doing B had been doing C have been doing
A to make her hair cut B to be her hair cut
D ‘m going to do
C to do her hair cut D to get her hair cut
73 At the job interview, they asked me where I .... for
53 The grass in front of his house .... for two months!
the last two years.
A hasn’t cut B hasn’t been cut C didn’t cut
A work B ’ll work C had been working
D not cut
D ’m working
54 We.... to Italy for our holidays next June. I’ve
74 How long .... in Austria? – Almost two years, now.
already booked a hotel in Florence.
A are you living B have you been living
A ’ll go B ’re going C go D went
C will you be living D did you live
55 In fifty years from now, the earth .... much warmer.
75 They wanted to know how tall I .... so they
A is B be C will be D is being measured me.
56 Iguacu is the largest waterfall in .... South America. A have B have been C had D was
A the B — C a D any 76 Don’t stop .... you have finished the test!
57 He is .... officer in the army. A first B since C until D to
A the B — C a D an 77 ..... she is only 13, she is an expert violinist and
58 .... United Kingdom consists of four countries; has played with orchestras on TV!
Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England. A Because B Although C Despite D Even
A The B — C a D An 78 I wish I .... understand Spanish!
59 Is your hair .... or straight? A could B can’t C able D can
A curls B curled C curly D curling 79 I feel so sleepy! I .... such a big lunch!
60 She’s very young to be Prime Minister. She’s only A mustn’t have eaten B shouldn’t have eaten
in her .... thirties. C wouldn’t have eaten D couldn’t have eaten
A later B late C lately D latest 80 I’d make you some coffee but I forgot .... some
61 Look at that girl in her Ferrari. She .... be very rich! coffee beans.
A should B can C must D may A to buy B bought C buying D buy

[Total 80 marks]

6 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

New Opportunities Placement Test 1B
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 21 .... you bring your dictionary on Monday?
A for B fore C fort D four A Did B Are C Was D Has
1 Rosa comes .... Uruguay. 22 I .... my jeans because they were dirty.
A for B in C at D from A took B took off C took out D took from
2 .... the time? – It’s nine o’clock. 23 Today is .... than yesterday.
A What’s B Where’s C When’s D How’s A much cold B more cold C colder D cold
3 Look at .... aeroplane in the sky! It’s very big! 24 They don’t .... stay at school after the lesson today.
A these B this C it D that A must B have to C ought to D should
4 .... are seventeen students in my class. 25 Which book are you .... in the holidays?
A These B Them C There D Their A read B going to read C will read D have read
5 They are .... the classroom. 26 We .... go to work yesterday because it was
A on B in C at D with Sunday.
6 How .... you today? – I’m fine thanks. A don’t B wasn’t C didn’t D weren’t
A are B is C be D am 27 This exercise is .... than that one.
7 Mrs Hellman is .... English teacher. A difficulty B much difficult C more difficult
D difficult
A our B us C we D you
28 What .... they going to do tomorrow evening?
8 Georgia .... like eating English breakfast.
A did B was C are D can
A don’t B doesn’t C aren’t D isn’t
29 Are you good .... singing?
9 Hi. What’s ....?
A in B for C on D at
A you name B your name C the name D name
30 How .... do you read an English magazine? – Every
10 Fabian .... to the cinema after the lesson.
A did go B went C wanted D gone
A often B much C many D every
11 Did you see the weather forecast on TV .... ten
31 .... the most famous athlete from your country?
A Who’s B Whose C How’s D What’s
A at B on C in D from
32 I.... visit my aunt and uncle on Sunday afternoons.
12 Pam .... breakfast at half past eight yesterday
morning. A some time B sometimes C some
D sometime
A has B have C is having D had
33 Are there .... big shopping malls near your home?
13 How old .... you in 2004?
A any B some C the D a
A are B have C were D had
34 The Kremlin is .... Moscow.
14 Where .... Charlie and Phil last week?
A from B on C in D at
A was B is C were D we’re
35 What time do you .... go to bed on school days?
15 Manolo .... 7 years old in 1999.
A used B usual C use D usually
A are B am C were D was
36 He goes surfing .... summer.
16 Birds .... drink a lot of water every day.
A very B ever C every D always
A must B need C was D has
37 She .... television every evening.
17 .... you walk to the shops or take a bus?
A watch B watches C to watch D sees
A Are B Is C Does D Do
38 Do you come from Venezuela? – No, I .... . I come
18 Diana comes to school .... train.
from Ecuador.
A on B with C in D by
A ’m not B don’t C didn’t D doesn’t
19 How .... is that cassette player? – It’s £9.50.
39 Are you Australian? – No, …. .
A cost B price C many D much
A I wasn’t B I don’t C I can’t D I’m not
20 Where did you see Fight Club? – I .... it at
40 Can you get me a .... of mineral water, please?
A bag B packet C box D bottle
A saw B see C seen D look

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 7

Test 1B

41 How .... milk do you put in your tea? 60 Her ice skates are .... than mine.
A many B much C any D some A much expensive B more expensive
42 How .... DVDs do you buy each week? – One or two. C many expensive D a lot expensive
A many B much C any D some 61 The weather’s beautiful today. .... sunny and warm.
43 The hunter didn’t .... the lion with his gun. A There is B It has C It’s D Its
A shot B shooting C shoot D shoots 62 What’s the time? – It’s half .... ten.
44 I .... this blouse at a shop in Paris last summer. A Before B to C after D past
A bought B brought C buy D bring 63 You can have either coffee .... tea.
45 .... about light in your Physics class? A or B neither C nor D both
A Had you learn B Did you learnt 64 Did she come here .... car?
C Was you learn D Did you learn A with your B on her C by her D by
46 We .... the history of Bolivar last year. 65 She can’t .... without her glasses.
A study B studying C studies D studied A hear B see C watch D look
47 .... green jacket is this? Is it yours? 66 Schools are much .... than they were in the past.
A Who’s B Whose C How’s D Who A noise B noisy C noisier D noisiest
48 Is this Marjorie’s hat? – No, it isn’t Marjorie’s, it’s .... . 67 .... those your new trainers?
A me B I I’m C my D mine A Is B Am C Be D Are
49 Stella’s father is a .... . He built my house. 68 (telephone) Hello. .... I speak to Stephen Fry,
A build B building C builder D built please?
50 .... Japanese? – No, I can’t. A Can B Have C Must D Am
A Can you speak B You can speak C Speak 69 Is Lagos usually warm .... summer?
D Speak you A at B to C on D in
51 Benny is visiting his girlfriend. He always .... her on 70 She bought some fruit .... her lunch.
Tuesday evenings. A from B for C to D in
A visiting B visits C visited D to visit 71 Michael has lost .... MP3 player.
52 The car is driving .... the tunnel under the river. A he B its C his D their
A across B through C over D between 72 Keith .... his sister. She’s taking her driving test.
53 What is Harry .... today? A have just phone B has just phoned
A wear B wearing C to wear D wore C did just phoned D is just phone
54 What are they doing ....? 73 .... never seen a tsunami.
A every day B at the moment C often D usually A I’ve B I’m C I haven’t D I was
55 Can you speak ....? I can’t understand you. 74 Mrs Thomas isn’t going .... the Conservative party.
A slow B more slowly C more slow D slowest A join B to join C joining D joined
56 We can go to the university library on Wednesday 75 .... you going to be at the club this evening?
afternoon if you like. But we …. . A Was B Did C Have D Are
A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t 76 .... you ever visited an African country?
D don’t used to
A Was B Did C Have D Are
57 .... stand and touch your toes?
77 Don’t buy that book. It’s not very good. You ....
A Can you B Have you C Are you D Able you enjoy it.
58 Do you eat .... salt and sugar every day? A will B can C won’t D must
A many B lots C a lot of D a few 78 New York is .... biggest city in North America.
59 How much homework .... every evening? A a B an C the D than –
A do you have to do B are you have to do 79 My Mum says my sister’s room is .... than mine.
C do you must to do D are you must to do
A tidy B tidier C tidiest D tidily
80 Where do you .... from? – St Petersburg in Russia.
A come B comes C be D go

[Total 80 marks]

8 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

New Opportunities Placement Test 2B
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 21 I haven’t seen John .... 2001.
A for B fore C fort D four A for B since C until D before
1 If the weather is good, I .... the children to the park. 22 I think your letter is .... on my desk.
A took B taken C take D have taken A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere
2 .... any students from Hungary in my class. D somewhere
A It isn’t B There isn’t C It hasn’t 23 I tried .... the trainers but they didn’t fit me.
D There aren’t A on B in C into D for
3 In the future, everyone .... a computer in their car. 24 It’s late. Let’s go .... home.
A is having B has C having D will have A along B through C back D down
4 .... from Italy? 25 Everyone .... to learn a musical instrument.
A Does you come B Am you come A should B can C must D ought
C Do you come D Are you come 26 Where can I get .... information about the sports
5 Helena .... to Paris last year. centre?
A went B has gone C goes D did go A any B an C a D some
6 This is the .... film I’ve ever seen. 27 When .... the party?
A worse B most bad C bad D worst A have you left B do you left C did you left
7 The hotel .... by a large fire. D did you leave
A is destroyed B destroy C was destroyed 28 The dog is hungry. She .... something to eat.
D destroys A must B has to C can D needs
8 Dad can’t come to the phone because he .... the 29 Is that .... car over there?
dinner. A they B their C them D there
A will cook B is cooking C cooks D cooked 30 Paulo is Brazilian, .... ?
9 Terry drives too fast, .... he? A is he B isn’t he C does he D doesn’t he
A isn’t B doesn’t C won’t D don’t 31 If you .... ice, it melts.
10 .... happened to your car? It’s scratched! A will heat B heated C heats D heat
A Which B Who C What D Why 32 He needs .... new printer. He should buy one soon.
11 We .... tennis at five o’clock every Thursday. A some B the C a D an
A playing B are playing C play D plays 33 I .... in ghosts.
12 Last year I .... to Costa Rica. A am not believe B don’t believing
A go B am going C have gone D went C aren’t believe D don’t believe
13 Where .... Paul work now? 34 Only ..... students in my class wear glasses.
A do B is C does D have A a little B a lot C a few D any
14 Cats .... eating fish. 35 The train has probably left .... .
A like B are liking C likes D is liking A yet B already C still D just
15 Did you see Susan yesterday? – No, I .... . 36 There is .... at home. I’ve been ringing all day.
A haven’t B hadn’t C don’t D didn’t A no one B everyone C someone D anyone
16 There’s a cinema in the town centre, .... there? 37 I thought the book was very .... .
A isn’t B hasn’t C wasn’t D doesn’t A excitement B exciting C excited D excite
17 Look! The cat .... on your bed. 38 Dolphins are more intelligent .... chimpanzees.
A sleeps B is sleeping C sleep D sleeping A as B from C than D to
18 It’s Sunday so I .... get up early. 39 The dentist told me .... my teeth after every meal.
A haven’t to B didn’t have to C hadn’t to A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned
D don’t have to 40 Mercedes .... a new car. It’s called the Smart car.
19 Does Marcus earn .... money?. A had built B have built C build D building
A many B lots C the D a lot of 41 When .... finish?
20 Have you ever .... to Bangkok? A did you B you C have you D are you
A go B been C went D gone

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 9

Test 2B

42 Usually Sue cycles to college but today she .... . 61 What .... to do?
A walking B walks C is walking D walk A are you want B is you want C do you want
43 The sign says no parking. You .... park here. D does you want
A must B mustn’t C don’t need to D should 62 Are these .... books?
44 Write soon and give me all your .... . A yours B you C yourself D your
A information B stories C news D facts 63 .... talking, please!
45 What are you doing .... Sunday afternoon? A Stopping B Stop C To stop D Stopped
A in B at C to D on 64 What is the .... mammal in the world?
46 Could you pass me my diary? It’s .... the desk. A big B bigger C biggest D most big
A at B on C from D to 65 Can you see .... people over there? They’re
47 Everybody says that Rio de Janeiro is very .... .
A them B these C those D that
A beauty B beautifully C beautiful
D more beautiful 66 I .... your jacket is in the sitting room.
48 Excuse .... , can I order a cheeseburger, please? A think B thought C am thinking D will think
A you B I C it D me 67 .... a lot of people on this train.
49 .... these shoes in size 37, please? A There is B It is C There are D They are
A Are you got B Have you got C Do you got 68 My brother can cook very ...., can’t he?
D You got A best B well C good D better
50 My friend is coming to stay with me .... two months 69 Do you .... clean your bedroom at home?
in the summer. A have to B ought to C must D need
A since B until C for D during 70 Is this the boy .... bike you found?
51 Ouch! I.... my finger! A who B whose C that D which
A ’m just cutting B had just cut C ’ll just cut 71 .... a lot of rain in Colombia.
D ’ve just cut
A It’s B There are C Is D There is
52 What’s .... ?
72 Diana hasn’t got .... money.
A your hotel name B your hotel’s name
A any B some C no D many
C name your hotel D the name of your hotel
73 I need .... milk for my coffee.
53 The manager will see you .... Tuesday morning.
A some B any C a any D an
A in B on C at D during
74 Look! The cat is in the tree. We should .... it.
54 Next year, I.... seventeen.
A help B helping C to help D will help
A ’ll be B ’m being C be D can be
75 Who .... your car?
55 Nicky .... a film when the fire started.
A stole B to steal C stolen D steals
A was watching B is watching C watches
D will watch 76 If you .... me with my homework, I’ll buy you a
56 ‘Have you ever seen an eclipse?’ – ‘No, I .... .
A helped B will help C help D helping
A didn’t B don’t C hadn’t D haven’t
77 Alan .... his dog for three walks a day.
57 Nathan is very selfish. He never thinks about ....
people. A is taking B takes C take D taking
A every B any C other D some 78 Soon cars .... use petrol. They’ll all be electric.
58 The Mona Lisa .... by Leonardo da Vinci. A don’t B haven’t C aren’t D won’t
A paint B painted C is painted D was painted 79 Simon looked at me and .... .
59 I’m sorry. Peter isn’t here. He .... out. A laugh B laughs C laughed D to laugh
A goes B has gone C will go D is going 80 He’s the best football player in the team. .... is as
good as him.
60 .... help you to carry your suitcase?
A No one B Nothing C Anyone D Everyone
A Shall he B Shall they C Shall I D Shall you
[Total 80 marks]

10 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

New Opportunities Placement Test 3B
Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or
D as in the example 0.
0 A horse has got …. legs. 22 The play was very long and we were very .... .
A for B fore C fort D four A bored B boring C bore D boredom
1 If you throw a rock into the water, it .... . 23 Josef Stalin .... in this house when he was a child.
A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking A had lived B used to live C would live D lives
2 What .... you do if there is a thunder storm? 24 Jack .... blue jeans when I saw him.
A shall B will C are D have A wore B was wearing C has worn D wears
3 When it snows we .... outside. 25 They arrived after the film .... .
A go B went C are going D goes A finished B had finished C was finished
4 .... my parents live in Australia. D finish
A Neither B Both C Any D None 26 She can’t swim in the race because she .... her arm.
5 There aren’t .... cars in the car park today. A broke B has broken C breaks D is breaking
A much B some C many D none 27 I .... Russian because I lived in Moscow for ten
6 Sorry, we have .... fresh eggs.
A understand B ’m understanding
A no B none C any D nothing
C to understand D ‘ll understand
7 Sorry, I .... here on Monday. I have to go to the
28 Sigmund Freud .... in Austria.
A was born B is born C born D to be born
A is B ‘m C ‘ll be D won’t be
29 .... anything about astronomy?
8 I .... 40 years old in 2030.
A Do you know B Are you know
A is B am C will be D am being
C Have you know D Do you knowing
9 I .... them since they went to Norway.
30 They told me .... .
A haven’t seen B didn’t see C wasn’t seen
A to relax B relaxing C relax D relaxed
D won’t see
31 My parents told me .... worry about my school work.
10 I haven’t eaten any meat .... I became a vegetarian.
A not to B not C don’t D don’t to
A since B after C until D before
32 This is the diamond .... was stolen in 2005.
11 How are you? I haven’t seen you .... a long time?
A what B who C where D which
A since B after C before D for
33 Bono comes from Ireland, .... he?
12 Who .... the housework in your house?
A isn’t B doesn’t C hasn’t D didn’t
A makes B does C has D gets
34 Don’t start cooking the rice until I .... you.
13 If I lost my wallet, I.... the police.
A will phone B ’m phoning C phoned D phone
A phone B ‘m phone C ’ll phone D ’d phone
35 I’ll come and see you after I .... my supper.
14 Would you go to the moon if you .... the chance?
A finished B will finish C have finished D finishes
A have B had C has D will have
36 What time did you .... go to sleep when you were
15 If I didn’t like flying, I .... be a pilot.
twelve years old?
A won’t B haven’t C didn’t D wouldn’t
A must B should C have to D ought to
16 If she .... recharge her battery, she won’t be able to
37 How .... have you had this coat?
use her CD player.
A much B far C long D time
A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t D wasn’t
38 The race .... by Ken Good in 42.9 seconds.
17 I .... to your party, if you don’t want me to come.
A was won B has won C is won D had won
A ’ll come B ’m coming C won’t come
D don’t come 39 We .... French by Madame Fé, the French teacher.
18 Who .... you talk to, when you have a problem? A teach B were taught C learnt D taught
A did B do C does D will do 40 He .... in this house until he died in 2004.
19 Excuse me? Can I buy .... fresh eggs please? A lives B has lived C lived D living
A a few B less C a bit D a little 41 Look at that man in his Porsche. He .... be very
20 Have you .... finished your homework?
A should B can C must D may
A complete B completed C full D completely
42 She’s very young to be a Senior Surgeon. She’s
21 Are you three girls .... in the back of the car?
only in her .... thirties.
A comfort B comfortable C comforted
A later B late C lately D latest
D comforting

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 11

Test 3B

43 Is your hair .... or straight? 63 I wish I .... understand Arabic!

A curls B curled C curly D curling A could B would C able D can
44 .... United States consists of fifty independent 64 .... she is only 13, she is an expert pianist and has
states in a Federation. played with orchestras on TV!
A The B — C A D An A Because B Although C Despite D Even
45 He is .... officer in the Royal Air Force. 65 Don’t stop .... you have finished the test!
A the B — C a D an A from B since C until D to
46 Niagara is the largest waterfall in .... North America. 66 They wanted to know how heavy I .... so they
A the B — C a D an weighed me.
47 In fifty years from now, the earth .... much warmer. A have B have been C had D was
A is B be C will be D is being 67 How long .... in Colombia? – Almost two years, now.
48 We.... to Costa Rica for our holidays next June. I’ve A are you living B have you been living
already booked a hotel in San José. C will you be living D did you live
A ’ll go B ’re going C go D went 68 At the job interview, they asked me where I … for
the last two years.
49 The grass in front of her office .... for two months!
A work B ‘ll work C had been working
A hasn’t cut B hasn’t been cut C didn’t cut
D ’m working
D not cut
69 The doctor asked me what I .... when I cut my leg.
50 She went to the salon .... .
A doing B had been doing C have been doing
A to make her hair cut B to be her hair cut
D ‘m going to do
C to do her hair cut D to get her hair cut
70 Mrs Francis said she … help me with sewing.
51 The thief .... by a security guard.
A would B need C ought D is able
A was watching B was be watched
C was been watched D was being watched 71 She told me that she .... her car when she was
driving to the shops.
52 All the children .... presents by their parents.
A was crashing B had been crashed
A give B were giving C gave D were given
C had to crash D had crashed
53 I .... of spiders.
72 He wouldn’t have become a successful lawyer if he
A frighten B am frightened C am frightening .... hard at school and passed his exams.
D frightened
A hadn’t worked B had worked C didn’t work
54 She hurt .... when she was sky diviing. D worked
A herself B itself C himself D myself 73 She .... a great violinist if she hadn’t had the
55 They love .... very much and they are going to get accident.
married. A will have been B will be C had to be
A others B themselves C himself D each other D would have been
56 “I’d like to introduce .... . My name is Kate James.” 74 If I hadn’t got married when I was eighteen, I.... to
A myself B yourself C me D ourselves college to become a vet.
A ’d go B ’d have gone C ‘ll go D was going
57 You look very tired. .... you been working too hard?
A Did B Was C Have D Are 75 She … write her name until she was twelve .... .
A can’t B couldn’t C hadn’t D isn’t
58 I.... Oliver Twist for two weeks but I haven’t finished
it yet. 76 It was a cool day when they returned, so they ....
A ’ve read B ’ve been reading C read switch on the air conditioning.
D ’m reading A had to B weren’t able to C can’t D didn’t
have to
59 In the evenings, we used to sit around the piano
and our mother .... our favourite songs. 77 Simon hates everything. He must be very .... .
A played B would play C plays D will play A cheerful B comfortable C miserable
D positive
60 When I got back, I saw that my sister .... all the
chocolates! The box was empty! 78 That .... Tom Cruise — not in this small town!
A had eaten B has eaten C ate D eats A mustn’t be B mightn’t be C can’t be
D shouldn’t be
61 I couldn’t take any pictures because I.... my
camera in my car. 79 Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It .... rain!
A ’d left B ‘m leaving C to leave D ’ve left A must B can C ought D may
62 I’d make you some tea but I forgot .... some tea 80 I feel so sleepy! I .... such a big lunch!
bags A mustn’t have eaten B shouldn’t have eaten
A to buy B bought C buying D buy C wouldn’t have eaten D couldn’t have eaten

[Total 80 marks]

12 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 1A

0 A B C D 31 B 61 B
1 B 32 B 62 C
2 A 33 C 63 C
3 A 34 D 64 C
4 B 35 C 65 D
5 C 36 A 66 B
6 D 37 B 67 A
7 A 38 A 68 A
8 D 39 A 69 B
9 A 40 D 70 C
10 B 41 C 71 B
11 D 42 D 72 D
12 D 43 B 73 A
13 D 44 D 74 D
14 A 45 D 75 C
15 D 46 A 76 B
16 C 47 C 77 D
17 C 48 A 78 A
18 D 49 B 79 D
19 A 50 D 80 C
20 B 51 A
21 A 52 C
22 A 53 A
23 B 54 B
24 C 55 B
25 B 56 B
26 B 57 B
27 C 58 B
28 C 59 B
29 C 60 B
30 A

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 13

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 1B

0 A B C D 31 A 61 C
1 D 32 B 62 D
2 A 33 A 63 A
3 D 34 C 64 D
4 C 35 D 65 B
5 B 36 C 66 C
6 A 37 B 67 D
7 A 38 B 68 A
8 B 39 D 69 D
9 B 40 D 70 B
10 B 41 B 71 C
11 A 42 A 72 B
12 D 43 C 73 A
13 C 44 A 74 B
14 C 45 D 75 D
15 D 46 D 76 C
16 A 47 B 77 C
17 D 48 D 78 C
18 D 49 C 79 B
19 D 50 A 80 A
20 A 51 B
21 A 52 B
22 B 53 B
23 C 54 B
24 B 55 B
25 B 56 B
26 C 57 A
27 C 58 C
28 C 59 A
29 D 60 B
30 A

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

14 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 2A

0 A B C D 31 B 61 C
1 C 32 D 62 D
2 D 33 A 63 B
3 C 34 C 64 C
4 A 35 D 65 C
5 D 36 D 66 A
6 A 37 C 67 C
7 B 38 D 68 B
8 D 39 B 69 A
9 D 40 B 70 B
10 B 41 D 71 A
11 C 42 D 72 C
12 D 43 B 73 B
13 D 44 A 74 C
14 C 45 A 75 D
15 A 46 D 76 B
16 D 47 C 77 C
17 D 48 D 78 D
18 B 49 B 79 B
19 B 50 C 80 C
20 C 51 D
21 D 52 A
22 C 53 A
23 D 54 A
24 C 55 A
25 B 56 C
26 A 57 B
27 B 58 D
28 C 59 C
29 A 60 A
30 B

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 15

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 2B

0 A B C D 31 D 61 C
1 C 32 C 62 D
2 D 33 D 63 B
3 D 34 C 64 C
4 C 35 B 65 C
5 A 36 A 66 A
6 D 37 B 67 C
7 C 38 C 68 B
8 B 39 A 69 A
9 B 40 B 70 B
10 C 41 A 71 D
11 C 42 C 72 A
12 D 43 B 73 A
13 C 44 C 74 A
14 A 45 D 75 A
15 D 46 B 76 C
16 A 47 C 77 B
17 B 48 D 78 D
18 D 49 B 79 C
19 D 50 C 80 A
20 B 51 D
21 B 52 D
22 D 53 B
23 A 54 A
24 C 55 A
25 A 56 D
26 D 57 C
27 D 58 D
28 D 59 B
29 B 60 C
30 B

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

16 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 3A

0 A B C D 31 A 61 C
1 C 32 A 62 D
2 C 33 A 63 C
3 A 34 B 64 C
4 A 35 B 65 D
5 D 36 B 66 B
6 B 37 B 67 B
7 A 38 A 68 D
8 B 39 B 69 A
9 A 40 D 70 D
10 B 41 A 71 C
11 C 42 A 72 B
12 A 43 B 73 C
13 D 44 B 74 B
14 B 45 C 75 D
15 D 46 A 76 C
16 B 47 D 77 B
17 D 48 A 78 A
18 A 49 B 79 B
19 A 50 D 80 A
20 C 51 D
21 B 52 D
22 A 53 B
23 C 54 B
24 C 55 C
25 C 56 B
26 D 57 D
27 B 58 A
28 D 59 C
29 A 60 B
30 A

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 17

Answer key
New Opportunities Placement Test 3B

0 A B C D 31 A 61 A
1 A 32 D 62 A
2 B 33 B 63 A
3 A 34 D 64 B
4 B 35 C 65 C
5 C 36 C 66 D
6 A 37 C 67 B
7 D 38 A 68 C
8 C 39 B 69 B
9 A 40 C 70 A
10 A 41 C 71 D
11 D 42 B 72 A
12 B 43 C 73 D
13 D 44 A 74 B
14 B 45 D 75 B
15 D 46 B 76 D
16 A 47 C 77 C
17 C 48 B 78 C
18 B 49 B 79 D
19 A 50 D 80 B
20 D 51 D
21 B 52 D
22 A 53 B
23 B 54 A
24 B 55 D
25 B 56 A
26 B 57 C
27 A 58 B
28 A 59 B
29 A 60 A
30 A

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

18 © Pearson Education Polska 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Answer sheet
New Opportunities Placement Test ..........

Name ________________________________________________________

0 A B C D 31 A B C D 61 A B C D
1 A B C D 32 A B C D 62 A B C D
2 A B C D 33 A B C D 63 A B C D
3 A B C D 34 A B C D 64 A B C D
4 A B C D 35 A B C D 65 A B C D
5 A B C D 36 A B C D 66 A B C D
6 A B C D 37 A B C D 67 A B C D
7 A B C D 38 A B C D 68 A B C D
8 A B C D 39 A B C D 69 A B C D
9 A B C D 40 A B C D 70 A B C D
10 A B C D 41 A B C D 71 A B C D
11 A B C D 42 A B C D 72 A B C D
12 A B C D 43 A B C D 73 A B C D
13 A B C D 44 A B C D 74 A B C D
14 A B C D 45 A B C D 75 A B C D
15 A B C D 46 A B C D 76 A B C D
16 A B C D 47 A B C D 77 A B C D
17 A B C D 48 A B C D 78 A B C D
18 A B C D 49 A B C D 79 A B C D
19 A B C D 50 A B C D 80 A B C D
20 A B C D 51 A B C D
21 A B C D 52 A B C D
22 A B C D 53 A B C D
23 A B C D 54 A B C D
24 A B C D 55 A B C D
25 A B C D 56 A B C D
26 A B C D 57 A B C D
27 A B C D 58 A B C D
28 A B C D 59 A B C D
29 A B C D 60 A B C D
30 A B C D

Score ___/30 Score ___/30 Score ___/20

Total _____/80

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Polska 2005 19

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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

(Updated Edition)
Poziom: Êrednio zaawansowany – zaawansowany

Uaktualniona edycja Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English zawiera:

➤ ponad 200 000 s∏ów, wyra˝eƒ i przyk∏adów u˝ycia,
➤ oznakowanie cz´stotliwoÊci wyst´powania danego has∏a w j´zyku mówionym i pisanym,
➤ 3 000 najcz´Êciej u˝ywanych s∏ów zaznaczonych na czerwono,
➤ przyk∏ady u˝ycia w zdaniach zaczerpni´te z autentycznego j´zyka,
➤ klarownie i zrozumia∏e definicje hase∏ napisane przy u˝yciu jedynie 2 000 najcz´Êciej u˝ywanych
➤ ramki pokazujàce kolokacje i cz´sto u˝ywane zwroty,
➤ definicje hase∏ podane wed∏ug cz´stotliwoÊci wyst´powania w ˝ywym j´zyku,
➤ ramki Word Focus oraz Usage Notes pomagajà w dobraniu w∏aÊciwej definicji has∏a zale˝nie
od kontekstu.

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Longman Dictionary
of English Language and Culture
Poziom: Êrednio zaawansowany – zaawansowany
Dla wszystkich zainteresowanych kulturà Êwiata angloj´zycznego oraz dla ka˝dego, kto pragnie zrozumieç
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Âwietna pomoc dla przygotowujàcych si´ do olimpiad j´zyka angielskiego

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Najnowsza edycja s∏ownika Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture zawiera:
➤ 80 000 s∏ów i wyra˝eƒ,
➤ 15 000 hase∏ kulturowych: historia, geografia, sztuka, ˝ycie wspó∏czesne i zwyczaje Anglii, Ameryki
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➤ strony tematyczne z kolorowymi ilustracjami NO
poÊwi´cone festiwalom, Êwi´tom oraz sztukom W
Shakespeare’a. ED
Pearson Education Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Jana Olbrachta 94
01-102 Warszawa

© Pearson Education Polska 2005

ISBN 83-88291-68-8

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First published 2005

Set in 9.5 pt Helvetica

We acknowledge Nick Dawson in the preparation

of this material.

Prepared for the Publishers by Pracownia Graficzna

M&P Ferenc in Warsaw, Poland

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