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Assignment : Task 2 Creating Advertisement Name : Nguyen Thuc Anh

Use the following template to plan your advertisement. It should be approved and
submitted with your final copy.

● What do you want to achieve?

I want the amount of tissues to decrease to stop deforestation.

Target Audience:
1. Which specific group will you aim to persuade? Age, gender, class, country,
2. What do they value, what do they want?
3. What specific language, style or cultural references would my audience

1. My target group is restaurant owners aged from 25 to 30.

2. They value :
- customer loyalty
- profits
- lots of people coming to their places

3. Slangs, trendy languages and images of young restaurant owners

would fit my audience.
Persuasive Appeals:
What persuasive techniques could you use that relate to your audience?

Emotional appeals

Rational appeals

Ethical appeals:

Capturing the attention of the audience

There are many language features you can use to create your persuasive strategies.
● Written language (e.g. Alliteration, rhetorical questions, modality, emotive
language, statistics, formality, slang)
● Imagery (e.g. symbolism, setting, model, clothes, expression, ‘gaze’, body
● Design (Style, colours, font style/size, angle, composition)

Emotional Appeals:

+ Written language :
- Abbreviation : “R u”
- Emotive language : “constant”
+ Imagery :
- Model : A customer who is happy and rating the restaurant 5 stars

Rational Appeals:

+ Written language :
- Statistics : “1,000 restaurant owners who switched to linen serviette gain huge
profits . ” from World Watch magazine.
- Emotive language : “tremendously”
+ Design :
- Fake certification : #1 customer choice
- Project logo
Capturing the audience’s attention:

+ Written language :
- Abbreviation : “r u”
- Hashtags : #stopdeforestation
+ Imagery :
- The model is a young restaurant owner.
- The background looks like a restaurant.
+ Design :
- Modern font styles
- Different letter colors

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