FAQ - WhatsAround Frequently Asked Questions

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How Can I Earn More SP and ShotCoins?

-You can earn SP points by posting quality content and getting upvotes from users with high
Voting Quality Score (VQS). Your Voting Quality Score will be important to earn more from your
shots. If you get downvotes from high score users, you will earn less.

-You can earn by upvoting and downvoting other people’s photos. The SP points you will earn
depend on your Voting Quality Score (VQS). If you upvote high quality, and downvote low
quality content, your score will be better in time. If you use only upvote, your score will be lower.
So you need to use them reasonably.

-You can earn by commenting other people’s content. But it must be authentic, long enough and

You have a daily limit according to your level to earn ShotCoins. Not all ShotPoints can turn into

What is WOW?

When you WoW a Shot:

1- you earn 5 SP and level up to post more shots and have more storage
2- you reward the good content
3-improve your VQS (voting score quality)
4-you unlock the get directions/navigation for Earthshots (next release)
5-you unlock comments section and reach information that users share under the shot(next

In order to earn the received WOWs, your voting score needs to be medium or high. You will not
be able benefit from WOWs when your voting score is low. In order to increase your voting
score, you need to upvote only the good/quality content photos and downvote bad content

You upvote/downvote for yourself and to make your timeline better and also improve your VQS
to get more tasks like daily sp tasks or shotmod tasks like approving disapproving shots

Now on, your votes do not help or harm others.

So,you earn SP for what you do in the app (Wows, quality votes, comments, reports )
Those SP helps you to level up, increase your limits and storage. You have daily 2 shot limits
for each level you obtained. If you reach your daily shot limit, you can delete a previous shot to
make room. The limit depends on your Voting Quality Score. If your score is low then your limit
is also low. In order to increase your voting score, you need to upvote high guality photos and
downvote low quality ones
Soon different types of daily tasks will be available in the app. To earn those tasks, the users
need to be high vqs users. To improve your vqs, the only thing to do is to report or downvote
contents that are violating whatsaround policies

Daily coin task is also coming soon

High vqs users who uses the app everyday for 30 days are elected to be Shotmods. Shotmods
get daily sp tasks and other task types such as the approve/disapprove task..
So if you want to really earn in this app there will be more options but the condition is for you to
really understand whatsaround app and vote according to the rules

What is Voting Score (VQS)?

Your voting score depends on the following:

1- the quality of the photos you upload

2- upvoting/wowing high quality content photos
3- downvoting bad quality photos
4- reporting photos and users who violate the app's rules

If you want to increase your voting score, you need to pay attention to these

SPAM POLICY: Why My Account Has Been Suspended?

Here are the spam actions that are not allowed on WhatsAround.

● Attempts to mislead or deceive people.

● Posting pictures from other device screens.
● Using same ip/device for different accounts.
● Opening new invitee accounts for yourself.
● Posting bad quality images just to get more upvotes.
● Aggressive friend requests.
● Posting phishing links.
● Abusing the comments with unwanted messages.
● Repeated/automated actions, like posting same pictures.
● Automated interactions like posting same comments to everyone.
● Creating multiple accounts.
Please send an email to support@whatsaround.com if you think there is an error with your
How Can You Complete Your Profile For Eligibility To Earn
Add profile picture
Add name and surname
Complete bio, describe yourself
Verify your email address.
Add phone number, verify the phone number.
Add first shot/your selfie

What Is The Difference Between SP and ShotCoin?

ShotPoint (SP): You collect daily SP with your actions in the app. To level up you need to earn
ShotCoin (SC): You earn coins by inviting friends. You can also earn coins with your SP’s
according to your level and Voting Quality Score (VQS).

Are There Any Limits With Posting, Upvoting and Other Actions?
There is an hourly limit of actions specified in the system algorithm according to Voting Quality
Score. The limit changes from people to people. If you go over the limits your account will go
through the fraud check. So we advise you to use the app organically.

Why My Coins Are In Pending?

Now on coins will be transferred directly to the users' wallets. Coins will be pending only in
below conditions:
-if the users' referrals do not complete their profiles
-if the users' referrals are under review/checkpoints
-if the user has earned coins from levelling up but the number of his/her SPs have decreased

You can reclaim your coins once your referrals complete their profiles and/or complete their
account reviews successfully.

What is WOW?
When you WoW a Shot:
1- you earn 5 SP and level up to post more shots and have more storage
2- you reward the good content 3-improve your VQS (voting score quality)
4-you unlock the get directions/navigation for Earthshots (next release)
5-you unlock comments section and reach information that users share under the shot(next
As of today, you upvote/downvote for yourself and to make your timeline better and also
improve your VQS to get more tasks like daily sp tasks or shotmod tasks like approving
disapproving shots

Now on, your votes do not help or harm others.

So,you earn SP for what you do in the app (Wows, quality votes, comments, reports )
Those SP helps you to level up, increase your limits and storage. You have daily 2 shot limits
for each level you obtained.

If you reach your daily shot limit, you can delete a previous shot to make room.

I Couldn’t Verify My Phone Number?

Please send an email to support@whatsaround.com.

Why I Haven’t Received Coins From My Referrals Yet?

Your referrals need to complete their profile for you to be able to earn coins from them. You can
only see the friends who have completed their profiles.

I Have Invited A Friend, Where Is My Referral Coins?

You will get your coins when your friends complete their profile and level up step by step. In
every step until level 10 you will both earn coins.

Why I Can’t Open The App?

If you are using some third party geolocation changing apps, WhatsAround doesn’t run on your
mobile phone. You need to delete other deceiving apps to be able to use WhatsAround.

I Can’t Post Pictures With The App

You need to give permission to the app for your Camera, Mic and Location. Please check your
settings. There is an error with some languages as well, we are trying to make it work.

How Can I Delete My Account?

Please send an email to support@whatsaround.com from your email address registered for the
Why My App Stopped Working?
We don’t let people to use the app with other gps spoofing apps. Please be sure that there is
not any gps spoofing apps installed in your mobile phone.

Why I can't see the most recent post first and then the older?
We are updating the timeline algorithm right now, please follow some countries/places and add
some friends at that time.

Other Issues We Are Working On:

● Questions on the pending coins being transferred to the users’ accounts

○ With the new fraud checking system, the coins will directly go to the accounts.
Pending coins will be only for invitees who need to pass captcha or selfie

● Change in the number of pending coins:

○ Your coins may be decreased due to involvement of fraud activity or if you
are/were blocked due to aggressive activities such as; aggressive dm texting and
so on. Please keep in mind that the users have a hourly limits within their actions
in the app.

● OTP/Phone verification issues:

○ Please make sure you have updated the latest version from Google Play
or App Store. If you do not get the code after your update of the app,
please contact support@whatsaround.com with your registered email
address and phone number with the international area code in front

● Account review:
○ After you have successfully send your selfie with the code, you need to wait for
the email that notifies you on the completion of your review. Please be patient.

● Pending photos:
○ Please make sure you have the latest update of the app. If your photos
continuously fail loading, you can contact us at support@whatsaround.com

● ETH withdrawal issues:

After you make the purchase your account will go through a security check. And
if there are some suspicious accounts on your invitee list, they will need to
complete their verification process with photo id check. After the completion of
this process your ETH will be sent.

● Low quality warning:

○ Please make sure your photos get enough light and have a good quality.
Sometimes zooming in also causes problems. If you think that your photos are
high quality but still receive this warning, you can send a screenshot to

● Account suspension:

● Not being able to log in to your account:

○ Please follow the instructions

● Referral link problem:

○ If there is a temporary problem with your referral link, you can always send it
through copy and pasting. Please make sure your referees sign in by clicking on
your link. Please advise them not to sign in from using their Facebook accounts,
or you will not be able to benefit from their accounts.

● Daily SP refresh problem:

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