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THIS DEED OF Rent is executed at ------------------- on the ----- th day of December, 2018 by
Mr./ Mrs.----------------------------------, aged --------------years, residing
hereinafter called the LESSOR which expression shall be deemed to mean and include its
legal heirs, Legal representativers, administrators and executors of the First Part;


M/s. Amala Karunya Nidhi Limited, Company under incorporation under Companies Act,
2013, the Company represented by its Director Mr----------------------------------- aged ---------
years S/o -------------------------------------- residing at
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereinafter referred to as the
Lessee which expression shall be deemed to mean and include its legal heirs, Legal
representativers, administrators executors and assigns of the Second Part.

----------------------------- (Lessor) ------------------------------- (Lessee)

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Whereas the Lessor is completely and legally entitled to the premise at
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(hereinafter referred to
as the “said premises’) and is legally competent and willing to give on lease the said
premises to the LESSEE for its commercial purposes and whereas the LESSEE is desirous of
taking the said premises and measuring ------------------ sq.ft of buildup area on lease for the
said company had accepted the offer of the LESSOR.


And Whereas the parties to this agreement intend to put the terms and conditions of the
agreement in writing witnessed as follows:

1. The Lease is granted for a period of 11 months commencing from ……th

December,2018 and concluding on ----- th December, 2019.

2. The lease rent shall be Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) payable in advance on
monthly basis on or before the 5th of that month.

----------------------------- (Lessor) ------------------------------- (Lessee)

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3. The interest free refundable advance of Rs.30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand only)
paid by lessee to the Lessor shall be retained by LESSOR till the termination of the
lease under this agreement and shall be repayable in full at the time of the Lessee
handing over the vacant premises of the leased premises.

4. If the Lessee fails to pay the rent on or before the stipulated date then the Lessee shall
be liable to pay the interest to the owner at the rate of 18% per annum on the amount
defaulted without prejudice to the other remedies of the Lessor.

5. In addition to the rent, the lessee shall be liable to pay their share of common
electricity, water, security charges, cleaning and administrative charges if any of the
said premises.

6. The Lessor agrees to pay the tax payable to the Corporation of ---------------------with
respect to the said premises.

7. The Lessor will not in any case be liable for the electricity / water / telephone
facilities enjoyed exclusively by the Lessee in the said premises.

8. The Lessee shall not sublet or underlet the said premises or any part thereof and shall
not assign his rights as Lessee and shall not allow any person to use the said building
or any part of it on a license basis or paying guest basis

9. The Lessee shall not make any construction, alteration or improvements in the said
premises without prior permission of the Lessor.

10. The Lessee shall keep the said premises and all fittings and fixtures thereon in good
condition and Lessee shall be liable to compensate the Lessor for losses and damages
caused to the premises and fittings except for the normal wear and tear.

11. The Lessee shall be exclusively be liable and responsible for stamp duty, registration
fee and all the incidental expenses for the preparation and registration of the Lease
deed and penalties, if any, and shall not make the Owner in any way liable for the

12. The Lessee shall on the expiry of the said lease period hand over vacant possession of
the premises to the Lessor without any notice or demand and leave the Premises and
fixtures and fittings thereon in good condition, reasonable wear and tear exempted.

13. On expiry of the period of this Lease, by mutual understanding the period can be
further extended by 11 months with an enhancement of 5% in the rent.

----------------------------- (Lessor) ------------------------------- (Lessee)

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14. The Lessee shall allow the Owner, his agents and representatives to enter the demised
premises at all reasonable times and inspect the building and the fittings thereon and
carry out the repairs and maintenance as and when the Lessor wants it.

15. The Lessor shall, on the Lessee paying the rent regularly and observing the covenants
and conditions mentioned herein, allow the Lessee to peacefully occupy the said
premises for the period stipulated therein.

16. Any disputes and differences between parties under this agreement shall be subject to
the jurisdiction of the courts of law at ………………….

In agreement of the terms and conditions mentioned herein, the parties have duly signed
this agreement on the day, month and year first herein above written.

In the presence of Witnesses:

----------------------------- (Lessor) ------------------------------- (Lessee)




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