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Infectious complications of electrotherapy:

theory and practice
To the Editor  With regard to a recent publication However, due to the fact that the above crite-
of the updated European Society of Cardiology ria have certain shortcomings and are still wait-
guidelines focusing on the prevention, diagno- ing for formal validation, it is important to con-
sis, and treatment of infective endocarditis (IE),1 duct an in-depth clinical assessment, especially
we would like to draw the readers’ attention to given reduced sensitivity of the criteria, that is,
current challenges in the diagnosis of infectious negative blood cultures when infection is relat-
complications associated with transvenous pac- ed to artificial valves or pacemaker leads.5 There-
ing. We have read a review article by Polewczyk et fore, in the 2015 ESC guidelines, the Duke crite-
al2 with great interest. However, there are some ria were extended to include a positive positron
aspects that in our opinion require clarification. emission tomography (PET) or single­‑photon pos-
Moreover, we believe that the perspective pre- itron emission tomography computed tomogra-
sented by the authors on the matter of cardiac phy–computed tomography (SPECT-CT) results
device infections has to be broadened. as the major criteria used to aid the diagnosis of
The presence of infectious complications has a IE.1 Demonstration of abnormal activity with the
strong impact on the patient’s prognosis and life use of SPECT-CT relates to artificial heart valves
expectancy and is a Class I indication for transve- only. The existing data are already insufficient to
nous lead extraction (TLE) according to a Heart consider SPECT-CT as a diagnostic criterion for
Rhythm Society expert consensus.3 In most stud- LDIE; however, it is an additional tool in patients
ies, IE is one of the most important risk factors with suspected LDIE, positive blood cultures, and
for mortality after TLE.4 negative echocardiographic results (Class IIb, C).1
Due to different management procedures for The available literature provides evidence on
patients with various types of infection, it is log- the difficulties in the real diagnosis of IE in the
ical to categorize these types as lead-dependent presence of CIEDs. Polish authors published 2
infective endocarditis (LDIE) and local/pocket in- studies in a single patient cohort. In the first
fection (without fulfilling criteria for LDIE). Both study, they did not differentiate between defi-
require a different duration of antibiotic therapy nite and possible IE diagnoses, while in a sub-
and a delay before cardiac implantable electron- sequent study, such a classification was intro-
ic device (CIED) reimplantation. It needs to be duced.6,7 In the first study, they used their own
highlighted that there are few data on the opti- modification of the ESC criteria and diagnosed
mal time for reimplantation.1 Early reimplanta- definite IE in the presence of 1 major and 2 minor
tion should be avoided due to the risk of recur- criteria. Moreover, in the second publication, they
rent infection. used the ESC criteria, but this did not change the
The 2009 ESC guidelines provide clear criteria number of IE diagnoses. Notably, the authors nei-
that should be met to diagnose endocarditis, the ther explained the microbiological methods nor
so called Duke criteria.5 For patients with CIEDs, provided the number of positive blood cultures
2 additional major criteria have been introduced: and the pathogens, although the guidelines clear-
the presence of local infection symptoms and pul- ly stated that in order to fulfill the major criteri-
monary embolism. In order to diagnose endo- on, it is necessary to obtain the typical IE micro-
carditis, it is necessary to meet either both ma- organism from at least 2 different cultures. When
jor criteria, 1 major criterion and 3 minor ones, a positive blood culture does not meet the ma-
or 5 minor criteria. A possible LDIE diagnosis jor criterion, it adopts the significance of a mi-
can be satisfied with either 1 major and 1 minor nor criterion. It should be noted that the pres-
criterion, or 3 minor criteria. The authors of the ence of Staphylococcus epidermidis in a blood cul-
guidelines emphasize the high level of sensitivi- ture should lead to the assumption of sample
ty and specificity (80%) in the diagnosis of endo- contamination. Furthermore, positive microbi-
carditis, which is characterized by the Duke crite- ological tests of fragments of the leads or tissue
ria, based on the clinical picture and the results removed during TLE procedures (including blood
of echocardiography and microbiological tests. collected from the Byrd dilator) are not treated


as a minor Duke criterion for LDIE, even if there system is a minor Duke criterion for LDIE. This
was no contact with local infection.1 In the pre- means that any local infection meets the criteria
vious version of the guidelines, it was proposed for a possible LDIE. If local infection is accompa-
that the positive results of cultures from leads nied by a fever over 38ºC, the probability of LDIE
be recognized as a sign of LDIE in the absence of is increased, because 1 major Duke criterion and
pocket infection or when the lead was removed 2 minor Duke criteria are fulfilled. Such an inter-
through an incision distant from the pocket or by pretation, without taking into account the evi-
cardiac surgical extraction.5 Currently, it is rec- dence of endocardium involvement in the infec-
ommended to collect lead-tip cultures when the tious process, may lead to false-positive diagnoses
CIED is explanted (Class I, C).1 The purpose of of LDIE. On the other hand, resignation from tak-
the recommendation in a patient being already ing blood cultures and performing echocardiogra-
treated with antibiotics is not clear. phy in patients referred for TLE with symptoms
The evaluation of the next major criterion for of pocket infection may result in false-negative di-
IE, which is the presence of vegetation or abscess- agnoses. It is essential to perform a wide array of
es on echocardiography, may also cause diagnos- diagnostic and imaging tests in each patient with
tic problems in a patient with endocardial leads. pocket infection to confirm or exclude the diag-
Vegetation is defined as a mobile or fixed intracar- nosis of LDIE. It has been shown that additional
diac mass on a valve or other endocardial struc- tests, mainly echocardiography, enable the precise
ture or on the material implanted into the heart. identification of LDIE in nearly 20% of 303 pa-
An abscess is a thickened, inhomogeneous area tients referred for TLE due to pocket infection.13
within the valvular annulas or adjacent myocardi- The presence of the abnormal masses assumed
al structures with increased or reduced echo den- to represent vegetations in the right heart cav-
sity. In the guidelines of 2009 and 2015, there is ities, combined with a minor criterion which is
no information as to how to interpret the pres- the indwelling endocardial leads, confirms the
ence of a thickened fragment of the electrode on diagnosis of possible LDIE. At this point, a dif-
echocardiography.1,5 ferential diagnostic process should be initiated
The available literature shows that from the to assess whether the masses are vegetations or
time of implantation, the leads undergo a process thrombi. It is worth mentioning that since August
of wear. In the search for the causes of LDIE, Pol- 2014, we have been using a novel imaging tech-
ish authors have assessed the insulation of the re- nique, SPECT-CT with labeled leukocytes, in or-
moved leads and reported damage to the lead in- der to identify the source of infection. SPECT-CT
sulation, resulting in lead unsealing. Breakage in was predominantly used in patients with abnor-
the insulation exposes the inner parts of the lead mal masses attached to the leads in the absence
and creates an “anchor” for bacteria, thus promot- of other signs of LDIE. According to the available
ing the formation of vegetations in right heart literature, SPECT-CT reliably excluded device­
cavities.8,9 This finding has led to the introduc- ‑associated infection during a febrile episode and
tion of a new name for IE in the presence of leads, sepsis, with a negative predictive value of 95%.14
namely, LDIE.10 Studies concerning the damage Similarly, a very high negative predictive value for
of polymer insulation have gone in 2 directions. SPECT-CT was obtained in patients with mass-
One of the teams has attributed the essential role es in the right heart cavities assumed to repre-
to biodegradation of the silicone insulation with sent vegetations.15
the participation of macrophages.11 The theory of In the light of these considerations, it is usually
biodegradation does not explain the occurrence of challenging to determine the real extent of infec-
the insulation damage predominantly in the in- tion in patients presenting with either local infec-
tracardiac parts of the leads, while macrophages tion or LDIE. The termination of the diagnostic
have access to the entire length of the lead in the process before completion of all the required di-
cardiovascular system. Meanwhile, only the mech- agnostic tests for LDIE substantially affects diag-
anism of the tribological wear of insulation ex- nosis and treatment. The significant discrepancies
plains the damage of the leads at sites of inten- in the available reports on the prevalence of vari-
sive lead bending during heart contraction.12 The ous types of infectious complications in patients
analysis of pictures from scanning electron mi- referred for TLE are largely caused by inconsis-
croscopy has demonstrated that the silicone in- tencies in the application of diagnostic criteria.
sulation undergoes tribological wear in all the as-
sessed leads and the initial stage of tribological Author names and affiliations  Barbara Małecka,
wear of the lead is its fatigue and adhesive wear. Andrzej Ząbek (BM, AZ: Department of Electro-
The unsealing of endocardial leads, along with cardiology, John Paul II Hospital, Kraków, Poland;
the exposure of their inner lumen, is the under- BM: Institute of Cardiology, Jagiellonian Univer-
lying reason for LDIE in most cases. However, sity Medical College, Kraków, Poland)
the guidelines do not currently recommend that
the lead insulation be tested after its removal. Corresponding author  Barbara Małecka, MD, PhD,
The diagnosis of LDIE in cases of patients with Instytut Kardiologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński,
ongoing pocket infection is seemingly easy. Pock- Collegium Medicum, ul. Prądnicka 80, 31-202
et infection is a major Duke criterion for LDIE, Kraków, Poland, phone: +48 12 614 22 77, e-mail:
and the presence of the leads in the cardiovascular

LETTER TO THE EDITOR  Infectious complications of electrotherapy: theory and practice 441
Conflict of interest  The authors declare no con-
flict of interest.

How to cite  Barbara Małecka, Andrzej Ząbek. In-

fectious complications of electrotherapy: theory
and practice. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126 (6):
440-442. doi:10.20452/pamw.3439.

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