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POSTER EXHIBIT GUIDELINES AND MECHANICS Two (2) Categories > Non-competing Posters (Category A) > Participants ofthis category should meet the following requirements: 1. Author must be an NRCP member: Otherwise, at least a co- author must be an NRCP member. 2. Poster entries should not have been previously presented {nother scientific meetings > Poster Competition (Category B) > Participants of this category should meet the following requirements: 1. Author mustbe an NRCP member: Otherwise, at least a co- author must be an NRCP member. 2. Poster entries must be research studies funded by NRCP and/or other DOST institutions, ongoing or completed, from 2016 to present. 3. Poster entries should not have been previously presented in other scientific meetings. (Members of the NRCP Governing Board may only join the non- ‘competing category.) > Poster entries will be evaluated by the Board of Judges according to Scientific Content/Quality (40%), Importance/Impact (30%), Visual Presentation (10%), Relevance to the conference theme (10%), and Interview or ‘the ability of the poster presenter to answer questions (20%). \ ‘There will be a total of Twelve (12) Winning Poster Entries (or Three (3) Winning Posters per NRCP Cluster* v Competing posters from each NRCP Cluster will vie for three (3) categories of awards and corresponding cash prizes and certificates as follows: 4 Prize - PhP7,000.00 plus award certificate 24 Prize - PhP5,000.00 plus award certificate 3% Prize ~ PhPS,000.00 plus award certificate * NRePCutes area follows: "Chater ~ Dison (Governmental, Educational and intratinal Pls), Dion Vl Socal Sciences) and Division XI (Humans) ‘+ Custar- Dvsion I (Mathematcl Sens), Dison Vl nginering and Insta esearch), Dison DX (ys). ane Dison Xl (arth and Space Scenes) + Custer ut Dison 1 (Heda Setenss), Ddsion IV (Pharmaceutical Scenes) and Dison X (Chemical eens) + Custer iV Divison V (Blog! Scenees), Dison VI (Agreere and Forest). and Divison XI (elrinary Medicine) Poster Specifications > The poster should be printed on a 76 cm x 103 cm tarpaulin ‘material which has corner grommets or holes for hanging, >» The poster should be in high resolution and readable from two (2) meters away. Text should not be more than three (3) colors, > The poster should include the following parts with the prescribed font size: Title (72 points, about 2 cm) Full name of author(s) (1em) Asfitiations (1 cm) ‘Abstract (max of 1 em) - 250-300 words Introduction (max of 1 em) - includes background information, objectives, and significance ofthe research. F. Methodology, Results, and Interpretation/Discussion, (max of 1 cm) - preferably presented in schematic diagrams, flowcharts, and properly labeled tables and graphs. G. Conclusion and Recommendations (max of 1 cm) H, Acknowledgment, References, and Funding Agency (max of 6mm) ~at the bottom of the poster: Poon Submission of Poster Entries > A participant should email to the NRCP Secretariat the following requirements for preliminary screening by the Board of Judges: 1. Acompletely filled out POSTER REGISTRATION FORM (Gownloadable at wwwnrep.dostigovph) 2, Am At-size (8.27" x11.69") miniaturized poster in five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (pdf format) > Blectronic copy of posters and information sheets must be submitted at email address: Deadline for Submission: 22 February 2019 (Poster entries submitted after the deadline will no longer be accepted.) “Announcement of Accepted Entries: 28 February 2019

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