Conversation Topics

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Annoying things
o Do people have habits that annoy you?
o Do you annoy people with some of your habits?
o Can you think of any celebrities that are annoying? Why?
o What do people do on public transport that annoys you?

2. Social Networking

o What is social networking?

o Can social networking sites be dangerous?
o What precautions would you advise people to take?
o Is it possible to become a social networking addict?

3. Environment
o What are some of the most serious environmental problems
o Can you find ten things that each of us can do to help preserve our
o What is your opinion on climate change?
4. Shopping on the internet

o Do you often do your shopping online?

o What do you buy online? :
Are the prices the same as in the shops/agencies or less expensive?
o Have you ever had any disappointments or bad surprises?
o What are the advantages of shopping online?
o What are the dangers?

5. Technology

o What technology would it be difficult to live without today?

o Has technology changed our everyday lifestyle?
o What technology, if any, has made our homes more comfortable?
o Has technology changed education methods?
o Will online education one day replace the classroom?
6. Travelling has become easier and cheaper. What has it changed in
people's lives:

o speed, comfort, health, family relationships, etc.

o work/employment
o holiday habits
o way of life/standard of living in certain countries

7. Describe the best or worst trip you ever took:

o Where did you go?

o Did you travel alone or with a group?
o What did you do / what had you intended to do?
o What made it your best (or worst) trip?
o What advice would you give someone planning the same sort of

8. Work

o Do human beings need to work to be happy?

o What motivates people to work long hours?
o What are the advantages/disadvantages of working from home?
o In your opinion, what is the worst job in the world?

9. Is life today better than in the past? Think about the following:

o Education - employment - job satisfaction

o Health : prevention, treatment, new discoveries, social security, etc.
o Comfort : standard of living (housing/transport/leisure)
o Violence
o Social issues : single mothers, unmarried couples, homosexuality ...

10. Inventions

o What invention has had the greatest impact on our lives?

o Are there some things that never should have been invented?
o Do some countries encourage inventors more than others?

11. The internet is an essential communication tool in today's world.

o The first and most popular use is the email. What others can you
think of?
o What steps would you advise to protect data and privacy?
o What do you think the internet will be used for in the future?

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