E-Viet App - FRS

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E-Viet Language Learning App

PROJECT Languages that app

E-Viet Language Learning App Vietnamese and English
NAME provides for Learning

NAME Ameer Pestana https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atistudios.mondly.languages

Technology Native Android App Devlopment REFERENCES https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duolingo
EMAIL elearningviet88@gmail.com

DATE 26.March.2019 Skype Id: ameer_pestana_28

Functional Requirement Document

S.No. Tasks Date of Starting Detailed Description Hours Comment Status

1 Splash Screen On this screen, a logo of E-viet will be used with some background designs. Not Started

create profile with Facebook, google and also there will be 2-step verificatin for
2 Registration account singnup.. In which user will get a confiramtion email on their account for Not Started

3 Login/Logout User can login with their email id and password. Not Started

User can select any of one language between Vietnamese and English, If any user
4 Language Selection selects Vietnamese, Then All app will be shown in English, If they select English, all app Not Started
will be shown in Vietnamese Language.

with a progress bar at the top that shows three stages of user Topics completed,
Badges, Points., after that there will be four categories name as

5 Home Screen - Topics Not Started

- Dicitonary
- Chat
- Find

User can upload there image from their phone and also they can capture the picture
6 Profile Not Started
from clicking on camera icon.

The settings page allows users to access their account settings, changing of name
7 Account Settings and password, learning reminders. Also allows them to give feedback, rate the app Not Started
and also the about.

There will be few topics like as

- Food, Animals
8 Topics - Science Not Started
- Colors
- Conversation
- Economics
- Absract Objects.
After clicking on any topic, User will have 5 methods of Language Learning..

- Flash Cards
9 Methods of Learning - Words Matching Not Started
- Forming Sentences
- Pronouniciation
- Video Tutorials

A word will appear at the top, user has to select the correct images that corresponds
10 Flash Cards Not Started
to the word.

11 Words Matching User have to drag and drop the matching words Not Started

User will key in the correct words into the text box to match the sentence at the top.
12 Forming Sentences Not Started
The users phone keyboard needs to appear when they press the text box

Users will hold down the microphone symbol on the screen and speak the words into
13 Prouniciation their phone. The app will detect if the user has pronounce it correctly through voice Not Started

Users will be able to watch videos on topics like asking for directions or ordering food,
14 Video Tutorials Not Started
etc. Watched videos will be blurred out and shown as watched, users can rewatch.

Users can make a word search to get the translations as well as the meaning of the
15 Dictionary word.Users can also hear both the English and Vietnamese audio version of the Not Started
pronunciation and also app will store the preiviously searched words.

Chat function allows users to contact teachers within the app.Users type a query.The
16 Chat Not Started
querry will appear in other users app.All users can respond to that querry

Users can enter their location over there, and Google Map will show the near by
17 Find Not Started
places of that particular location.

Reward page will come when users completing their topic and gained their points. A
18 Rewards Not Started
trophy image with text below indicating How many points they gained..

After the Reward screen, there will be atotal achievement screen where it will give a
19 Your Achievements detailed overview of the users progress throughout the app. Total points, their daily Not Started
lesson progress, duration for each topic.


S.No. Screens Description

1 Splash Screen On this screen, a logo of E-viet will be used with some background designs.

2 Create Profile create profile with Facebook, google

3 Login/Logout User will login with their email id and password.

4 Forgot Password User can reset/recover the password by clicking on Forgot password

5 Language Selection Screen there will be two languages for selection- Vietnamese and English
E-Viet Language Learning App

with a progress bar at the top that shows three stages of user Topics completed,
6 Home screen Badges, Points., after that there will be four categories name as Topics, Dicitonary,
Chat, Find

User can upload there image from their phone and also they can capture the picture
7 Profile
from clicking on camera icon.

The settings page allows users to access their account settings, changing of name
8 Account Settings and password, learning reminders. Also allows them to give feedback, rate the app
and also the about.

9 Chat Divided into two sections name as Asked and Answered

10 Find User will enter their location and app will show them the nearby eat/dining places.

11 Your Acheivements
it will show the overall progress of user as their performance.

12 Topics Food, Animals, Science, Colors, Conversation, Economics, Absract Objects

13 Learning Methods After clicking on any topic, User will have 5 methods for learning..

14 Rewards Rewards that will be earned by user after completing any level

Users can make a word search to get the translations as well as the meaning
15 Dicitionary of the word.Users can also hear both the English and Vietnamese audio
version of the pronunciation

16 Chat Users can connect to the teachers to ask any query.

Users can enter their location over there, and Google Map will show the near by
17 Find
places of that particular location.

18 About us Details about client and their services

19 Contact Us Contact info. of client with a form

20 Others Screen At the time of project initialization, If any inner screen left, I will add that over here.


A seperate section will be provided to the

1 Admin Login/Logout Not Started
On Admin Dashboard, On the right side there will be few
tabs name as

2 Admin Dashboard - Manage Topics Not Started

- Manage Learning Methods
- All Users
- Rewards Management

Client can view all the users and also he want to edit any of
3 User Management Not Started
the users details, He can do that

4 Topics Management Admin can add/edit/delete the Topics. Not Started

Learning Methods
5 Admin can edit/delete any Learning methods. Not Started

6 Rewards Management Not Started

7 Not Started
8 Not Started
9 Not Started
Queries Answers
1 Do you have any brand guidelines or color preference that I need to follow? If yes, please feel free to share

2 Is this app will be free or is there any paid subscription will be there for users?

3 Do you have playstore account?

4 Is the chat(questions/answers) will be visible to all of users?

Who will answer the query of any user? Is it you or your partner? Or all users can give the answer to any query? Please

6 Is the app also calculates the daily progress of every user?

7 How many topics that you would like to show case to your users for now?

On the account setting page, Is there any reminders setup for users? With the help of that they can setup any
alarm/reminder for reminding him/her their left topic?

9 Do you have any plan for digital marketing yet?

10 How you would like to go ahead with maintainance in future?

11 push notification
12 list of reminders
13 How the users prgress will be calculated?

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