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Particulars Unit
No 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 1999-2000
1 Food Production No.
2 Tobacco Production No.
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No.
4 Hosiery & Garments No.
5 Wood Product No.
6 Paper Products and Printing No.
7 Leather products No.
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No.
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No.
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No.
11 Metal Product No.
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No.
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No.
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No.
15 Water Works & Supply No.
16 Constructioin No.
17 Activities allied to construction No.
18 Restaurant & Hotels No.
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No.
20 Medical & Health Services No.
21 Personal Services No.
22 Repair Services No.
23 Services not classified elsewhere No.
24 others No.
Particulars Unit
No 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 1999-2000 1984-1999
1 Food Production No. 3171 2987 2696 2410 2242 2120 1868 1758 1635 21
2 Tobacco Production No. 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No. 3961 3931 3923 3907 3902 3893 3853 3849 3844 66
4 Hosiery & Garments No. 3166 2847 2278 1864 1405 1132 945 879 638 67
5 Wood Product No. 4368 4216 3788 3587 3500 3332 3194 3072 2892 26
6 Paper Products and Printing No. 2874 2838 2706 2600 2443 2384 2284 2261 2098 22
7 Leather products No. 100 100 100 97 97 97 93 93 63
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No. 485 478 434 380 341 341 315 309 277
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No. 485 425 402 402 371 352 350 350 348 1
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Metal Product No. 7818 7544 6910 6352 5789 5274 4962 4875 4641 26
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No. 72 72 50 44 44 44 44 24 0
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No. 960 924 617 517 429 340 248 176 166 2
15 Water Works & Supply No. 13 13 13 13 13 8 8 5 5
16 Constructioin No. 136 129 97 72 68 59 19 19 0
17 Activities allied to construction No. 2183 2086 2026 1943 1862 1698 1606 1587 1467
18 Restaurant & Hotels No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Medical & Health Services No. 45 42 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Personal Services No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
22 Repair Services No. 8466 8348 8208 8144 7962 7798 7674 7545 7437 23
23 Services not classified elsewhere No. 590 578 466 413 380 337 252 235 200 9
24 others No. 193 149 135 119 102 74 73 73 58
Sl. No Particulars Unit
2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 1999-2000
1 Food Production No. 184 291 286 168 122 252 110 123 187
2 Tobacco Production No. 2
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No. 30 8 16 5 9 40 4 5 20
4 Hosiery & Garments No. 319 569 414 459 273 187 66 241 638
5 Wood Product No. 152 428 201 87 168 138 122 180 250
6 Paper Products and Printing No. 36 132 106 157 59 100 23 163 293
7 Leather products No. 3 4 30 17
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No. 7 44 54 39 26 6 32 18
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No. 33 23 31 19 2 2
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No. 24
11 Metal Product No. 274 634 558 563 515 312 87 234 624
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No.
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No. 22 6 20 24
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No. 36 307 100 88 89 92 72 10 166
15 Water Works & Supply No. 5 3 5
16 Constructioin No. 7 32 25 4 9 40 19
17 Activities allied to construction No. 97 60 83 81 164 92 19 120 116
18 Restaurant & Hotels No.
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No.
20 Medical & Health Services No. 3 18 24
21 Personal Services No. 1
22 Repair Services No. 118 140 64 182 164 124 129 108 135
23 Services not classified elsewhere No. 12 112 53 33 43 85 17 35 108
24 others No. 44 14 16 17 28 1 15
Total 1352 2834 2009 1914 1667 1497 678 1366 2577
Particulars Unit
No 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-2009
1 Food Production No. 46 26 110 156 107 62 83 300 192
2 Tobacco Production No.
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No. 77 213 19 36 20 8
4 Hosiery & Garments No. 37 72 314 192 31 86 151 541 723
5 Wood Product No. 81 53 107 387 187 142 183 579 598
6 Paper Products and Printing No. 2 5 11 9 7 21 69 196 139
7 Leather products No. 5 21 11
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No. 2 10 4 46 127
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No. 8 7 2 1 34 9
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No. 18 36 6
11 Metal Product No. 44 146 22 70 79 194 762 986
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No. 9
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No. 3 10 3
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No. 57 17 54 42 63 173 380 444
15 Water Works & Supply No. 44 2 7
16 Constructioin No. 11 3 27 6 20
17 Activities allied to construction No. 98 22 35 115 25 115 43 264 161
18 Restaurant & Hotels No. 39 86 18 23 28 99
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No. 10 122
20 Medical & Health Services No. 14 26 33 32 230
21 Personal Services No.
22 Repair Services No. 50 45 57 76 21 102 131 271 323
23 Services not classified elsewhere No. 7 46 10 2 6 48 77
24 others No. 35 5 52 26 46 13 56 166 73
Total 537 260 1266 1177 555 788 1235 3740 4227
Sl. No Particulars Unit
2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 1999-2000 1998-1999
1 Food Production No. 22 33 29 42 30 46 19 19 40 303
583 561 528 499 457 427 381 362 343
2 Tobacco Production No. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No. 3 3 3 3 3 9 1 1 5 771
802 799 796 793 790 787 778 777 776
4 Hosiery & Garments No. 30 59 37 52 45 25 17 34 114 45
458 428 369 332 280 235 210 193 159
5 Wood Product No. 16 60 32 46 23 27 31 35 53 520
843 827 767 735 689 666 639 608 573
6 Paper Products and Printing No. 4 15 11 23 8 20 5 21 31 194
332 328 313 302 279 271 251 246 225
7 Leather products No. 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 5 18
31 31 31 30 30 30 28 28 23
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No. 1 4 7 8 0 4 1 4 4 48
81 80 76 69 61 61 57 56 52
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71
71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No. 2 4 0 1 1 1 0 4 0 8
21 19 15 15 14 13 12 12 8
11 Metal Product No. 40 105 87 111 97 49 20 33 82 359
983 943 838 751 640 543 494 474 441
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No. 0 2 1 0 0 0 6 5 0 0
14 14 12 11 11 11 11 5 0
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No. 7 27 24 10 12 17 6 4 23 1
131 124 97 73 63 51 34 28 24
15 Water Works & Supply No. 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0
5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 1
16 Constructioin No. 2 3 1 1 2 6 0 3 0 0
18 16 13 12 11 9 3 3 0
17 Activities allied to construction No. 6 8 7 15 24 19 5 12 13 80
189 183 175 168 153 129 110 105 93
18 Restaurant & Hotels No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Medical & Health Services No. 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
11 10 9 7 7 7 7 7 7
21 Personal Services No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7
22 Repair Services No. 17 25 19 35 28 24 18 18 33 1232
1449 1432 1407 1388 1353 1325 1301 1283 1265
23 Services not classified elsewhere No. 2 12 11 8 8 9 3 6 7 23
89 87 75 64 56 48 39 36 30
24 others No. 8 2 9 4 3 1 0 2 0 23
52 44 42 33 29 26 25 25 23
Sl. No Particulars Unit
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-2009
1 Food Production No. 4253 4207 4181 4071 3915 3808 3746 3663 3363
2 Tobacco Production No. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 Wool, Silk, Synthetic Fibre Textile No. 4334 4257 4257 4044 4025 3989 3989 3989 3969
4 Hosiery & Garments No. 5313 5276 5204 4890 4698 4667 4581 4430 3889
5 Wood Product No. 6685 6604 6551 6444 6057 5870 5728 5545 4966
6 Paper Products and Printing No. 3333 3331 3326 3315 3306 3299 3278 3209 3013
7 Leather products No. 137 137 137 137 132 132 132 132 111
8 Rubber and Plastic Products No. 674 674 674 672 662 658 658 612 485
9 Chemical & Chemical Products No. 519 519 511 504 502 501 501 501 467
10 Non Metallic Mineral Product No. 60 60 60 42 42 42 6 6 0
11 Metal Product No. 10121 10077 10077 9931 9909 9839 9760 9566 8804
12 Machinery & Parts except Electrical No. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
13 Electrical Machinery & Apparatus No. 88 88 88 88 85 85 75 75 75
14 Miscellaneous Manufacturing industries No. 2190 2133 2116 2062 2020 2020 1957 1784 1404
15 Water Works & Supply No. 66 66 66 22 22 22 22 20 13
16 Constructioin No. 203 203 203 192 189 189 162 162 156
17 Activities allied to construction No. 3061 2963 2941 2906 2791 2766 2651 2608 2344
18 Restaurant & Hotels No. 293 293 293 254 168 150 150 127 99
19 Education, Scientific & Research Services No. 132 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122
20 Medical & Health Services No. 380 380 380 380 366 366 340 307 275
21 Personal Services No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
22 Repair Services No. 9542 9492 9447 9390 9314 9293 9191 9060 8789
23 Services not classified elsewhere No. 786 786 779 733 723 721 715 667 667
24 others No. 665 630 625 573 547 501 488 432 266

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