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The Social Determinants of Tuberculosis: From Evidence to Action

James R. Hargreaves, PhD, MSc, Delia Boccia, PhD, Carlton A. Evans, MD, PhD, DTM&H, Michelle Adato, PhD, Mark Petticrew, PhD, and John
D. H. Porter, MD, MPH

treatment of HIV/AIDS, but arguably more

Growing consensus indicates that progress in tuberculosis control in the low-
significant in the last 10 years has been the
and middle-income world will require not only investment in strengthening
tuberculosis control programs, diagnostics, and treatment but also action on the unparalleled emphasis on social determinants
social determinants of tuberculosis. However, practical ideas for action are of HIV/AIDS risk and treatment access.19 An
scarcer than is notional support for this idea. We developed a framework based explosion of research has occurred into how
on the recent World Health Organization Commission on Social Determinants of gender-based and socioeconomic inequalities of
Health and on current understanding of the social determinants of tuberculosis. opportunity undermine individual efforts to
Interventions from outside the health sector—specifically, in social protection avoid HIV infection and receive effective treat-
and urban planning—have the potential to strengthen tuberculosis control. (Am ment.20–24 The findings in turn have led to
J Public Health. 2011;101:654–662. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2010.199505) structural interventions for HIV prevention, in-
cluding those that aim to mobilize communities
and empower women, as measures to deal with
distal determinants of HIV epidemiology.25–28
In December 2009, at the International Union driver has simply been the increasing number
These developments have not gone unnoticed
Against Tuberculosis (TB) and Lung Disease’s of TB cases and their inequitable distribution
within the TB community, not least because HIV
World Conference in Cancun, Mexico, Mario throughout the world. Not only did 2010 see
infection is itself a key determinant of TB risk in
Raviglione, director of the World Health Or- more cases of TB than ever before in human
many settings.
ganization (WHO) Stop TB Department, made history, but these cases continue to cluster
Finally, the recent WHO Commission on
a clear commitment to ‘‘moving beyond the TB among disadvantaged groups such as the
Social Determinants of Health showed how the
box.’’1 His remarks echoed an emerging shift poor,4,5 the hungry,6–8 and ethnic minorities.9,10
‘‘circumstances in which we grow, live, work,
within the TB sector toward recognizing the In addition, debate continues about the effec-
and age’’ and the ‘‘systems put in place to deal
importance of social and economic development tiveness of the Directly Observed Therapy—Short
with illness’’ give rise to unequal, unfair distri-
policies and interventions in supporting TB Course (DOTS) strategy, the central pillar of
butions of population health.3 The CSDH, a
control.2 global TB control, in reducing TB incidence.11–14a
comprehensive attempt to gather evidence on
We welcome this timely shift in emphasis As shown in the box on the following page,
the social determinants of health, brought these
but recognize too that practical ideas for action DOTS particularly emphasizes early case de-
issues to the forefront of the WHO agenda for
are scarcer than is notional support for the idea. tection and successful treatment. DOTS has
the first time in a generation. The WHO also in-
In this article, we briefly described why we significantly reduced TB morbidity and mor-
creasingly recognizes the links between health,
think this shift occurred. We developed tality15 and is one of the most cost-effective
human rights, and poverty reduction strategies.29
a framework informed by the recent WHO public health interventions ever implemented.16,17
These initiatives provide a platform from which
Commission on Social Determinants of Health However, national TB incidence rates appear
to launch a new era of action on the social
(CSDH)3 and WHO work on the social deter- more closely correlated with social and economic
determinants of TB.
minants of TB2 that guided our ideas for action determinants such as the human development
in this area. We also described 2 non–health- index, access to water sanitation, and child SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF
sector domains in which we think program and mortality than to the success of DOTS.13,18 TUBERCULOSIS
policy action is feasible and could reduce the WHO’s more recent Stop TB Strategy keeps
public health burden caused by TB in key DOTS at its heart while also reflecting a shift The CSDH defines structural determinants
settings. Finally, we call for a new era of research, toward greater appreciation of the social de- of health as those conditions that generate or
action, and evaluation in this field. terminants of TB (as seen in the box on the reinforce social stratification in society. Social
following page). stratification in turn gives rise to an unequal
RECENT INTEREST IN SOCIAL Growing awareness of the importance of distribution of the social determinants of
DETERMINANTS OF TUBERCULOSIS social determinants of health in other areas, health, including material living conditions and
particularly HIV/AIDS, has stimulated interest psychosocial circumstances as well as behav-
The increased focus on addressing the social in the role of these determinants for other ioral and biological risk factors.30
determinants of TB has been stimulated from communicable diseases such as TB. Major Key structural determinants of TB epidemi-
both within and beyond the TB sector. A key advances have been made in diagnosis and ology include global socioeconomic inequalities,

654 | Framing Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | Hargreaves et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2011, Vol 101, No. 4

seek a TB diagnosis,37 and lack of social support

The 5 Elements of Directly Observed Therapy—Short Course (DOTS) and 6 to seek care when they fall sick.
Components of the Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy Although DOTS has pioneered the use of a
patient’s social network to improve treatment
The 5 Elements of DOTS12 adherence, a social determinant’s framework
also highlights how lack of hope for the future,
1. Political commitment with increased and sustained financing, driven by poverty, might also foster high rates
2. Case detection through quality-assured bacteriology, of treatment default that undermine TB con-
3. Standardized treatment with supervision and patient support, trol.38,39 Finally, because of the close relation-
4. An effective drug supply and management system, and ship between HIV and TB in many settings,
5. Monitoring and evaluation system and impact measurement. notably sub-Saharan Africa, the key structural
and social determinants of HIV infection also act
The 6 Components of the Stop TB Strategy14b as indirect determinants of TB risk. Foremost
among these is widespread inequality in oppor-
1. Pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and enhancement. tunities and expectations for men and women
2. Address TB and HIV, multidrug-resistant TB, and the needs of poor and vulnerable reinforced through cultural norms and socio-
populations. economic systems. These opportunities and ex-
Scale up collaborative TB and HIV activities. pectations create conditions that give rise to
Scale up prevention and management of multidrug-resistant TB. networks of concurrent sexual partnerships
Address the needs of TB contacts and of poor and vulnerable populations. characterized by power inequalities between
3. Contribute to health system strengthening based on primary health care. male and female partners.40
Help improve health policies, human resource development, financing, supplies, service
delivery, and information. FROM ACTION ON TUBERCULOSIS
Strengthen infection control in health services, other congregate settings, and house- TO ACTION ON ITS SOCIAL
Upgrade laboratory networks and implement the Practical Approach to Lung Health.
Adapt successful approaches from other fields and sectors, and foster action on the social Table 1 identifies recognized approaches to
determinants of health. TB control that target the 4 key stages of TB
4. Engage all care providers. pathogenesis. These interventions are gener-
Involve all public, voluntary, corporate, and private providers through public–private ally delivered by what the CSDH refers to as
mix approaches. ‘‘the systems put in place to deal with illness,’’3
Promote use of the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care. and include the use of diagnostic technologies to
5. Empower people with TB and communities through partnership. identify cases and medicines to treat patients
Pursue advocacy, communication, and social mobilization. and prevent infection among their close con-
Foster community participation in TB care. tacts.12 Existing TB control efforts also seek to
Promote use of the Patients’ Charter for Tuberculosis Care. increase the accessibility of health systems to the
6. Enable and promote research. communities they serve through treatment sup-
port, along with active case-finding and outreach
services for high-risk populations. Another com-
high levels of population mobility, and rapid These social determinants are among the ponent of TB control includes health promotion
urbanization and population growth. These key risk factors for TB (Figure 1).31 For example, efforts that inform populations about TB and
conditions give rise to unequal distributions of poor ventilation and overcrowding in homes, the factors that increase its risk, thereby aiming
key social determinants of TB, including food workplaces, and communities increase the likeli- to change behaviors such as smoking or alco-
insecurity and malnutrition, poor housing and hood of uninfected individuals being exposed hol consumption. Finally, integrating HIV and
environmental conditions, and financial, geo- to TB infection.32–34 Poverty, malnutrition, and TB control efforts is a major priority in many
graphic, and cultural barriers to health care hunger may increase susceptibility to infection,33 settings.
access. In turn, the population distribution of disease,8 and severity of clinical outcome.35 In- Action on the social determinants of TB
TB reflects the distribution of these social dividuals with TB symptoms such as a persistent will require shifting the target to ‘‘the condi-
determinants, which influence the 4 stages of cough often face significant social and economic tions in which [populations with high levels
TB pathogenesis: exposure to infection, pro- barriers that delay their contact with health of TB] grow, live, work, and age.’’3 Although
gression to disease, late or inappropriate di- systems in which an appropriate diagnosis might definitions vary, such approaches are some-
agnosis and treatment, and poor treatment be made, including difficulties in transport to times referred to as structural interventions.23,41
adherence and success. health facilities,36 fear of stigmatization if they These interventions often require leadership or

April 2011, Vol 101, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Hargreaves et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | 655

Note. BCG = bacillus Calmette-Guerin; MDR = multidrug resistant; TB = tuberculosis.

TB infection and disease rates are often reported to be higher among Black Africans and Hispanics than among Whites.
Increased TB risk associated with contact with a case of TB depends on the infectivity of the source case, the degree of exposure to the case by the susceptible person, and the degree of
susceptibility of a person to infection.
It is unclear whether this observation can be explained by differences in case finding or whether it is due to different susceptibility to TB among sexes. TB disease tends to be more common among
Migrants’ increased risk of TB in many settings may result from higher exposure to TB in country of origin or experience of worse socioeconomic living conditions compared with residents.
FIGURE 1—Risk factors for different stages of TB pathogenesis and epidemiology.

significant involvement from outside the health effective control approaches based on strong made about the adoption or refinement of
sector. Figure 2 reproduces a recently published interdisciplinary approaches that capitalize on programs in these domains.
framework from the WHO that identifies rather than disperse the medical, microbiological,
proximate risk factors and upstream determi- and social notions we have of the disease. ADDRESSING THE SOCIAL
nants of TB. Within this framework, we identi- We described 2 approaches to socioeco- DETERMINANTS OF TUBERCULOSIS
fied 2 strategic entry points for action that will nomic development that have been shown to
require collaboration with stakeholders from be feasible in a range of settings and target The social determinants of TB might be
beyond the health care sector (shown in gray in important social determinants of TB. However, addressed by strengthening social protection
Figure 2).2 access to these approaches remains restricted and livelihood-strengthening interventions or
Biomedical and structural interventions are to a minority of those who might benefit from through urban regeneration.
sometimes characterized as competing ap- them. Whether policymakers expand access
proaches to TB control based on different to such programs will be influenced by many Social Protection and Livelihood-
interpretations of the etiology of TB.42 This factors, including cost, feasibility, and politics. Strengthening Interventions
debate is unhelpful. Expanding our vision to However, because these approaches to devel- A significant TB burden falls among popu-
include social determinants as targets for TB opment may have powerful impacts on TB lations with high levels of chronic poverty and
control efforts does not require us to rethink TB epidemiology, we believe that discussion about malnutrition.44 In turn, TB illness can further
epidemiology nor to devote all our resources their adoption should be brought to the cen- exacerbate poverty, food insecurity, and malnu-
to eradicating poverty. Rather, in addition to ter of the TB control debate. Key questions trition. Alleviating the poverty and improving the
existing TB control efforts, it may be possible include the following: How might these initia- food security of these populations may reduce
(and necessary) to address selected factors in the tives be designed to best contribute to TB their TB burden.
daily living conditions of TB patients and their control? In what settings might they be most Social protection initiatives reduce vulnerabil-
communities that might influence TB epidemi- relevant to TB? What are the basic health ity to poverty, mitigate the impact of economic
ology. The question is not what level should be system conditions necessary for these ap- shocks such as illness or loss of employment, and
targeted in public health interventions: proxi- proaches to impact TB epidemiology? And, support people who suffer from chronic inca-
mate risk factors or upstream determinants, where implemented, what are their impacts on pacities as a result of age, illness, disability, or
individuals or societies, biomedical or structural TB? We believe that the TB sector must lead discrimination to secure basic livelihoods.45 Re-
factors, or pills or poverty reduction strategies.43 research in this area, pulling in expertise from cently, social protection has emerged as a pos-
Rather, the opportunity for the TB community beyond its borders to strengthen this research, sibility for poor countries owing to growing
is to best use knowledge about TB, from molec- and in turn pushing out its conclusions to political and financial support from their gov-
ular biology to social determinants, to develop debates across sectors when decisions are to be ernments, bilateral donors, and other global

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TABLE 1—Key Determinants of Tuberculosis (TB) Transmission and Relevant Interventions Within the Health Care Sector

TB Outcome
Susceptibility to Disease and Lack of Timely, Appropriate Poor Treatment Adherence
Exposure to Infection Disease Outcome Treatment Initiation and Success

Key determinants Incomplete, delayed, or Incomplete, delayed, or ineffective Missed diagnosis opportunities Complex drug regimens
ineffective treatment of TB treatment as a result of poorly trained lab staff Side effects
bacilli spreaders Lack of chemoprophylaxis or Imperfect diagnostic tools Lack of patient compliance
vaccination among contacts Lack of drug availability Lack of drug availability
Risk factors (e.g., malnutrition, Poor management of TB and
diabetes, cigarette smoking, HIV coinfection
alcohol abuse, HIV infection and
other immunosuppressive conditions)

Health care sector Enhanced case finding Improved treatment adherence Removal of health system Standardized, short-course
interventions Improved treatment adherence BCG vaccination among children barriers to case detection treatment regimens
Infection control measures Chemoprophylaxis protocols for Improved diagnostics Decrease of side effects
(e.g., quarantine, TB contacts Improved synergy between Treatment support (DOT)
laboratory safety) Behavioral counseling to TB and HIV services Ensured drug supply
reduce risk behavior Ensured drug supply Use of community health workers to
Linkage of HIV and TB services monitor and support adherence

Note. BCG = bacillus Calmette-Guerin; DOT = directly observed therapy.

and regional institutions. Part of the impetus for the severely ill. Data from 6 cash transfer pro- improve their opportunities to engage in pro-
social protection is that poverty reduces in- grams in southern Africa show that the vast ductive activities.57 Many microfinance initia-
vestment in the health, nutrition, and education majority of the transfer is spent on food, but tives deliver loans through the creation of
of children, which leads to reduced earnings other expenditures include education, health neighborhood-based associations of women
later in life and thus perpetuates intergenera- care, clothing, and transportation.48 that meet regularly. These programs are
tional cycles of poverty.46 Social protection Throughout Latin America and in several widespread: the Microcredit Summit Cam-
initiatives can enable households to move struc- countries in Asia, conditional cash transfer paign reports that, by the end of December
turally out of poverty by protecting and building schemes provide money to poor families who 2007, approximately 3600 microfinance ini-
their financial, physical, and human capital assets, meet certain behavioral requirements. In tiatives were reaching about 155 million
thereby contributing to long-term productivity well-described government-led programs, con- clients in 134 countries with loans.58 A major
and economic growth.47 Two key components of ditions include sending children to school and strength of the microfinance sector has been its
social protection include providing direct trans- attending health services for prenatal checkups, move away from donor dependency, with suc-
fers of food or money to poor households, with immunization, and growth monitoring.49 The cessful initiatives creating sustainable systems for
the receipt of these transfers sometimes conditional conditions are designed to ensure that the pro- credit delivery that pay for themselves through
on other actions, and increasing access to micro- grams act as instruments for long-term human interest on loans.59
finance opportunities to support business de- capital development as well as short-term assis- Training to support human capital develop-
velopment. Training activities often run in parallel tance. Conditional cash transfer programs have ment is central to livelihood programs. Train-
with both components to maximize their impact. been demonstrated to increase household con- ing may support skills development toward
Cash transfer programs are currently reach- sumption,50,51 reduce vulnerability to economic productive activities. For example, programs in
ing large numbers of poor people in Latin shocks,49 improve food security and quality,52,53 rural areas might provide seeds, fertilizer, and
America and sub-Saharan Africa. Evidence of increase participation in health services,54,55 and, training to people who have been weakened by
impacts on children’s health, education, and although evidence remains sparse, improve illness so that they can maintain kitchen gar-
nutrition is emerging from a diverse range of health outcomes.56 dens.60 Many microfinance programs provide
settings.48 For example, South Africa has Microfinance initiatives provide a comple- clients with business development training and
a number of schemes that collectively reach mentary approach to social protection often mentoring to support the productive use of loans.
nearly 12 million beneficiaries, from cash grants delivered by the nongovernmental sector. Alternatively, training may target health-related
for poor households with children to grants for They provide the poor with access to credit to goals directly. For example, attendance at health

April 2011, Vol 101, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Hargreaves et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | 657

Note. SES = socioeconomic status; TB = tuberculosis. Gray boxes indicate entry points for intervention.
Source. Adapted with permission from Elsevier.2
FIGURE 2—Conceptual framework and strategic entry points for intervention outside the health care sector.

training has been a key requirement of many used as a site for information dissemination strengthening. In time, these actions might also
conditional cash transfer programs in Latin and outreach.62a support more rapid case finding in communi-
America, whereas microfinance initiatives have Third, these interventions may target TB ties as overlapping fears about the costs and
used client meetings to engage women on patients and their close contacts, who likely stigma associated with a TB diagnosis are
health-related matters, including malnutrition, share a risk environment with index cases replaced by awareness of TB and an incentive
vaccination coverage, contraceptive use, and could also be at direct risk of infection to get diagnosed and treated quickly. Indeed,
breastfeeding practices, intimate partner vio- from them. Cash transfers could be provided fostering economic empowerment and
lence, HIV prevention, HIV impact mitigation, to TB patients conditional on treatment ad- a greater sense of self-efficacy among TB-
and child care.61 herence or other relevant health behaviors affected families engaged in social protection
Social protection strategies such as cash such as stopping smoking. Transfers might programs might also ultimately lead to stronger
transfers, microcredit, and training might be also be offered to contacts of diagnosed TB confidence and greater voice to influence
harnessed to improve prevention and mitiga- patients to support goals such as sputum political decisions about TB care rights and TB
tion of TB in at least 4 ways. First, these sample collection and latent TB infection care-related education.
programs might be made more widely avail- diagnosis or successful provision of preven- Adapting social protection initiatives to sup-
able in communities with high levels of TB. tive medication to children, all of which port TB control aims will be complex. For
Where they reach high coverage in these should reduce further the morbidity associ- example, direct targeting of TB sufferers for
settings, they would improve material condi- ated with an index case. social protection raises potential problems.
tions for many households and help reduce Fourth, to support longer-term develop- Cash transfer interventions are generally tar-
financial barriers to diagnosis often experi- mental aims, opportunities for training and geted to poor communities or poor households
enced by individuals with TB symptoms. Sec- business development might be provided to TB in localities with high illness burdens, not
ond, efforts to increase community action and sufferers or members of their household who toward ill people or their households. Exten-
education about TB could be linked to partic- are not suffering with TB. This provision may sive research on cash transfers to support
ipation in these programs. Participation in create further incentive to maximize treatment families affected by HIV/AIDS has concluded
health education could be mandatory or vol- adherence as well as to provide the building that direct targeting of AIDS-affected families
untary. Benefit distribution points have been blocks for longer-term livelihood or orphans poses significant challenges. These

658 | Framing Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | Hargreaves et al. American Journal of Public Health | April 2011, Vol 101, No. 4

challenges arise from the perspective of equity, transmission,68,69 and inefficient health services accessed loans for home improvement.81 An-
since poor households not affected by illness delay diagnosis and treatment onset and reduce other example comes from an evaluation of 25
may be equally in need of assistance, and adherence.70 small-scale community-based projects imple-
stigma, because households with illness are Undiagnosed smear-positive patients are the mented in Bangladesh, Senegal, Thailand, and
singled out and identified.45 main source of secondary infection in most Zambia that involved water sanitation, electrifi-
One approach may be to establish targeting communities.71–74 TB can therefore be consid- cation, irrigation, bridge construction, and health
criteria that capture both the very poor as well ered an environmental problem in which TB care infrastructure delivery.82 These initiatives
as TB sufferers—for example, by including a bacilli, spread by undiagnosed or ineffectively had the potential to reduce poverty by raising
requirement that eligible households have no treated contagious cases, represent a pollutant productivity of the local economy. Further, they
or few adults able to work, an approach used that spoils the quality of the air and makes it un- could significantly affect human health indica-
by community-based selection committees healthy for all community members. Housing tors, particularly malaria, pneumonia, and di-
in cash transfer programs in Zambia and design, urban regeneration, and slum upgrading arrhea in children.
Malawi.62b Setting conditions for grant receipt programs might therefore have a role to play Although experience is growing in imple-
also adds complexity to programs requiring in TB control. In addition, they are consis- menting interventions aimed at housing policy
careful consideration. Many very poor countries tent with the Millennium Development Goal and urban regeneration, recent systematic re-
where social protection programs may be most of ‘‘by 2020, to have achieved a significant views of the health effect of urban regeneration
relevant to TB have weak health systems. Mak- improvement in the lives of at least 100 and housing improvements conclude that an
ing cash benefits conditional on health system million slum dwellers.’’75 independent or additive effect of these inter-
access may be impractical or can result in Urban regeneration and slum upgrading ventions for health promotion purposes is still
withholding assistance from those who most projects may affect TB epidemiology through 2 to be demonstrated.83,84 The TB community
need it. More generally, whether setting condi- major pathways. First, they may influence TB can make important contributions in this field.
tions improves human capital outcomes better transmission directly by affecting the physical
than unconditional transfers is an unresolved and social environments of communities.76 PUTTING IDEAS INTO ACTION
debate. The evidence from Latin America sup- These interventions may significantly affect TB
ports conditionality,63 whereas the only evidence transmission by improving housing quality in The ideas we have outlined for social pro-
thus far from Africa, from a small program in terms of indoor pollution, air ventilation, and tection and urban regeneration interventions
Malawi, demonstrated no added impact.64 Fi- available space—all factors associated with in- that contribute to TB control remain just that:
nally, complex issues exist related to linking creased household TB transmission.69,77–79 ideas. To our knowledge, these interventions
training activities to other aspects of social pro- Urban regeneration programs might also affect have not yet been evaluated regarding their
tection. For example, many within the micro- the web of social relationships and social orga- relevance for TB control. Although decisions
finance sector feel that microfinance initiatives nization within communities and in turn influ- about whether to deliver social protection or
should not compromise their central credit de- ence individuals’ behavior.80 So, for example, slum-upgrading programs will be influenced by
livery aim by trying to do too much.38 Resolving communities engaged in such programs may a range of factors, we believe that evidence of the
these issues will be key to maximizing the promote attitudes and health-seeking behaviors effectiveness of these approaches in contributing
benefits of these types of approach for TB that reduce TB transmission. The social links to TB control is vital. Without such evidence,
control. among individuals are also the social circuits action will remain slow and uncoordinated.
along which information may flow about how to Planning interdisciplinary evaluations of the
Urban Regeneration recognize and respond to TB risks and stigma. effect of such programs on TB epidemiology
TB is more common in urban than in rural Second, urban regeneration programs may will be complex. As a first step toward these
areas, and consequently, it is a greater problem have indirect effects by shaping the standard aims, one of us (C. A. E.) has had the opportu-
in more rapidly urbanizing societies.65 With of living of community residents by increasing nity to develop these ideas in practice with
almost 1 billion people living in urban slums in access to health services, transport, markets, his involvement in the Fighting Poverty to
developing countries and annual population schooling, and occupation opportunities for Control TB project, based in 16 contiguous
growth in Asia and Africa projected to be 2.4%, community members. For example, participa- shantytown communities with a population of
urbanization is one of the largest obstacles to tory slum upgrading engages communities in approximately 750 000 people in Northern
the full implementation of current TB control both the identification of environmental prob- Lima, Peru. The project aims to develop and
strategies.66,67 The poor living conditions of lems and the execution of projects to address rigorously evaluate socioeconomic interventions
many urban communities that suffer a high these. In the Community Managed Settlement for strengthening TB control. Interventions,
burden of TB are not coincidental to this out- Upgrading Project in one of the major informal which are targeted to TB patients and their
come but rather a fundamental driver of the settlements in the city of Dar es Salaam, families, include improving access to training
problem. In particular, overcrowding and poor Tanzania, community members developed for work, providing microcredit loans, and
ventilation in homes, workplaces, recreational skills and education, gained income from wa- supporting the development of microenter-
spaces, and health facilities foster high rates of ter-vending and solid-waste management, and prises. A further intervention component

April 2011, Vol 101, No. 4 | American Journal of Public Health Hargreaves et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | 659

promotes health rights for enhancing equitable modern developing countries would indeed tuberculosis research that underpinned the development
of these ideas from the Wellcome Trust, the UK Gov-
access to health care, thereby uniting and reproduce the same effect in TB trends ob-
ernment Department for International Development, the
empowering TB-affected households for advo- served in North America and Europe during World Health Organization, Innovation for Health and
cacy in regular community meetings. the 19th century.42 But these questions are Development, and the Foundation for Innovative New
By early 2010, the project had recruited more unanswerable without better evidence. Inter-
than 1000 TB patients and 5500 household vention-based research that explores the com-
contacts in 2 years. These families reported high plex interaction between biological and struc- References
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