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Ravikumar palivela Email: palivela.33@gmail.

Mobile: +91 9494697796

Professional summary:

 Having around 4 years of experience as a Software Configuration

Management Engineer.
 Currently working with Serco global services, Hyderabad.
 Experience on installation of tools like Subversion, Jenkins, Ant, and Tomcat in
Windows environment.
 Having Experience in Administering Base svn, Ant, jenkins/Hudson.
 Good in automating the build and release process using scripts and tools.
 Experience in handling security issues in subversion inclusive of post and pre
 Exposure to Linux and Shell scripting.
 Experienced in setting up project baselines, branching strategies, merging and
taking regular backups of the source code.
 Monitored, administered Sub version and creation of branches/tags per project
for a community of 90 to 100 developers.
 Monitor Nightly builds every day morning and update the respective dev team if
there are any isssues.
 Very quick in learning new technologies,Tools and a good team player working
with Project Managers, Team Leads, Developers, Testers.
 Good working Knowledge with Agile Product Development methodology
 Experience in leading and managing a team of Software Configuration
 Key strength is of quickly grasping new concepts and technologies and adaptable
to new environment. Open to learn new technologies and tools.

 Promoting code from one environment to another environment.

B.Tech (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) J.N.T University, Hyderabad-2008

Board Of Intermediate Narayana College-2004

Board Of Secondary Education N.K.V High School-2002
Educational Profile:

Work Experience:

Serco global services September 2010 to till date as

“ Analyst”
Current Location Hyderabad
Skills Set:

Operating Systems Windows (XP / 7), Red Hat Linux

Scripting Languages Shell Scripting.
Version Control Tool SVN- Subversion (1.8.5).
Build software Ant (1.8.2).
Continuous integration tool Jenkins (1.560), Hudson (3.0).
Web server Apache Tomcat (6.5)
Remote Administration SSH, SCP.
Developer Environment setup Tortoise SVN (1.8.6).
Programming Languages C,java

Project 1:
Duration : Dec 2011 to till date
Designation : analyst
Role : Build and Release Engineer
Environment : Java 1.7, Tomcat 6.5, Jenkins 1.560

CAIPERS (California Public Employees Retirement System) is web based
enterprise application for variety of retirement, health benefit Programs, services and
administers other programs dedicated to protecting the financial security of Its
members. We provide a system which integrates different benefits systems of
CAIPERS like Health benefits, retirement benefits, death benefits and long term care
benefits in a single umbrella. So that all members can access different products
offered by CAIPERS in single web page.


 Setting up the new build environment for various products in Linux

 Involved in Subversion administration.
 Enabling SVN Hooks.
 Involved in Branching, Tagging of code delivery at required releases.
 Recommendation of SCM/Build/Release Process.
 Creating WAR files by using ANT.
 Involved in Deployment of the application using Tomcat
 Automated build process used for Web Based applications using one or more
tools/Automation framework like Jenkins.
 Involved in scheduling the automated build called Nightly Builds.
 Interacting with developers to sort out issues related to Build Automation.
 Creating the Jenkins Jobs.
 Involved in Jenkins and Tomcat Administrator.
 Project involved the usage of maintaining repository and version controlling.
 Continuous improvement of SCM Process.
 Inputs to planning and estimation for configuration and release management
 This involves exploring new tools and plan for release & configuration
 Process designing and implementations.
 Co-work with the globally distributed Development team to fix the build
related issues.
 Promoting code from one Environment to another Environment.
 Development of shell scripts for automation of existing manual processes.
 Automated nightly builds for all the environments and reporting mechanisms.
 Involved in the deploying the applications in QA, UAT and production

Project 2:
Duration : Sept. 2010 to Nov. 2011
Designation : Analyst
Role : Build & release engineer
Title : Sydbank Secured Loans
Environment : Java 1.6, Subversion 1.8.5, Ant 1.8.2, Windows 2003, Oracle,

This is a banking project and basic objective of this project is to deal with the loans.
This application is based on Java technology. For this we have to schedule the tasks
and have to collect code from development team and have to build and deploy the
code later have to support the release management team of which executing Java
applications build and deployments in Dev, QA, performance and production


*0 For on boarding existing application, performing knowledge transition from

development team to SCM team on build and deployment process.
*1 For new applications, work with development to get the requirements of
application build and deployment process.
*2 Installing and configuring Subversion (SVN) and Jenkins.
*3 Providing support to Subversion (SVN) related issues.
*4 Developing and maintaining build files by using Ant script.
*5 Integrate Unit Testing in Ant builds
*6 Involved in Branching, Tagging of code delivery at required releases.

*7 Building the source code using Jenkins.

*8 Helped developers in resolving SVN issues and concerns.
*9 Responsible for weekly and daily work checks and backups.

Personal Details:

Father’s Name : P. Rambabu

Name : P.Ravikumar
Date of Birth : 14/11/1986
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Educational Qualification : B.Tech (I.T)
Current Location : Hyderabad
Address : nizampet X roads, BS residency,
Flat no: 303, above vijaya bank


Place: (ravikumar palivela)

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