2014-001tank T-702 Reco

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s12014-001 March 28,2014 To; Maintenance Mr. Gbbs) From: TS~Inspecton fe: Visual inspection of los TankT702 (Cone oof, 49M ax. M igh), ‘tor he alert from Refinery manger regarding premature fale of oof underside cating of the tank, ‘external visual inspection ofthe tnk-702 was cated out and ater an internal inspection was carted ‘utinclaing random thickness measurements onthe root, shel at sation exposed areas) and bottom plete 1 Mechanically the tank hel oor, ro, stam coll and appurtenances were in found in good ‘condition. Random thickness measurements onthe shel lor and raf were found with nega ss Ac aeady reported the roof underside coating hal eompltay faled. The externa coating ofthe roof was found in good contion. 44. The costing done onthe floor plates incuting sump es wellas shell plates aso hada .Theesternal insulation is partaly done with opening allowing rain water o soak the insulation Dlonkes. ‘The allowing are recommended 2. Sand/Gri bist the roof underside to white metal SPC-S°6 and apply two coats ofCol tr enony [Btumactie 200 M) 16-20 miltotal DF, neude the inner surfaces ofall nozles and openings. Alternatively, one coat of DFT 4S mile of Caroline “Carbaguara 892° canbe aprile = areed Send bias the flor, sump and 50 cm height of bottom shell couse to white metal SSPC-SP10 ‘and apply two coats of Coal tar epoxy 16-20 ml total OFT. NOTE: Carbone “Cartoguaré 83 snot "ultable for hie ection in view of mmerson rence. Aernatve that can be consered is “corboguard 830". |e Remove, senice and test the PRV valve and ens ars tasting work onthe tank i complete. ‘4 Hydotestthe team cll as already directed by Ref. manager. ‘© Complete the isuation job including external leddng ASAP. nota good practzeto leave insulation blankets uncovered during ran iron by: canna (Ale Lead inspector carbog ward, od Roof underside coating SD “Bitumastic 300 1d botton thell jc 3008 ard 8S SESE CconweTipe Cod TerEoon Deeron Ranson gh bul cof efor ‘opener eteion set amen, gopc-go10 Fetes + Bata pon cares nero Tiere Sco "ees BEES as Snr cure, + Wa eae eat ee Simeabone “z030me cor mans) ler Pap syen acorn come aaa) = Soyer meee Pines sgn, Coton hone ae | | oor FL. Seay te meme neee | | ir | sees | * air murat 00 rept de a ot Eee | ee ‘Solids Content By Volume: 74M 4285 ao ee pereenl 87 Wat 25 oan) ingot twin hare reeoen Ce ) Se: eerueten aoe = Patene, —conmuue: ase r7-0) Reunion onertnuue: Soe Geo) WATE amar nee sa ot ened ‘Moyet 20 August 208 ones Se a a a

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